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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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PK Gaming

Yes, the mediocre OP that replaced three of the all time greatest OPs is the best thing to come out of that shit show. You're not wrong, but 'best' is so relative here it's almost pointless.

Maybe so, but that intro was inextricable part of my childhood.

There's just no way those 3 OPs could ever match it for me. Also Madison Taylor, that's a 10/10 name change.


Oh man, this was the shit back in the day. Before everything got convoluted with Tsubasa Chronicles.

100% truth.
I'll finish it soon enough. I just hate when I have a feeling something very bad is going to happen and I think I already know it is going to happen to
somehow. There are too many links between her and the
little girl with the robot
plus there is such a sad overtone to everything going on right now.. It's not a School Days feeling as that was sick and twisted, I get more of a sad and depressing feeling from this one..
Please tell me I'm wrong and I'd be happy, but...

I am not gonna spoil this for you. You must experience this for yourself. ;)

Btw, I love the opening music to the Afterstory:

Short intro version:

Full version:

So good. One of my favorite OP's. Got a little choked up watching it. :,)


I'm on the 4th Endless Eight episode...I can't believe this is going to go on for 8 episodes...

i remember endless eight fondly

it was a blistering hot summer

checking back every week waiting for a new episode

suffering along with kyon


Is really is the most immersive anime experienced ever

i remember watching it every week it came out and thought to myself

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"theyre really not doing 8 episodes are they?"

"they fucking did"


i remember endless eight fondly

it was a blistering hot summer

checking back every week waiting for a new episode

suffering along with kyon

Would have been so pissed if I was watching it while it was airing lol.
Did they just not have enough material for different storylines or did they just really want to make 8 episodes..


Hibike 5

I don't know why but somehow it's my AOTS. I don't really look forward to new episodes but as soon as I am watching them I am really glad I did.

Also OP of the season (Kekkai Sensen Ending!)


Huge Nickleback Fan
Would have been so pissed if I was watching it while it was airing lol.
Did they just not have enough material for different storylines or did they just really want to make 8 episodes..

Doing it for the art at the expense of angry fans (lol).
The kicker is, it's only a short story in the LN.

Hibike Euphonium 5

I need more marching band scene. Pacing feel so fast now, but i guess it's understandable, since the end game supposed to be assemble and not marching.
Maybe so, but that intro was inextricable part of my childhood.

There's just no way those 3 OPs could ever match it for me. Also Madison Taylor, that's a 10/10 name change.

Despite me watching the dub as a kid I never liked that opening. Most of the time I'd be lucky enough to miss the opening coming back from school but when I did get back early enough, I'd switch the channel to something else while the opening played.

I was alright with the dub apart from the opening as a kid, now that I've watched the original I have no reason to go back to it.


Euphonium 5:

Sadly this episode got off to a horrible start for me with the Ishihara/Hanada "LOL, no boob growth/chest evny" gag to appeal to the late night audience. It stands out in stark contrast to the novel and is a mark of what would be a poor adaptation of it if there were more than 4 minutes combined in 2 episodes. I can't emphasize enough how much those two annoy me now.

The rest of the episode was much better and introduced Azusa, who I had been waiting for (and couldn't mention beforehand!). It's nice to visually see the different schools instead of having to imagine them, so things start to make a bit more sense in that respect. Overall, I wasn't the biggest fan of the festival arc in the novel, so if I seem down on it, it's more that than anything else.

Kigami's framing in this episode was fantastic. He worked on this alongside being the top key animator and unit director for the second Kyoukai movie, so there's definite traces of movie layouts in this episode, making it feel nicer than usual. (It's also affected some people subconsciously from what I've seen as well)

We're not yet halfway through the novel yet, though we are 2/4 chapters complete now. The content in the next two is easily 6 episodes long, so it shouldn't be too dragging (and I got a feeling this half is definitely going to be better-liked).
To be honest, while that trope is very played out, it's not actually odd, in the sense that it's a real thing that happens between female students, rather than just a manufactured late-night anime thing.


