Nanoha ViVid 1
Well, I'm glad that I didn't have very high expectations for this, because it was about as not-great as expected. I don't know why the Nanoha series writers never managed to make a good anime or manga again after A's, but that continues here. Nanoha becoming an adult is just fine, that could be great. It's the direction the series has gone in that's the problem! But for this series in specific, here are some of the bigger issues I have through episode 1.
1) First, who are these people? I mean, I know Nanoha, Fate, Vivio, Cario, and Eris (I think that last name is wrong). But who are the rest of these characters? I imagine that Vivio's school friends are new, but the rest of these people, the show seems to assume that I remember who they are, and care about their stories and stuff, but I don't. Nobody is introduced, no backstory is explained, nothing. Who is the sick girl? Vivio's the queen or something? I forget any of tha tstuff. I mean, I watched and quite liked the three original seasons of the anime, and watched the first movie (never did get to the second one), but it's been eight years since StrikerS started, you can't assume everyone will remember everything, and I don't want to have to rewatch Strikers, I remember it being average at best. So yeah, this episode was confusing.
2) As with StrikerS, the series continues with the "Nanoha became boring" plot direction that was one of StrikerS' biggest flaws. There's no good reason for Nanoha to be so much cooler at age 10 than she is now. I want beam spam, not her making omelets for Vivio! At least Fate's still more active, but this mostly seems to have just reduced her screen time, which is unfortunate. And on a related note...
3) This episode repeats one of the stupidest things about StrikerS, the refusal to admit that Nanoha and Fate love eachother. Come on, anyone who's watched the series knows they aren't just friends. They live together, share a bed, the girl they're raising calls both of them "mama", etc. The idea that they are "just friends" is insultingly dumb, but this series continues it. Come on. Just say the obvious.
4) The level of loli-fansevice is closer to the movies than the original three seasons of the show, unfortunately. Ugh. That I disliked that stuff is one reason I never watched the second movie, after the way the first one was. I know, it's just a transformation sequence, but still...
Beyond those major issues, this episode was okay. Fate's reaction to Vivio's transformation was amusing, even if it's VERY implausible that Nanoha had never mentioned it to her. It is nice to see a Nanoha anime again too, it's been too long. I just wish that the series' writing was better, they just never have recaptured the magic of the first two seasons. The other major spinoff manga is far worse than this one, too, so that isn't the answer. (Please don't make a Force anime. I'd rather pretend that thing doesn't exist.)