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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The Light of El Cantare
I think that ties for a favorite arc. Lyon is up there with Gray. Ice make is rather creative magics and their bond. Were they still using Snow Fairy for the OP?

Nope, the OP and ED changed that episode. Felt kind of premature, and I'll miss Guu no Ne or whatever the first ED is called.

Well that's pretty much how all the Fairy Tail arcs end up. Great opening and setting building, decent midgame and terrible endings.

Yeah, I remember reading the early portions of Phantom Lord and thinking "oh shit, this is it, FT's Arlong Park!" and then........the rest of the arc happened.
Nope, the OP and ED changed that episode. Felt kind of premature, and I'll miss Guu no Ne or whatever the first ED is called.

Silly enough, the anime is really bad at keeping at least the OP in tune with the current arc. Or enough where I remember it was still in the middle of one arc and the OP changed and started showcasing stuff from the next arc.


The Light of El Cantare
Silly enough, the anime is really bad at keeping at least the OP in tune with the current arc. Or enough where I remember it was still in the middle of one arc and the OP changed and started showcasing stuff from the next arc.

Yeah, there's entirely too much foreshadowing in the OPs for them to be changing this quickly. The majority of the 2nd OP was a lazy combination of stills and footage from episodes that had already aired, but out of what was newly-animated there was a ton of
and even a shot of
those giant iron rods sticking out of the FT guild building
Silly enough, the anime is really bad at keeping at least the OP in tune with the current arc. Or enough where I remember it was still in the middle of one arc and the OP changed and started showcasing stuff from the next arc.

The OP is terrible with spoilers, even I already knew the source, I still like to be surprised. For the anime, I wish they would just give way more attention to their OP's. If they would only take a look at Naruto Shippuden ones or even Bleach ones to get an idea for how it should be done, and sound, for other shounen battle ones then I would be pleased.
Nope, the OP and ED changed that episode. Felt kind of premature, and I'll miss Guu no Ne or whatever the first ED is called.

The OPs are weird as hell. They change mid-arc and spoils the next one. The 3rd OP spoils a certain character who was previously a villain joining Fairy Tail before even appearing as a villain.


Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 3 (Ep.15)


The duo is at is again.

MightbeNSFW, maybe one of these kids ain't so bad! (Naw, concept is still annoying)

Hyperlinks w/ Spoilers and Bloody so might be NSFW
Femmeworth was right. It got betta!


The woman doesn't play...except when she does, then someone's dead.

Black Lagoon, Black Lagoon. This setup and execution was a solid. I grinned a Grinchy grin for this. It was satisfying to see that
brat get what was coming.

The singing scene following was pretty stupid. I thought the kid was singing to a recording at first. Anyways, the professionalism between Balalaika and Dutch in regards to helping the little girl escape is just a treat.

They've been in the business for such a long time that they know mannerisms of business and the uselessness of temporary grudges when it comes down to instances of interception in views and work. In other words, Balalaika has just sent for the Lagoon boat to be sleeping with the fishes and Dutch understands her position perfectly without losing his cool. Business is business.

Rock on the other hand, let's his emotions get the best of him when hearing the kid's story. Blaming the world for being so cruel to this child. Benny, for the first time ever, shows his mentality that has grown in the world of gangsters and blood. He tells Rock in simple terms that lives are lived, not all have a happy ending, that's that.

Rock still has a lot to learn. Bring on the next episode, this one paid off in a good way!



Fairy Tail 10:

lol, the Erza nerfing begins already. So blatant.

and why is Laxus such a monumentally enormous douchebag?

Fairy Tail 11:

Another arc, another huge demonic monster thing to beat.

Fairy Tail 12:

Need to get to the bottom of a tough mystery? No need for actual detective work when a random Stellar Spirit conveniently understands the arcane language your enemies speak and knows every last detail regarding the nature of the extraordinarily-obscure magic technique they utilize!

