HI. Watched...
*Sees Toradora being called bad*
Erm, have good day/night people!
Please Understand,
It was good until the last 10-15 mins, then it was a big "wtf"
HI. Watched...
*Sees Toradora being called bad*
Erm, have good day/night people!
HI. Watched...
*Sees Toradora being called bad*
Erm, have good day/night people!
Campione! Ep.1-5
Nice, I got to see a little tongue action, lol. Well, coming from ToraDora it's been a fun ride so far! The battle withthrew a lot of Greek mythology at ya real quick, but it was intresting stuff. The battles have been pretty cool and the MC isn't a complete wuss bag either. Looks like he about to add the best girl (#2) into the harem, so there is something to see in thisAthenabattle. Good watch so far..king on king
HI. Watched...
*Sees Toradora being called bad*
Erm, have good day/night people!
It's Toradorable!
Mikagura School Suite 03
Eruna has the tenacity of the girls of Milky Holmes, except for the fact that she was never on top. It's often said that the first step towards success is failure, and this is the finest example of that I've seen since the first Milky Holmes. Heroes have to fail at something, and a hero can fail at everything and still be endearing. That's why Doronbo became as iconic as they did. People like to root for the underdogs, and there's no one more underdog than Eruna. She's going to game the system and achieve her yuri wonderland/definition of success one of these days.
Also, is it just me or are there a lot of shows this season that don't have next episode previews attached?
Another week, another thread about how current anime sucks in the OT.
Another week, another thread about how current anime sucks in the OT.
Another week, another thread about how current anime sucks in the OT.
I have Ore Monogatari and Gintama. That's all I need. Welcome to the new age.
Doesn't matter when I have Kekkai Sensen, Gintama, and Arslan Senki.
Well this thread is all you need then that shit in OT.Another week, another thread about how current anime sucks in the OT.
That's the thing though, I feel like ever since this thread was moved to Community there's been a surge in those kind of threads. Not that this thread didn't deserve to be moved to Community. It gets pretty chaotic in here.Well this thread is all you need then that shit in OT.
Its sohere.![]()
Maybe they have a point given Gintama and Ninja Slayer is all that's going to be remembered a year from now.
Maybe they have a point given Gintama and Ninja Slayer is all that's going to be remembered a year from now.
Like people are going to be forgetting about Food Porn.
Like people are going to be forgetting about Food Porn.
I will make it my fucking mission that people forget about food porn that isn't just people cooking delicious shit in Food Network.
You can have food porn and food porn.
Like how you can have gun porn and gun porn. Isn't that what Upotte is?
I'm terrified of learning what gun porn is. And also curious. God help me.
I really like campione and the anime made me read the books. too bad the anime doesn't do a great job at pacing since so much is condensed in the original material.Campione! Ep.1-5
Nice, I got to see a little tongue action, lol. Well, coming from ToraDora it's been a fun ride so far! The battle withthrew a lot of Greek mythology at ya real quick, but it was intresting stuff. The battles have been pretty cool and the MC isn't a complete wuss bag either. Looks like he about to add the best girl (#2) into the harem, so there is something to see in thisAthenabattle. Good watch so far..king on king
Yup. Godou is another good harem lead beside Akatsuki. Dude actually gets shit done AND actually gets kissyface with his ladies. I definitely like the moment when he flips his shit in a later episode
Maybe they have a point given Gintama and Ninja Slayer is all that's going to be remembered a year from now.
Show By Rock will still be remembered.
That might not be working in its favor.Like people are going to be forgetting about Food Porn.
That might not be working in its favor.
Psychopass 2: 6
Well, I can start watching anime again now that I finished a maddening programming assignment.
The major revelation of the episode is that Togane wants to blacken Tsunemori's psycho pass. I don't have faith the show will reveal a good reason.
You should watch Upotte. It's... interesting.
Maybe they have a point given Gintama and Ninja Slayer is all that's going to be remembered a year from now.
If that were the case, I'd have forgotten Inferno Cop a long time ago, and I assure you, that is not the case. And I don't watch it for any "troll factor".Ninja Slayer will be forgotten before it finishes airing. Once the novelty/troll factor wears off, people will come to realize there's nothing there.
I really like campione and the anime made me read the books. too bad the anime doesn't do a great job at pacing since so much is condensed in the original material.
I would love a second season ( there is enough material for more ) but only if this stuff is not rushed
Yep i like how the girls actually contribue to the battle , even if godou is the giant finisher.
