Hovering blood stains. Awful animation, ruined the movie for me.
Hovering blood stains. Awful animation, ruined the movie for me.
Slice of life is one of my favourite genres and when one of these supposed slice of life shows come out, I die a little more inside. I watched three episodes of K-on!. Three. That's almost a feature length film! All I found out is that the main girl is clumsy and can't focus.
YessssssOk, I just finished ep.1, bit I'm going to have to watch more tomorrow to get a grasp on wtf I just watched, lol. Intresting art style.
The despair is not finished yet .selector infected WIXOSS10-12
It was such a delicious pure form of despair. So beautiful, So majestic. Sasuga Okada sama
Kantai Collection - 09-12 [END]
Figures they don't actively start shipping Nagato x Mutsu until the last two episodes. Here's hoping their relationship is explored a bit more in the second season.
I have no problem with hyper-humanistic robots. But not when they're treated the way this anime treats them.
At Plastic Memories' level of emotional processing/sentience, they are nigh-indistinguishable from humans. Thus, the stakes involved should be so much higher than they currently are.
The callous way they are used to clean up dead Gilfias (?), how easily some relinquish "ownership", and just the general way people in this world treat them (as if they were emotionless robots) clashes with how they are portrayed. Do I really believe people in real-life would treat entities/androids with such callousness? I don't think so (or maybe I have too much faith in people).
It's like trying to call a cat dog, when it's clearly a cat. You can't have your cake and then eat it (if you want to create drama/emotion, you can't just make what's essentially a human and then call it a "robot"). That's not how character/story development works. There needs to be restraint.
I hope I'm making sense.
You NEED to watch the next 3 episodes, it falls into place more.
Ok, I just finished ep.1, bit I'm going to have to watch more tomorrow to get a grasp on wtf I just watched, lol. Intresting art style.
You have done the right thing. KLK is legit.
cornbread, you remind me of a more talkative version of myself ~1 year ago
thanks narag
I wouldn't say so - I decided to drop Plastic Memories after 4th episode - too inconsistent, and I don't think that this show needs that kind of drama. I can't even understand how after serious premise in first episode they managed to go into stupid comedy right after.with robot's kidnapping
Speaking about other stuff - after you'll finish Tales of Melodies watch Katanagatari - it's from the same author who wrote Monogatari Series but in historical setting and with adventure theme behind it (best way is to watch one episode per day).You'll be torn into pieces)
Well, there is some magic/super-skills but otherwise it's not fantasy. It's a big adventure of two characters during which their personalities changes a lot. I love it for a lot of small interesting details (there is some good foreshadowing for example, which you understand when rewatching show) and smart jokes.Unfortunately, I have to find a way to watch Katanagatari at some point. It's not on Crunchyroll and the Funnamation app is horrible. I loved the ***monogatari series, so add a fantasy world to that and I'm sold.
Unfortunately, I have to find a way to watch Katanagatari at some point. It's not on Crunchyroll and the Funnamation app is horrible. I loved the ***monogatari series, so add a fantasy world to that and I'm sold.
Crunchyroll passes. Quote to view.
It's not available to stream anywhere. NIS America licensed it in 2011 and were in the transition from allowing Cinedigm to stream their titles to streaming them themselves via Hulu and Crunchyroll. It's slipped through the cracks and due to Aniplex of Japan restricting rights further, they've not been able to do much in addition with it. They had a couple additional printing runs, but it's out of print and no standard edition seems forthcoming. This is a rare instance where I'd say the not-so-legal option is your best option barring paying for a used copy.
Got it, this licensing stuff for anime sounds like a complete mess. There is always some kind of issue somewhere with it, lol.
Hopefully, one of these is still available tomorrow.
Got it, this licensing stuff for anime sounds like a complete mess. There is always some kind of issue somewhere with it, lol.
Crunchyroll passes. Quote to view.
I really should give mine out, rather than let them sit forever until they expire
Barakamon END
Fantastic series from the start to finish wish I had watched it while it was airing as it was perfect. Sensei and Hiroshi were the best, and then yuki kaji character and kawafuji were good too. I wish we get more of it for that island is such a fun place.
