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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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It pains me to see people get excited for the Toonami revival when it's just going to be an extended DVD/BD commercial for DBZ and YYH.

Well there isn't much point in them airing new anime when most of the people clamoring for Toonami's revival probably think all new anime sucks.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
"Everything on sale for New Year's!" according to the subs.

*checks dictionary*

Oh, the そろう being used here is the conjugated form of そる (剃る) or "to shave". Presumably to shave all prices. Got it, thanks.

*adds to notes*
Kuroko no Basket

I really like how the shows is filled with NBA anime equivalents. So today we meet Midorima the Reggie Miller of the show. The visuals and pacing are still solid for this show.
Scorpions are demons incarnate.



[Tsuritama] - 6

Well, this is certainly a marked improvement over this weeks Kids on the Slope and Fujiko Mine offerings but I didn't really love it as much as everyone in here. I think some of the editing was a little too fast and certain events that should have been fairly impactful weren't. It wasn't a major issue, but it irked me.

I do like that we're apparently gaining some forward traction on the core plot, whether or not they will continue on that route next week remains to be seen.
Sankarea 06-07

Cute episode.
The last two episodes confirm that Chihiro's family has had experience with Zombies in the past, first his Grandfaher's temporary lucidity, and now Wanko's flashbacks.

I'm willing to bet Chihiro's mother died and temporarily returned as a zombie. Which is why Chihiro's Uncle is so distant. How this will tie into helping Sanka I'm sure will be important.


The Light of El Cantare
I think not. Taking processed sweat, storing it in a bottle and then using it later? That is disgusting. Everyone knows that it needs to be taken fresh from the source.

Nothing that I can say in response to this is thread-appropriate. Nothing.


Sankarea 7

unrequited cousin love.

I've already accepted that we're not going to reach the quality levels of the first four or five episodes anytime soon. Seeing as how Wanko has grown to become my favorite girl in this show however, I was pleased to see that this episode revolved around her.
But of course, hard-working, athletic, well-endowed best girl lusting for the worthless MC and getting shot down was not surprising.

You might as well root for Kanna. At least Wanko hasn't actively friend-zoned anyone, but I assume she's still destined to be foreveralone because she's in love with a worthless anime protagonist. Good father's don't let their daughters spend time with main characters.
Sankarea - 07

Being on the losing team for two seasons now is hurting my heart more than it should.

I will keep the faith alive.

Okay, y'all making a habit out of this now.


I kind of have mixed feelings about E7:AO. I don't really like the universe that it takes place in, a lot of the characters are either underdeveloped or unlikable, and it's a bit more animu than the original, but Ao is a great character, the animation is beautiful, and the whole thing is pretty cohesive and well-paced so far. It's certainly worth watching.

I certainly agree with the bolded above and I imagine most people who post here regularly will know what you mean but do you think you can unpack what you mean a little bit by using some other terms?


You might as well root for Kanna. At least Wanko hasn't actively friend-zoned anyone, but I assume she's still destined to be foreveralone because she's in love with a worthless anime protagonist. Good father's don't let their daughters spend time with main characters.

Okay, y'all making a habit out of this now.

I can't feel sorry for people who sympathize with inferior characters.


GaoGaiGar 3

This is starting to remind me of Heartcatch, but with actual intimidating, well-designed villains and more seizures. Pretty fun.

But the opening episodes of GaoGaiGar aren't that great!

Actually, I had to drop it before it ever 'got great' and I watched over thirty episodes.

I can agree with you on the seizure part, however. What were they thinking?
[Tsuritama] - 6

Well, this is certainly a marked improvement over this weeks Kids on the Slope and Fujiko Mine offerings but I didn't really love it as much as everyone in here. I think some of the editing was a little too fast and certain events that should have been fairly impactful weren't. It wasn't a major issue, but it irked me.

I do like that we're apparently gaining some forward traction on the core plot, whether or not they will continue on that route next week remains to be seen.

It's unfortunate that you felt that way. I thought the episode did a great job as a total package to drive home the tension of the fishing scene and
the overwhelming disorientation and fear of the unknown of its spectacular aftermath
. Certainly one of the most memorable scenes of the year, and I can't believe I'm saying that about fishing.

