Crystal Triangle was one of the first animes I ever watched as a kid, I was probably five or six then. I used to love that white haired samurai dude that.cuts his own finger or some shit, iirc
I need to rewatch it.
Sometimes I really do mean it! Do NOT watch Gundam 0083 for any reason.It should be very clear by now that Jex has malicious intentions when he "warns" people not to watch something terrible.
Also you know that part in the Hidamari Sketch OP around one minute in ( I've had those fourish second stuck in my head all night. I've only watched about four episodes on that show sporadically. Oh the humanity.
For those who might be interested in reading some more scholarly material, The University of British Coloumbia's Film Journal have just released for free their anime edition at
It's their most recent issue with articles on Satoshi Kon, Time of Eve, Moe, Ghost in the Shell 2 and other stuff. Be warned, they use words like oeuvre, nomenclature and magical realism.
It might be a load of old bull for all I know, as I haven't read it yet, but it's nice to see someone in the English speaking world doing this kind of thing.
I'm thiiiiiiis close to renaming Justice League something japanese and posting reviews here
This does interest me. I'll read through some this coming week.
"...Get animated about anime!" - Editor's Note
Oh boy!
Haha, yeah the Editor's introduction was going so well up until that point. Why do people feel the need to pun?
Sanakarea - 07
It appears people have somehow formed a team Wanko... have you learned nothing from team Kanna!?
There are 12 hints up now, so it's time to do a recap since there's a little more than a week left before it's revealed. I'll group the hints into categories so it's more informative.
General details:
- The theme is "friendship"? (Hint #1)
- The genre is "girl's scifi action" (Hint #4)
- There are 5 main heroines (Hint #5)
- The show depicts the girls trying their best in a cute manner (Hint #12)
Main character:
- The main character is a 14 year old girl (Hint #2)
- She lives with her sister and grandfather (Hint #6)
- Due to various circumstance, they live in poverty (Hint #7)
- The show is set in a peaceful world where science can resolve all problem (Hint #10)
- The actual stage of the story is set on two different islands - a natural one surrounded by nature, and a man-made one filled with science (Hint #11)
- The director is also handling the character designs (Hint #3)
- The series composition is handled by both the director and the main writer (Hint #8)
- There is a mecha designer among the main staff members (Hint #9)
To recap what we already know, this is a new original TV anime being bankrolled by Aniplex and Dengeki G's magazine. The current information we have suggests very strongly that the director/character designer/writer for this series is Yasuomi Umetsu of Kite and Mezzo Forte fame. Based on comments he made on his blog 2 years ago, it is also possible that the main writer for the series is Michiko Itou of RKB fame.
-_- I am expecting hentai with girls with freaky dead eyes.
Haven't been watching any anime lately, because I've been reading Tezuka's Ayako. What a saga this is: every element of a decomposing, landholding family gets exposed, developed, and perverted at every angle. Not only that, but it's the first manga to really convince me that Tezuka is a great draftsman, capable of producing some incredible visuals alongside a real-immersive story. It's also longer than I expectedwhen I read MW, for example, that was only around 300 or 300-and-a-half a pages long; this is around 700! If there's one manga I really want to see animated well and directed with confidence (from someone like, say, Sugii or OsumiWatanabe would be another great choice), this would be it.
Finally: Vertical Books is a fucking-awesome book label. Not only did they publish this translation of the manga, but it's in hardcover and just feels and smells like a dream come-true. This is the real frickin' deal, here!
Fate/Zero Episode 20 - Return of the Assassin
Start buffering!
He says on his blog that he's going for something very unique and cute this time. The thought of that really scares me.![]()
Fate/Zero Episode 20
Is it next week yet?
Also,2D Berserker whaaaaaaaaaaaat
Fate/Zero 20
Kind of a dull episode. I dont understand why we are at 20 episodes in and still deeply developing characters, we already know so much about Kiritsugu that we need to know more? I did enjoy the time spent with Waver and his motivations, and Rider. But otherwise boring.
I did like the part with Kariya getting the bug mana powerup. He needed more screentime throughout the series. At least Maiya received the just desserts for the death of ryuunosuke
Fate/Zero Ep20
Fuck Ufotable. They did this on purpose. Hype up the start of the FINAL ARC, and let everyone walk right into the trap of a full episode spent setting up the final arc instead and ending on a big cliffhanger. Argh!
Is is next week yet?! Need cryogenic chamber. >_<
Told you it was going to be a dialogue and no big action episode until next week. lol.
But next week, we're going V-MAX to the MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Btw, regarding F/Z ep20...Looks like Berserker's voice actor finally earned his paycheck after 20 episodes. Lololol.
Upotte 7
Fun little snow episode. Funco as usual being a pervert.I wonder if the porn magazines the teacher had were featuring real humans or guns.
Fate Zero -It's important to note that Kiritsugu has gotten weak over the years because of his wife and daughter. The amount of emotion that he shows throughout the series is actually quite surprising considering the amount of determination in the flashback. His "old self" is the stoic one that was seen in the flashback, and briefly seen again when he showed little emotion to his dying wife.
Upotte 7
Fun little snow episode. Funco as usual being a pervert.I wonder if the porn magazines the teacher had were featuring real humans or guns.
He likes the submachine gun teacher!
It's an Upotte!! doujin by the mangaka.
Bodacious Space Pirates 20
Preview: OMG,this show looks like it might actually get bodacious in the next episode.
Looks like Saber got a trademark infringement call from Yamaha's lawyers, and had to file off the VMAX logo sometime between ep17 and ep20, lol!
Ep 17:
Ep 20:
I think this week was pretty bodacious. Especially the way Marika was riding her bike. No care for potential onlookers at all.
That and this was a missed opportunity to represent how the Brits often underdress in the cold. Mid January you will see someone walking around in a tshirt and shorts.
Well they always have the opportunity to reflect how the Brits rush to the beaches the moment the sun pops out to say hello.
Maybe I should pick this up again now that I've dropped E7AO.
Maybe I should pick this up again now that I've dropped E7AO.
3 episodes.How far did you get? I've been enjoying it all the way so far, though the first 5 episode arc did have a much slower pace then subsequent arcs.