check your region 1 privilege TUSR
check your region 1 privilege TUSR
There is still another few books left to adapt which encompasses a "third" season. Tsukimonogatari is the first of the third season and it will just be a matter of time until it's all animated.
Sweet, something to look forward to. Does it take place during college, or fill the gap between Tsukimonogatari and graduation day, or the events from the end of Monogatari second season "Sabusa tiger" or whatever it was called?
Does anime gaf have an opinion on funimation vs crunchy roll?
I just noticed the ps4 app for funi was available here and aside from a few hiccups at the start of a show seems to be pretty good. And every episode of one piece in one place is like a dream.
Does anime gaf have an opinion on funimation vs crunchy roll?
I just noticed the ps4 app for funi was available here and aside from a few hiccups at the start of a show seems to be pretty good. And every episode of one piece in one place is like a dream.
Yams watch Blood Blockade Battlefront, it has the best OP and Ending this season and it's pretty much one of the best anime this season.
Also while your at it watch Arslan Senki some good stuff.
Food Wars 3
OK, I'm going to assume that episode one's squid incident was a one off fuckup and just go from there. I think JC Staff have gotten a grasp of this whole foodgasum thingy.
Don't accustom too much to the Ninja Slayer's OP on its current form, because judging by the words from Hisaaki Okui about his final contribution to the opening animation not yet there and unfinished ( along with the obvious place-holder footage, all hints that it could end up changing quite a bit... maybe they conserve for it some cuts like the final one that homages the 'tokusatsu' series Jiraiya: War of the World Ninjas.
Plastic Memories ep.3
I really like this show. I can't pinpoint why, but it's a great mix of emotions from funny to happy to sad. I hope they found a happy ending for this one, but it will definitely be a great emotional ride. Really good show.
SNAFU / OreGairu S2 Episode 3
Before starting this episode, I rewatched all of season 1 and the first two episodes of season 2 to get a refresher on the characters and various plot points. I liked SNAFU S1 for the cast of characters, humor and how relatable Hachiman and his ideology was. After reading some of the analysis on the last episode then rewatching everything, I have a far better appreciation of the characters than I did originally. They're fairly well developed and continue to grow.
Hachiman refuses to change his ways, despite being aware of what hes doing and hating himself for it. Yui looked so surprised and disappointed when Hachiman suggested throwing himself under the bus yet again for a new request. What really made that scene was how desperate Yukino became to convince Hachiman otherwise, losing her composure in the process.
The scene with Haruno in the cafe was so uncomfortable to watch. I dont understand her motives. I dont really understand her relationship with Yukino either. Yukino respects and looks up to her sister, yet they dont talk. Haruno "smothers and kills with too much attention" the people she likes, yet she seems to always put them in really awkward situations. Is this her kind of tough love? Make them so uncomfortable they have no choice but to change and overcome?
I felt so bad for Hachiman during that entire scene. That old crush of his just brushing his past confession off like it was nothing, then tries to use him to get closer to Hayama. No shame at all. Speaking of Hayama, seems like he and Haruno had some kind of history.
Theres also the new girl Iroha. I dont really like her, she seems like the really manipulative type. Or maybe she isn't but other girls assume she is which is why they bully her. Though she did have that amazing expression on her face watching Hachiman and Yukino shoot rockets at each other. We'll see. Yukino is definitely going to run for president now. She has to, because the only options now are to either go with Hachimans self destructive plan or to reject the request outright. Theres that foreshadowing by sensei too.
This show is just so good. Currently my favorite this season.
using VLC and not MPC
Dude Kekkai is a train wreck in my opinion, its trying too hard to be unique/different. I wanna like the show cause its based on NY (ain't doing that good of a job on translating the city into an anime) however, I'll keep it giving it a chance until episode 5.
Well I really like the song a lot but its nice to hear that they are making a quality intro. Plus the blonde is so well damn animated in the intro! I need more trigger anime! Any recs besides kill la kill? I want a serious story, not some random inferno cop BS lol
What does this mean?
Little Witch Academia is the best thing Trigger has put out. Watch that!
sonicmj1 said:The real problem here is that, because of how quickly they move in and out of the story, the emotional core of this episode feels hollow. The danger the drug represents, the whole reason that Klaus is involving himself in this game of death, is set up by one clipped, unclear security camera feed. In order to give the game the time it needs, the episode rushes through the investigation they did prior, visually communicating how hard they tried, but not communicating the meaning behind the effort. As a result, it doesn't really feel like it matters if he loses, or like losing is really a possibility.
Moyashimon OP is too damn cute.
Kizumonogatari hasn't been adapted yet, which is the prequel to Bake and Neko.
The arc is calledKoyomi Vamp.
