Inou battle wasn't anything special. It did have one hell of a performance (uh spoilers I guess?) which I think is worth experiencing at least.
Bare-foot Goddess 3
not a bad episode, i think im part of the fucking problem now![]()
Hestia the Animationwhat show?
Shokugeki no Soma 3
Megumi grew on me. I was not a fan of her at the beginning. Hopefully she will continue to grow as a character because being shy and timid can only last for so long.
Tentacles make an appearance again. Don't know why Soma has a thing for squid.
I didn't know a bird could look so pissed off
Guess I'll go and re watch a certain Hunter x Hunter episode
Lupin The 3rd: From Siberia With Love DVD [Discotek]
Run Time: 90 min
Audio: Japanese audio with English subtitles
Format: DVD
Price: Price @ $14.99
Release Date: 6/2/2015
5 Centimeters Per Second DVD [Discotek]
Run Time: 63 min
Audio: English and Japanese audio with English subtitles
Format: DVD
Price: Price @ $14.99
Release Date: 6/2/2015
Noragami - Complete First Season - FUNimation Exclusive Blu-ray & DVD [Funimation]
Run Time: 330 min
Audio: Blu-ray: Dolby TrueHD: English 2.0 / Dolby TrueHD: Japanese 2.0 DVD: English 2.0/Japanese 2.0
Format: BD+DVD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $59.99 (25% savings)
Region: A|1
Release Date: 7/7/2015
Special Features:
- Yato Business Card Holder
- 5-Yen Coin
- Episode Commentaries
- Textless Opening Song ''Goya no Machiawase''
- Textless Closing Song ''Heart Realize''
- U.S. Trailer
- Trailers
One Piece - Season Seven, Voyage One DVD [Funimation]
Run Time: 325 min
Audio: English 5.1 Surround / Japanese Stereo
Format: DVD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $29.99 (25% savings)
Region: 1
Release Date: 7/14/2015
Special Features:
- Episode Commentaries
- Villains and Fishmen: A Peek Behind the Curtain
- Textless Opening Song - ''We Are!'' ~One Piece Animation 10 Year Anniversary Ver.~
- Textless Opening Song - ''Share the World''
- Trailers
One Piece - Collection Thirteen DVD [Funimation]
Run Time: 672 min
Audio: English 5.1 Surround / Japanese Stereo
Format: DVD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $26.24 (25% savings)
Region: 1
Release Date: 7/14/2015
Special Features:
- Episode Commentaries
- One Piece in the Booth: with Braina Palencia
- One Piece in the Booth: with Colleen Clinkenbear
- Textless Songs
- U.S. Trailer
- Trailers
Fullmetal Alchemist - The Conqueror of Shamballa Blu-ray [Funimation]
Run Time: 149 min
Audio: English and Japanese audio with English subtitles
Format: BD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $14.99)
Region: A|1
Release Date: 7/21/2015
Special Features: TBD
TO Movie - Elliptical Orbit / Symbiotic Planet DVD [Funimation]
Run Time: 160 min
Audio: Japanese audio with English subtitles (Dolby TrueHD: Japanese 2.0)
Format: DVD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $18.74)
Region: A|1
Release Date: 7/21/2015
Special Features:
- Special Interviews with Director and cast.
- Elliptical Orbit Trailer
- Symbiotic Planet Trailer
- Promo Videos
- TV Spots
- Teaser
- Trailers
Inari Kon Kon - The Complete Series + OVA DVD [Funimation]
Run Time: 295 min
Audio: Japanese audio with English subtitles (Dolby TrueHD: Japanese 2.0)
Format: BD+DVD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $37.49 (25% savings)
Region: A|1
Release Date: 7/28/2015
Special Features:
- Pub Fox Theater Episodes 1-9
- Commercial Collection
- Promotional Video
- Textless Opening Song ''Kyo ni Koiiro''
- Textless Opening Song ''SAVED.''
- U.S. Trailer
- Trailers
009 Re:Cyborg - The Movie Blu-ray & DVD [Funimation]
Run Time: 126 min
Audio: Blu-ray: Dolby TrueHD: English 5.1 / Dolby TrueHD: Japanese 5.1 DVD: English 5.1 Surround/Japanese 5.1 Surround
Format: BD+DVD
Price: Price @ shop.funimation: $26.24 (25% savings)
Region: A|1
Release Date: 7/28/2015
Special Features:
- Exclusive 44-Page Interview and Data Booklet
- Special Prologue
- Promotional Video
- Teasers
- Theater Ad
- Trailers
- U.S. Trailer
*Ominous music and weather*
Inou battle wasn't anything special. It did have one hell of a performance (uh spoilers I guess?) which I think is worth experiencing at least.
Monster 71-74 ENDUrasawa is the Real
"You know Tenma, we really are in a Trigun ripoff."
"And a poor one at that, Johan"
That fucking drunkard robbed the story of Tenma actually having to make a difficult choice.
