Dragoon En Regalia
That ain't official! Give me the real-deal analysis!
15,397 - Gintama Season 1
15,171 - Gintama Season 2
15,282 - Gintama Season 3
12,720 - Gintama Season 4
12,748 - Gintama'
It's a big cash cow for Sunrise.
That's pretty interesting. I wonder why people collect it, presumably the fujoshi market or the fact that comedy has good rewatch value.
That ain't official! Give me the real-deal analysis!
Other than the RAMBALDI DEVICE and the pseudo-ARG in the first season, I don't really remember anything about Alias.I never actually watched Lost, but I did watch Alias for a few seasons. I liked it for quite a while, but ended up dropping it somewhere in the third season or so, when there was that timeskip and the already crazy plot got even more insane... and after that experience, I couldn't quite get myself to watch Lost.
Well, I suppose my frame of reference here is Avatar/Korra when it comes to drawing from random sources in Western fantasy.I mention this in my post, I think... but I assume you mean how Western stuff set in an Asian setting will almost always randomly mix together ninjas, samurai, and Chinese kung fu warriors? That is true, agreed, but is even Japan entirely innocent of doing that? That would be where the "at least they know it's wrong" part would come into play though, maybe lessening the impact for their stuff.
But really, Japan makes a LOT more fantasy stuff than the West does stuff set in ancient Asian settings. It's not even remotely close.
I just don't watch fantasy shows really. I suppose I've seen a couple, but they didn't really have anything that stood out to me other than sharing the same Mark Twain "contemporary dude ends up in fantasy magic land" premise.You'd have to be trying really, REALLY hard to avoid fantasy stuff, then, because they're one of the most common kinds of anime and manga there are, outside of stuff set in high schools... but as for those two, FMA is sort of fantasy, though it isn't at all a traditional one so I'd probably call it borderline, but Brave 10 isn't traditional fantasy, of course; it's an ancient Japanese fantasy series, but Fantasy in general mostly refers to European-style faux-medieval stuff.
Even the best player isn't immune to hax after all!I'd say that even though she says htat's why she beats her, as you suggest, it's more about her experience mostly playing online, so she doesn't notice that real-world element; that is, it's her "power" coming into play, as you suggest, not necessarily because it didn't work because she's immune to powers or something. I mean, Saki certainly beats her consistently in their practices...
That and Rookie of the Year are the two baseball movies I remember. I think I was too young when I watched Field of Dreams, because I can't remember anything about it other than that famous line.On that note Angels in the Outfield was clearly ridiculous, but it was a fun, obviously not "real-world" ridiculous, so it was okay. I liked that movie as a kid.
The real world setting worked because they could make smart ass cultural references and not be out of place. Like making a MacGyver or Star Trek reference - or even having the dude who plays Homer guest star on the show and then make a Simpsons reference.I doubt there's any possible decent explanation for something like that, unfortunately.![]()
It should have just been about racing. Funny enough though, it has more piracy than Space Pirates.That, yeah... though a not insanely stupid older princess was really needed too.Seriously, Liliana, really?
It grows somewhere, I know that much. We're talking about vestigial mammary teats here!You have to pay for that kind of service.
Chest analysis doesn't grow on trees!
That ain't official! Give me the real-deal analysis!
Kokoro Connect 1 (A part)
NicoNico advance live stream (A-part only) just ended.
They're doing a live performance of the opening song now.
Wow this seems pretty cool.
Characters are fun, somewhat real-ish tone (has some comedic character interaction but it's not a wacky crazy thing), animation is expressive.
The body-swapping thing seems to be not a permanent state but rather something that switches back and forth (at least at this point). Looks like it's going to explore the ramifications this happening to them.
Hopefully they can keep up the quality.
Iori's beauty mark, which moves when she talks, bugged me a little because from the front their noses are also drawn as dots, so it gave me this odd feeling of her nose looking like a second dot on her face rather than representing her nose.
Good, good.
Soon the [s]Kinect[/s] Connect will be in our hands and its body-swapping juices will be enjoyed by all.
