Code Geass 22
I was not prepared for this.
HAHAHAHHAHA! The initiation is complete. Brothers, sisters and house pets, today, one more brave soul joins the ranks of the enlightened.
This is why Geass rules.
Code Geass 22
I was not prepared for this.
Hey animus
shut up for a second
Im drunk what watch?
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart
Syrinx is a meanie but nobody deserves that!
No one was.Code Geass 22
I was not prepared for this.
Code Geass 22
I was not prepared for this.
Code Geass 23-25
Well, that was pretty crazy, but not as crazy as I was expecting.
Episode 21 stands as the pinnacle of the series, and perhaps anime, to me.
Onto R2 I suppose.
Clannad ep.1-2
So I did it guys, I was looking for something to compliment the insane nature of Kill La Kill and I think I did. However, I'm not sure what I'm watching just yet, but I appreciate the artwork, and bro-banter so far, but could there possibly be a more eccentric girl he could find first? Things just got serious at the end of ep.2.
Watched a few more episodes of City Hunter, and it's honestly a hard show to talk about without going into specifics, because I feel like I've already said all that needs to be said. It's just so fucking good and consistent, from the voice acting which I just absolutely love to the characters themselves, their designs and the plots that they find themselves in coupled with the awesome soundtrack and great art style. Episode 8 deals with an old female acquaintance of Ryo's as she seeks for one more favour from him. She's hot, he used to love her but moved on, and now hes in love with her all over again, and thus this is what influences him to help her out time after time, with his reward always vanishing away before he can get his hands on her.
Overall a bunch of great episodes, and my love for this series never wavering. Mokkori!
I think that I should warn you about one thing: first season of Clannad is not so good (at least for me it was like this) - it's just that second one is much better (in terms of storylines). So, if you'll begin to think that it's not so impressive know that you're doing it for amazing second season.
I respectfully disagree. While some of the Fuko arc is so-so, everything after that is done really well. It's a great build up that gets you invested in the characters. After Story is really good because it's the big payoff on the foundations laid by the first season. The building of the(don't click on spoiler Cornbread.Tomoya/Nagisa slowly falling in love is really great to watch.)
Finally together
Macross Plus 2
The concert at the beginning was really good. The music in this is phenominal, I thought I was in it for the mecha porn but I'm actually in it for theHatsune MikuSharon Apple songs.
Selector Spread WIXOSS 01-12
No more batoru?
No more tanoshi?
No more suffering?
Slighly more serious impression:
The S2 slightly weaker than S1 simply because lack of BATORU and to much focus on pure evil instead delicious despair. That being said. It simply one hell of ride. Much more exciting than other "girl suffering" like madoka. Okada, please make more
Oh for sure man. I definitely appreciated the other pairings they had going, but Nagato x Mutsu was my most anticipated one.
it was alright
Diesel and the VA though.Nice.
Glory and praise to Ema and Diesel.
Glory and praise to Ema and Diesel.
The show inside the show features a group of female pilots from various nationalities fighting in Joint Fighter Wing like a female version of Area 88 or Strike WitchesWait, is that a Swedish flag?
This is from Shirobako. It's the main characters from the anime cosplaying as the characters of the anime they were making.The show?
This is from Shirobako. It's the main characters from the anime cosplaying as the characters of the anime they were making.
You have no idea the kind of face I am making at you right now.At some point I'll have to watch from the Xmas episode forward it just got kinda boring so I had to step away for a bit.
It's in previews and at the start of the episode. Although it can be bad when applied to storing anime on say, Plex Media server.When you click on an anime series on MAL now, it shows you the names of the episodes which I think is dumb. I don't really want to know about the name of episodes before I watch a show, spoilers people! Example here for Gurren Lagann Link. A lot of them haven't been updated yet it seems.
You have no idea the kind of face I am making at you right now.
People might find out bout Kouji Kabuto dying in magma now.
That's very different however, once I've started an episode of course I'd know what its calledIt's in previews and at the start of the episode. Although it can be bad when applied to storing anime on say, Plex Media server.
The solution is not to look at MAL pagesThat's very different however, once I've started an episode of course I'd know what its calledI don't want to know what an episode is called if I browsing MAL just to look at a certain show I'm not even sure if I want to watch for example. I'm finicky about things like that, going as far as to avoid knowing how many OP and EDings a show has etc.