Posting the wonderous OP to celebrate!
I should start watching this...
I should start watching this...
The new Hanasaku Iroha project Home Sweet Home will be screened theatrically in 2012! :O
So awesome, just think of how well animated Ohana's sex hair will be.[img]
The new Hanasaku Iroha project Home Sweet Home will be screened theatrically in 2012! :O[/quote]
I dunno, it's PA Works. I don't expect a huge difference in quality. Just look at their Layton movie. Lolz.
AKB0048 4
Not the same formula as the last two episodes, but that's not a bad thing for me. The last two main characters also make their appearance and they're cool.Also, lololol atMaybe they resolved the sisters' conflict a bit quickly, but Chieri looks to be on the outs with most of them now so it's not over yet.Guess I'll just have to get used to the CGthe in-series Acchan the 13th also graduating. Coincidence? Probably, but it makes you wonder...
Looking forward to next week.
I watched all of Heartcatch and the first several eps of Smile and was fine with it; the difference is that those are separate ending sequences from the main show and this is switching back and forth between 2D and 3DCG cuts in the same regular scene. It's not bad, just a tad jarring.Just watch Precure and you'll be well adjusted to cg dancing!
Something is off with this pic
fate/zero - 20
Decent episode. This being a prequel, the conversation between Irisiviel andKerry / Maiya had a special poignancy to it, or a horrible irony, depending on how you look at it. Thought it a pity that the latter went out in such a fashion--but then, she's a normal human in a fucked up magic world. Still, something felt missing there.
The survivors regroup, replan, and re-fuel (sometimes in unexpectedly penetrating ways); the episode set up the rest of the show while bringing the tripartite saga of Kerry's growth to a close. The obvious changeinto sentimentality--where he can't help but feel--is going to come to a play later on, even if it's just down to the very basic but explicit decision to send Saber back to Iri with a command spell.
Feel bad for Waver and Rider.It'll be interesting to see the reaction of Saber/Kerry once they have to confront the possibility of the Grail not actually being real. Also shows Rider's mettle as well.
And man, Zouken is just pure cartoon fucking evil and that's just fine. :lol
You gotta be trolling if you think that actually looks good, nevermind better than the awesome CG version.
There's a reason why it barely moves and is only used in a dream sequence.
I don't quite understand whyKiritsugu had to use a command spell to make Saber go back... seems like she wouldn't need to be ordered to do that.
I don't quite understand whyKiritsugu had to use a command spell to make Saber go back... seems like she wouldn't need to be ordered to do that.
what is the general consensus of the use of CG in Fate Zero?
I think it works in its favour maybe 70% of the time
Presumably because it would teleport her to the location instant of needing her to drive back. Also, instant contact sans bulky 90's cellbricks.
it's weird that bust sizes change like literally every scene/angle switch, but an otherwise fun and surprisingly sexy eps.
I believe the Command Spells are also a form of magic which allows you to do something that might not normally be possible. So his "order" helped teleport her immediately, rather than requiring her to travel back physically.
Did they establish that command seals can make servants instantly teleport before?
Seems like Kayneth should have used that to make Lancer teleport inbetween Kiritsugu and Sola-Ui before instead of killing himself.
But... archer?
Explicitly,Did they establish that command seals can make servants instantly teleport before?
What about him?
what is the general consensus of the use of CG in Fate Zero?
I think it works in its favour maybe 70% of the time
Can't he poof around with ease? I just assumed being able to poof where ever is a universal servant ability.
Why would that work? Kiritsugu, Saber, and Iri are all combat capable, while Sola-Ui was completely out of it, and Kayneth could no longer use magic. Lancer is a weak Servant who already destroyed on of his own spears. The odds were against him and the only chance he had for survival was to remove himself from the fight - which was the offer Kiritsugu gave him.
Can't he poof around with ease? I just assumed being able to poof where ever is a universal servant ability.
Well the odds were against him in any case. I guess it depends on how instant the teleporting is. I think Lancer could probably defeat Kiritsugu if he had the jump on him. With Kiritsugu dead, you'd have Saber without a mana source and Iri's morale crushed, who was already close to collapsing. I think rationally it would definitely be the better option, but Kayneth wasn't really thinking rationally or he would never have agreed to terms so full of loopholes.
Servants can disappear when they don't need to take a physical form, but I don't think they actually instantly teleport.
I can't really think of any situation where that would actually work though. It's not like Kiritsugu is stupid either, so if Kayneth tried to use a Command Spell to do anything other than what he said, he would have just killed Sola-Ui, and then Kayneth. He would risk Lancer going to another Master, but it would be a minor loss.
Like I said, it all depends on how fast the teleportation actually works. Kayneth isn't enough of a quick thinker to plan something like that, though.
Like I said, it all depends on how fast the teleportation actually works. Kayneth isn't enough of a quick thinker to plan something like that, though.
Well in a few hours i'm going to force myself to watch Sengoku Collection 2. Hopefully its not fuck-awful.
Admittedly this is starting to enter the typical type-moon "can shiki kill servants" territory.
Admittedly this is starting to enter the typical type-moon "can shiki kill servants" territory.
Fate/Zero Ep1 is great. Fate/Zero_Ep1_Defenders represent!!![]()
Welcome to Nasuverse power level discussions. Enjoy your stay.Wtf? Tsukihim x Fate? I don't think I want to know.
That plan could have possibly worked, it's just not something Kayneth thought of. He was panicked and afraid of dying. And who knows if Kiri puts a bullet in his head before Lancer could even save him.
Still wouldn't matter because Kiritsugu would just pop bullet time. Only reason he didn't just shoot Sola and Kayneth on sight was to eliminate Lancer as well.
Admittedly this is starting to enter the typical type-moon "can shiki kill servants" territory.
I'm thinking specifically about the anime though. If the whole point of the anime is to just promote the manga, then there's really no grander plan. But the fact that they brought in all the characters from the original series just to say a few lines (and presumably pay the actors to do so) makes me wonder if there isn't something planned down the pipeline.Um... no. This is wrong. From what I've heard, the Saki Achiga-hen manga was started because they wanted to do another anime, but the main series wasn't nearly ready, so Saki Achiga-hen, with a different artist but still written by Ritz Kobayashi, was born. I believe that the manga is basically the template for the anime, and I don't know if the manga would ever have been started without the desire to do another anime project. I would suspect not, myself.
It has strong women!Written by Joss Wheedon?
It has strong women!
Has the writer of Saki ever written awful movie scripts for other franchises and then blamed the director for the results?