Also, a short, ill-tempered character with spiky white hair that summons ice dragons? Fairy Tail stealing from Bleach, confirmed now more than ever.

I actually laughed when they introduced what seemed like a blatant shikamaru (naruto) clone, right down to the haircut and shadow moves


Yeah I think it was supposed to be Production IG's big arty Studio Ghibli style film for a worldwide audience. Not working out too well so far.

That's a pretty good way of describing it, and Production IG did a pretty great job of it (and whilst I like Welcome to the Space Show, they certainly did it better than A1 Pictures).

It's really kind of depressing to see further evidence that there's just no audience for original theatrical anime content, regardless of quality, these days.


Bamboo Blade 3
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long relationship. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my boyfriend go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

This woman's dedication to her man is admirable to say the least.


The Light of El Cantare
The OPs are weird as hell. They change mid-arc and spoils the next one. The 3rd OP spoils a certain character who was previously a villain joining Fairy Tail before even appearing as a villain.

Between this and all of the shit in Toei shows, I just have to assume that Japanese viewers must like being spoiled. What other explanation could there possibly be?

I actually laughed when they introduced what seemed like a blatant shikamaru (naruto) clone, right down to the haircut and shadow moves

Oh yeah, the guy from the Lullaby arc. I googled Shikamaru and the resemblance is fairly uncanny.


Bamboo Blade 3

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long relationship. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my boyfriend go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

This woman's dedication to her man is admirable to say the least.

Bamboo blade is pretty good.
Surprisingly good.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Zetman 04

Well that fight turned into a modern day Monster Girl Quest pretty fast. It's obvious that more could be done with the source material, but this just isn't really doing a lot for me. Maybe characters would connect better if things were less rushed, but as it is everyone seems very isolated from each other.


Just watched Jormungand 3, and while I still love the show, the direction sucked pretty bad in this episode. Not that the first two episodes were awesome in that regard or anything, but it was especially terrible here. The exposition stuff is serviceable at best, but the action scenes have no impact whatsoever. And the few directors who get action scenes right are wasted on shit like Guilty Crown. Meh.

I can't really think of an impressively directed episode in the White Fox shows that I have watched. I can think of a number of average episodes, a few terrible ones, but nothing that good. They seem to lack the talent.
It's really kind of depressing to see further evidence that there's just no audience for original theatrical anime content, regardless of quality, these days.

People complain about otaku killing anime, but it's not like the mainstream audiences are helping much when you have cases like this.

But there is. It just has to be from Studio Ghibli.

Even when their recent output has been comparatively subpar... sigh.


Seems like Shaft noticed the inconsistency between where Karen was handwalking and where they had that entire scene.

Of course, being that this is Shaft, the solution is obviously not correcting the short 5-second sequence preceding the scene, but instead redrawing the entire thing from scratch in a completely new location! Why? Because shut up.

Also dat Kanbaru returns.

The fact that they done that with numerous BD releases seems to be a tacit way of saying 'the level of animation and detail we put in certain scenes are so bad that they must be completely trashed'. Of course, corrections for home release are common in anime, but SHAFT like to the got that extra step.


I like that episode and you're right, it's above average.

The problem is you have to wade through the first 3 eps to get to it or else it loses meaning. Luckily, you're able to skip everything that comes after.

Not even Ghibli can make everything successful. I mean, My Neighbors the Yamadas and all that.

Their new strategy is to stick Hayao Miyazaki's name on everything. HEY GUYS HE WROTE THE SCRIPT!


I think that when it comes to the point where you have to watch something over and over just to decide if you think it looks like CG was used, there is already no purpose to argue about it. If it looks right, and it looks good, animation is animation. Why is CG animation better or worse than traditional animation? It's all about proper application.

There's always purpose in arguing.

I don't have a problem with any of the performance scenes so far.

Anyway I rewatched the two performance scenes and other than the piano hands, most of it is clearly hand-drawn. Probably rotoscoped/references, but that's a very old traditional technique in of itself.


