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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Code Geass R2 11

The explanation for the event of the last scene from the previous episode...no....just no, Geass!


A mask that pops off like Pringles?! Bad Geass! Bad! *slaps writer's hand*

So the Chinese end up being real pricks in the end of it all (big surprise), but Xing-ke isn't going to take their backstabbing garbage! Too bad they have Britannica on their side! He dives against all odds in order to save his favorite loli.

Which leads into some more of the high flying mech action I love and some of breakneck transitions and pacing the series has made a name for under my observation. That said the keikaku here makes it feel a bit different than the first series. Perhaps the loss of overall focus of Suzaku and a bit more on the "wut side"? Anyhow, I don't find myself disliking it, even though some of the plans are getting downright silly to a point of rolling my eyes (Yes, even with R1 in mind!).


More mecha action!
and yes, C.C. bootay! Don't judge me! >_>

Of course Le(not so much at times?)douche comes to save the day and
expose the Chinese heads as corrupt souls on broadcast to the Chinese people
. This keikaku brings new allies about!

Though he asks Shirley for relationship advice...really. -10 sensible points


Why Code Geass...WHY?!

The stupid Pringles mask spy also pulls off this^ stunt. So Shirley isn't going to shut her mouth for 20 seconds come this next epsiode. Dammit, Code Geass! You were doing a fine job keeping her out of the story before.


School ruh-roh and Kallen is still captured!

We're gonna need a bigger keikaku!


sealed with a kiss
Sailor Moon R 52

A Minako episode!

Though we didn't really learn anything new about her, it was still a pretty good episode even if there were way to many annoying kids.

got a new attack, which is nice. Will she go super Saiyan every time she uses it though?

Seijuri played off that interruption like a fucking boss.

"I'm exercising!"


The Light of El Cantare
Un-Go 09:


Have you not lived this entire series, Shinjuurou?

Man, a whole episode just to establish that
Bettennou is up to something
. Un-Go makes an excellent sedative, even when I'm not tired. Why the hell was
Rinroku being at home the night that he was supposedly on live television


By my calculations you are almost to the point where the breaks explode and the engines goes on fire. While the R2 train cruises completely out of control.


Un-Go 6

I really feel like there was no mystery this episode.
I mean it was all well done and the conclusion was valid and so on, but Rinroku could have just returned the children the moment the guy was out. So I'm hoping there was more to it. Oh and there is some evil dude at the end that orchestrated everything, lol yeah right

loli robot is too broken, she is the wet dream of CSI writers, she can do everything

The New Information Privacy and Protection Act is really just a tool to make bad things happen to people so they can have some sort of plot each episode.


Code Geass R2 12


Chast that cat Hat!

The most school-like school episode yet. I laughed at how ridiculous it was, but besides some chuckles from Ledouche going pimp, I didn't like it!

Some side stuff though,

Nunally/Kallen reunion

Cornelia's return

return...again! And he has the most overpowered nonsense on his side ever!

The man gave Shirley her
memories back
to include her past weight in the story (meaning even MORE Shirley!)...an evil...EEEEEEVIL MAN!
Phi Brain 2 - 5

Excellent episode. Gammon always leads to hilarious Kaito moments.
Flashback was touching as well as Gammon being warmed to puzzles again by Kaitos puzzles. Hilarious scene with POG and the ending puzzle

I wonder if Hoist has some ulterior motive for both phi brain, pog, and orpheus order


Dai Mahou Touge 3-6
Speak of CG cars:

Very fun episodes, Punie-Chan continues to be scary and more wrestling action and we get to see
Potato-Dono again! I though he died back in that pot but Yay~

I couldn't stop laughing when this happened this show has so many gems.
Like the helicopter battle
I only have 2 more to go unfortunately ;_;

I refuse to take this post seriously ;_;

Magical Witch Punie - 5 & 6


Bwahahaha, if I fail this test, I'll nuke the solar system.

Potato-dono returns, only to become a casualty again.


Anego scores a date with her first love... only for it to end in Ridge Racer, quite literally because those cg cars looked the part.

Magical Witch Puni - 7 & 8


Rule number one, don't piss off Puni.




Goddamnit Pyun and Potaru, follow rule number 1!



This show was ace.

Dai Mahou Touge 7+8

Awesome episodes, first we get a horseback battle ending with
the tanegashima riffle
, destroying everything. Then an episode where her sisters are old. Moral? Don't piss off Punie for both cases.
EXCELLENT. Glad you guys enjoyed this vastly underrated series. I've tried to get people to watch it before, so at least BGBW was able to.

