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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Link Man

kancolle is big , heck currently bigger than touhou BUT touhou is still strong. no idea How kancolle will work on the very long term.
But touhou has proven that his very flexible multiverse can allow for anything to happen. I think touhou will be still strong when kancolle will fade.

Can you imagine what would happen if there was a crossover?
Hestia's clothes is catching on more than I thought.

Soul Eater 7

Ah yes Crona, the oh so ambiguously gendered person I've heard so much about. I personally choose to believe Crona has no genitals.

I just want to let you know right now, sorry about the ending. And Excalibur

I've heard a lot of differing opinions on him. I'll see how I personally feel about him when he shows up.
Hopefully he's not dancing to the longest song ever.


Kokoro Connect ep. 1-5

I had to retype this entire thing because of ep. 4-5. I started typing halfway through ep. 4 and heard the most hilarious secret admission and counter admission I've ever heard. Then $hit got real, like, really emotionally charged from amazing to OMG , WTF, WHY? in seconds, I wanted to cry Talk about tearing your heart in two; that guy is an a-hole. How often does this series mess with you liek that? Good relationships thus far, but I hate it that they always have to pit two friends against each other for 1 guy.. He made his choice, whjy force the issue? uuughh

Soul Eater 8

Stein is definitely shaping up to be one my favorite characters right now with this episode. More of him please.

And goddammit BlackStar, you're ruined what was supposed to be a touching moment.


I'll be waiting for your empresions on the end of this show.
I think it's very brilliantly done (you begin to admire it much more during rewatching), but some people don't like it.

Togame being the narrator seems so obvious that I fear someone, maybe even Shichika himself, will off her at the end. ;(

Ninja Slayer 2

Aieeeeeeee !

Well I smiled a few times which is more than I can say for Ore Monogatari.

I will laugh if all the eye candy from OP never makes it to the show proper.
Kokoro Connect ep. 1-5

I had to retype this entire thing because of ep. 4-5. I started typing halfway through ep. 4 and heard the most hilarious secret admission and counter admission I've ever heard. Then $hit got real, like, really emotionally charged from amazing to OMG , WTF, WHY? in seconds, I wanted to cry Talk about tearing your heart in two; that guy is an a-hole. How often does this series mess with you liek that? Good relationships thus far, but I hate it that they always have to pit two friends against each other for 1 guy.. He made his choice, whjy force the issue? uuughh

I think episode 5 is like the most emotionally charged point of the series. There was one other scenario that I can think of that was "up there. "
When everyone was forced to give in to their biggest desires it seemed like it was going to lead to a situation where Yoshifumi might try to rape Yui.
But it never really got close to that happening. The part where they "pit two friends against each other for one guy" resolves itself in a very un-anime-like level of satisfaction.

edit- Read your edit, maybe it won't be satisfaction to you.


Kokoro Connect ep. 1-5

I had to retype this entire thing because of ep. 4-5. I started typing halfway through ep. 4 and heard the most hilarious secret admission and counter admission I've ever heard. Then $hit got real, like, really emotionally charged from amazing to OMG , WTF, WHY? in seconds, I wanted to cry Talk about tearing your heart in two; that guy is an a-hole. How often does this series mess with you liek that? Good relationships thus far, but I hate it that they always have to pit two friends against each other for 1 guy.. He made his choice, whjy force the issue? uuughh


That's objectively wrong. ;)
Can you imagine what would happen if there was a crossover?
It would flop.
Touhou and kancolle are like oil and water ..both liquids but you can't mix them.

Hestia's clothes is catching on more than I thought.
Not even surprised considering what hata kenjirou has put in the hayate no gotoku manga.
( a list of other franchises referenced in hayate no gotoku would be long , really long )

Kokoro Connect ep. 1-5

I had to retype this entire thing because of ep. 4-5. I started typing halfway through ep. 4 and heard the most hilarious secret admission and counter admission I've ever heard. Then $hit got real, like, really emotionally charged from amazing to OMG , WTF, WHY? in seconds, I wanted to cry Talk about tearing your heart in two; that guy is an a-hole. How often does this series mess with you liek that? Good relationships thus far, but I hate it that they always have to pit two friends against each other for 1 guy.. He made his choice, whjy force the issue? uuughh
you just finished the first Arc .. are you ready for the rest ? be sure to watch kokoro connect untill the end .as you saw, you pov on many things can change VERY FAST
See after you've finished the anime.

