Because girl's asses are a lot more interesting than old men!Howcome whenever I bring up Akagi someone has to bring up Saki ):
Because girl's asses are a lot more interesting than old men!Howcome whenever I bring up Akagi someone has to bring up Saki ):
Schrödinger's Pantsu.Because girl's asses are a lot more interesting than old men!
Ping Pong.
I think you can probably enjoy most sports shows without caring too much about the sport itself.
Try Ping Pong, Haikyuu and Yowamushi Pedal. They are pretty popular around here.
Hajime no Ippo
Ping Pong
Thanks for all the recommendations guys! I have two days off in a few days so I'll probably marathon through a series or two.Ping Pong
Princess Nine
Legend of Koizumi
Because girl's asses are a lot more interesting than old men!
From my understanding Saki is about impossible Mahjong as played by possibly nopan lillies.
From my understanding Saki is about impossible Mahjong as played by possibly nopan lillies.
Whereas Akagi is not about Akagi, not playing Mahjong, but playing fools into their graves.
Both have a non-mahjong hook as it is but Akagi's is stronger albeit, the pacing in Akagi is really bad and the manga is still going on. Fukumoto pls.
Not that I have read it, the final game of Akagi going on for more than a decade now is kinda lol though. I doubt we'll see either series conclude in our time.On the other hand, the manga of Saki is published at a rate of about 12 pages every four months, so we'll probably be all long in the grave by the time it's completed.
Are any of those sports anime good for someone who isn't interested in sports? I just watched Chihayafuru after avoiding it due to me behind turned off by the idea of a card game anime, but I absolutely loved it. Now I'm worried I've been missing out on a lot of great shows.
Cowboy Bebop 02
After five months of deliberation I have decided to continue this watching the sub. A weaker episode than the first but still entertaining. The chase scene through the alleys along with the background music that accompanied it was great. The conclusion to the episode was silly in a good way.
Although I agree the show wasn't anything but a bunch of tropes put together, it was still my guilty pleasure last season. I'll probably watch it, and know that a lot of others will as well lol.More garbage on the way (Saekano is getting a 2nd season):
More garbage on the way (Saekano is getting a 2nd season):
More garbage on the way (Saekano is getting a 2nd season):
"Accept my gift" : check![]()
The explosion was just a gaz" leak , right , right ?
More garbage on the way (Saekano is getting a 2nd season):
More garbage on the way (Saekano is getting a 2nd season):
Do they ever?YES!! Season 1 was so funny! Don't worry, that weak-ass MC still won't pick a girl, but the ride is fun!
Do they ever?![]()
Do they ever?![]()
Harem is not good confirmed.only if the anime is good.
Good oldWell, there is a story of 1 that choose all the girls, but gave his head to do so.
Do they ever?![]()
Would be cool to see this season's harem, in DanMachi get a paring. Hestia is obviously the one and only Bell needs. He just doesn't know it because he has ladies dropping from the sky every episode lol!Actually some MC do . it's what make them supérior to the rest
UBW - 17
Eh. Sort of losing my patience to be honest. I keep waiting for something awesome to happen, and when it finally does it feels super brief and interspaced between a boatload of exposition and or taunting.
Archer vs Lancer was pretty good, Rin vs Caster was kind of lame but picked up at the end. I was surprised though - in the opening sequence we see Caster fighting Lancer. Did that happen yet? I was looking forward to the full fight.
I find it hilarious that teacher guy is basically just this:
And also that Archer took him out so easily considering teacher guy smacked saber around last season.
Oh, and those Saber shots at the beginning, for fucks sake.
UBW - 17
Eh. Sort of losing my patience to be honest. I keep waiting for something awesome to happen, and when it finally does it feels super brief and interspaced between a boatload of exposition and or taunting.
Archer vs Lancer was pretty good, Rin vs Caster was kind of lame but picked up at the end. I was surprised though - in the opening sequence we see Caster fighting Lancer. Did that happen yet? I was looking forward to the full fight.
I find it hilarious that teacher guy is basically just this:
And also that Archer took him out so easily considering teacher guy smacked saber around last season.
Oh, and those Saber shots at the beginning, for fucks sake.
Any notion of cohesive power levels went out of the window when Shirou suddenly could fight that guy on his own. (Or even in the first episode where he fended of Lancer for a bit.)
I really liked that they didn't spoil every single plot development in the OP. Previous one was like that too, had Lancer vs Berserker.
Emiya was raised by Kiritsugu, the man who went toe to toe with Kotomine Kirei and won.
Are you saying Kiritsugu won that fight by bullshit?
The guy only fought so well because of Caster's enhancement magic. So when she bought it he turns back to being a normal assassin. But yeah him dying from pieces of rubble was anti climatic as hell.UBW - 17
I find it hilarious that teacher guy is basically just this:
And also that Archer took him out so easily considering teacher guy smacked saber around last season.
Psycho PassPlastic Memories ep 5
Isla you stupid idiot.
Emiya was raised by Kiritsugu, the man who went toe to toe with Kotomine Kirei and won.
If this turns out to be like we all think it is, maybe. Or maybe not.What? Did this really turn into Psycho Pass?
And also that Archer took him out so easily considering teacher guy smacked saber around last season.
Oh shit, it's already at that part? I might just jump in next episode.
SNAFU S2 03-04
AOTS so far for me! These episodes are too good.
He cheated with that scabbard hax though.
And the fight, at least in the anime, was unresolved because.that stupid holy cup interfered
All this notwithstanding, I thought it was established that Kiritsugu didn't teach Shirou nothing outside of that strenghtening magic. At the beginning, he is a non entity when it comes to fighting skills.
Kuzuki was being buffed to servant levels of strength by Caster, as soon as Caster died he returned to being a normal human.
Anyways it is to say that I myself am getting tired of this series as well, initially I came in with strong nostalgia and well let's just say things aren't anywhere near as good as I remember from back in the day. In fact I'd say that this series is actually pretty bad.
The animation in the new Kuroko No Basket OP... wow, just wow.
has a large portion of animegaf given up on BBB or am I simply awake too early?
They're all too enamored with the superior Bones show this season.
Still watching, it's amazing. Loved the last episode.has a large portion of animegaf given up on BBB or am I simply awake too early?