The truck itself is not bad, The problem is that it doesnt have effects around it to blend it into the scene, like dust flying up or reflections on the windshield.
Most CG vehicles actually look accurately modeled and detailed these days, just poorly integrated into the 2D artwork.

Code Geass R2 7

I honestly have no clue what the hell was that.

I understand that, given the circumstances (
Nunnally willingly becoming the viceroy and then NTRing Zero with Suzaku
) Ledouche would be upset... But not at the point of giving up on everything and
resorting to drugs. Seriously. Freaking drugs?
He's been through a lot of worse situations.

He's scared of pictures of his sister. Then he uses his Geass to randomly bother some mafia guys in a dark alley. Then he tries to sexually harass his most loyal companion just because. And then Rolo almost kisses him. And, finally, the power of friendship saves him.
Oh, Nina... I must cry now because I miss you so.

"Sir Kururugi! BUBBLES! Aaagggh--"

They should've skipped all that and went straight to keikaku.

Code Geass R2 7

Well, keikaku is making its way back again.

Nunally has shared her plans for Area 11
and the Japanese people are confused once again!

He tells some guy to drop and give him push-ups with his eye! lol! For needing to use it cautiously
in order to not have it go out of control
, he sure uses the stuff loosely!

LeDOUCHE tries to get some commanded loving from
which results in what the hand said to the face.

Rolo is yaoi for Ledouche.

And bubbles are serious freakin' business!

What else will Code Geass R2 teach me, I wonder.

I see have some catching up to do. I left off at episode 7. Maybe I just wasn't prepared.

Another fun Smile Precure


Those eyes!

:cajun :cajun :cajun forever


Darker Than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini 1-12


To see that which does not exist is enough to sadden even the bravest of men.

Apparently there was a rumour going round (well, it made it to Twitter anyway) about an actual
second season of Darker Than Black happening. Is this baseless 2ch nonsense? We need someone to run away from Bones with all their pre-production paperwork again...


Nyaruko 5

This romance situation takes another crazy turn. Also nice touch with references from
Back to the Future and Pokemon


Un-Go 7

huh? what? why? how?

fuck, even ignoring this whole thing is a dream or whatever, these actresses were spouting even more random nonsense than previous episodes.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 13

Oh, man. We're free! YEEES!

The third worst character kills the second worst character! I always knew that she died... But stabbed by freaking Rolo? Truly a glorious, fitting death to such an annoying person. I guess no more babbling about loving Lulu, huh? We're finally free.

The first half of the episode was drowning in pacing issues. Back to R2 1-2 levels.

And such a convenient twist,
Orange Boy being eternally loyal to Ledouche's late mother.
But I like it.

Where do we go from here, I wonder. Please, Ledouche, let's not take the
Ouma Shu
path. I beg of you.


Code Geass R2 13

Wow. Oh wow.

Rolo does not like Nunnally!

Orange-Boy...you have disappointed me.
It seems every formidable enemy becomes Ledouche's friend!
All a game of war, but you're leaving me to hang over here!

That said, you have done well Code Geass R2 13.

I knew it
(leading on Rolo)
would come back for you, Ledouche, the question was when.

Yes, yes,
Shirley was a "fun to hate" type of girl, but multiple intrusions by her in the story were truly unwanted by myself. Using her as a means to put more into Ledouche (hate, energy, madness) this way, especially towards Rolo was the best contribution she could have made.

Brazil, we are truly free!
Aquarion Evol 19

Im surprised random operator xyz gets fans and fanart (though guess he has speaking roles).

Whoever is the writer for the series must be applauded, after watching the episode and the previous one Im just shocked and need the next episode with answers
Mix? What did they even do? Did she get some memory alteration? Shes a guy now? Something in the air affects females? Mikono is going off on her own, why? We have no idea what Mikage wants anymore, Kagura is a guy or girl then? Though Im glad Amata gets to meet his mom hopefully she can talk or speak. And dont want Andy to die or get hurt


The Light of El Cantare
Un-Go 10:


As if the premise and setting weren't poorly-explained enough, this show is supposed to take place IN THE PRESENT? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

what an enormous fucking trainwreck

they even faded to black and had a scene change the second that the nature of Bettennou's powers were about to be revealed. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Code Geass R2 13

Oh, man. We're free! YEEES!

The third worst character kills the second worst character! I always knew that she died... But stabbed by freaking Rolo? Truly a glorious, fitting death to such an annoying person. I guess no more babbling about loving Lulu, huh? We're finally free.