I mean, maybe I would have agreed with you if that's scene's direction and editing were carried through the entire show, but it's been developing the boys' individual and collective characters so deliberately up to now that seeing it upset in this manner was very impactful. Especially immediately after Akira seemed to become a full member of the group. I really liked how this episode managed to further develop his character without spelling it out for the audience.
But the opening episodes of GaoGaiGar aren't that great!

Actually, I had to drop it before it ever 'got great' and I watched over thirty episodes.

I can agree with you on the seizure part, however. What were they thinking?

I'm not loving it or anything, but I'm interested enough to keep watching, mostly to see if Mamoru gets badass or not. I also like the enemy designs and the hot-bloodedness even if the fights seem like they'll be retreads.

And seriously the friggin enemy lair segments are ridiculous. There is no way at least some people didn't get seizures. Don't know
how they didn't get sued, especially when this happened around the infamous Porygon Pokemon episode.


If only this forum allowed .gif signatures, that would make everything better.

Aren't we already in it?


Seriously, I feel like this thread moves at such a breakneck speed, both in terms of discussion and shows watched, that I struggle to contribute to the thread.

So, maybe this is the wrong venue, but I'm a little bit lost on what to watch next. I think I mentioned some pages back that I was watching Lupin, I'm enjoying it but kind of burned through that during a lazy afternoon. I was also looking forward to Kids on the Slope, but this threads negativity has made me decide to get some distance before I do actually watch it (preferably when its finished its run). So is there a consensus on what else should be watched?


sealed with a kiss
Dusk Maiden 2

Marginally better than the first episode, at least my opinion about the ghost turned completely around. The plot was so silly and contrived it really put the episode down, and Yuuko's ridiculous monologue at the end didn't help matters. Even though Yuuko became more likeable, the MC and the female specimen were still very bad. The pseudo-shaftness wasn't very well done in most cases, though there were a few scenes where they pulled it off. I can't say this is a good series yet, but there's still hope, I'll be applying the three episode rule here.


Dusk Maiden 2

Marginally better than the first episode, at least my opinion about the ghost turned completely around. The plot was so silly and contrived it really put the episode down, and Yuuko's ridiculous monologue at the end didn't help matters. Even though Yuuko became more likeable, the MC and the female specimen were still very bad. I can't say this is a good series yet, but there's still hope, I'll be applying the three episode rule here.
so far each and every episodes been better than the last. stick with it!


Mine Fujiko 7:




Seriously, I feel like this thread moves at such a breakneck speed, both in terms of discussion and shows watched, that I struggle to contribute to the thread.

So, maybe this is the wrong venue, but I'm a little bit lost on what to watch next. I think I mentioned some pages back that I was watching Lupin, I'm enjoying it but kind of burned through that during a lazy afternoon. I was also looking forward to Kids on the Slope, but this threads negativity has made me decide to get some distance before I do actually watch it (preferably when its finished its run). So is there a consensus on what else should be watched?



So it's sort of like the opposite of Sankarea?
I guess so. When I was first beginning Sankarea and Dusk Maiden, I totally preferred dead zombie chick concept. Now that we're practically at the midpoint, I can say that I now prefer dead ghost chick concept.


The Light of El Cantare

Evil hermaphrodite alien vampires, gore, rape, a tentacle Itano Circus, dramatic use of In the Hall of the Mountain King, super corny flakes, unrequited love taken too far, and AWSAMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Watch it. Preferably in English.



Ki*Me*Ra is an OVA work from 1996 which is, as far as I can tell, about homosexual vampires. Or, possibly not, it's hard to say. It's actually a lot closer to Species in terms of plot, but not in terms of tone. It certainly features a lot of man-on-man tongue kissing.

It's a fairly crazy tale, in that it feels like it's a manga compressed down to about forty minutes, which I assume it actually is. This leads to lots and lots of events happening one after another without actually any real character development or natural plot development. But, you know, that's fine. Without any of that stuff you just have time for lots of pretty cool fight scenes, many of which involved tentacles for no apparent reason.

Unlike, say, a certain crazy 80's OVA the only bonkers part about this anime was the story, everything else was really well done, including the cinematography, editing and especially the animation. It looks like they had a lot of talented people work on this because the action sequences were extremely fluid with lots of nice camera movement. Your friend and mine Umetsu Yasuomi was the animation director for the whole piece, which might explain why the action was so good.

