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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Initial D fifth stage - 08


^^ that's not the right wings to put on a car dammit !!!

Episode was kinda dull since takumi is a little overpowered right now but the next one should be full of tension

I'm always open to suggestions (and would like some if you have any). Does anyone know if they are still renewing TWGOK for a third season. I keep up with the manga I'm pretty sure it mentioned they were recently.

Don't worry the next season annoncement was not a dream it's REAL and still on course ..!! Get ready for the godess arc animated !
Date a Live 9

Well that explains some things, still not budging from my current ratings yet. Man Kurmumi has some sweet powers,
reminds me of Persona 3 haha

Mushibugyo 8

I guess this week they had to meet their ecchi quota, all those scenes in the first half. Jinbei is hilarious, but apart from that it was just the standard type of episode. I think insect summoners are a bit compelling so hopefully they have a deeper plot as the rest of the anime goes on.
Initial D fifith stage - 09

If this episode wasn't filled with flashbacks, it would have been the BEST initial D episode since the first season.

However it was ...but that wasn't enough to prevent the incredible TENSION from being there .

"Only Initial D can go from "Eurobeat" to "AVE MARIA" and still keeping the awesome.


So I went home this morning and found a speeding ticket in the mail. One of those roadside speed camera vans. On private property. How is that legal? $150 bucks Im charged. But fuck it. I got K-on figures. Life is still groovy. YOLO.

CrimGAF strikes again.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
SDBurton has betrayed the garden, I'm still hurt.

I realized my desire for purity and the misunderstandings from last night had almost turned me into something I would've hated down the road. Taking a step back and re-evaluating myself for the greater good.


How did I enend up with fewer posts in this thread than the last?

Also if Kirbyguy becomes the new king of anime-gaf, will that make me the queen or something?
Initial D fifth stage 10


Idiot of the year

This guy right up there is the most incredible moron of the initial D universe.

I can't believe it.

No meaning ? i didn't think about it ? What the heck did you expect ? Why do you blame ryousuke when you're the one who pushed her ? WTF

Gargantia ep 3 got nothing on this episode. This is the most b*llsh*t argument i've ever seen since god know when.
The only thing remaining , right now is : WHY ?

Anyway this episode was still great because ryousuke is a BOSS as usual ..Incredible tension and incredible battle. Dat cliffanger.


Gargantia 7-8

Not sure what to think of the events shown in those two episodes.
It is a bit amusing finding out that
the aliens are basically really giant squids, and now they are living on Earth.
seems to me like it'll bring bad things to all parties involved, or at least I get that feeling.

There's an implicit assumption in your comment there that's justified:

Isn't it possible that the 'aliens' actually came from Earth and that it's actually they're home?
I'm not up in arms

It has good graphics I'll give it that

I'm still watching it every week so there's that

It does have pretty nice water graphics on level three.


I feel it's worth noting that the Valvrave dashboards have a 'Rave' meter:

Because, you know, why not?
Mini Sengoku Basara: Chosokabe and Mori 1 - 7 (end)

This special was absolutely hilarious all the way through. Never thought Id end up a Chosokabe and Mori fan after this but the episode when they were stranded at sea was awesome and then even better when they had to nurse each other to health. I havent laughed and liked a special as much as this in quite awhile. I wish there were more. Great fandom support.


RahXephon 09

Fantastic episode, all that shintoism and technobabble.. intriguing as shit. Man I just love when this show giving horror touch, the mood was great.

I so want to see Ayato and Haruka fuck now.


It's pretty amazing to call someone who is essentially a collaborator with an apartheid regime who helps crush resistance movements and conquer other countries a hero. Suzaku is the most loathsome character in a show full of awful people. His character suffers more than anyone else from Geass' poor writing.

You might classify collaboration as something inherently despicable, but that's a personal judgment. Even in reality, not all collaborators are "evil/villainous" and not all resistance fighters are "good/heroic" regardless of whatever else can be said about their particular causes. Thus I wouldn't consider such a thing a flaw of the writing, in the end, but actually one of its limited virtues. I believe the first season handled that sort of conflict well enough. Suzaku was in fact portrayed as a typical Gundam hero for much of the show, always trying to be comparatively upstanding in his behavior, though one placed in the role of antagonist and in contrast with Lelouch's portrayal as more of a villain despite being the protagonist. Of all the possible changes one might consider making to the series, at least I wouldn't alter that equation.


