Nothing wrong with Marisa! I'm also pretty partial to Patchouli and Youmu, plus tons of minor characters. Japan churns out so much high-quality art for these characters on a daily basis, I might as well enjoy it.
Touhou infected me with dozens of disgusting and reprehensible fetishes. I can count like ten from Reimu alone. Mikos are my weakness <3
I hope I'm not too late to support the Petite Princess Yucie recommendation:
In terms of appeal and direction, I think it's pretty obvious that the OP is intended to be more appealing to general audiences including male demographics, while the ED is very specifically targeted at more feminine tastes. As such, it is not surprising that most people here would prefer the OP over the ED. I really like several of the touches in the ED from Akemi, but the only thing which I feel is rather lazy/lame is the use the spiral lines which seems lazily lifted from the visual design of Penguin Drum. Both Akemi and Nakamura worked on MPD and the Apollon ED, so the similarity there isn't surprising, but they are both also capable of something more original imo, so that was disappointing.
Where were you when I needed you?![]()
I suppose you could say carrying over the spiraling lines/yarn from MPD to this ED is lazy, but as I find the concept very attractive and it fits with the general visual design and mood of the song, I can't say the repetition bothers me. I certainly do like its soft and mellow feminine aesthetic, and almost wish the character designs in the show looked more like the ones in the ED.
I make positive posts all the time. About stuff that's actually good like Space Bros., Sankarea, KotS, MGX, and Lupin. I also had favorably impressions about E7AO and Saint Saya Omega. If anything I might be too lenient.
I was hoping the OP for Kids on the Slope would be something along the lines of Tank!. I was very disappointed.![]()
I'm honestly glad it's not. Different themes and different stories benefit from different visual styles and aesthetics. Someone who is only able to do the same thing stylistically over and over again regardless of the theme is not a good director, but rather a one trick pony.
True, but big band jazz trumps whatever genre KotS's OP is.
*adds to list*I hope I'm not too late to support the Petite Princess Yucie recommendation:
I still say Gunsmith Cats has the classiest OP of all anime.
I like Tank! better than the song used for the Gunsmith Cats OP. On the other hand, I think the visuals of that OP are more strikingly attractive than those of Cowboy Bebop's, with the exception of dragging on a bit too long and getting repetitive at the end.
The ugliness is what makes them cute.
100 internets to the first person that can find me an example of a moefied anthro pug. I'm suddenly really curious to know if such a thing even exists.
I still say Gunsmith Cats has the classiest OP of all anime.
100 internets to the first person that can find me an example of a moefied anthro pug. I'm suddenly really curious to know if such a thing even exists.
I usually listen to podcasts during work. I only really follow three podcasts though.
Right, podcasts aren't for sitting down and listening to on their own, you do them while doing something else at the same time.
Multitasking never works.
The problem with (English) anime podcasts is that it becomes strictly reviews. The ANNCast has an "advantage" in that they are big enough to get people who work in the English side of the industry to come on and talk about things, but other than that, what else can you do?
Anime3k or whatever it's called recently ripped off the TAL format in an interview, so at least people are "experimenting" (by cribbing), but ultimately you're kind of stuck. You can never get any of the talent on, because unless you find animators who are a) willing to speak to the media and b) fluent in English, you're kind of stuck. Even reporting on stuff that happens in Japan requires someone who is fluent in Japanese to be able to suffer through 2ch and the like to get news... but at that point, you might as well be reading the front page of ANN.
Multitasking never works.
I have to multitask like a motherfucker at work. It better work.
Sounds like a horrific life for young Japanese. no wonder so many become hikikomoris
I wasn't aware that motherfuckers were so undevoted to the(ir) mothers.I have to multitask like a motherfucker at work. It better work.
Not all of us have fancy British chauffeurs. ;_;Travelling is not a difficult task!
I'm not saying I don't do it, but science agrees that it reduces efficiency.
That's definitely the case with R2 in that IIRC they didn't want to go back to the school setting but execs forced them and so Rolo was put in as well. Worst part of R2 by far.
Another example of how Code Geass is a unique product of a series of events - executive meddling clearly made it even better!
That's like saying executive meddling made the second season of Gundam 00 better.Another example of how Code Geass is a unique product of a series of events - executive meddling clearly made it even better!
I wasn't aware that motherfuckers were so devoted to the(ir) mothers.
Another example of how Code Geass is a unique product of a series of events - executive meddling clearly made it even better!
Sounds like that bread show you guys all seem to be enjoying.That term doesn't refer to their own mothers, it was an insult popularized during WWII for soldiers who liked to share their bread with European housewives.
I've never listened to an anime podcast. The only podcast I really listen to is This American Life.Am I the only person here who likes listening to podcasts but doesn't listen to anime podcasts? Anime discussions fucking suck most of the time.
Am I the only person here who likes listening to podcasts but doesn't listen to anime podcasts? Anime discussions fucking suck most of the time.
Sounds like that bread show you guys all seem to be enjoying.
100 internets to the first person that can find me an example of a moefied anthro pug. I'm suddenly really curious to know if such a thing even exists.
I just listen to my podcasts on the minutes of downtime while I don't have to attend any customers face-to-face. It helps make the menial work less boring and I can get through an episode in a regular workday even if I have to be slow about it.I definitely can't do this. My work is really strenuous and usually fast paced.
I might have a couple of minutes of spare time every few hours if I'm lucky.
That's like saying executive meddling made the second season of Gundam 00 better.
Unsurprisingly, DeviantArt delivers. (Not Safe For Situations In Which Clothed Cheesecake Furry Pics Are Inappropriate)
A moe boy pug in a skirt, no less.
Am I the only person here who likes listening to podcasts but doesn't listen to anime podcasts? Anime discussions fucking suck most of the time.
How long are they? I already devote I lot of my free time to anime if we count AnimeGAF.Well there's a reason that AWO keeps coming up in discussions surrounding anime podcasts - it's one of the very few where every host of the show is knowledge and intelligible. Still, considering there are thousands of anime podcasts the fact that only one of them is good consistently is rather depressing.