Usually would be just looked-over to save time and hand-cramps, but I wonder if there are other reasons too.I have no idea what the actual reason for it is, it's just something that you'll notice if you watch enough anime. Presumably it's easier not to draw them, but I assume there's some other reason.
Kokoro Connect 1 (A part)
Iori's beauty mark, which moves when she talks, bugged me a little because from the front their noses are also drawn as dots, so it gave me this odd feeling of her nose looking like a second dot on her face rather than representing her nose.
Kokoro Connect 1 (A part)
NicoNico advance live stream (A-part only) just ended.
They're doing a live performance of the opening song now.
Wow this seems pretty cool.
Characters are fun, somewhat real-ish tone (has some comedic character interaction but it's not a wacky crazy thing), animation is expressive.
The body-swapping thing seems to be not a permanent state but rather something that switches back and forth (at least at this point). Looks like it's going to explore the ramifications this happening to them.
Hopefully they can keep up the quality.
Iori's beauty mark, which moves when she talks, bugged me a little because from the front their noses are also drawn as dots, so it gave me this odd feeling of her nose looking like a second dot on her face rather than representing her nose.
Pfff. It's not like Aria is all that yuri!
Fate/Zero 25
That was pretty good. Maybe there will be a sequel some day.
I really liked Sora no Woto's character design and how they were animated so this is a sure-watch for me. It had this obvious KyoAni vibe but something about the animation made them look more real.Kokoro Connect 1 (A part)
NicoNico advance live stream (A-part only) just ended.
They're doing a live performance of the opening song now.
Wow this seems pretty cool.
Characters are fun, somewhat real-ish tone (has some comedic character interaction but it's not a wacky crazy thing), animation is expressive.
The body-swapping thing seems to be not a permanent state but rather something that switches back and forth (at least at this point). Looks like it's going to explore the ramifications of this happening to them.
Hopefully they can keep up the quality.
Iori's beauty mark, which moves when she talks, bugged me a little because from the front their noses are also drawn as dots, so it gave me this odd feeling of her nose looking like a second dot on her face rather than representing her nose.
Lies. By your measure, Space Pirates should be the best thing ever.![]()
Oh right, that, I remember this now. I read the two chapters of the manga that were translated and liked them, but the translation didn't continue. I'm definitely looking forward to this.Kokoro Connect 1 (A part)
NicoNico advance live stream (A-part only) just ended.
They're doing a live performance of the opening song now.
Wow this seems pretty cool.
Characters are fun, somewhat real-ish tone (has some comedic character interaction but it's not a wacky crazy thing), animation is expressive.
The body-swapping thing seems to be not a permanent state but rather something that switches back and forth (at least at this point). Looks like it's going to explore the ramifications of this happening to them.
Hopefully they can keep up the quality.
Iori's beauty mark, which moves when she talks, bugged me a little because from the front their noses are also drawn as dots, so it gave me this odd feeling of her nose looking like a second dot on her face rather than representing her nose.
That's between you, your hand, and your browser history!Well, the material that I've seen seems to suggest otherwise.
Top ten anime of the 10s!But ANN says...
We really aren't going to get a show with the detail, class, writing, and scale of Fate/Zero ever again, are we.
How could you ever thinkKariya was anywhere close to achieving his dream?
Again, this is delicious.
I await more of yourfacepalm-inducing sufferingheart-filled journey!
We really aren't going to get a show with the detail, class, writing, and scale of Fate/Zero ever again, are we.
This sums up Noein's story pretty well.
(after reading the last chapters and postface in the original novel
We really aren't going to get a show with the detail, class, writing, and scale of Fate/Zero ever again, are we.
You're good.The Laws of the Sun
I was promised some sort of Xenu-level sort of indoctrination but I didn't see any of that. Instead I was privy to a well animated and well told tale about the sins of humanity and how we might best overcome them. It's a great cautionary tale and an interesting take on history itself. While this interpretation did have some fantastical elements, I can't help but feel there's a grain of truth in there that's worth exploring. I'd recommend this to anyone but only if they took time to explore some of the other movies on this subject matter as they build on one another and this particular one might be a little too deep for someone new to these ideas. I think I'm going to order some of Ryuho Okawa's books and see if I can't achieve some sort of better understanding of all this.