[Aku no Hana] - 8

I really didn't know how this show was going to deal with the events of the previous episode. While I might have hoped that the ink-orgy would lead to a palpable, lasting change in the characters and the direction of the story it almost felt to dramatic, to damming and too raw to be allowed to stand. How could they possibly move forward with this hanging over them? Therefore I'd imagine that the writer would hand wave or undo the events in some manner to allow the story to survive. That would be the cheap way out, at least. Thankfully, that doesn't appear to be happening and while Kasuga might have briefly thought he had escaped execution it was clear from the language of the visuals that this wasn't going to happen.

It's actually quite hard to think about the events of this episode in isolation, as it's own self contained narrative because of how it follows immediately on from the aftermath of the previous episode. So crucial is the link between these two episodes that the director even included a few cuts from the previous episode before the opening to this episode to get you in the right state of mind. I think this is pretty telling of the fact that the slow, dialogue-free opening of this episode can't possibly stand in isolation. It has to be the cold water that releases you from the heat of the finale. The problem is that, as this is a weekly series it's been an entire week since that powerful scene. If you were to watch episodes 7 and 8 back to back I imagine this contrast would be even more powerful and effective than it already is. Including a few moments from the climax of episode 7 kind of works but it's not really ideal.

Now, I understand the reasoning behind the extremely slow sequence in this episode. I get it. I've seen the technique used before and I've even defended its usage in works such as Neon Genesis Evangelion. However in this particular case I feel like the director went too far. From the end of the title sequence to the first words of spoken dialogue six minutes of time passed. It's not so much the fact that they went so long without talking, it's rather that they went so long without showing us anything in particular. Hundreds upon hundreds of seconds flew past and yet we only actually had about 11 cuts. One cut in particular lasted one hundred seconds and it was nothing more than Kasuga and Nakamura walking forward agonizingly slowly. I don't care how pretty your visuals are or how beautiful the music is when the actual content is so painfully mundane.

Now, I understand the counter-argument to this: the whole point was that is was slow and lengthy, so that both we and the characters could reflect on the actions that they had undertaken and to allow us all to come down from that peak that had been reached. That's exactly right, but they could have achieved the same effect without devoting quite so much time to it. Three minutes, at most, would have been plenty. I just don't feel like they did enough with those six minutes to justify their existence and it started to feel like padding before it was over. After all, if you want to argue that the scene was effective because it went on so long how long is enough? 8 minutes? 12 minutes? 24 minutes? I felt what the director wanted me to feel after a few minutes. A few minutes after that, however, and I just started to get bored. What's worse is that when I arrived at the very satisfying end of the episode I felt like the director had kept those earlier sequences as long as they were just so that enough time had been filled to allow the episode to end right here.

With that put to one side and I can safely say that the rest of the episode was great as usual and I had no other substantial complaints. Hosanna has already deal quite nicely with the symbolism in final scene but there's a few bits and pieces I'd like to mention:

We see Kasuga wash away his sins quite easily as he purifies his body in water but of course this is rather ironic because we know that it isn't that easy. If anything his burden is far heavier than before because of the actions he's taken.

All the scenes between Saki and Kasuga are noticeably awkward. Consider the framing here, with Saki far away from him:

Or how uneasily he sits next to here in this image:

Or, once again, the distance between them here:

In other words, you can practically tell where things are going to proceed based on the imagery alone because you can see how far apart these two people are. Meanwhile, you can see how intimate this shot with Nakamura is:

Meanwhile, the director demonstrates a real fascinating with extreme close-ups of people's eyes, to allow us to get an extremely powerful impression of what they're feeling:

Saki gets a number of important ones, with the most important one possibly being this shot here:

Which is where she has finally realized what this is (SPOILERS) http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz278/Jexhius/Album 2/AnH810Copy_zps43452aca.jpg~original

There's a couple of other great Saki close up's as well, especially this one:

which is only worth noting because Saki has a very expressive face and is often smiling, something which clearly isn't happening here.

