No Soma?
Not yet; most here seem to really like it so I'll marathon it once the season ends.
Question on those CR times, what time zone ate those based on? They always are off from actual CR releases where I am.
No Soma?
That's the only reason I can think about for the endless 8 to be done.
Everything on Haruhi show is kinda weird. That's why it is so awesome.
Dont forget to post your impressions of the season end and the movie when you watch them!
Not yet; most here seem to really like it so I'll marathon it once the season ends.
Question on those CR times, what time zone ate those based on? They always are off from actual CR releases where I am.
Show - Streamer - Time(PST)
I remember hearing about Kite all those years ago, and thought that the mature nature of it was one of violence, typical little girl with guns shooting shit, but that thing is pretty much hentai. Fucking weird ass series. I guess it has its following, but 100% not for me. No idea what the other show is, but also not for me to say the least
Its in the OP.
Albeit, almost hidden
Which is now making me consider moving it.
Edit: I only ever had PST on there because of late night shows being the next day on EST and didn't want it to wrap into two days. And a majority of the shows are on CR, and it lists them as PDT.
Question on those CR times, what time zone ate those based on? They always are off from actual CR releases where I am.
Yup, I missed that as well.
Ok, I'm in est., so now it all makes sense why I'm waiting each week, lol
Meat is the only girl that matters.Guys... Megumi Friday!!
And also some meat...![]()
Ladies versus Butlers is greatLadies vs Butlers? Scraping the bottom of the barrel there.
I use this as a calendar for simulcast airings, it can convert to your local time.
Ladies vs Butlers? Scraping the bottom of the barrel there.
I use this as a calendar for simulcast airings, it can convert to your local time.
Updated all the shows to include EST, and if the time wraps to the next day it has a note beside it.
That's too much work! Thank you though! This is the first season I've watched simulcast shows, so I'm still learning how it all works, lol.
Young Black Jack is getting adapted into a tv series:
Oh, I'm quite serious.Even if you are joking (as has been demonstrated some times before in this thread, I can never quite tell anymore), I have to agree. The male gaze and the way the scenes were strung together made me uncomfortable and a bit sad, because it didn't seem like they took away the same things that I did from the sort of material that inspired this production (not saying that I encourage group think; just that I get the feeling of past strengths going unnoticed and thus unutilized) .
The sound editing was pretty bad as well.
Well, its all up there now.
Im glad people are actually using the OP.
Idolm@ster 3 & 4
I like the shifting focus among the cast. And Producer-san is always fun.
I think I'll appreciate this more now.
Some Eupho magazine scans:
Dem summer uniforms
Cowboy Bebop 04
I was gasping and yelling at the screen the whole time Spike was playing with that thing. When he took his gun out I nearly lost it. The hyperspace interaction bit at the end was weird but it's sci-fi so I'll just shrug its plausibility off. Faye is great once again, hopefully she becomes part of the main cast soon.
some professional league of legends player has @madpierrot on twitter. what a waste
There is only one season of Accel World as of now. More material in the LNs as usual, but only one season animated.
I guess i need another healing anime after Yama no Susume, any suggestions? Already watched Non Non Biyori s1 which was the closest.
I hear Usagi Drop is pretty decent. Barakmon also? I'm limited mainly to Crunchy, maybe Netflix.
I just saw the very first episode with the little pig avatar, then his new avarar, and the girl he meets at school, etc. It is available on the official website.
Crap, I just watched Clannad on Hulu, and I didn't even think to check for Accel World there.
Watch Etotama! It's not great at anything, but it such a damn fun show to watch. Cajun approved I believe, lol. Fun, frantic, fast and cute.
Oh, there is a cat, dog, sheep, bird, rat, horse, snake etc.
Been a while since I've stepped into this thread, but I need some help guys. Which anime are these two gifs from? Besides you know, boobs, the animation looks really great.
That jerky feeling is probably more of a result of the camera than the animation IMO.The animation honestly looks clunky and unnatural. Maybe thats just the gifs, but its so jerky.