I like goudou , he actually earn his position and in a franchise where you mainly fight deities that is essential
This write up just made me want to watch Mushishi. Been putting it off for the longest while (And I did want to watch the season from October), so I think I'll start watching it.
So glad that everyone wants to post that scene. 83Sound! Euphonium 3
Sensei is such a badass. Telling kids they're complete shit while keeping up that perfect smile.
I guess thats why Kumiko's friend was depressed. She was probably one of the few that really wanted to be serious about this and not fuck around like most of the band is. 2 straight years of that would crush my spirit too. When the Light Music Club members have more motivation than you, you should really consider quitting the band.
One of the things I really like about Kyo Ani are the little interactions they make characters have with one another. For example, that 2 second bit where Kumiko passes by and laughs as Hazuki carries the desk and complains about being tired. Just one of those natural filler things people do in real life. I really appreciate those small details.
Dat "From The New World" at the end though. Damn. Asuka is fantastic but Kousaka is slowly creeping up. This showwwwww!!!!!! The OP is also really good.
Psycho Pass 2: 7
Before going on my rant, oh cool, the intro gradually changes into more statics as the episodes go along. I'm afraid it represents a descent into madness more for the people watching the show than the characters in it. Rant start.
Wellp, the show went full on stupid in this episode. You could see what it had in store right from the first scene. Seriously, the show said something stupid in the first freaking scene,which reveals that psycho passes could be contained in organs. That is utterly asinine because the first season made it clear the psycho pass was contained within the brain. Seriously, no mention were made that people contained some sort of Jungian collective unconscious!
Afterwards, it was actually a pretty cool scene of Tsunemori doing deductions regarding her case. Then her grandma is introduced in this contrived drone incident that has nothing to do with anything. Being introduced late in the series, I'm sorry Tsunemori's grandma. You are so dead.
Then comes the second point of utter stupidity. The Sybil system refuses to deactivate Shisui's account as an enforcer. Why? Because it needs to be perfect. Except season 1 made it clear it was the outwards appearance of perfection that mattered, and that any bending of rules was allowed behind the scenes in order to maintain that outward appearance! Furthermore, Sybil contradicts itself right then by telling Tsunemori should have shot Kamui right then and there! Which is what is in character for Sybil while the other situation is not in character at all.
Third point of extreme stupidity, and it involves Shimotsuki. At least this is expected of her. So, the reason the team hasn't followed the line of investigation in which Kamui takes the holo of dead people? Because she decided not to report to the team Hinakawa's observations. I have said this before, her personality has been tailored to get in everyone's way so the show can cheaply create conflict and contrive roadblocks. Her incompetence knows no bounds. Her invastigating creepy stalker enforcer barely does anything to redeem her. At least no one in universe likes her.
Finally the fourth point of extreme stupidity and the worst one because it is not related at all to the working of the Psycho Pass universe and stupid people, when it is revealed that Kamui was all these holos at the same time. EXFUCKINGCUSE ME?! Show, c'mon show. You expect me to believe he was doubling as all these people at the same time all this freaking time INCLUDING THE PSYCHOLOGIST THAT WAS TREATING GINOZA?!!! I'M NOT STUPID. There is lack of compatibility with in universe rules, and then there is completely stretching what a person is capable of doing at the same time! Are you telling me he was living all these people's lives? Unless there is some stupid revelation that there are many Kamui clones wandering out there or he is a superposition of many quantum states, THAT IS LITERALLY NOT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE. C'mon, the least a show can do is to obey the laws of causality! And why oh why would anyone do something that convoluted even if he was the sole survivor of that accident? It's not like he knew those people. I can't wait to hear the answer. \sarcasm
This is the episode the show completely falls apart. From the get go the payoff of the show was hanging on pulling the mystery right. When the solution to that mystery is the stupidest thing in the universe, and it is the set up for the late game, there is nothing the show is standing on anymore. Coupled that with the fact that it doesn't look as good as season 1, the characters aren't being nearly as engaging, Shimotsuki is the worst thing ever, and the exact same story beat from last season is being told incompetently, it is impossible not to notice this show sucks. All that is left is to disengage yourself from the show and look down in mockery.
Man, you should have seen AnimeGAF when they dropped that holo reveal. The goddamn therapist from S1 was actually Kamui, jesus christ Psycho Pass 2 is so fucking bad.
But it's okay. Now you can enjoy Psycho Pass 2 the way it was meant to be enjoyed; as a comedy.