Unfortunately ANN doesn't list the Key Animators, but I've found a list elsewhere. Of the 20 or so key animators none of them really seem to be stand out figures but the vast majority of them have been involved with key animation in a number of recent shows, so they've at least gone on to be invovled with the industry.


Oh, after all the discussion regarding OP's and ED's from the other day, I somehow ended up watching Dragon-Half. It was extremely silly, but I enjoyed it, and there is a particular charm about that earlier rough animation also.

Domuromu may be one of my favorite anime characters now, his VA is so hammy, love it!


Oh, after all the discussion regarding OP's and ED's from the other day, I somehow ended up watching Dragon-Half. It was extremely silly, but I enjoyed it, and there is a particular charm about that earlier rough animation also.

Domuromu may be one of my favorite anime characters now, his VA is so hammy, love it!

That OVA ended up being a lot better than I expected, given the premise.



Seriously, I feel like this thread moves at such a breakneck speed, both in terms of discussion and shows watched, that I struggle to contribute to the thread.

So, maybe this is the wrong venue, but I'm a little bit lost on what to watch next. I think I mentioned some pages back that I was watching Lupin, I'm enjoying it but kind of burned through that during a lazy afternoon. I was also looking forward to Kids on the Slope, but this threads negativity has made me decide to get some distance before I do actually watch it (preferably when its finished its run). So is there a consensus on what else should be watched?

Second Fate zero and korra no densetsu.
Kuroko's Basketball 7

Darn they went the lazy route and reused last weeks Kuroko's misdirect animation twice this episode :/. Anyway decent episode, walking away from the basket as the ball falls in was somehow as epic as characters walking away from explosions.

I dont think Seirin will be able to win this tournament, impossible
two games back to back against teams with the Generation of Miracles and whom crushed all other teams? Guess they have next year
. What was Kise school?


sealed with a kiss
One Piece 15


Kaya is the worst character so far, in fact, calling her a character is giving her too much credit

This arc still isn't over? :(

Toei squandered about 5 minutes or so on Ussop practicing grunts, about 5 minutes on fighting, and the last 10 was a flashback for Kuro. The flashback was the best part, since it didn't have luffy.

The fight was ok, Kuro jumping on Luffy's arm as a tactic was just ridiculous, though.


And people claim this has good character designs

Zoro continues to be the one ray of light in the darkness.


How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.


How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.

There really isnt a specific point tbh
You just accept it at some point as being something good
maybe Oda put some of his crack cocaine in animated form and you get unwillingly hooked on it


There really isnt a specific point tbh
You just accept it at some point as being something good
maybe Oda put some of his crack cocaine in animated form and you get unwillingly hooked on it

I tolerated Bleach, so maybe my taste has been misplaced up until now.


How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.
i didn't really start to enjoy it until it hit the Arlong Arc. someday i'll pick it up again at where i last left off (somewhere around ep ~110). you should also check out the 6th movie as it's pretty amazing!
How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.

I warmed up to some of the characters in their respective subarcs, but I dont think it really took off until ep 93.


sealed with a kiss
Sailor Moon 57


I feel like Sensei getting a boyfriend is violating some law of the universe somewhere.

Usagi's crimes finally catch up with her! Eating in class, consistently being tardy, falling asleep in class... the list goes on, and Sensei has finally had enough. Off to detention, Usagi! An also is struggling from a lack of energy, and because of that wasn't paying attention, and has to keep Usagi company as well.


Seijuro summons a cardian, but something goes terribly wrong, and he is unable to control it. At the same time, the heart Dark Tree begins flashing a strange colour! Something is clearly wrong here.

At some point, she realizes she can get her needed energy from Usagi! She makes multiple attempts, but Usagi's clumsiness comes in useful for once and protects her.


Poor An, she didn't deserve a pencil up her nose. :(

It's interesting seeing how differently Usagi and An view their relationship.
Most of the time, Usagi is just prey to An, but Usagi sees An as a friend and rival. I wonder if the slowly forming friendship will have any importance later on? I guess it depends on how they choose to develop it.
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