Psycho Pass 2 End
Holy cow the show went out guns blazing with its stupid. While none of the individual elements hold a candle to the episode 7 Kamui plot twist, the stupidity was so dense, collectively I can judge it to be the stupidest episode of Psycho Pass. (ha ha, see what I did there?)
In summary, Psycho Pass 2 is a show that is coherently asymptomatic and can die with a shot of destroy decomposer to its face. I hope the movie forgets this season ever existed.
I've been waiting for this
There really isn't much else to say. Psycho Pass 2 was directed by someone else, but that should be implicit. It was a massive train wreck. Enjoyable for it's absurdity, but a train wreck nonetheless.
Directed by someone else? Was it also written by someone else? Because different director alone can't explain the sheer terribleness. The worst part is the only character with a coherent arc is Shimotsuki, except the development went the way opposite it's supposed to. This must be the only show that a satisfying conclusion on a subplot made me want to puke.
There's always Yu Yu Hakusho and Level E
I fell asleep at 7pm and woke up at 3am, its 6am now so I didn't get to watch City Hunter today or eat...other than that, it was a good day I guess.
Ah my bad, I screwed up. The director didn't change between seasons, but the scriptwriter did. Gen Urobochi was in charge of the script for P1, but someone named Kumagai Jun handled P2's script.
lol, thats some sleep schedule you got there
Ah my bad, I screwed up. The director didn't change between seasons, but the scriptwriter did. Gen Urobochi was in charge of the script for P1, but someone named Kumagai Jun handled P2's script.
Girls and Tanks :3
Or if you haven't seen Gurren Lagann yet then check that out too.
Also Madoka
Syr has definitely been my favorite so far[/QUOTE]
Good Huggy!
Code Geass 1
There certainly are some characters with long, skinny limbs in this anime, aren't there.
Wasn't expecting that conclusion to the episode. Things could get interesting
Code Geass 2
I like it, the outsmarting the enemy seems feasible, given thatBritainians aren't very nice are they?they aren't aware that he knows all their movements. The scientist people just grabbing some random dude to test their mech was dumb though.
Code Geass 3
After all that he goes back to school?How very anime.And the rebel girl is in school with him?
Clever way to throw suspicion off himself.So there are limits on his power. That's good for the plot I suppose, as otherwise he could just concur the world by being OP in political dealings
yet another animegaffer has stumbled upon the legend.
This weeks releases, for 04/28/15.
Zvezda makes me sad. Such a pretty packaging wasted on dvd. I really want it but...dvd. what are the odds of a bluray release in future?
Wait, are we recommending magical girl shows?
Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo!
I still need to watch this. Not sure how at the moment.
Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 11-13
So that's season 1 of this show. was weird.
Like, I wouldn't call it bad, exactly, but it sure was confusing! Even by the end I was still having a hard time understanding just how exactly this world worked and how these characters worked in it.
Thankfully, the characters were entertaining. Tori could have very easily been made as a generic LN sort of main character. Instead he actually turned out to be pretty funny. It's not often that I see an anime having a dimwitted protagonist that almost always has a grin on his face.
I liked how the love confession scene went down. I mean, they kinda lost me halfway through that "parallel" nonsense, but I have to give the writer credit for doing it differently than most anime does these things.
Well, season 2 is next. Hopefully that one is much more easier to understand. Despite what I liked about this show, I think this is the most confusing anime I've ever watched.
Right, your next assignment is to start watching Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku.
Least they kept the yuri.
What did you end up thinking about Tori's power?
Not stumbled upon so much as I saw the reactions anime gaf had when other gaffers decided to start watching the show and figured I needed to watch it myself.yet another animegaffer has stumbled upon the legend.
Seems like a normal magical battle school anime so far, except the protagonist is more awesome and yuri as hell.What is it about? Does it have yuri?