John Blade

Nothing too crazy in this 5 episodes. Kinda follow the same pattern to tell the truth (an episode which explore one of the main character past and his romance, an episode which doesn't have to be made but only to explain a bit of the alien technology, an episode which you see the comedic character get marry, and an episode which the team was about to break up but come back in the end but isn't too important).

I am kinda feel like they're kinda repeat the same formula a bit here. Yes, they is some fighting scene mix in but that can only goes so far. One one episode where they take down the alien enemies in they own fort was interesting as you're seeing the inside of the enemy base. Still, kinda want to know more about the alien force but my attention is waning a bit here to the point I am actually watching You're under Arrest show as my side show right now.
Soul Eater 9

Excalibur introduces himself and is so far shaping to be... all right really. So far he's not as funny as some people claim but he's nowhere near as hateable either. Also helps that he has been doing a good job pissing off BlackStar.


Iyou just finished the first Arc .. are you ready for the rest ? be sure to watch kokoro connect untill the end .as you saw, you pov on many things can change VERY FAST
See after you've finished the anime.

That's objectively wrong. ;)

Wut? Is this a joke Corn? ��
I must be hallucinating.

$%^$^&$%& $%RF%^&$%&*%* This series is like one big mind fu(k to me right now. I have no idea what is going on. Heartseed is a di(k though.... I can say that with complete confidence...


Punch Line 03

Today is just a day of twists. The fully English cold opening was one thing, but then all the revelations. It's been a while since I've seen an anime do an "overheard innuendo" scene, and the one with Meika was funny on its own, but the way it tied into the greater mystery made it worth the while. Also, Meika is
a robot girl.
Makes me wonder if Ito is hiding more secrets she can't bear. The guy in the tights was indeed very odd, but man. A show with robots and superheroes and ghosts and who knows what else? If this had originated as a VN, I'd totally want to play it. Though Mikatan would probably be voiced by Yukari Aoyama.


K-On! 1-12

Really enjoyed the show. I can see why its as popular it is. Although they appear the exist in a universe where men don't exist.

PK Gaming

K-On! 1-12

Really enjoyed the show. I can see why its as popular it is. Although they appear the exist in a universe where men don't exist.

Make sure you catch the second season. The first season is good, but K-ON really takes off during the second season.


Praise the lord! Memories coming to Blu-ray in Australia on 22/7/15, instant Pre-order, stupid age rating be damned! This coupled with the US DVD release of Robot Carnival has me on cloud nine at the moment.
If you haven't seen Memories, I reviewed it here: Link and spoiler alert, it's amazing!
It still gets me that it catches so much flak when it's as innocuous as can be.

To me, the series came about at a time when the majority of productions brought over started to shift away from Western seniment and towards what they are now and K-On! ended up being the symbol of that due to lack of an easy plot filled with lots of exciting events each episode. Combine that with people wanting KyoAni to adapt everything again (more FMP/Key/Lucky Star/Haruhi (and then getting upset at E8)), and you pretty much end up with it being one of the biggest targets of hate from the fandom.

The actual show itself is charming and easy to recommend to the non-typical anime fan (that doesn't mind a lack of action) compared to some of the other material that gets adapted.


I'll be honest, the hate for it kind of works, because even though I've never seen K-ON, I almost get this cloud of detriment towards it whenever I think or see it, which is mad. It's probably a good show too, but damn the hate for it is almost infectious haha. Same goes for things like Toradora and the likes, a lot of people love them, and I'd hazard a guess and say they they are indeed great shows, or at worst, inoffensive, and yet the hate they get...maybe I let it all get to me haha. A weird phenomenon for sure. I'm sure there's worse out there!


Punchline Episode 3:

Alright, this show has been improving by the episode and is now showing deeper ambitions and it has toned down the fanservice and the stupid jokes, I think I shall keep watching for the season.


Subete no aware
I'll be honest, the hate for it kind of works, because even though I've never seen K-ON, I almost get this cloud of detriment towards it whenever I think or see it, which is mad. It's probably a good show too, but damn the hate for it is almost infectious haha. Same goes for things like Toradora and the likes, a lot of people love them, and I'd hazard a guess and say they they are indeed great shows, or at worst, inoffensive, and yet the hate they get...maybe I let it all get to me haha. A weird phenomenon for sure. I'm sure there's worse out there!
I think the complaints against it are completely inane though, consider what anime is out right now. Or even what anime was out in 2010. So it all comes down to either "nothing happens in the show" or "moeblobs are evil".