July 2007: Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 episode list:
Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody
Endless Eight
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya I
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya II
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya III
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya IV
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya V
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya I
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya II
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya III
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya IV
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya V
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya VI
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya VII
Between July-December, the decision was made to move 7 episodes of Disappearance into its own movie instead of the second season. There needed to be 7 episodes to replace that content and the stories chronologically after Disappearance need it in context to understand the stories, so nothing from the novel can be used. Tanigawa could not write 7 episodes of original content.
Thus the "New Animation" episode list became:
Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody
Endless Eight I
Endless Eight II
Endless Eight III
Endless Eight IV
Endless Eight V
Endless Eight VI
Endless Eight VII
Endless Eight VIII
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya I
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya II
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya III
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya IV
Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya V
and aired in conjunction with the 14 original episodes in chronological order to complete a season. This re-airing was done to both alleviate much of the anger over 8 Endless Eight episodes and to put Haruhi's actions in Sigh in perspective.
Much of the Western fandom watched the show illegally and as such only watched the new episodes without putting them into context of the timeline. This is why Haruhi is disliked by a lot of people (being the cause of Endless Eight and the content of Sigh does not focus on her growth as a character after Sigh). This is why anyone who recommends "broadcast order" is a moron at this point who wishes for the new person to hate Haruhi and be tormented by the series instead of having it make sense chronologically and end with the movie as was intended. The entire series was meant to be watched out of order in 2006; we're 9 years away from that and a new order has been made which has been strictly followed in Japan, excluding one BD-Box which only had those episodes, ever since. Still, there are people who refuse to accept that because "it's not how I watched it!"
In short, Endless Eight was the only story that could fill 7 episodes worth of content in 2009 and so it was extended. Western fans are dumb for only looking at it as a "second season" (which Bandai, the licensor in 2010, didn't help by calling it such). Even Kadokawa's CEO, Inoue, responded "Haruhi S3? Don't we have to make a S2 first?" in response to the standard "Haruhi S3 please!" tweets.
Thank you for the info : D
Never knew any of that.
I always say to people that if they watch Haruhi (I didnt get any of my friends to do so, that's sad) watch it in chronological order, so they dont get confused, since it's easier to follow. If someone worries about e8, there's nothing wrong on watching 3 episodes and move on.
Anyways, I've seen it in chronological order, with all 8 episodes of e8, and I love the show : / I dont get why you say that chronological order makes people hate it.
How could somebody waste so much time with endless eight? I mean.. okay every episode was animated differently, but it was still a big waste of time.
I still remember the summer back then and the sudden threads in every forum how there is gonna be a new episode of Haruhi... it was a big surprise and then this shit came. I still hate KyoAni for this. How can anybody think that this was okay at all? The payoff wasn't even worth it. Watching them simultan is funny though.
How could somebody waste so much time with endless eight? I mean.. okay every episode was animated differently, but it was still a big waste of time.
I still remember the summer back then and the sudden threads in every forum how there is gonna be a new episode of Haruhi... it was a big surprise and then this shit came. I still hate KyoAni for this. How can anybody think that this was okay at all? The payoff wasn't even worth it. Watching them simultan is funny though.
Saber is a goddess.Wat-wat
From the New World 02-05
That was quite the info dump in episode 4. The exposition was handled quite well and the imagery that accompanied the narrative kept it from ever getting boring. It was mostly flash backs of scenes that alluded the distant past but it brought everything together into a cohesive narrative. It's well done non-linear story telling and I applaud the writer and director for it.
I have a few issues with the chase scene through the tunnels in episode 5. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is going on as flashy explosions get in the way of what the characters are doing.
The few episodes I've seen have been very strong. I'm definitely looking forward to discovering the inner workings of their society.
.. b-b-but how else would you watch Nanoha?
Nanoha ViVid 5
Nanoha and Fate stay back after practice under the pretext of "finishing up training", for some time alone together. Even Caro and Erio a know they're off flying together. Then rather than join the others for/after dinner, they continue to spend the night together.
That's episode 5 in a nutshell right? The how-gay-can-we-make-them-without-explicitly-confirming-their-relationship show. Not much else to see. Vivio and Einhart are no Nanoha and Fate. =/
Not yet anyway.