We all know the ending.Either that or she'll be the first robot that actually transcends the normal 10 years and remembers everything purely based on her will.She loses her memories at the end but he requests to see her body again and history repeats itself, akin to the Fire Emblem ending. However, the anime is without the repetition so they will have to foster a new relationship. It kinda frustrates me though that studios play it too safe with these stories and try not to reach a zenith in the show, like them copulating to build that emotional attachment and make it that much harder to forget about her, hence making it a sobbing ending.
Criticrista looks more like the kind of band you'd get from a show like PriPara or Aikatsu, with all their coordination and their cuteness. The monsters that were there in the first episode seem to be lying dormant for now as the rest of the bands make their way to the stage. And it looks like the girls' backstories were really true - there really are sheep aliens that Moa is in contact with and doing research on the music world for for some reason. All we have to see is the last, and most Japanese, of the bands that was teased at the very end of the episode, and then things can really get moving.
Angel's Egg
The atmosphere in this movie was nothing short of amazing. The dark, mystic and creepy environments was a treat to watch. It's timelessly stunning.
The soundtrack in this was haunting yet beautiful. And the detail of sound was great.
There is not much dialogue, and the story is rather told through events and gestures. However that didn't take away from the experience, quite the opposite actually. It elevated it.
I don't think this is a movie for everyone, and I didn't think I would like it going in, but I really enjoyed it. Image Dump.
Hello!! Kinmoza 3
This show is way too adorable!
Does anime gaf have an opinion on funimation vs crunchy roll?
I just noticed the ps4 app for funi was available here and aside from a few hiccups at the start of a show seems to be pretty good. And every episode of one piece in one place is like a dream.
True, there are only two possible outcomes here, and it would be interesting if they dove deeper into a human/android love/sexual relationship to even further the pain of the ending, but I have a feeling that the red-headed chick pops in the equation somehow, or at least tries to.
Kemonozume?Its the usual trope in animes, the whole butting in and interrupting something at the wrong time, been in for as long as I can remember lol. the only animes that ive seen go explore sexual relationships are valrave, for the wrong reasons, and thats it... from my memory lol. any anime that goes into sexual relationships? im looking for something a little more mature now, or explore the topic of it (either one is good so i can have a list). im spoiled cause there are a lot of manga that just go straight into it.
I think I'm going to put B3 on hold until the dub is out because it's so damn pretty in motion I kind of want to fully enjoy that without having to read subs.
Uhhh Shigurui? Depends how you define relationship. lol
Both great shows!
It has a good chance to air on Toonami as well.
Its the usual trope in animes, the whole butting in and interrupting something at the wrong time, been in for as long as I can remember lol. the only animes that ive seen go explore sexual relationships are valrave, for the wrong reasons, and thats it... from my memory lol. any anime that goes into sexual relationships? im looking for something a little more mature now, or explore the topic of it (either one is good so i can have a list). im spoiled cause there are a lot of manga that just go straight into it.
I finally finished this movie since they added it to Crunchyroll's line up. I'm guessing that finishes up the anime series and what a ride it was. I'm glad it was a safe ending again and of course Araragi againwith a little help from the "monster" lol. Seeing Senjougahara one last time in a "sweet moment" as well as the "doll" situation ending was perfect too!got himself out of trouble,
Did the Hyouka JP bundle come out yet?
Wasn't there going to be a packaged original story manga by the author included with it?
So the movie that closes out Monogatari essentially ends it, but they never cover the actual graduation, etc.
The problems you have with this series are of the same type I often see myself having when I try to uncover why I'm not enjoying a work. Specifically, when a show has an unestablished setting that doesn't feel properly fleshed out— i'm especially sensitive to that. Ironically, I haven't had any problem with BBB's setting and I think Matsumoto has done a proper job in making Jerusalem's Lot feel like a bustling city while still being alien. I think that might be in part because I'm enjoying the core material of the show (more than I thought I would considering people's hesitation with it), so maybe I'm not noticing the missing pieces as much. It also feels like we've barely had any proper time to give the setting the breathing room that it needs. The pace of the show has been pretty to the point; we've had one rough introductory episode and two that feel more contained— a lot of the third in a different locale entirely. Hopefully it has time to slow down and realize itself a bit more because I think if it kept this rhythm I might be with you there.[Blood Blockade Battlefront] - 3
I can't really call this show a serious disappointment because it's not actively bad but I just had certain expectations for a Rie Matsumoto working on a BONES series which haven't been met. As Tamerlane said on Twitter earlier, there's lots of little things that really hold this series back, rather than any massive flaws.
Okay, that was technically a lie. There is one really noticeable problem with this series that I would describe as actively bad, and that would be the audio mixing. Sometimes I can barely hear the soundtrack, at other times the character audio isn't loud enough. I don't really consider these kinds of problems acceptable because the mix of the audio isn't something I should even be thinking about, let alone commenting on.