The world is against you about the hallway fight!
This is the world that will pay 15 dollars to watch a Ready Player One movie directed by Steven Spielberg. :p
I'll be honest, the hate for it kind of works, because even though I've never seen K-ON, I almost get this cloud of detriment towards it whenever I think or see it, which is mad. It's probably a good show too, but damn the hate for it is almost infectious haha. Same goes for things like Toradora and the likes, a lot of people love them, and I'd hazard a guess and say they they are indeed great shows, or at worst, inoffensive, and yet the hate they get...maybe I let it all get to me haha. A weird phenomenon for sure. I'm sure there's worse out there!

The "mob" effect is easily apparent in niche communities like the various anime boards and there's little reason not to differ from the consensus as you have to constantly defend your opinions, which leads to people leaving and doing their own thing. I was once a member of the AnimeSuki message boards but the incessant ranting and raving against Kyoto Animation, even when there were similar issues in other productions that got ignored, caused me to leave when the members were more interested in spouting ignorance than learning and accepting other opinions.

As humans, we like to categorize things. Putting people into "I don't trust this person" or "this person's right, I should listen to thing" boxes is fairly common and is what our brains tend to wire together. My issue sometimes is that I have opinions that may differ from people (including on this very forum), but people won't separate opinion from what I know about (neuroscience and anime production). People will lump me into that "I don't trust this person because he likes this show I don't like" box and start thinking everything I say is wrong.

It's difficult to break out of that mentality, but it's refreshing sometimes when you realize you can be individualistic. I too thought K-On! was a negative influence on anime at one point, and then I watched it. I started to enjoy it and wondered if people were wrong about that show, wouldn't I enjoy other things that were deemed "bad" as well? It helped me find what I enjoy in shows and what I don't enjoy too by letting me experiment more. Give it a shot if you have the desire and time. The worst that could happen is the first episode bore you and you drop it.


Kokoro Connect ep. 6-10:
It sucks I'm goign to have to wait until I get out of work late tonight to finish this one up, but this show has so many wierd arcs. They are not turning into
little kids and he is ordered to be their knight?
What is up with that? Also, the whole Lori/Inaba thing doesn't matter right now, so we'll see what happens in the last couple episodes. I'm guessing she is
going to try and stay a child
as she just mentioned because she doesn't like her current self. This show is so weird, there is no set mood/tone for the show, it jumps from twist to twist and mood to mood randomly, so we'll see what happens...


I was once a member of the AnimeSuki message boards
It was my first and before GAF, only anime community, so I didn't have a whole lot to compare it against, but I get what you're getting at here. The stuff against Mari Okada was nearly as bad as what KyoAni was getting, and often for similar reasons. I've said it before, but having /a/ set the baseline for the anime fandom's discussion (at least, I think it does, I'm not really sure if the Western/English-speaking anime fandom could be said to have a "baseline" with how fragmented everything is these days) has caused more harm than good.

Also, K-ON!, the whole package, is my favorite anime of all time. The emotions, the intimacy, the fanworks that sprung up around it, and the music - all of these things contributed to it being something wonderful. Being compared to it should be a compliment for any series.


Only 1 episode left, Jesus #25

Jeez, Manny. Have some self-respect.

This is literally one of the most half-assed "love stories" I saw, and I watched like 10 episodes of Captain Earth.

Also, everyone is fighting everyone, but I'm not sure why.

PK Gaming

I'll be honest, the hate for it kind of works, because even though I've never seen K-ON, I almost get this cloud of detriment towards it whenever I think or see it, which is mad. It's probably a good show too, but damn the hate for it is almost infectious haha. Same goes for things like Toradora and the likes, a lot of people love them, and I'd hazard a guess and say they they are indeed great shows, or at worst, inoffensive, and yet the hate they get...maybe I let it all get to me haha. A weird phenomenon for sure. I'm sure there's worse out there!

I honestly felt the same way, but after having actually watched the show, I kicked myself for feeling that way in the first place. It's cliched, but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.
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