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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Haters gonna fate, all hail the best saber.

Queen's Blade 11

Oh yeah, she's in this show. I forgot all about her.
I guess that training episode paid off and now Leina is a total bad ass. Of course, Claudette is still in a league all of her own. They fight, break for a flashback intermission and then get back to more fighting. Pretty much the whole episode was fighting. In the end the fight is a draw with Leina managing to break Claudette's sword. Afterwards there's a Vance family reunion with Elina finally catching up with everyone else. It was a great episode, and I'm finally not hating Leina as much as I used to, now that she can actually put up a fight.
Man, Tomoe is so modest and conservative, it's almost like she's in the wrong anime.


Well, I am proportionally excited. It's good to see KyoAni using all it's awesome effects animators again, there was lots of cool stuff in Nichijou that really wouldn't fit into Hyouka.

I don't know, the mystery animations in Hyouka have been very creative.


This is why I watch anime. I don't know how to put my reaction to the spectacle I just witnessed into words, and even if I did, I doubt it would do the film justice. I loved every single thing about this. The animation, the art, the setting, the music, the characters and their designs, even the friggin plot; every goddamned thing about this fuckin movie was amazing.

If I have one complaint, it's that it's too awesome. My eyes couldn't keep up! Damn you standard human speed perception!

This is definitely going in my top 3 anime films. Hell, might even go in 1st. What a rush.


Well, I am proportionally excited. It's good to see KyoAni using all it's awesome effects animators again, there was lots of cool stuff in Nichijou that really wouldn't fit into Hyouka.

Excited for what? It's just an animated commercial for the light novels. They're not adapting it into anime.


Haters gonna fate, all hail the best saber.


Nero sucks. Extra is all about dat Tamamo anyway.

Extra is a spinoff that has nothing to do with the universe everything else takes place in. So its magical computer in the moon that has recorded every moment of human history and created Servants based on those records isn't canon outside of the game.

Actually it technically is canon, it's actually an alternate universe where something happened and magic died out forcing people to make use of AR moon computers instead and wait why the hell do I know all of this. WTF has this franchise done to me?!?!?!
Actually it technically is canon, it's actually an alternate universe where something happened and magic died out forcing people to make use of AR moon computers instead and wait why the hell do I know all of this. WTF has this franchise done to me?!?!?!

It helps that the partnerable Archer servant is pretty much a
walking cameo for Fate/Stay Night
, there has to be some relationship with the normal canon.


We all know Fate/Apocrypha had the highest potential for wtf in servant choices.

Loli Jack the Ripper, Shakespeare, a Saber servant that doesn't look the same as all the other Sabers out there!


Jack is the perpetrator of a series of gory murders in 19th Century England. She grew up without ever having a home, and spent her time living in the streets. She was extremely thin, and lived outside even during cold weather. She only has memories of the alleyways shrouded in mist and stench. The areas where she slept were not places of rest, but rather nests covered in waste and feces where filthy rats ran about. She was in constant danger of being attacked at night while she slept, and upon waking up on the morning, someone may have easily died during the night. She constantly dealt with pitch black smog so bad that she often couldn't breath properly or even open her eyes.

She eventually reached the point where her mind she could no longer deal with the conditions. Upon randomly finding prostitutes, she would impose her image of a mother onto them. After being rejected, she would simply wander the streets once more without change. If she came into contact with her "Mother" again, she would slowly approach within the mist, and after saying "I'm sorry", she would slit their throats. As they were in anguish, she began to dissect them while in tears. After obtaining a part of the woman, she would press it against her face and cry while remembering the warmth of her mother's womb.

What the hell Type-Moon. What is wrong with all of you?!?!


Eureka Seven 1-13

Man, those last few episodes were quite an ending to this part of the series. Lots of questions and mysteries abound and still a long way to go.


The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya (plus Season 2)

For some reason. God knows what reason. I felt today was an appropriate day to finish Season 2 of Haruhi AND watch the Disappearance movie. I didn't completely watch Endless Eight though. Fuck that.


