While it was fun to suggest, K-ON! isn't disallowed in this thread.
you will never take this from me! Never!!!
While it was fun to suggest, K-ON! isn't disallowed in this thread.
Well now I wish there was actual jazz in Jormungand.
I rewatched Fumoffu a couple of years ago and still laughed pretty hard. That's a sign of a good comedy if you can rewatch it and have a good time.
The original series was actually ok. As you said it's not really amazing although it does have its moments. You can see the potential there and it's not really until KyoAni steps in that steps from good to great. The universe as a whole is also relatively interesting which helps things a lot.
Because it's a good show?
Before I say anything further, how far are you? What's the last major event that you can remember in great detail?
While it was fun to suggest, K-ON! isn't disallowed in this thread.
You guys don't know what you're asking for, anyway.
Fishman Island Arc where they defeat Hody
I'm terrible at remembering stuff from One Piece even though I like it so it could be a reason why I don't recognize that Blackbeard picture.
Oh, okay, you're only a few chapters behind then. I just wanted to make sure that you were following the manga and not the anime (even though you said manga) because.there's a filler arc about 50 episodes into the anime that involves dragons, so if you were referencing that I didn't want to spoil you on anything from the Punk Hazard arc
you will never take this from me! Never!!!
animegaf is saved
Here's a picture of Yui to celebrate.
Thank you based Hito.
Here's a picture of Yui to celebrate.
From now on any and all K-On talk, images, or anything will not be welcome in this thread.
While it was fun to suggest, K-ON! isn't disallowed in this thread.
More ugly chipmunk faces dirtying my screen.
I need to find my dirt rag.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
My better judgement tells me to not trust the one with the MLP avatar.
Clearly there are two factions here. We will fight to the end of time. The only question is - which faction rides ponies?
Both of them.
For me, that's still nothing compared toMy suggestion is that you don't watch past episode 10. The implications are more satisfying...the sad excuse for a reason they're doing this in the first place. You can't lose energy! And if you can gather metaphysical energy, why not just use your amazing technology to gather energy from the fringes of the universe to re-energize it!
you'll see... >___>
so moe moe kyun
You have no right to complain about K-ON! talk if you are sporting a Nichijou avatar.
Clearly there are two factions here. We will fight to the end of time. The only question is - which faction rides ponies?
Both of them.
Can't let K-On divide PonyGAF.
so moe moe kyun[/QUOTE]
3D Chipmunk disgusting.
You have no right to complain about K-ON! talk if you are sporting a Nichijou avatar.
Now we're hating on Nichijou?
smh at all the hate today.
More like, can't let PonyGAF soil the pure and wonderful Animu-GAF any further.
It's basically Spiral Power but backwards.you are understating the power ofteenage emotion
I got you covered.
I actually like both shows, I just think it is hypocritical to hate on one but not the other.Now we're hating on Nichijou?
smh at all the hate today.
I always thought you were more into fowl.I got you covered.
Their heads look like they would crush the rest of their body.I got you covered.
I got you covered.
I got you covered.
I wonder if there will be an actual explanation for how their transforming powers work or if it's just magic.
Entropy.I wonder if there will be an actual explanation for how their transforming powers work or if it's just magic.
What is this? Something on Nick Jr.? Why are we discussing that kind of thing in here?
avatar quoteWhat is this? Something on Nick Jr.? Why are we discussing that kind of thing in here?
I did not see sex. The closest we saw was the cult leader's concubines.It was a cult's drug/sex den. It would be weird if she wasn't.
Hosoda is going to make furries out of us all.
Hosoda is going to make furries out of us all.
Hosoda is going to make furries out of us all.
Hosoda is going to make furries out of us all.
avatar quote