I'm enjoying the bits of yuri in Re-kan but I was not aware of show by rock. I'll give it a watch.
I hope so...
Thanks. I see that you're already in the pocky club.
I basically only spend my vacation leave to go see Kajiura/FJ/Kalafina nowadays (6 concerts in June!). My life is now just kajiura and yuri (and gaming I suppose).
Myth: the "new animation" of Haruhi in 2009 wasn't promoted. There was suddenly a new episode out of nowhere.
Reality: There were several magazines promoting the new series and pointing out that there were 28 episodes from the very beginning. Since these were in Japanese, most western fans were ignorant of these resources and chose to believe the myth instead.
Endless Eight was literally the only solution to the issue of removing 7 episodes. Tanigawa wasn't capable of writing new episodes and there wasn't any stock stories left to animate. The production committee had already pledged funds and made plans for other things (discs, music discs, related print publications, etc), so there had to be 14 episodes made. It was a decision by all involved (Kadokawa's producer Ito, director Ishihara, series director Takemoto, original author/series composition assistant Tanigawa), so blaming "KyoAni" for it is pure ignorance of the situation. It was all a big promotion leading up to the movie which was released 5 months later.
Myth: the "new animation" of Haruhi in 2009 wasn't promoted. There was suddenly a new episode out of nowhere.
Reality: There were several magazines promoting the new series and pointing out that there were 28 episodes from the very beginning. Since these were in Japanese, most western fans were ignorant of these resources and chose to believe the myth instead.
Endless Eight was literally the only solution to the issue of removing 7 episodes. Tanigawa wasn't capable of writing new episodes and there wasn't any stock stories left to animate. The production committee had already pledged funds and made plans for other things (discs, music discs, related print publications, etc), so there had to be 14 episodes made. It was a decision by all involved (Kadokawa's producer Ito, director Ishihara, series director Takemoto, original author/series composition assistant Tanigawa), so blaming "KyoAni" for it is pure ignorance of the situation. It was all a big promotion leading up to the movie which was released 5 months later.
Coming soon to a crowdfunding site near you.Iconic Field is utter trash, as a short. They creators made the decision that some other short creators also embraced - rather than actually write a proper short they just pulled a highlight reel of scenes from a series/movie that doesn't actually exist and then slapped it all together. It's pretty dumb.
Myth: the "new animation" of Haruhi in 2009 wasn't promoted. There was suddenly a new episode out of nowhere.
Reality: There were several magazines promoting the new series and pointing out that there were 28 episodes from the very beginning. Since these were in Japanese, most western fans were ignorant of these resources and chose to believe the myth instead.
Endless Eight was literally the only solution to the issue of removing 7 episodes. Tanigawa wasn't capable of writing new episodes and there wasn't any stock stories left to animate. The production committee had already pledged funds and made plans for other things (discs, music discs, related print publications, etc), so there had to be 14 episodes made. It was a decision by all involved (Kadokawa's producer Ito, director Ishihara, series director Takemoto, original author/series composition assistant Tanigawa), so blaming "KyoAni" for it is pure ignorance of the situation. It was all a big promotion leading up to the movie which was released 5 months later.
I admire the chance they took with Endless Eight because Haruhi is probably the only show that could even have attempted something as high concept as a time loop in this manner. In 2014 terms, I suppose it's the equivalent of calling your fans a shit of shit-eaters. lolI mean, there were other stories to animate that to this day remain unanimated, but they're either manga-original or take place chronologically after the events of Disappearance, so they were unappetizing solutions considering the new job of the series was to promote Disappearance. Endless Eight was not the only solution, but the whole thing was a result of the plans for the "second season" being abruptly changed.
It would still probably have been better to do that, though, because the result of the Endless Eight fiasco (and it was a fiasco, because obviously even with the chronological airing it was two months of the same basic episode) was a deflating of the burgeoning Haruhi empire. I know people who loved the first series and to this day haven't watched Sighs or Disappearance because they dropped the show mid-Endless Eight.
