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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Etotama 03

Well, I wasn't expecting that!
No more dess dess :C

I wonder if this means there'll be a significant change in tone? That could be interesting...


I think the complaints against it are completely inane though, consider what anime is out right now. Or even what anime was out in 2010. So it all comes down to either "nothing happens in the show" or "moeblobs are evil".

Yeah, I mean I don't even know much about the show, other than it's apparently evil.

The "mob" effect is easily apparent in niche communities like the various anime boards and there's little reason not to differ from the consensus as you have to constantly defend your opinions, which leads to people leaving and doing their own thing. I was once a member of the AnimeSuki message boards but the incessant ranting and raving against Kyoto Animation, even when there were similar issues in other productions that got ignored, caused me to leave when the members were more interested in spouting ignorance than learning and accepting other opinions.

As humans, we like to categorize things. Putting people into "I don't trust this person" or "this person's right, I should listen to thing" boxes is fairly common and is what our brains tend to wire together. My issue sometimes is that I have opinions that may differ from people (including on this very forum), but people won't separate opinion from what I know about (neuroscience and anime production). People will lump me into that "I don't trust this person because he likes this show I don't like" box and start thinking everything I say is wrong.

It's difficult to break out of that mentality, but it's refreshing sometimes when you realize you can be individualistic. I too thought K-On! was a negative influence on anime at one point, and then I watched it. I started to enjoy it and wondered if people were wrong about that show, wouldn't I enjoy other things that were deemed "bad" as well? It helped me find what I enjoy in shows and what I don't enjoy too by letting me experiment more. Give it a shot if you have the desire and time. The worst that could happen is the first episode bore you and you drop it.

I honestly felt the same way, but after having actually watched the show, I kicked myself for feeling that way in the first place. It's cliched, but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

Yeah it's really weird, we all like to think that we're above that, and that we hold the ability to make our own informed decisions, but to be honest we're all influenced by our peers one way or another, and generally go with the consensus. It’s a shame, because we'll miss out on a load of great stuff too at the behest of people who may not be as well informed as we'd think, too regurgitating what they've been fed. What makes it worse, is when you start to live and die by that opinion, almost allowing it to become a part of yourself and your identity, to a point where you defend that stance even though you truly have nothing to lose and no vested interest in said stance, instead sticking to your guns like an immovable object facing the unstoppable force. It became an ego thing, almost like you don’t want to admit that you were wrong, even-though in the end you truly never had an opinion in the first place, you just let others do the thinking for you.

In the end, it's toxic and for someone like myself, hard to shake myself from, being stubborn and fixated on never turning back for no reason other than not wanting to change I guess, maybe the irrational fear that it'll 'change' your outlook on things, or the realization that you missed out on things all these years....because you know...change is scary or some crap.


Only 1 episode left, Jesus #25

Jeez, Manny. Have some self-respect.

This is literally one of the most half-assed "love stories" I saw, and I watched like 10 episodes of Captain Earth.

Also, everyone is fighting everyone, but I'm not sure why.

That's Gundam for you.

I still believe all the praise I've seen for this one was an elaborate and long running prank.
Punchline 3

This show feels as if Uchikoshi wrote the script for a long VN, couldn't get it published and then crammed it into a 1-cour TV series. This episode felt particularly disjointed to me and a lot of the character revelations here are something that should typically in the second half of a show when the viewer already got know (and ideally like) the characters. In this case most of it just fell flat.
Comedy also isn't as good as I would like it to be. The comedic timing is lacking sometimes and jokes tend to be drawn out to much.

Also: Pretty sure the guy in the jumpsuit is MC and the ghost inhabiting him is MC from the future.


In any case I was always fixated against the idea of reading manga, never having read a single one even though I weirdly owned a few, but recently I've been toying with he idea of reading some, being very close to going on a shopping binge of sorts, so I am capable of change! Well...apart from the whole shopping binge part...that will never change D:

PK Gaming

What makes it worse, is when you start to live and die by that opinion, almost allowing it to become a part of yourself and your identity, to a point where you defend that stance even though you truly have nothing to lose and no vested interest in said stance, instead sticking to your guns like an immovable object facing the unstoppable force. It became an ego thing, almost like you don’t want to admit that you were wrong, even-though in the end you truly never had an opinion in the first place, you just let others do the thinking for you.