I never managed to hate
that much. I just wished that
she died in the first season, when it should have happened. In the second season it was just a dick move.


Welcome to R2. Now the fun can truly begin.

You guys have awakened my masochistic spirit. I shall resume Geass R2 episode 08 immediately after posting this:

Code Geass R2 1

Lol at how this opens.
So inappropriate given how season 1 ended.
Masterful trolling.
So we left off with
Lelouch and his bro
just kind of existing as if everything is cool.
Kallen is in a bunny suit. Classy.
A bunch of unimportant shit, and then cut to the previous place, where
Lelouch finds everyone has been killed.
Who did it?
Oh it was CC.
why the fuck did you shoot CC?
Shes not dead though. she reawakens Leleouch's Geass and he becomes ZERO.
He makes everybody kill themselves
and we have a happy ending.

Code Geass R2 2

Zero begins fighting with the black Knights, his group of jolly terrorists.
He hatches a plan to detroy the tower and kill the viceroy by making the tower fall on him, which also opens the escape route. clever bugger.
Zero boadcasts that he wants to form a new United States of Japan.
U.S.J! U.S.J!
Then other
Geass guy Rolo
appears and swears revenge.
This will get messy.

Code Geass R2 3

Oh so
it was C.C. disguised as Zero in the broadcast. That tricked Rolo into thinking he wasn't being Zero.
C.C makes a better Zero anyway.
Shirley is so cute.
Nice logic.
If Lelouch is still at school there is just no way he was fighting as Zero. But C.C. is not around but man, she cant possibly be involved because he hasn't contacted her. CLEARLY Lelouch is totally innocent of this.
Rolo also has a dark side and he kills agents on his own team to keep secrets.
But he's doing it for Brittania so that makes it totally ok.
Kallen barges in on a discussion between creepy circus guy and C.C wearing only a towel. This is fine.
Shirley is so adorably ignorant of everything.
It appears the black Knight prisoners will be executed tomorrow.
Lelouch hatches a plan to
go on a date with Shirley to the mall and wreak some havoc there.
It works. Lelouch then
gets the drop on his brother rolo. As he unveils his plot, naturally Rolo grabs his gun and turns it on him, without him noticing.
This is referred to as "bullshit". Except not, because
he stopped time with his Geass somehow
and..I dunno. Fuck it.

Code Geass R2 4

Rolo can stop time, and has used it to hilariously off dozens of people as an assassin. He might also not actually be Lelouch's brother.
Lelouch figures out that
Rolo can only stop people's physical sensation of time and not time itself so like I guess that works to his advantage. Then he makes up some shit about how Rolo wont gain anything by shooting him or finding C.C.
and avoids an early end to this show.
C.C. can also apparently not reassemble guns properly. So HNNG.
YES! Stabbed that annoying clown bastard in the face.
Time is running out for the captured Black Knights. Will Zero save them?
Zero shows up right before they are about to get offed.
He apprently Geassed somebody to activate the gate, which gave the black Knights a strategic position and allowed them to turn the tide. Then one of the Knights shoots at Rolos mech and Lelouch takes the hit.
I guess because he's stupid.
But, it seems to work
on Rolo because he gets all sappy and stops his man from killing Lelouch. Then Rolo orders his men to retreat.
Oho. Zero you crafty bastard.
You planned this all along to use Rolo.
You crazy goober you.
Suzaku is NOT amused. Not one bit.

Code Geass R2 5

Like Lambs to the slaughter...
Let's trust the guy who betrayed us and nearly got us killed! He was doing it for Japan!
Suzaku sees Lelouch at school. He walks over to him and hangs out like old bros.
Lelouch notices that Suzaku pretty much revealed that he knew him before and fucked up. Zero laughs.
Brittania spies still suspect Lelouch hasnt gained his memories back.
They are clearly stupid.
Gino infiltrates Area 11 headquarters really easily.
Then he just steps outl ike a boss and hangs out with Suzaku.
Anya joins in and they set up to ambush Zero.
C.C shows up and lelouch tries to hide her. Hep ushes her into a bin of tomatoes as Shirley approaches.
Next we see a rather fetching example of DAT KALLEN ASS.
Now its time for slapstick comedy!
Chase after the robot carrying the tomato bin
Next comes a very convenient manipulation
by using the Geass to get them out of the situation.
Kallen and C.C and Lelouch narrowly escape and then they fuck with Villetta for lulz and call her a traitor.
Then they get into the coolest limosine I have ever seen.
Suzaku has a phonecall for Lelouch. Hep icks up and its nunnally, and even better, she is not only alive but will become the new Viceroy!
Nunnally - "Can't see shit bro!"