Yes, there were reasons, but the core reason was Kadokawa wanted Disappearance to be a movie and made that decision after a season two with it at its core was already too deep into planning to make the new season seven extra episodes instead of fourteen.
How does that happen though? You would think they would have seen that they didn't have enough material to adapt in the first place. I'd like to think that Endless Eight was more than just a happy accident anyway.Myth: the "new animation" of Haruhi in 2009 wasn't promoted. There was suddenly a new episode out of nowhere.
Reality: There were several magazines promoting the new series and pointing out that there were 28 episodes from the very beginning. Since these were in Japanese, most western fans were ignorant of these resources and chose to believe the myth instead.
Endless Eight was literally the only solution to the issue of removing 7 episodes. Tanigawa wasn't capable of writing new episodes and there wasn't any stock stories left to animate. The production committee had already pledged funds and made plans for other things (discs, music discs, related print publications, etc), so there had to be 14 episodes made. It was a decision by all involved (Kadokawa's producer Ito, director Ishihara, series director Takemoto, original author/series composition assistant Tanigawa), so blaming "KyoAni" for it is pure ignorance of the situation. It was all a big promotion leading up to the movie which was released 5 months later.
Really strange thing about that myth, because I 100% remember that people were surprised on the internet about these new episodes. I also know that there were magazines with new episode titles etc. and people thought that KyoAni were trolling. Then suddenly Super Driver etc. and a new episode aired, but it sure was a surprise, because there wasn't any obvious promotion weeks before like for other anime.
They just went "hey season 1 got more episodes in this rerun!" and people were like "lol wut" Doesn't really help that they also made a new OP.
It was just really sudden back then and there was no real advertising for it. I just reread my posts and etc. on animesuki and people were confused.
I just cannot believe that the whole fucking internet (and also 2chan/4chan) didn't notice all these so called promotions in magazines. Everybody was confused that there were new episodes in the timeslot listings, but everybody was still surprised to see more season 1 episodes.
Promoting new episodes with articles etc. is different than time slot listings in magazines... If there was any promotion before the new episode, please send me the articles or anything else.
What I meant by that myth is the concept that got around where "the series started re-running randomly one day without notice!" when there was an interview in Newtype's March issue with Takemoto regarding the second season. Newtype, as well as the airing of the Munto TV series, announced the re-airing nearly 2 months in advance.
You are correct that no one knew about the new episodes before the title leak of Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody or how it was going to be structured. My post was only to combat the myth I just explained.
Edit. The 2ch Haruhi wiki had great coverage of everything published at that time and a good summary of the events leading up to April 2009.
Ladies vs Butlers? Scraping the bottom of the barrel there.
Another great episode. Loved how at thenothing was said, everything was:student council meeting, everyone was so serious yet
This show is pretty fun right off the bat, with some sweet moments mixed in along with it. Sakura's facial expressions are hilarious, and it's pretty funny when the characters seem to constantly be talking at cross purposes. The setup is pretty weird, but it seems rife for comedy potential. This definitely seems like something that will be a joy to watch.
Yeah, nothing wrong with that if you're happy with being known as a loser for the rest of your life.If someone worries about e8, there's nothing wrong on watching 3 episodes and move on.
Oh man that show was soooo good. Another good "feels" show.Your Lie in April, ep. 1-10:
I wanted to watch something new today, I've seen this one pop up a lot over the past few months, so I decided to throw it on and wow, this show is pretty damn intense. I was never a musician but I understood a majority of the references presented. It's the same themes that we hear from all musicians. It's about putting your heart and soul into your music; your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings, your reactions, everything that makes you a person and what you believe should be reflected in your music. Even when you go off of a score sheet, you still have to translate that either verbally or through your instrument. Music is an outstanding way to evoke emotions, it can make you happy, it can make you sad, it can piss you off, or it can just put your mind at ease. Classical music is the foundation of all music and the godfather of evoking emotion; it's yup to the listener to interpret those sounds and react to it. This show is nailing that theme and I can't wait to watch more.
Another great episode. Loved how at thenothing was said, everything was:student council meeting, everyone was so serious yet