Of all the things about Lost, the first season crap I'm mostly fine with. It has much more Lindelofey problems anyway.
I never actually watched Lost, but I did watch Alias for a few seasons. I liked it for quite a while, but ended up dropping it somewhere in the third season or so, when there was that timeskip and the already crazy plot got even more insane... and after that experience, I couldn't quite get myself to watch Lost.
I wonder if that's just cultural, given that I'm sure Western fantasy has shit like ninjas and samurai and kung fu specialists all mixed together because the author thought that shit was cool.
I mention this in my post, I think... but I assume you mean how Western stuff set in an Asian setting will almost always randomly mix together ninjas, samurai, and Chinese kung fu warriors? That is true, agreed, but is even Japan entirely innocent of doing that? That would be where the "at least they know it's wrong" part would come into play though, maybe lessening the impact for their stuff.
But really, Japan makes a LOT more fantasy stuff than the West does stuff set in ancient Asian settings. It's not even remotely close.
I'm trying to think of an anime fantasy that I watched and unless you count stuff like Brave 10 or FMA, I don't think I've watched any.
You'd have to be trying really, REALLY hard to avoid fantasy stuff, then, because they're one of the most common kinds of anime and manga there are, outside of stuff set in high schools... but as for those two, FMA is sort of fantasy, though it isn't at all a traditional one so I'd probably call it borderline, but Brave 10 isn't traditional fantasy, of course; it's an ancient Japanese fantasy series, but Fantasy in general mostly refers to European-style faux-medieval stuff.
Well, it's funny because she defeats invisible girl by simply saying she doesn't believe in superstition. Of course, her "skill" is being able to abstract a game to pure rules and mathematics.
I'd say that even though she says htat's why she beats her, as you suggest, it's more about her experience mostly playing online, so she doesn't notice that real-world element; that is, it's her "power" coming into play, as you suggest, not necessarily because it didn't work because she's immune to powers or something. I mean, Saki certainly beats her consistently in their practices...
The irony is, of course, I don't give a shit about sports so technically none of this crap should even bother me.
I used Angels in the Outfield last week, but I could also bring up Rookie of the Year, the premise of which is that some teenager breaks his arm and is suddenly the best pitcher in America and manages to join the local MLB team. That's something that will never happen in real life, but that film acknowledges that it's an impossible situation that only exists in the context of the film. It's not as if the MLB is full of 14 year old baseball stars, so having the main character be an exception - and given that everyone acknowledges that he's an exception - is at least perfectly consistent.
The film is also upfront about its premise, so it's not like you're watching a serious baseball movie that veers into insanity after the first act.
Yeah, if it's completely, openly obvious about its ridiculous setting, that's not so bad; it's a clear fantasy. The worst is when it seems to be believable, but then does stuff that's stupid, or when it's completely unclear on what it wants to be and just ends up all confused and annoying, like how Japanese fantasy settings usually are.
On that note Angels in the Outfield was clearly ridiculous, but it was a fun, obviously not "real-world" ridiculous, so it was okay. I liked that movie as a kid.
SG-1 got stupid because it had an actual conspiracy within the show made up of ex-CIA guys.

So you had these evil humans stealing tech for themselves and even THOSE guys ignored 9-11!
I doubt there's any possible decent explanation for something like that, unfortunately.
Sophitia is actually said to be a weirdo for still caring about those gods.
The point is that she wouldn't have in the first place, there were no pagans in Greece and hadn't been for a millenium. Her costumes are just as bad, and I don't mean just the requisite skimpyness, I also mean the concepts -- those ancient Greek inspired costumes in many of the games (from Soul Calibur 3 onward, I mean) of course have no connection to anything a 17th century Greek person would have worn.
Of course Soul Calibur costumes are virtually never in any way accurate, and fail every fantasy-costumes test I mentioned in that last post, but that time differential is even bigger than putting modern costumes in a game like that; modern costumes are only ~450 years out of date, after all, ancient Greek ones are more than twice as far off. So in both beliefs and in looks, she's not a plausible character. They should have just invented some fantasy world from the series, trying to set it in the real world, mentioning bits of actual history here and there, and then completely ignoring it the rest of the time doesn't make any sense.
Oh, and I haven't mentioned how much longer it'd take to travel around the world back then than these games suggest, when in one game you start in Japan and end up in Europe and then go back and forth several times and the game acts like almost no time passes... :lol I know, videogame logic, but the issue is that they set it in something that's supposedly the "real world", and then take off in random, nonsense directions without ever actually trying to give any kind of explanation for things. I know that's not the way anime fantasy does things, and that's not always how western fantasy does things either, but while I can enjoy things that ignore those things -- I do like the Soul Calibur series, for instance -- this stuff bugs me for sure.
In fact, that's pretty much official... Just look at the specs Anno cooked up for the Evas in Super Robot Wars:
Height: 40 to 200 meters
Weight: 700 to 96 000 tons
Hah, that's pretty silly. That much variation, really?
I think it would have been great if it weren't for all that pesky Exile nonsense!
That, yeah... though a not insanely stupid older princess was really needed too.

Seriously, Liliana, really?