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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Hyouka 05:

This episode wraps up this arc of the story quite nicely. It's amazing how careful direction and lighting can make simple exposition and discussion scenes extremely intense and exciting. The animation and music also added to the greater sense of discovery as the secrets were finally unveiled. I'm glad this arc isn't going to be drawn out for the entirety of the show, 'cause there's only so far it could have been taken anyway.

Each episode gets better and better! Can't wait for next week! ^_^

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the
scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discussed, so what's the point of the exposition dump?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the summoning scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discusses, so what's the point of the exposition dump?

Yeah, the middle one nearly made me drop the show right there. Fucking disturbing shit. >>;


[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the summoning scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discussed, so what's the point of the exposition dump?

It gets better, thankfully.
Hyouka 05

Relatively surprised that they managed to close up the mystery or that they were able to get the information needed so easily. Visually, it still looks really good, the exposition was nicely done and it really did give a sense of what the storyteller was feeling at that time.

I do wonder what mystery will take over the show next week now.


[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the summoning scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discussed, so what's the point of the exposition dump?

It gets better.


[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the summoning scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discussed, so what's the point of the exposition dump?

yea... it gets exponentially more interesting
ive been marathoning it since last night

whoever was in charge of the sound design in this show deserves some recognition
[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the summoning scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discussed, so what's the point of the exposition dump?
Thanks for the spoiler?


[Fate/Zero] 01

What the fuck did I just watch. All I got was:

  • There's a war between seven dudes and their Digimon.
  • Waver's against Lamarckism.
  • Worm rape.
  • Rin's a tsundere.
  • 3FtQK.gif

On the plus side, the production values were impressive and the editing during the summoning scene was genuinely great. Why couldn't we go straight into that? I don't remember any of the other shit they discussed, so what's the point of the exposition dump?

Should of saved yourself the trouble and read it on wikipedia, gets much better later making up for the first episode.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Thanks for the spoiler?
Oops, sorry.

Oh by the way: it's jarring to me how the voice acting in Legend of the Galactic Heroes sounds nothing like anime voice acting. Or maybe it's just that the Baleesque voices of most of the male cast of Fate/Zero keeps ringing in my head after watching that.
Oops, sorry.

Oh by the way: it's jarring to me how the voice acting in Legend of the Galactic Heroes sounds nothing like anime voice acting. Or maybe it's just that the Baleesque voices of most of the male cast of Fate/Zero keeps ringing in my head after watching that.
It's okay, maybe it's better that I know that going in.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Hyouka 5

Is that character development I'm watching?
He decided to spend some of his own energy because the others spend more energy than he can care to imagine! That's character development, alright. Back in the first episode Oreki wouldn't even consider that as a possibility. And then, in the following scene, he gets a call from his sister... And immediately starts thinking about the events that happened around Sekitani Jun because the theory he gave Chitanda was incomplete/incorrect!

Love truly is beautiful.

It was pretty obvious
his theory was missing a few things. In the end, it was a lot more serious business than it seemed.

-> Ice Cream -> I Scream.
They tried to play the mystery card, but everyone who
speaks English
will get it pretty quickly, hahaha.

The graphics showing Youko "growing young" was great, and so were the ones showing her in the first plane in reaction to the events of 45 years ago in the background. The scene in which
the rabbit was eaten by the wolf
was also good. Last episode's gorgeous backgrounds didn't show up this time, though.

But, yeah. A good episode, with
no OP and no ED to make room for closure.
Of this kind.

Here's to a more engaging next arc,
"End Roll of Fools".
Fate/Zero 20

Nico Nico viewers are asking the most pressing questions.
Besides that, a talky episode. I won't lie I kinda did forget what was going on war-wise just because of the flashbacks so took me a while to realize why they were doing such things. At least, stuff is going to happen next week!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
*walks large circles around Ultimadrago*
There's a similar scene near the end of the original Fullmetal Alchemist where big words and big explanations are handed out but instead of the characters walking in circles it is the camera that is going around them. That would have been a better tool to use in episode one of Fate/Zero than the two Balevoices walking around whatshisface while sounding grandiose and overwhelming.