COde Geass R2 6

Oh man.
Nunnally sees through Lelouch's shit.
You cant fool her.
More battles ensue.
It seems that Lelouch and his bros escaped without Suzaku and the others finding out.
Lelouch still vows to fight for Nunnally because he's stubborn. They launch an attack as a diversion so Zero can get to Nunnally.
This works somehow.
He goes to Nunnally and she tells him she plans to reinstate the sanctuary for Elevens, like Euphy did,
since that worked out so well last time.
While Zero is in there, the battle rages outside.
Kallen kicks everyones ass as usual.
Suzaku swoops in and saves Nunnally while Zero tries to figure out why the hell she is calling to Suzaku. Zero is saved by Kallen.
Basically, everything went to shit.

Code Geass R2 7


Nunnally is dead serious about renewing the Sanctioned area for Elevens.
I wonder what Nippon thinks?
Oh now Leleouch is making people do silly things. You are such a joker Lelouch.
Aww. He's depressed. poor Lelouch. He almost kissed Kallen. And then she slapped him.
Kallen puts the "ass" in class.
And now Rolo is putting the moves on. BROLUST. Cut to Wakomoto being AWESOME.
Oh and that comment about Zero's mask. So deep C.C.
:Firehawk scene.
WAR. Kallen and the others are on board a Submarine under heavy attack from Brittania. Zero shows up on a cliffside and coordinates their escape. He sets up the fleet by having them shoot down into a methane gas bed under the ocean.
how the fuck does he know its there? Oh well it doesnt really matter does it?
So the bubbles rise oup, destroy everything, and the crew makes it out alive.
Thanks Zero, you're a swell guy.
Whats thaT? you want to go along with
the Nippon S.A.Z?
Uhh... Ok. whatever, probably just another trap. You sly devil.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 14

What the hell is up with this guy and his
bizarre sky fortress?
How's that kid his big brother? How can his contract be that pretentious?

Ledouche didn't take
Shirley's death
in the
Ouma Shu
way, thankfully. But he did become a
child murderer
. Meanwhile, all the players are coming together. I wonder what CC has in store for us, and what will Cornelia's next move be. And what that asshole Suzaku has in mind for Kallen...

The big fight in this episode was pretty cool.
Cornelia + Orange Boy + Ledouche Vs. crazy kid with the ridiculous hair.
Who could've imagined that match-up while watching the first season?


Code Geass R2 14


Okay, here we go!

We are left at
Shirley's death spot and Ledouche quietly plans Rolo's excruciating death for what he did to her. And as expected, Ledouche is high and mighty against all forms of Geass now. This has resulted in an all out attack on the source of it.

That in turn leads to much bloodshed.
Children, men, women, the whole shebang!
Ledouche means serious business on this little visit.

Also, Oghi gets more and more waifu problems! Oh the humanity!

We of course, got some mech fighting here, which is nice. However, we also have an
angry Suzaku who is prepared to drug up Kallen in order to get the information he needs.

You know..."JUSTICE"!

I am ready to see where this scattered mess will turn!


Un-Go 8

So this was all
the case of brainwashing and massive prison wide illusion? Do they even charge the girl in that case? I really loved these drop things that they did to alternate between the two realities.
nyaruko 5

Amazing eps. Full of amazing.

How can you say no to this face?


You can't right?



Which reminds me... when is dog days s2 coming out?

Oh Yeah... I seriously loled at the MAP attack with the car ;P

I need to pick up that new SRW psp game.



It counts. It counts!
Kimi to Boku 2 - 6

The Asaba twins consistently get the best episodes. Yuki was pretty cool as was the plot with the cafeteria lady/
It was really sweet. Hope she goes back to the school. Also the scene with him a suit and she in the dress was nice

They should put Asaba Yuki in Kurono no Basuke...his shot from half court, wow.


Phi-Brain S2 5

I was supposed to stop watching and wait for the end, but couldn't resist.
This episode was pretty great, really liked how it ended and Gammon paid back that asshole in the best way possible, plus Kaito got something out of it as well.
Fairy Tail 90


Infinite smiles>infinite magic.

If there's one thing I love about the Edolas arc, it's that there's such a great sense of nonstop escalation that enjoying the spectacle isn't too hard. Reliving it in animated form is proving to be quite fun.
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