Maybe we should have a continual thread in OT just to dump these Crunchypasses. I'm not sure how many of us here aren't already paying for Crunchy.
I'm probably one of the only losers that needs to scour the internet every few days for a pass sinceI cannot get the Premium+ service, so feel free to just dump them on me if you don't want them, lol.
wtf lol you've used more crunchy than me in three weeks than I have in the past year and a half i bet
Love this one, absolutely adored it, agree with you, with there was more to it than what we got, would love to see another season.
Ecstasy, the word Id use to describe the feelings I conjured up while watching Flash Back 2012. Grinning, the word to describe the look on my face and tears, the things that dripped down my cheeks while watching Flash Back 2012. Macross: Flash Back 2012 is essentially a collection of Macross Music videos, accumulating to a total run-time of 30 minutes and was released back in the year of 1987, a fair few years after the animated TV series had ended (1983) and after the 1984 theatrical release of the amazing film (which I reviewed here) Do You Remember Love? In fact, it was released in order to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the series.
So now that the 3 chapter rule has been met for most new shows this season:
Saint Seiya Souls of Gold
I like the setup. The animation quality is kind of bad though, and it seems to uses the uninspired attacks from the original show. But hey, it's Saint Seiya!
And when I feel, like I can feel, once again
Kill La Kill ep. 1-3:
Ok, I haven;t gotten too far into this one yet, but my thoughts stand from last night, this one is crazy, lol. Blood eating uniforms, baring it all for everyone, yeah. Very interesting stuff. I'm going to start watching EL-Tale of Melodies as a break, ya know, off-setting bloody action anime with thought provoking emotional anime. I've got this...
That's the spirit !
Gunslinger Girl 1-13 END
And when I feel, like I can feel, once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on, we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time for this head of mine
Heaven for us
Best cute girls doing moe things show since I've seen since Love Lab. Still, it's a series that I think I appreciate, for what it is doing, more than I really like it. The dreary, somber mood doesn't exactly make it an ideal thing to go quickly through and it dragged a bit in few places but fortunately recovered for the final stretch. Kind of curious if the second season has a more definitive ending but after all the horrible things I've read about it, i'm not going to check.
Considering the BD and manga have sold really well it has a good chance of getting a second season.
Though I really want Handa-kun to get a anime adaptation. It's a prequel to Barakamon about Handa's high school years.
\That's how void of a personality or any redeemable quality this character has. And the show has like thirty of them. Good luck with that, writers. I'm bailing out.
Anyway, Hibike! seems to be more about about the band and puts the Slice of Life on the background. The characters are supposed to be the different people you'd see in a real band and as such aren't as distinguished/ extravagant as the characters in a "normal" SoL show.
While skimming trough my favorite openings in youtube and listening Spice and Wolf opening I remembered that we will never have ending in anime form for the show =(. Made me sad.
what do you mean?
We never got third anime season. Novels have already ended several years ago so chances for more anime seasons are pretty much zero.
Crunchyroll passes. Quote to view.
Kind of curious if the second season has a more definitive ending but after all the horrible things I've read about it, i'm not going to check.
Took the 4th one, thank you very much!
Kill La Kill ep. 1-3:
Ok, I haven;t gotten too far into this one yet, but my thoughts stand from last night, this one is crazy, lol. Blood eating uniforms, baring it all for everyone, yeah. Very interesting stuff. I'm going to start watching EL-Tale of Melodies as a break, ya know, off-setting bloody action anime with thought provoking emotional anime. I've got this...
your mission now is to watch as many of the new shows and pack in as much as you can ad free for the next 48 hours. Godspeed.
oh I thought you meant the ending themes.
The fact you haven't started Clannad and Clannad After Story saddens me greatly.
Intresting synopsis for this pne. Sounds like a harem anime where the mc helps heal everyone around him similar to how Yuuji initially starts helping everyone in Fruit of Grisaia, well before the story gets crazy, lol.
Clannad also isn't on Crunchyroll. .
Intresting synopsis for this pne. Sounds like a harem anime where the mc helps heal everyone around him similar to how Yuuji initially starts helping everyone in Fruit of Grisaia, well before the story gets crazy, lol.
Clannad also isn't on Crunchyroll. .