I came to the conclusion after watching S2 that I really don't like Haruhi herself. Yeah there's probably something ...endearing, I guess, about her character but man. I just can't personally stand her after watching S2. The extra episodes themselves were alright and it was pretty neat how they intertwined with the previous episodes in S1. So this made Disappearance all the more sad for me in a way.

The movie itself was pretty great I thought. There were a fair share of boring scenes and several where I'm just "yeah yeah I know what you're getting at let's move on already" but I enjoyed it a whole bunch. Also speaking of which, good Lord this was a long movie. Man. The scenario was an interesting one and was presented in a more serious manner than the regular episodes. It was a nice "what if?" kind of deal but I still loved how there were details that were intertwined with previous episodes (
the Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody episode in particular
) and it was interesting how left some room for another potential series/movie (which I'm sure the novels have already covered). I also liked how the plot, or more specifically
Nagato's 'reasoning' behind the whole time shift thing
in a way made the Endless Eight plot a bit more substantial. There were some really good scenes, one in particular the scene of Kyon
coming to the conclusion that he preferred his old life instead of this new world
was pretty awesome.

Still though.


Why'd you have to make her cry, Kyon? Why choose that bitch Haruhi over her?! Damnit ;_;

But yeah.

Fun film. Great visuals as expected from KyoAni. I thought the more somber atmosphere was a nice change of pace from the usual crazy slice-of-life ordeal from the series.
The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya (plus Season 2)

For some reason. God knows what reason. I felt today was an appropriate day to finish Season 2 of Haruhi AND watch the Disappearance movie. I didn't completely watch Endless Eight though. Fuck that.


I came to the conclusion after watching S2 that I really don't like Haruhi herself. Yeah there's probably something ...endearing, I guess, about her character but man. I just can't personally stand her after watching S2. The extra episodes themselves were alright and it was pretty neat how they intertwined with the previous episodes in S1. So this made Disappearance all the more sad for me in a way.

The movie itself was pretty great I thought. There were a fair share of boring scenes and several where I'm just "yeah yeah I know what you're getting at let's move on already" but I enjoyed it a whole bunch. Also speaking of which, good Lord this was a long movie. Man. The scenario was an interesting one and was presented in a more serious manner than the regular episodes. It was a nice "what if?" kind of deal but I still loved how there were details that were intertwined with previous episodes (
the Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody episode in particular
) and it was interesting how left some room for another potential series/movie (which I'm sure the novels have already covered). I also liked how the plot, or more specifically
Nagato's 'reasoning' behind the whole time shift thing
in a way made the Endless Eight plot a bit more substantial. There were some really good scenes, one in particular the scene of Kyon
coming to the conclusion that he preferred his old life instead of this new world
was pretty awesome.

Still though.


Why'd you have to make her cry, Kyon? Why choose that bitch Haruhi over her?! Damnit ;_;

But yeah.

Fun film. Great visuals as expected from KyoAni. I thought the more somber atmosphere was a nice change of pace from the usual crazy slice-of-life ordeal from the series.


was all that matters.


We all know Fate/Apocrypha had the highest potential for wtf in servant choices.

Loli Jack the Ripper, Shakespeare, a Saber servant that doesn't look the same as all the other Sabers out there!


In life, the Servant is said to have exorcized evil spirits on the behalf of King Saul of Israel with use of his harp alone. His skill with the instrument is such that he is capable of purging mental interference and restoring psychological stability to those who listen to his music. However, the accuracy of projectiles and polearms suffer a large Rank Down within hearing range.

Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Monster (フランケンシュタインの怪物, Frankenstein no Kaibutsu?), is a Servant of the Berserker class designed by Hoshizora Meteo. She is the cyborg that appears in Mary Shelley's novel.

An artificial lifeform created by the researcher Frankenstein; she was rejected by her creator when she professed a love for him.

In slight narcissism, he frequently drops such self-authored quotes as, "Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill." He's taken a liking to certain terminology from modern fiction, such as "Death-Flagging."

She eventually reached the point where her mind she could no longer deal with the conditions. Upon randomly finding prostitutes, she would impose her image of a mother onto them. After being rejected, she would simply wander the streets once more without change. If she came into contact with her "Mother" again, she would slowly approach within the mist, and after saying "I'm sorry", she would slit their throats. As they were in anguish, she began to dissect them while in tears. After obtaining a part of the woman, she would press it against her face and cry while remembering the warmth of her mother's womb.

