That's like asking is the sky green with bunnies falling from it.
Now my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are all dead. No more Gintama,no more Nichibros,no more Ano Natsu,no more Another,no more Rinne, no more Last Exile Fam, Chihayafuru is ending tomorrow, Inu x Boku SS and Persona 4 are ending this week. This suuuuuucks.
Now my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are all dead. No more Gintama,no more Nichibros,no more Ano Natsu,no more Another,no more Rinne, no more Last Exile Fam, Chihayafuru is ending tomorrow, Inu x Boku SS and Persona 4 are ending this week. This suuuuuucks.
Daily Lives of Highschool Boys END
The show went off with a bang. Sunrise please give us season 2 although you already used up like nearly all the materials.
Now my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are all dead. No more Gintama,no more Nichibros,no more Ano Natsu,no more Another,no more Rinne, no more Last Exile Fam, Chihayafuru is ending tomorrow, Inu x Boku SS and Persona 4 are ending this week. This suuuuuucks.
That cardboard headboard. That jacket is pretty cool too.
Wow, are they hoping that everyone forgets how bad it was?**,*** ** Black Rock Shooter [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
That doesn't stop Bones.Being mastered at ~540p might have something to do with.
No. Noir is great.
They're not selling them, they're giving them.I'm surprised they aren't selling toothbrushes.
Gundam Unicorn 5
Kids on the Slope
Lupin III: The Woman named Fujiko Mine
Saint Seiya Omega
Rurouni Kenshin New Kyoto
What's the betting this is the other Summer Noitamina show, so we end up with two agricultural college series?
Persona 4: The Animation 24
Holy rushdown Batman
Adachi's teleporting powers are awesome though, as is the method of incorperation of his flashbacks. His personality switch is still perhaps too sudden though
Hey, he's just raising awareness for a show that is pretty much guaranteed to be better than most of the anime released in the last few years.Any OP which lists a non-anime product and accuses people who complain about such things of being whiners with a fetish for Japan is clearly a OP that was ruined from the start!
Hey, he's just raising awareness for a show that is pretty much guaranteed to be better than most of the anime released in the last few years.
Hey, he's just raising awareness for a show that is pretty much guaranteed to be better than most of the anime released in the last few years.
Of course I would expect that from you.Korra is irrelevant to my interests.
Yes.Is Avatar really that good? Maybe I should go back to the original series and watch it.
You actually watched that abomination? The creators of the TV show had no input in the movie. Any fan would have told you to stay the frak away.I know it's pretty successful among certain demographics, but after watching the Shyamalan film, I felt like I was doing the right thing staying away from the franchise.
Why stop there? Mad Men deserves to be in the banner. Breaking Bad will be the show of the summer season.Which is why the new season of Game of Thrones should be in the OP as well. Miri is clearly prejudice against it because the actors are dimensionally challenged!
Is Avatar really that good? Maybe I should go back to the original series and watch it.
I know it's pretty successful among certain demographics, but after watching the Shyamalan film, I felt like I was doing the right thing staying away from the franchise.
Is Avatar really that good? Maybe I should go back to the original series and watch it.
I know it's pretty successful among certain demographics, but after watching the Shyamalan film, I felt like I was doing the right thing staying away from the franchise.
I know it's pretty successful among certain demographics, but after watching the Shyamalan film, I felt like I was doing the right thing staying away from the franchise.
That's a weird way to spell Iroh/Katara.Only good thing about the movie were the visuals and at least having a great actor for the best character in the franchise (zuko), though otherwise, Id definitely check out the animated series, though the movie turned off one of my friends from it.
Why stop there? Mad Men deserves to be in the banner. Breaking Bad will be the show of the summer season.
Is Avatar really that good? Maybe I should go back to the original series and watch it.
That's a weird way to spell Iroh/Katara.
Mawaru-Penguindrum 19
I love how after every revelation the plot makes more sense and less sense at the same time.
Wait... have you dropped Medaka Box even before commencing?Watching because I hate myself
Toph is awesome too, I won't deny that. Okay, best character is a four way tie between Iroh, Katara, Toph, and Momo.Correct way to spell Iroh/ wrong way to spell Toph
Toph is awesome too, I won't deny that. Okay, best character is a four way tie between Iroh, Katara, Toph, and Momo.
Yes! *gets all hysterical**gets on one knee*
Femmeworth, will you be my nakama?
Jet? Really? I'm not saying he was bad or anything, but he was in a grand total of like three episodes.You all give Zuko, Jet, and Aang no love at all.
Toph never failed to impress though.
The whole thing is a troll dream by Tadakuni.Daily Lives of High School Boys END
Poor Yassan got called out and I was happy for her at the end. ;_;
You actually watched that abomination? The creators of the TV show had no input in the movie. Any fan would have told you to stay the frak away.
To put it into perspective, the Avatar the Last Airbender movie is to the series as what Dragonball Evolution was to Dragonball Z.
The movie deserves all the scorn in the world for giving an otherwise excellent franchise a bad name.
Only good thing about the movie were the visuals and at least having a great actor for the best character in the franchise (zuko), though otherwise, Id definitely check out the animated series, though the movie turned off one of my friends from it.
It's pretty solid. I say, go try the original series out.
Okay, I have to know. Is this series good? or just confusing? or confusingly good?
I've been curious to give it a try, but I don't know what to believe.
I'm still surprised I posted even that much.
I am greater than thee by one post.
T.J DetweilereeeeeerDinklebeeeerg!Dreeeeesdeeeen!
But your alt made it onto the wall of shame. Unless that is what you are celebrating.victoly!
I am lesser than thee by one post.