My constant frustration is only with the non-ending. ..again. He was finally snapping out of his game world and had emotion towards a 3DS girl. They could have picked any of the 6 girls they actually presented in the anime (for some reason, they skipped a couple of the goddess girls arcs in the animated series, but they show up in S3) and created an ending

So, with that being said, is there a shot at a forth season to actually finish up all the loose ends?

Realistically, no way in hell.

Weirdly though, most people thought there was no way in hell a 3rd season would get greenlit and that ended up happening, so who really knows for sure. The manga is over though, so it wouldn't do much for the sales which usually is why they get anime greenlit for adaptations.

There's easily enough material for a final season to close it all out, and easily enough material to make a 5th one (if they go back and cover all of the arcs they skipped, which would never realistically happen).


To be honest, while that trope is very played out, it's not actually odd, in the sense that it's a real thing that happens between female students, rather than just a manufactured late-night anime thing.

To be truly realistic more anime need to show more male students repeatedly sitting in one another's laps with absolutely no concept of it being weird in any way


Is really is the most immersive anime experienced ever

It simply "artistic" choice

Totally. It wants to make you feel whatever Nagato felt. You wont see any other company do anything similar to make you care about any character. KyoAni deserves credit for having such balls and 'troll' like this.

Anyways, the movie compensates. The movie is a masterpiece.


How are they going to top god slaying, giga-ancient dragon as the main threat ?

Anyhow, good news, first season was pretty decent.

Hopefully they don't try and "top" anything and have fun adventures with Favaro and Kaiser instead. That was the best thing about the first series!
Maybe this time we'll get the carefree adventure series that everyone wanted the first season to be. I'll be checking it out.

Edit: what duckroll said.


Gintama° 5

The first half was solid but the second was one of the weakest Gintama segments I've seen. This season needs less Yamazaki it seems.


I am not gonna spoil this for you. You must experience this for yourself. ;)

So good. One of my favorite OP's. Got a little choked up watching it. :,)

I know, I know. I just have to make sure the hard, sas and depressing parts come during the day and not at night so it doesn't depress me before I try to go to sleep!


Hopefully they don't try and "top" anything and have fun adventures with Favaro and Kaiser instead. That was the best thing about the first series!

Incorrect, the 100 year old zombie loli and the flying poultry was the best part. K&F weren't even together (for a prolonged period of time) till like 5th episode and that's when most people said it started getting worse !


Incorrect, the 100 year old zombie loli and the flying poultry was the best part. K&F weren't even together (for a prolonged period of time) till like 5th episode and that's when most people said it started getting worse !

I meant both of them having adventures, they don't necessarily have to be together!
Please no terrible looking CGI creatures and generic, halfheartedly executed 'epic' storyline, then I'm game for a second season of Shingeki no Bahamut.


CLAMP shows are a vortex. If you read their other works like xxxHOLIC and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles they
pretty much hint it, also in Cardcaptor Sakura, that all of these are happening at the same time, just in different universes.
If none of you have read the manga or watched the anime for any of the two above or Cardcaptor Sakura, fix that now. Clamp brought out some work that turned into quality shows in the 90's.

Not a lot of people are going to notice it until you tell them to pay attention to it, you'll notice it later in the series when people here mention yuri. It isn't explicit.

90s anime gives me such a pleasant fuzzy feeling. I cant explain it really, but the look and music always brings me back to a specific time sitting in front of my old DVD player TV watching Those Who Hunt elves or Magic Knight Rayearth. Cardcaptor Sakura captures this feeling perfectly, even though I watched it much later (DVDs used to be hard to find)
Plastic Memories 4-5

