Psycho Pass 1 - 11
You know, once I got it out of my head the notion of painting the Sybill System as the antagonist (ala Keubey and the Galactic Alliance) in the story, everything began to click. I got how everything worked (if not the mechanics ie: What's the difference between a Crime Coefficient, a Hue and a Psycho Pass) and I saw how the various checks and balances worked and it actually did.
Granted not perfectly, the collateral is bloody obvious for one thing, but I get that's an ongoing topic rather than going "fuck Sybil, bring back whatever happened before it" and then there's where it went horribly wrong in Episode 11.
That...was rough and I...enjoyed probably the wrong word...the set up to the point where it was shown that Sybil wasn't this all perfect thing to Akane. I want to write "Battles" like that where the art of fighting takes a deep second to people's ideologies.
I look forward to the second half.
Oh and Sidebar; I remember the idea that Akane wasn't supposed to be "moé" and all, and big ups for them trying to do that but they sorta failed miserably.
Also I'd be remiss if I didn't mention
Digibro and
His review on the matter as his review has helped the situation.