Where else to end but on the final image of this episode:

Kasuga has turned away from what he's done and there's a really strong visual conflict in the image between the rigid, cool concrete and the colourful and organic natural image. It's a split that runs right through the middle of him. I would assume, although I may well be wrong on this, that it
represents the conflict within himself between the part of him that wants to confess and come clean and the part that wishes the entire affair to be hidden and buried


The Light of El Cantare
I could not stop laughing at this.


It took me a minute, but now I'm laughing too. wooooooow

edit: we might not even be laughing for the same reason. Is it because it says "heroines" even though Ed Elric is in there or is it because of the
"make their mothers proud"
thing? Because that'd also be Ed Elric (and what I was amused by).


Neo Member
It took me a minute, but now I'm laughing too. wooooooow

edit: we might not even be laughing for the same reason. Is it because it says "heroines" even though Ed Elric is in there or is it because of the
"make their mothers proud"
thing? Because that'd also be Ed Elric (and what I was amused by).

Oh no, you're correct. The Heroines bit was funny, and it took me a second, but then it got even better. Oh Hulu.
Initial -D fifth stage - 11

So galactic moron finally realised that he was an idiot. The end of that race was great however ... i was wondering why they had that third guy there for something so personnal but in the end it made sense.

And the good thing is that we finally have The final showdown !! A battle of stratégies ! A battle of skills ...COMING SOON

This final day is gonna be incredible.
Cardcaptor Sakura 26

So I guess with the last episode, we triggered a new "arc" basically in the show. An arc where basically, Clow Cards are on the move against Sakura. And now we get a new teacher, who is obviously mysterious.

So a Maze Card activated and stuff, and the mysterious teacher ends up saving them. Because she was the one to overcome it, she got the Clow Card but gave it to Sakura

And it can't be Cardcapter Sakura without someone being connected so someone right?
So the teacher is connected to Toya, Sakura's brother
. I guess that's something that is looked out for when dealing with the sexual deviant nature of this universe is how everyone is intertwined in some way considering character growth has barely happened.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal II 96



This make sitting through 95 episodes of stupid protag all the fucking worth it.

I don't think I can even put into words all the glee I was feeling as this episode was going. It was like multiple bitch slaps on the stupid protag over and over again. It was glorious.


Why Gargantia at #1? Sure it doesn't suck or anything but

Because Gargantia IS #1.

So, if any of you are interested, I made a new video on Youtube where I talk for a bit then paint in super fast forward so you don't have to watch for 2 hours. It's about 22 minutes long if you all want to see what I do with a lot of my spare time.

Here is the link.

I always appreciate you making these. Fascinated by them.

CrimGAF strikes again.

I guarantee you unless you just drive super slowly, 99% of people would break the speed limit there. Its literally just a cash grab and thats why its specifically put on that road.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal II 96



This make sitting through 95 episodes of stupid protag all the fucking worth it.

I don't think I can even put into words all the glee I was feeling as this episode was going. It was like multiple bitch slaps on the stupid protag over and over again. It was glorious.

You do know that they arenot going to let this one go , right ? The MC has to win ..you're aware of that, the question whevener he will use the power of friendship , the power of the cards or the power of the *sspull to win.

Of course they can choose to use all 3 powers at the same time too :)


The packaging of Dusk Maiden of Amnesia is pretty nice. It's better than IS packaging (also had a soundtrack).

The Infinite Stratos pakaging was incredibly nice. Far better than a show of that caliber deserved. Dusk Maiden is a MUCH better show. I didnt realize it came with a soundtrack!
Initial D fifth stage - 12

What a delicious episode ....

Final battle started , and while there is less TENSION than before the stakes are higher !
A perfect reason to bring the old cast back ...

It's going to be glorious ..can't wait for the next episodes :)
You do know that they arenot going to let this one go , right ? The MC has to win ..you're aware of that, the question whevener he will use the power of friendship , the power of the cards or the power of the *sspull to win.

Of course they can choose to use all 3 powers at the same time too :)

Let me have my one moment of happiness in this series.

I deserve it after going through 95 episodes of this crap.
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