Hah, this applies to me more than i'd like to admit, but yeah, I completely get where you're coming from. Pride is a bitch. It makes you stubborn even when you know you're in the wrong. In my case, it was a good friend that got me to watch K-ON. I probably wouldn't have given it a chance if it weren't for him.


Etotama 03

Well, I wasn't expecting that!
No more dess dess :C

I wonder if this means there'll be a significant change in tone? That could be interesting...

Yeah, that was sudden as hell, she was a good one too! There has to be a way for her to return, but yeah, shit just got real..
went from Yuki Yuna to Madoka real quick


Ninja Slayer 02

Is stupid and fun but the cheap animation only works as a joke for a time, it also makes me feel like I'm watching some amateur youtube parody.


I got some things.


(This counts as anime, right?)

Wakfu looks interesting. What company released it?

Etotama - 03

Aw hell no. Don't tell me my
boar chan is kill
. I like the idea because it adds excitement and uncertainty, but
not boar pls
This show is surprising me every episode with how much I enjoy it. I appreciate the effort put into the fights.


This looks so hype. Cant wait to watch it.

Kokoro Connect ep. 1-5

I had to retype this entire thing because of ep. 4-5. I started typing halfway through ep. 4 and heard the most hilarious secret admission and counter admission I've ever heard. Then $hit got real, like, really emotionally charged from amazing to OMG , WTF, WHY? in seconds, I wanted to cry Talk about tearing your heart in two; that guy is an a-hole. How often does this series mess with you liek that? Good relationships thus far, but I hate it that they always have to pit two friends against each other for 1 guy.. He made his choice, whjy force the issue? uuughh


whoops you made a little mistake but no worries I fixed it!


whoops you made a little mistake but no worries I fixed it!

I guess I'll find out what the deal is later tonight, they build it up for Lori to be the natural fit, but from the convoy with her at the end of ep.10, it looks like things are about to change.

Oh, and on Etotama, ep.3 marks a huge tone change from previous episodes. Things just got interesting. .


Subete no aware

After seeing this once again in Gintama of all places, I decided to look up why shop keepers seem to sprinkle water on the ground with their little ladle thing. I assumed it had to do with cleanliness, but I guess the tradition - Uchimizu - is based on cooling down the day.

Who says you don't learn anything from cartoons?
You decide. There's high amount of Cajun outside of fights as well, so I hope that's your cup of tea.

Like, that's literally a Jajanken turning into a Kamehameha. I hope in the last episode she gets so pissed off at something she becomes the cat girl equivalent of a super sayian. CG is a bit eh, but it could be way worse I suppose.

It''s reallly dumb humor coupled with surprisingly well choreographed fights. Your call'

Considering how the reactions to the third episode are going, I might just give it a shot later on.


Etotama - 03

Aw hell no. Don't tell me my
boar chan is kill
. I like the idea because it adds excitement and uncertainty, but
not boar pls
This show is surprising me every episode with how much I enjoy it. I appreciate the effort put into the fights.


That gif is proof that awesome can be found in the unlikeliest of places. I've been meaning to start watching that anyway, but now I *have to* start watching that. I have a distinct weakness for awesome.


Yeah, that was sudden as hell, she was a good one too! There has to be a way for her to return, but yeah, shit just got real..
went from Yuki Yuna to Madoka real quick

Honestly think it's just some good old fashioned trolling on the show's behalf and that she'll be back like she never left given the show's tone and how this episode made sure to drive home the points of things happening when the viewer isn't around and reincarnation. It's a really good "gotcha!" sort of moment regardless. lol


Ive been meaning to watch Etotama but decided to catch up on other things first. After Tuesday I can watch it.

That gif is proof that awesome can be found in the unlikeliest of places. I've been meaning to start watching that anyway, but now I *have to* start watching that. I have a distinct weakness for awesome.

It's my #3 this season after Hestia and Plastic Memories. It's really fun, well, until. .
Punchline Episode 3

Great english with the Q turtle group. I like the mystery of Korai house too and that one randome villain. Kenji needs to come back too as he was quite funny.

I think that cast is all perfect and comedy is really great. Best punchline yet.


Honestly think it's just some good old fashioned trolling on the show's behalf and that she'll be back like she never left given the show's tone and how this episode made sure to drive home the points of things happening when the viewer isn't around and reincarnation. It's a really good "gotcha!" sort of moment regardless. lol

I really hope you're right, I loved the carefree and fun nature of ep 1 through ep 2.5


I've been meaning to watch that for ages. How many multiples of Grave of the fireflies would you give to Saikano?