After the disappointment that was the whole Ruhenheim arc, they had at least decent epilogue going on but of course they had to shit the bed with this ambiguous bullshit.
Bonaparte sure had a weird way of expressing his love. Also you forgot to kill Capek, you moron.
What a fucking waste of fucking space-time continuum the entire Munich storyline was.
Johan was such abloody drama queen. Go buy a Hestia string and hang yourself on it.
Best Shokugeki shown already
This is surprising. I've never seen the show but was under the impression it was generally really well-liked.
oh and...
He definitely isn't. Now, the guy does mostly fit into the "nice pervert" stereotype, so he is stereotypical, but at least he's not a "I am perfect and the best at everything ever" type like Kirito, the Mahouka guy, or the NGNL guy all are. Trinity Seven's main character is actually kind of likable, something I would not say about those others there.Hmmm...Interesting. From all I heard of this show it looked like yet another terrible harem anime, which I see you watch and complain a lot about.
Hearing you say this is actually making me want to give the series a shot later.
I mean, an MC that isn't a Kirito-esque MC is always a plus.
I stopped watching Dog Days partway through season 2, but I might pick it up again, it's a decent show for the genre.What ? what's wrong with dog days ... it's a show in fantasy , with good production values that actually knows what it wants to be.
I can't see much wrong with dog days considering the premise.
Yeah, this is pretty accurate. I do feel like a lot of stuff has to have been decided beforehands, instead of just making it all up as they go along, because it all ties together well... but the exposition is definitely very slow, and even the manga still hasn't said a lot of things it'd be nice to know.You're right , the world building isn't bad , it's just slow .. VEry slow. In short you have to accept certains thinsg when they happens , because they happen because the show doesn't give much forshadowing to each event.
Well, the basic concept is that they are the best mage students, that's why they are in Trinity Seven. What's so hard to believe about that? Some students have to be better than the others...I have only one problem with trinity system use of magic. You have to accept that the trinity seven are the best at what they do. That's it. All their powers are cheated beyond what should be acceptable in any normal anime and that's why most of their opponent are in the same category or beyond.
You are right on this point, the anime did cut back on some important explanations. I would recommend that anyone who liked but was a bit confused by the anime should read the manga, the explanations are better there. They rushed some things to get through more material in the anime, and it did hurt a bit in shortened explanations.When in the manga they are actually explaining the magic system , it make sense , but the show in anime doesn't focus on that too much. i like it because the show can focus on the things happenning but there isn't a focus on magic system itself and it feel most of the time artificial or not important. i guess this is what happen when your characters are at the top of the food chain at the start.
There has been some progress in the plot more recently in the manga explaining the nature of what Magic Kings and their Trinity Sevens do, what Arata wants to do versus what Hijiri wants to do, etc, so it's not entirely unexplained... but all that does is emphasize how bad shape the world they are in is, really. Manga spoilers:I agree with this 100% in trinity seven , it's clear that , the lack of details on what happening outside teh school , is more a result of the world not being in a great shape , hence why there is a need to investiogate whenever something happens ( 3 opccurences so far in the manga )
Well, he definitely, as I said above, falls right into the "nice pervert" character type, so he's not entirely original, but he does have a more interesting attitude and character than a lot of protagonists in the genre, I agree. And I definitely agree about the "fun" element -- the humor and fun of the series, despite the dark and depressing world, is one of its strong points.I like teh show because the MC is different , the mC isn't there to get the girls , he changes the girls , little by little because he is different. He is not falling for the common problem that the normal MC have with girls , instead he enbraces all of this . I very happy to see someone having fun despite having his whole town destroyed and his beloved desintegrated in front of him. Kudos to this character.
Hestia the Animation
Oh, and Endless Eight isn't Citizen Kane. It's Koyaanisqatsi.
Moon Phase 04-06
Elfriede has thrown a few wrenches into the works here. I was thinking that Luna had vanished after Hazuki came to Japan, but that is not entirely the case. There's a lot of cool visual stuff I like here, like how the scenes in the house are framed like a play or a dollhouse, leading to things like the falling pans at random intervals in episode 5, or the largely muted color palette in episode 6. I'm glad that Shinbo has passed his style onto others, because it makes anime all the better for it - Nisekoi is getting good use out of techniques pioneered here. Also, I realize that Haiji is also Mesousa, another case where Shaft used their favorite VAs again to the best of their ability a year later. The supernatural stuff is being kept pretty tight-lidded, and the catgirl vampire stuff is super cute. Chiwa Saito's got a really flexible voice.
Nagato Yuki-chan 03
lively club is back again
Yeah, after StrikerS I kind of felt like the series was trying to yuribait while also claiming that that these characters aren't actually in love with eachother, which is pretty disturbing when they have a very obvious real relationshipAnd here comes the next series, doubling down on that interpretation from the mouth of Vivio. It's not right. So yeah, I entirely agree with you. Would the writers do this kind of stuff with a heterosexual relationship? I wonder. Nanoha and Fate are adults now, you can't get away with "youthful indecision" anymore.I suppose the bigger problem was the StrikerS cast was largely forgettable. Also, I am with Black Falcon, the best friends designation is, while not inaccurate, as they are indeed best friends, still lacking the proper gravitas and has disturbing deeper implications. It is a problem that needs fixing.