So I was reading the IS! manga (it's a 4koma spinoff series, moderately amusing), and it told me that pika-tan actually has a name. Yeah, I don't remember it being mentioned in the anime... probably was somewhere, I assume, but I forget. Anyway, she's Nohohon-san.

Just to ruin someone's day, someone on my twitter posted that "Eureka Seven" is an anagram for "Keanu Reeves"
Huh, really? I tried to come up with a good joke to compare Eureka Seven's averageness to Keanu Reaves' wooden acting, but I'm not good at those things.... there has to be something, though! It's such an obvious comparison... :)

Sometimes, shaming is in order. So for the clarification of everyone who isn't aware, this is the piece of artwork which 7th claims is "a hundred of times better than anything or anyone from the entire Fate franchise":


...That's not bad, but yeah, that's not something "better than everything and everyone in the Fate franchise", for sure.

basically im saying hes WHITE
thought to be fair its almost impossible to tell where any of them are from
There are some light-skinned Middle Easterners... but yeah, that is unrealistic.

Of course though, the anime-usual "all Americans are blonde" is worse, I think...

Well, for instance, how they end the series. It could be "To be continued in... Saki: Deep Space Nine" or it could just end without any mention of a potential new series.
Ah, yeah. We'll have to see, but my guess would be something like the first anime ending, with a suggestion of what's going to happen next...

Yeah. School Days is no good and no one should be conned into watching it.

It looked like both to me.
I think so, yeah.

Oh wow, that's a real thing? Awesome that they'd throw it in there.
Yeah, apparently the Upotte guy has done some adult doujins with his own characters in them.
School Days 1

Kinda real time impressions:

- Oh everyone has normal hair color.
- Damn these girls have huge eyes.
- Damn all these girls look kinda the same up close when you can't see their hair differences.
- This main characters VA is kinda annoying.
- oh snap confession in episode 1??? Is this gonna go all mgx?
- kiss you what who already now no

This show is amazing.
School Days 1

Kinda real time impressions:

- Oh everyone has normal hair color.
- Damn these girls have huge eyes.
- Damn all these girls look kinda the same up close when you can't see their hair differences.
- This main characters VA is kinda annoying.
- oh snap confession in episode 1??? Is this gonna go all mgx?
- kiss you what who already now no

This show is amazing.


sealed with a kiss

was all that matters.

I got a good laugh out of that scene, it's always good to see characters get what they deserve, especially shitty characters like those from Haruhi.



This is why I watch anime. I don't know how to put my reaction to the spectacle I just witnessed into words, and even if I did, I doubt it would do the film justice. I loved every single thing about this. The animation, the art, the setting, the music, the characters and their designs, even the friggin plot; every goddamned thing about this fuckin movie was amazing.

If I have one complaint, it's that it's too awesome. My eyes couldn't keep up! Damn you standard human speed perception!

This is definitely going in my top 3 anime films. Hell, might even go in 1st. What a rush.

The appropriate reaction to Redline!


Revolutionary Girl Utena 12

Yuri goggles... off the charts!


Oh Wakaba. She doesn't need Utena to duel for her affection.

This puts Utena's relationship with Anthy in a very different light than before. There were hints of it at the end of the last episode, but with
Utena choosing not to wear her boy's uniform anymore, we see that Anthy has become a central part of her princely identity, such that she can no longer pursue it without the Rose Bride.
This makes her seem very similar to all the other duelists she has faced.


Shadow aliens are out there. Believe.

It was nice to see Anthy
actually do something self-motivated for a change. I liked the parallels between this and the first duel. Anthy is struck by Utena's willingness to keep fighting for her sake, even when all seems lost.
Her role still remains incredibly enigmatic. And it feels conspicuous that we haven't learned a lot about Touga yet. I guess there are plenty of episodes remaining for that.


In every age, in every place
The deeds of Touga remain the same

The music leading into the duel this episode was totally badass. They should do that intro more often.

