All I did was tell him it had a loli.
Oh wait, you're right. It was Cosmic that chose the magic number.
No mention of Gang-plank Galleon?? I see that makes sense that if a few tracks stand out to you'll be more inclined to say it has a good soundtrack as opposed to a mediocre one. I wasn't really calling you out on saying F/Z had an impressive soundtrack though in case that's how it felt. Just voicing my own opinion since the soundtrack didn't leave any type of distinction on me during S1.
Well I will admit, I didn't do any sort of S1 catch up ready for S2. I may watch the whole series some time after it's finished, so it's possible I'll change my mind hearing it again.
Of course I remember a lot of chanting and I love chanting *listens to some Halo music*
(Gangplank Galleon starts really good but I don't care for it when it gets all rocky. Do regret not mentioning Credit Concerto though).