Subaru's sister... I'd forgotten Subaru had a sister. Those Strikers characters really are so forgettable, as Shard said... I remember the first two seasons much better! It's sad that the writing stopped being good after A's.Subaru sister already appeared in episode 1:
Yep that the familly name. And subaru is in episode 2.
Ps: they didn't adopt all the numbers , but you get the point.
No, I wasn't saying the plot is bland (StrikerS mostly was, but that's another issue), I'm saying that the anime/manga style of having fantasy and sci-fi worlds nearly identical to our own is kind of boring and unrealistic, compared to more plausible fantasy and sci-fi worlds that are not the same as modern late 19th/early 20th century Earth is.Vivid is about the old belkia wars and the new society. it may be bland now , but as vivid will continue , there will be some intresting things that will happen.
The first episode mentioned this in its plot, though... but if they are going to explain it, that's good.They will mention that quite soon, when the plot will need it.There is a reason why they showed vivio visit to the church after all.
does this show still suck?
It's quite overrated.This is surprising. I've never seen the show but was under the impression it was generally really well-liked.
does this show still suck?
"You know Tenma, we really are in a Trigun ripoff."
"And a poor one at that, Johan"
does this show still suck?
If what you felt the show was missing was Haruhi antics, she's back in the third episode and as crazy and fourth wall breaking as ever. Kyon is also much more sarcastic towards Haruhi, because she's actually in a role worth retorting at.
If what you were missing was the weird sci-fi's not here, it will only slightly intrude ever.
it's gotten more bearable
everyone is back at least
Nagato Yuki-chan 03
lively club is back again
Yeah....I like the series (I've read the manga before this) but this Hestia crave is freaking me out.
oh and...
I want to watch the original Haruhi anime (never watched it). What order should I watch the episodes in? I'm kinda confused from reading wiki. Is the chronological better or the order in which it was broadcasted?
I want to watch the original Haruhi anime (never watched it). What order should I watch the episodes in? I'm kinda confused from reading wiki. Is the chronological better or the order in which it was broadcasted?
Arslan Senki
Opening: Its UVERworld. Anyone who dislikes this may just as well admit to having horrible taste.
Ending: Not bad. Not good either.
Opening: Not feeling it. Think it's pretty lame honestly. Toothbrush scene is cute though.
Ending: Once again not really feeling it. Pretty disappointing overall.
Opening: It's a Gintama opening. That means its great. Period.
Ending: It's a Gintama ending. That means its great. Period.
Hibike! Euphonium
Opening: Thankfully, it's actually pretty decent. Would have been a shame if this was really awful just like..
Ending: One of the absolute worst from this season. Will always skip it.
High School DxD Born
Opening: An improvement over S2. Maybe even better than S1 too.
Ending: Obligatory "There will never be another ending as stellar as the one from the 1st season." Still okay on its own. That last scene though? SWEET. JESUS.
Kuroko S3
Opening: Not my favorite Kuroko OP. Nor do I think its better than Funky Love.
Ending: Really feels like a proper ending to the overall series.
Nagato Yuki-chan
Opening: I don't really like it. Honestly feels like one of the worst from this season.
Ending: Really relaxing. Might even be able to sleep while listening to it.
Naruto Shippuden
Opening: Actually think its pretty good. Problem is that it isn't as good as Silhouette. Bonus points for having Guy vs Madara though.
Ending: We couldn't protect his smile. An okay ending that just like with the opening, is not as good as the previous one.
One Piece
Opening: It's alright. Think its on the same level as Wake Up! Neither of which have beaten Hands Up! as the superior opening since the time skip.
Ore Monogatari!!
Opening: Right at that crossroad between good and great. Sort of surprised I'm positive about it myself.
Ending: Think it's pretty average. Not exactly one of those ending where I'm going to remember.
Shokugeki no Soma
Opening: I really, really wanted to like this. I really do. But the singers voice just ruins the entire thing for me. Which is a shame since the overall soundtrack has been fantastic.
Ending: My favorite from this season. Everything including the song, nudity, food, and the whole last supper parody works so well together.
Traige X
Opening: Kinda similar to SnS where I'm not a fan of the OP even though the soundtrack seems pretty good.
Ending: Seems pretty forgettable. Titty jiggling does nothing for me when DxD can fulfill my needs.
Yahari S2
Opening: Probably my 2nd favorite from this season. Follows up quite nicely from the 1st season.
Ending: I feel all warm inside when I hear this and I can't explain why. One of the best of the season.
Also, while I'm not watching Unlimited Blade Works just yet (Picking up Fate/Zero soon), I consider Brave Shine to be my personal favorite OP of the season.
Nisekoi 2
Best girl episode.
Shitoge wasn't even in it.