Excellent Hyouka episode this week. The opening scene was beautiful, but the entire thing was well done. I'm quite enjoying this now.

qcf x2

Fate/Zero 20 - Felt like a budget episode, but the roller coaster continues. First I like EK, then I hate him, now they make it hard for me to hate him. $#@%!!

Code Geass 17 - yo, Dedouche, it took you that long to figure out who the pilot was? Show finally went from crap to alright around episode 14, so I'm seeing it through. The OP/ED are pretty bad.


watching Nyaruko, I feel like this should be terrible but I love it, it's so hyperactive and funny and a weird mix of dark humour with cuteness that just hits the right areas with me somehow


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 7

Shit's finally getting real.

This episode wasn't nearly as SHAFT as the previous one, but it was just as entertaining. Not because it was disturbing or particularly well-directed, but because the main plot's finally starting to move forward.

It still had some pretty fun sequences, though, like Teiichi's "epic shot", the best class ever, and the scenes with salty Yuuko. And the last one... Shit.
Kirie's explanation about the multiple personalities of Yuuko makes sense, and things are finally starting to fall into place. Her theory was close to being spot-on, apparently. Her counterpart is sucking all the evil thoughts and feelings... And, with them, all the memories that brought them up. I wonder what's this stuff about "iterations", though.

Oh: don't stop watching the show after the ED starts! Haha. That caught me off-guard.
Uuuuuuugh, memory reset noooooooo. I guess it's expected from a series with "Amnesia" in the title, haha.

Do you really need it if you're familiar with the franchise? I skipped to like the last 3 minutes.

Not as much as someone who's new to it... But most of this Holy Grail War's
Masters are completely mysterious even to those who have watched/played stay night,
so you miss out on some stuff too.

I guess you could skip the scene with Tokiomi and the priest talking to Kirei, though. But watch the episode. Some of us like it, and you might be one of us. I'd even say the odds are on your side if you liked stay night, because it caters to that show/game's audience a lot.


Hyouka Episode 05


Poor Sekitani Jun.
He never asked for this.


That was an amazing episode. I loved it and it was probably my new favorite episode next to episode 3. No OP/ED this week which I'm absolutely fine with since I don't find either of them that great to be honest. The conclusion to this story was pretty satisfying and rather sad as well considering the fate of Eru's uncle. I'm glad to see Houtarou continue to want to be more involved in the mysteries and attempt to break out of his routine. He still remains my favorite character in this show. It's pretty interesting to see how much he can accomplish if he just puts his mind to it and puts out enough effort.

It should go without saying but goddamn this show, and this episode in particular, is fucking gorgeous. The animation, the flashback sequences, the camera angles, the background details, and the music were great on all fronts. It's funny to see KyoAni putting in so much effort into a story like this, but I think in a weird twisted way it gives them a little bit of freedom to focus so much detail and atmosphere into something relatively event-less.

Hoping the next few episodes hold up to the greatness of these past few ones.
Fate/Zero Ep1 is great. Fate/Zero_Ep1_Defenders represent!! :D

Reporting for duty.

Do you really need it if you're familiar with the franchise? I skipped to like the last 3 minutes.

It's not just about setting up the universe, though. The episode also works for establishing the characters and setting the general tone of the show. The first episode is a pretty integral part of the series from both the story as well as the themes explored within.
Brave 10 1
I still don't know what this is about at all. The only thing that stuck in my mind was how terrible the OP and the ED were.

Op is catchy enough that you forgive them for it ... ..Again it's nothing spécial but hey you mind can tolerate it ..

ED however is so forgettable you'd think it's missing instruments ...
Eureka Seven Ep. 31

Goddamn, this episode. O_O I totally forgot about the scene where the mother strangles her child. :( The gore gave me flashbacks to Blood-C. The coloring for the Antibodies reminds me very much of Hosoda's style.
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