Yeah, I should have been more specific but I was typing too fast like usual. It was heartbreaking and I almost posted right after that happened as I thougth that was the end for some reason. There are a ton of better pictures for more feels online, but they all have spoilers, so this one from S1 was the best choice. It really was an excellent story throughout. and your're right, the writers did an amazing job crafting the story they way they did. Everything fits together like a puzzle at the end even when you feel like it doesn't, God, that was tough to stay sane watching everything unfold The feels stay though, I mean, I can still feel it a couple hours later,, amazing..
That's the effect Clannad has on people. And it's sooo good.
I haven't rewatched in a while. I need to one of these days.
Clannad was and remains one of my all-time favorites. It's definitely not perfect and there are things that, given the chance, I would rewrite, as I'm not really a huge fan of the, but it's not my choice. As it is, the show works wonderfully. Perfection is not something I believe exists in something as subjective as entertainment, but everything Clannad set out to do -- deliver a message about enduring love in an everchanging world, creating likable characters, delivering wonderful emotional moments -- it did magnificently. The show is beautiful, it has a wonderful soundtrack and stellar performances all around.magical fix
Yes, there are plenty of things I could nitpick about pacing, some misplaced attempts at comedy, some disjointedness due to the nature of the source material, making Nagisa about ten times more awkward at the start of their relationship than she is in the game...removing one of the game's better characters...theending. But I don't seek perfection; I seek entertainment. And Clannad entertained me like very few other series. It's a masterpiece and definitely my favorite Kyoto Animation production, if not my favorite anime period. (Evangelion is the only other show I'd consider for the honor.)reset button
Oh definitely. KyoAni has done a lot of good stuff but I definitely feel Clannad is their best work.
So glad to see so many people who like Clannad on the forums recently.