The problem is you have to wade through the first 3 eps to get to it or else it loses meaning. Luckily, you're able to skip everything that comes after.

Wait, Katanagatari is bad? I was planning on watching it one of these days this summer and I thought it was well received.


Wait, Katanagatari is bad? I was planning on watching it one of these days this summer and I thought it was well received.

Its not bad. I'd even say it was "good". Its just that Episode 4 is head and shoulders above all the other episodes in quality that it sticks out like a sore thumb.


Zetman 4

For something that is supposed to be skipping a ton of stuff
Rich boy's story sure seems to be progressing at a snail's pace. Does he ever actually do something at some point

I shudder to think how glacial the manga pacing must be then.


Lolz. What does Google have to do with TVTropes anyway?

Google owns everyone now and is making the world a safer, fluffier place. Just wait till they save anime.
seriously though that's pretty fucked up. what the hell google

You'd think some journalists would be kind enough to write some articles how about google is changing the whole intent. Or, perhaps they already have and I've just missed it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Zetman 4

For something that is supposed to be skipping a ton of stuff
Rich boy's story sure seems to be progressing at a snail's pace. Does he ever actually do something at some point

I shudder to think how glacial the manga pacing must be then.
Gotta lift them weights. I figure there's probably stuff that happened but it would be too time consuming for them to stray at all from the narrow path each character has been set down.


A Letter to Momo's massive bombage continues. The number of screenings at Toho cinemas have taken a MASSIVE dive this week after a lackluster performance last week. They are cutting down from 154 screenings to a mere 57. This basically means the show is on its way out of cinemas. Anyone in Japan who wants to catch it on the big screen better watch it soon! Lulz.

Well, that about wraps it up for anime films. Unless you're Hosoda or Miyazaki.
Zetman 4

For something that is supposed to be skipping a ton of stuff
Rich boy's story sure seems to be progressing at a snail's pace. Does he ever actually do something at some point

I shudder to think how glacial the manga pacing must be then.

They skipped his most important development arc!


Yeah, they did a pretty good job matching the quality of the drawn stuff.

I was upset when I first noticed it, but I'm actually glad they decided to do it, since inaccurate instrument playing always bugged me in animation. I'll take a more representative playing of instruments if it means cg. : P

Never compromise!


They skipped his most important development arc!

Would you say it's worth checking out what they skipped if I'm not really all that interested in the characters or story?

What I really mean is that I read
orgies are involved
. Just how much involvement are we talking about here? Just curious.


It was supposed to be a demonstration that Lelouch was more concerned with proving his superiority and winning his way than the victory itself or some shit like that, it was just done in the most blatantly stupid and hilarious way possible.

That's a fairly apt summary of Code Geass.
Would you say it's worth checking out what they skipped if I'm not really all that interested in the characters or story?

What I really mean is that I read
orgies are involved
. Just how much involvement are we talking about here? Just curious.

VERY involved.

Anyway, I can't really base how interested you'd be in it off of your opinions on the anime. Even the first episode changed a billion things. The basic setting is the same, but the events and character relationships are very different. I couldn't even list them all off the top of my head.

I personally love the manga and the character development, something that barely exists in the anime version. I actually cared about them which lead to a great deal of tension in some very bizarre yet alluring situations. The arc that was cut is my favorite one and it was really the point where I considered the series amazing. Obviously YMMV, but I think I'd recommend it to most fans of action series.

And for a few more words of encouragement, it doesn't take very long to read. There were quite a few chapters I was able to knock out in 2 minutes. Of course some are dialogue-heavy, making a quick read impossible, but most go by very quickly. It's a very consumable manga.


You mean page 76. It's okay, we all make mistakes.

You mean the UC vs. AU debate? It's not really a debate, since UC > AU is a fact.

I don't really know if it's a fact at all, considering most of everything Gundam is bad. I don't really see an advantage that one particular continuity has over the other.
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