With regards to the rest of the production, it looks surprisingly cheap for a BONES series and it feels kind of low rent. There were a few animation nice cuts in the first episode and I only hope that by the time we get to another major 'event' we get to see that kind of quality again. Still, the storyboarding/direction is well above average with a number of neat transitions, unique shots and quirky scenes throughout.
Unfortunately all this seems to be in service of a fairly generic story which I presume to be the fault of the source material. You can dress it up and show it in a unique light but if core of the show is built on weak writing then you can't really achieve a great series. There are a few issues I want to touch on, specifically the setting and the characters.
It's extremely clear that the 'hook' of this series is the setting itself. New York has been infested with all kinds of weird monsters, reality itself has buckled and the city has been renamed 'Jersualem's Lot'. The problem I have with this element of the world building is how the city doesn't really feel like a real place; I can't detect the character of New York anywhere. Even though it is a fantastical locale, you need some element of cohesion make a setting work. Jerusalem's Lot feels less like a city and more like a bunch of random-ass places that are connected only through editing. Kind of like Dark Souls II, to make an analogy that you gamers would understand. As the setting makes no sense and it feels like anything could happen for any reason I don't really care what happens because it all seems like nonsenses.
The same can be said for the story beats. In this weeks episode, a problem I didn't understand was solved by characters I barely know in a manner which was completely opaque and the consequences of which are unclear. As you can imagine, I was left feeling rather cold on the whole affair.
Perhaps at some point the plot will arrange itself into something more interesting, or the characters will become more fleshed out. Time will tell.
Their leader looks to have a bit of a devious side as conveyed through the occasional hidden smirk, but for the most part, the cute is real.Is the new band in Show By Rock as cute as they seem to be?
Lol, that is a good question. In a non perverse way, only Araragi and Senjougahara even breach that mildly from what I'very seen, and there was nothing visual about it, just the knowledge that it happened. Even in something pretty dam lewd like Sekirei, there is no "sex" (well at least through the first 1 1/2 seasons.) You always see much lewdest stuff going on, but not it itself, why is that when they don't even have to be graphic to included it?
Its the usual trope in animes, the whole butting in and interrupting something at the wrong time, been in for as long as I can remember lol. the only animes that ive seen go explore sexual relationships are valrave, for the wrong reasons, and thats it... from my memory lol. any anime that goes into sexual relationships? im looking for something a little more mature now, or explore the topic of it (either one is good so i can have a list). im spoiled cause there are a lot of manga that just go straight into it.
It ends the "second season" of the -monogatari novels (though it was the third published). Tsukimonogatari starts the "final season" of the novels.
Have you seen Nekomonogatari Black yet? It was added to Crunchyroll the same day as Tsukimonogatari. It's a prequel to Bakemonogatari and aired right after Nisemonogatari. It's also one of my favorite arcs in the series![]()
Five were selected for the anime, but the mobile game has a lot more, a good proportion of which are based on/use music from real bands.How many bands are there in this goddamn
Is the new band in Show By Rock as cute as they seem to be?
I just gotta get through 14 more hours then I can watch it.
Very cute. The CG of them was great too.
Teasing Law's back story.
Can't wait for that part to be animated.
[Blood Blockade Battlefront] - 3
It's extremely clear that the 'hook' of this series is the setting itself. New York has been infested with all kinds of weird monsters, reality itself has buckled and the city has been renamed 'Jersualem's Lot'. The problem I have with this element of the world building is how the city doesn't really feel like a real place; I can't detect the character of New York anywhere. Even though it is a fantastical locale, you need some element of cohesion make a setting work. Jerusalem's Lot feels less like a city and more like a bunch of random-ass places that are connected only through editing. Kind of like Dark Souls II, to make an analogy that you gamers would understand. As the setting makes no sense and it feels like anything could happen for any reason I don't really care what happens because it all seems like nonsenses.
Well the Monogatari series is notoriously known for what it does. The only other show was High School of the Dead that made it obvious what happened. I find it kind of weird how a lot of cultures taboo the talk about sex when its one of the innate desires we have as humans. Definition of cleanliness/purity is not static (tried find a better word lol) but relative, sadly that relativity expands many cultures. Time to go back to manga to satiate my cravings.
Its the usual trope in animes, the whole butting in and interrupting something at the wrong time, been in for as long as I can remember lol. the only animes that ive seen go explore sexual relationships are valrave, for the wrong reasons, and thats it... from my memory lol. any anime that goes into sexual relationships? im looking for something a little more mature now, or explore the topic of it (either one is good so i can have a list). im spoiled cause there are a lot of manga that just go straight into it.
Yeah, I hear ya. It is odd that the "loli" scenes are commonplace and accepted, but there is nothing representinto a normal sexual relationship. Different strokes for different folks I guess, every culture is different.