Taken on its own I don't think Plastic Memories 4 serves as anything too interesting beyond the setup for episode 5. They introduce the black market dudes who take Giftia for ??? reasons, shed a little more light on what happens to a Giftia when it starts to lose consciousness beyond its expiration date, and lay the foundation down for the relationship between the Giftia of the week and her ungrateful little shit. It's interesting that they establish in these episodes that laws exist to protect the "human rights" of Giftia but I can't help but feel that the situation still conflicts pretty fundamentally with how society as a whole operates (why does a human work force exist at all with Giftia being almost literally humans in every important aspect?). At least I can sort of appreciate how the government seems okay with a situation in which a human is put in the care of a robot for the duration of its life span just because they seem to have acknowledged how human like they are ... what happens to the kid after the thing expires though? Does he get a new Giftia assigned to him to act as his caregiver? Hm Hm.

5 though ... what the fuck did this show turn into? At a certain point my suspension of disbelief just started to become really really tested here.
Giftias, when they go beyond their expiration date, turn into "Wanderers" which you sort of internalize as something resembling a walking toaster, just a mass of walking electrical components without any sort of directed will. What they've actually turned into is a death machine with no inhibitors that are able to achieve completely superhuman feats of insanity. There's no way that they'd be taking this job as casually as they have up until this point with the danger that comes with an expired robot continuing to exist. And there's 0 explanation as to why these Giftias don't just have an internal off switch that goes off the moment they've reached their expiration date while waiting for the collectors to pick them up.
Holy crap.

Kekkai Sensen - 5

Best episode thus far. There were some legitimate complaints to be leveled at some of the episodes prior to this. A lot of issues with pacing and shit just "happening" one after another without proper buildup or laying of the foundation for the story pillars, episode 4 in particular being guilty of this. But 5 really comes in and I think executes extremely well the show's strengths. It's a break from the overarching vampire plot introduced in the last episode and serves as just another chapter of the craziness of the setting that they've plopped us in. I'm adoring the fact that the show seems more than happy to expand the cast of interesting characters from week to week, and in 5s case we get the psycho yandere brat with an amazing personality (that voice actress nailed it) with a pretty fun new Libra operative to explore as well. Craziness of the main story of the week I like that there was a bit of a grounding effect after the insane happenings of the episode, with the show taking some time to develop the relationship between White and Leo when all was said and done. Loved it.

Plastic Memories - 05

Oh damn, more darker stuff like this please. I like the show, but there are many illogical points that keeps gnawing at me. I can't tell if they are just overlooked stepping stones because loloriginalcontent, or if the purpose of them is something related to the plot.
The only thing I can think of is
that the Giftias are intentionally programmed like that so they can be re-used by the company for the money grubbing. Politicians are getting paid to turn a blind eye to the obviously poorly done security standards. Heavy marketing to blind the society. Everything is corrupted. BURN IT ALL DOWN TEAM ISLA
I may have gone a bit too off in the end, but you catch my drift.

My primary question is what the black market dudes were planning to do with the stolen Giftia thats turned wanderer mode. What methods do they have in that situation of ever restraining something like that and for what purpose did they plan to use it, weaponize a Wanderer by throwing it in the middle of a population center maybe? Regardless, there's noooooo wayyyy that any world government would allow these literal walking disasters without ensuring that the company developing them had GPS chips (lol human rights) or an internal off switch that automatically went off when passing the expected expiration date. I'm really hoping this isn't a case of bad writing and there's an actual plan or overall direction here with respect to the plot but the kid having magically shown up to the center of the events happenings doesn't give me much hope on the writing front.

Plastic Memories - 5
Souta getting there when the place was sealed off is pretty bad writing though. Really contrived.


Time of Eve 1
3 laws of robotic the anime basically.

Yay, more people watching Time of Eve

Cowboy Bebop 02

After five months of deliberation I have decided to continue this watching the sub. A weaker episode than the first but still entertaining. The chase scene through the alleys along with the background music that accompanied it was great. The conclusion to the episode was silly in a good way.

Like others have said, it's a bit of a slow start. For me at least the show didn't start turning around until Ed was introduced.

Then they totally waste Ed's character by never developing him beyond comic relief. :(
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