What an awesome series.
School day 2

- Spent way too much brainpower trying to understand this OP. What is gonna happen??
- Boobs
- This MC is kinda of a dick
- That slap was delicious and deserved.
- Normally this would be Bad End... but anime.
- liking the whole communication between notes. Flows well.
- normal romdrama stuff...
- Boobs!
- Chuuuuu

Fuck this show is moving fast.


sealed with a kiss
School day 2

- Spent way too much brainpower trying to understand this OP. What is gonna happen??
- Boobs
- This MC is kinda of a dick
- That slap was delicious and deserved.
- Normally this would be Bad End... but anime.
- liking the whole communication between notes. Flows well.
- normal romdrama stuff...
- Boobs!
- Chuuuuu

Fuck this show is moving fast.




Smile Precure movie dated for October 27. Add another anime movie for 2012 into the huge pile. This is getting packed.

That reminds me, it's going to be tough waiting for The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki to come out on bluray.

Hot springs, beaches... It's all the same thing. There's going to be an increase in the amount of skin shown by our female protagonists, and that's why they exist.

Well, the Hyouka website confirms that there will be swimsuits... and Houtarou in a
lifeguard outfit

It's still not a beach, but there is that OVA pool episode.

I like how Houtarou and Satoshi are just "the Kotenbu members."
Queen's Blade 12
Every single character is in this episode, not to mention all of their luscious boobs. Even the reigning Queen showed up. Everyone facing off against the forces of the Swamp Witch was great. And um, yeah, very good end to a season. Definitely going to watch the second one. I'd say more, but I'm to tired to think straight, so I'll just leave this gif here.


I think Tsuritama takes the cake for most overpriced Japanese disc release this season. 6,825yen per volume, 6 volumes in total (2 episodes per volume). That's 40,950yen for the complete set of 12 episode on blu-ray. Lol.

I'll say it again. 40,950yen to own all of Tsuritama on blu-ray. 12 episodes. Fate/Zero BD boxes are 39,900yen and 35,700yen respectively. Aniplex always overprices their 1-cour shows, and they tend to bomb as a result. Madoka was really a fluke.
Wow, the price for Tsuritama is just insane even for Japan.
Woah, what the hell are they thinking?

Queen's Blade Rebellion 7,350 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 44,100 yen
Nyaruko 7,350 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 44,100 yen
Dusk Maiden 7,350 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 44,100 yen
Medaka Box 7,350 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 44,100 yen
ZETMAN 7,140 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 42,840 yen
Saki - Achigahen 7,140 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 42,840 yen
Sankarea 7,140 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) B]42,840 yen[/B]
Shining Hearts - Shiawase no Pan 6825 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 40,950 yen
Mysterious Girlfriend X 6825 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 40,950 yen

Strike Witches 2 9,240 yen @ six discs (12 episodes) 55,440 yen


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I keep seeing people say this but I don't know why people assume that can't be
Because this isn't the way he operates, and his concern for anyone who isn't another Servant would be pretty low. The idea of him feeling the need to commit a violent act against them is even lower. It's just not possible, particularly given that the show goes to great lengths to emphasize that Rider is on his last legs resting up before making a final push at night. If you take every scene in the episode into account and weigh that against who is left it becomes fairy obvious who it was.
School day 2

- Spent way too much brainpower trying to understand this OP. What is gonna happen??
- Boobs
- This MC is kinda of a dick

- That slap was delicious and deserved.
- Normally this would be Bad End... but anime.
- liking the whole communication between notes. Flows well.
- normal romdrama stuff...
- Boobs!
- Chuuuuu

Fuck this show is moving fast.
MANkoto is the hero that anime deserves.


Because this isn't the way he operates, and his concern for anyone who isn't another Servant would be pretty low. The idea of him feeling the need to commit a violent act against them is even lower. It's just not possible, particularly given that the show goes to great lengths to emphasize that Rider is on his last legs resting up before making a final push at night. If you take every scene in the episode into account and weigh that against who is left it becomes fairy obvious who it was.

You're saying Kirei disguised himself as Rider? How did he manage to fly?
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