Armored Trooper VOTOMS 14-27: The Kummen Arc
This arc was really a step up. Woodo was plenty cool, and it was interesting seeing Chirico struggle with the aftershocks of war. But it struggled dealing with its cast, constantly trying to find excuses to drag Gotho, Cocona and Vanille into Chirico's own struggles. Space Vietnam does a way better job of tying all the side characters into a coherent, complex whole, a tapestry of what draws men into battle, and what carnage results.
Chirico enters Kummen as a man without purpose, falling back to the one thing he's good at and enjoys: killing. And we can see that, once he joins up with Gon Nu's elite team, he's a natural fit. Gone is the awkwardness that plagued his initial interactions with the people of Woodo. He's happier on the battlefield.
And that slowly changes once he encounters Fyana again. Chirico goes from fighting just to live to fighting for something, diving into his battle against the Secret Society so that both he and Fyana can have a future. It's paralleled by how Vanilla changes after his club is destroyed. As much as he'd like to start over somewhere else, it will never work unless he can fight to stop what destroyed his happiness in the first place.
I found Kan Yu an interesting sort of villain, though perhaps not unusual. He isn't a poor soldier, but he's a prideful coward, out for glory with no regard for his fellow troops, or for the innocents caught in the crossfire of war. The challenge to his authority represented by Chirico brings out the worst in him, and I liked watching him gradually unravel over the course of this arc.
I still like the colors of this show, and I remain struck by all the shortcuts that get used. There are a number of major battles during this arc between large groups of ATs, and it's kind of remarkable how few frames of animation are used for any of them. The convenient wheels mounted to the robots mean none of them have to animate when they charge somewhere, and if you repeat a muzzle flare over a gun, that'll suffice to make it fire. The challenges of cel animation require these kinds of compromises, and I think they do a great job of making exciting work on the cheap. I'm sure they're not making fresh explosion animations every time an AT blows up, but it always feels thrilling.
I wonder what lies next for Chirico. It's not really clear how long a PS can last without jijirium.