Saikano is literally just never ending despair. It is like if you just put every character through the maximum of suffering with absolutely no hope.


Oh so that's what Saikano is, I'm bad with Japanese names lol, I've been meaning to read the manga for that, not seen the show, and I'm not a fan of the art style for the show but the manga looks legit good. Apparently it's similar to Bokurano? I need to watch that too :p A long time coming.


I do understand why action scenes are a huge appeal of something - tangible detail, a good reason to show off cool animation, lots of movies use them, etc. - but the stuff outside the action scenes and the emotions that go into them should be just as important as how cool something is, I feel.


Saikano is literally just never ending despair. It is like if you just put every character through the maximum of suffering with absolutely no hope.

Hahaha. These things come and go in phases, but at some point, I will remember this post and it will be less a warning and more of a sales speech. That will be the time to watch it.

Saekano as in the harem anime, right? It's a fun one, at least I appreciated the humor. .

Kek, hells no. SaiKano as in Saishuu heiki no kanojo or something like that. Notably famous for being depressive as fuck as the girlfriend is slowly being turned in to a cyborg WMD

I do understand why action scenes are a huge appeal of something - tangible detail, a good reason to show off cool animation, lots of movies use them, etc. - but the stuff outside the action scenes and the emotions that go into them should be just as important as how cool something is, I feel.

I do not disagree, per se, but I do like pure action with no strings attached as well. For example, the stuff that Monty Oum (may be rest in peace) put out before he started having anything even resembling a story in his videos. Icarus, Haloid, the first two Dead Fantasy eps...


I don't mean 0 as in how much I like the show, I really loved it from the first episode.
I meant the tonal shift that happened. Like what the actual fuck

Gottcha, yup...

I like that.
I like that a lot.
When a show starts off one way then goes batshit crazy.

Yup, very similar to the change in tone from ep. 2 to ep.3 in Madoka..
Hopefully, it's temporary though.. need that fun and cuteness.


Praise the lord! Memories coming to Blu-ray in Australia on 22/7/15, instant Pre-order, stupid age rating be damned! This coupled with the US DVD release of Robot Carnival has me on cloud nine at the moment.

If you haven't seen Memories, I reviewed it here: Link and spoiler alert, it's amazing!

Amazing film. I never did care much for part three, though. Is that hideous PG label a sticker on the case or *gasp* part of actual slip art? With this and a few other UK releases, I might need to look into a region free player.

As for the US, Cinelicious has Belladonna of Sadness slated for around Fall with a 4k restoration that's looking fab:




Amazing film. I never did care much for part three, though. Is that hideous PG label a sticker on the case or *gasp* part of actual slip art? With this and a few other UK releases, I might need to look into a region free player.
The third short is pretty interesting, the pace is a lot different to the first two which keep you on your toes, whereas the last short on the other hand is just this large take that swings and sways from one scene to the next to its inevitable end. Its odd, but in a good way. What it doesn't say in dialogue, it makes up for in the way in which it's both edited and animated. A fitting, sombre end to memories I thought. The great thing about memories is how there's something for everybody, and in a perfect world you'd like all three shorts, even so, one short alone is sure to win its viewers over and justify the viewing.

The Blu-ray is an Australian release, and as such is Region B. I'm not in the clue in regards to Siren Visuals releases, so I have no idea if they have slipcovers with their releases, but I'd hazard a guess and say that they don't and that the PG rating is on the cover itself, which is a shame as it's ugly as sin on an otherwise beautiful cover, but the disc is what matter in this instance, and I forgive it :p

Hopefully this is the first sign of Memories coming to the US and other regions outside of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea on blu-ray?

As for the US, Cinelicious has Belladonna of Sadness slated for around Fall with a 4k restoration that's looking fab:
I've been meaning to watch this for a while, looks absolutely gorgeous, thank you for bringing this to my attention, another instant purchase for sure :)


As for the US, Cinelicious has Belladonna of Sadness slated for around Fall with a 4k restoration that's looking fab:


That does look really fab. Might re-watch it in HD. Hmm.

I've been meaning to watch this for a while, looks absolutely gorgeous, thank you for bringing this to my attention, another instant purchase for sure :)
Be warned it's a really bizarre auteur film and about 97% of it is phallic objects presented in increasingly creative ways.

From Belladonna of Sadness to Ninja Slayer; anime really has declined.
To Ninja Slayer's credit, it is much better animated than Kanashimi no Belladona.
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