Cornbread78 is currently in that phase where you're new to anime and just feel like watching anything, especially new stuff, to help get a sense of your own tastes. I imagine most of us have been there in the past, at least those of us who started really exploring anime in the streaming era. I've certainly been there myself.
However, and no offence is meant by this, but I hope that at some point in the near future Cornbread78 will actually start watching some good shows.
Wait, are we recommending magical girl shows?
Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo!
Seems like a normal magical battle school anime so far, except the protagonist is more awesome and yuri as hell.
I feel like I should actually make the effort to watch a Mahou Shoujo show. The only one I ever finished was Madoka.
But I'm already too deep into Mecha and starting to stumble into Idol territory, anymore and I will explode
I'm looking for the one that combines all three
Macross, Rayearth and Xenoglossia are pretty close!!
Seems like a normal magical battle school anime so far, except the protagonist is more awesome and yuri as hell.
Did someone say Magical Girl recommendations?
*Some things to expect from Doremi*
I feel like I should actually make the effort to watch a Mahou Shoujo show. The only one I ever finished was Madoka.
But I'm already too deep into Mecha and starting to stumble into Idol territory, anymore and I will explode
As it should be.oh you better fucking believe that's getting added to the watchlist
I feel like I should actually make the effort to watch a Mahou Shoujo show. The only one I ever finished was Madoka.
But I'm already too deep into Mecha and starting to stumble into Idol territory, anymore and I will explode
Code Geass 6
Pizza Hut and Cat Problems.
Seems like a normal magical battle school anime so far, except the protagonist is more awesome and yuri as hell.
I love how Code Geass is all over the place.
Did they try to makealready? that's the best scene.the worlds largest pizza
I shouldn't have clicked that spoiler. Now I feel like I'm missing out on something special.
I didn't read the spoiler, but I'm assuming whatever it is hasn't happened yet.Don't worry. That scene is just the beginning when it comes to stupid/weird Code Geass moments.
It's how I imagine your personality would be if you were a female protagonist in an anime.![]()
Well then!
Interstella 5555
Interstella 5555 is a collaboration between Daft Punk and Toei Animation. In essence it is a hour long music video for Daft Punk's Discovery album. There is no spoken dialogue and minimal sound effects thus the story is told entirely through the animation. The animation was beautiful throughout and there was always a clear sense of what the narrative was trying to accomplish during each scene. Every track had a different theme from a visual stand point and worked well. The stand out scene had to be Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, the imagery matched the track's theme extremely well. The plot does get a little silly by the end when the evil master mind's agenda is revealed within his hidden castle of craziness. The background art was brilliant and had me eagerly anticipating what the next scene would treat me with next.
Overall it was an interesting experience with great animation. I'd imagine it's quite hard to convey a story with no dialogue yet Interstella manages to do a decent job through it's imagery and direction. If you enjoy Daft Punk and want a visual trip that spans the globe as well as alien planets it's hard not to recommend.
Did someone say Magical Girl recommendations?
Onee-sansWe finally agree on something together puruzi ;_;7
Thanks for this recommendation - just watched the first episode and it's very fun so far! The animation and music are wonderful, and am I right in thinking that Doremi has the same voice actor as Ahiru from Princess Tutu? Quite a lot of the animation and art style seems a little reminiscent of Tutu as well, which can only be a good thing.
TOKYO (April 28, 2015) – Toei Animation has announced production on Dragon Ball Super (Japanese title; tentative
for English release), the first all-new Dragon Ball television series to be released in 18 years. Following the recent events
of the hit feature film, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, Dragon Ball Super will debut in Japan in July 2015.
Reuniting the franchise’s iconic characters, Dragon Ball Super will follow the aftermath of Goku’s fierce battle with
Majin Buu, as he attempts to maintain earth’s fragile peace. Overseen by Dragon Ball’s original creator, Akira Toriyama
and produced with Fuji Television, Dragon Ball Super will draw on its historic past to create a bold, new universe
welcoming to fans and endearing to new viewers.