That Dude John
Unlimited Blade Works 18
How did I not see it?
Gah dam.
How did I not see it?
Gah dam.
Well, it's not like that shit was all that was wrong with the first season.Man, Sidonia is suffering from what happened to Infinite Stratos, where the second season is just more anime bullshit than the first. The Space Opera stuff is just ruined by herpderp physical comedy and cliched harem/sex-comedy hijinks.
I'd rewatch S1 just to see if it was as bad, but I don't know I could sit through it. Especially when it was basically seen as an Attack on Titan ripoff at the time. lolWell, it's not like that shit was all that was wrong with the first season.
Man, Sidonia is suffering from what happened to Infinite Stratos, where the second season is just more anime bullshit than the first. The Space Opera stuff is just ruined by herpderp physical comedy and cliched harem/sex-comedy hijinks.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 40-44
Hey guys, first time posting in an anime thread, but wanted to ramble a bit about a show I'm watching (Legend of the Galactic Heroes) and this seemed like an appropriate location
Someone even mentioned the show on this page!
I'm up to episode 43ish. I took a break whenbut got back into it this week. The only thing that bothers me about this show is the inconsistent animation; I downloaded a remastered? version which has all these awful touchup jobs done on the beautiful original art. They come and go and I hope they stop being quite so prevalent, even in spots where the original art is muddy it looks far better than the new art.Kirchreis was killed, RIP my ginger prince. I was really bummed when he died actually
I like the show a lot, it's surprisingly intelligent and aware and I genuinely like both the main characters. To a certain extent it suffers from its setting - the scifi stuff is the weakest part of the show - but I have nothing but respect for a show that's brave enough to have all these digressive segues about the nature of power and democracy. I can't imagine this would have rated well at all back in the day when it was aired?
Overall plot-wise, it's funny that the situation keeps regressing back to that at the very start of the show. I imagine this keeps happening for he next.. 60 or so episodes until the finale?
edit: changed formatting to adhere to animegaf rules
Basically what happened to the art was that a lot of the cels were damaged beyond repair, so they had to replace them with this new footage. It's not like the muddy cels were the worst of it, those were just the ones that were in bad shape but still good enough to be salvaged. I believe it's almost entirely new footage starting around episode 80 or so - the art gets really sharp and actually starts looking quite good, whereas before some of it seemed to suffer from what I think was over-sharpening on the shaded portions, but I agree the weird switches between the old and new art styles were pretty grating when they first started.
Oh wow, ok. That's understandable then. I assumed it was like, overzealous efforts at remastering. I love the watercolour look of the backgrounds btw. The actual animation ain't too great, but the still art's fanastic
So it was always shit then? lolI don't think it's any worse than the first season when it comes to this.
Terra Battle anime when? I hope it's one of the Download Starter 2 goals....
Only if Bones animates it?Does that mean you will finally post here again ):
Does that mean you will finally post here again ):
I maintain that she is a giant penis with arms.House of Wolves awaits!
I think it's weird that she makes rubbery/latexy sounds. lol
Kino's Journey 01
This is a beautiful episode and a fantastic way to start the series. The opening sequence in the desert demonstrates that Kino is willing to risk her life for her Journey. Once arriving in the country it's clear something is obviously wrong yet everything appears to be functioning. The first person she encounters flees in terror but soon explains what has happened within his country.It seems everyone is able to communicate through thought, rendering speech pointless. Of course the implications of reading everyone's thoughts has the country in disarray.
When leaving, Kino shares a wordless moment with the unnamed man and communicates only through expression. This interaction emphasize's the episodes themes in such a brilliant yet simple manner.
Just you wait.
as long as Erina exists no other girl can claim title of Worst girl.
that being said miss meat is one of the worst girls, (not really a spoil, but very vague hint towards the future)but at least she gets a little redemption as time goes on.
Went to Wal Mart tonight to pick up a wired keyboard after my wireless one died and ended up snagging The Tale of Princess Kaguya as well. I'm not even a Ghibli fan. What have I done?
Just marathoned the rest of Parasyte, and I have mixed feelings about it.
While the Governmental house ''arc'' was simply amazing to watch, the last 4-5 episode were really disappointing in terms of directing and writing. Did they run out of budget or something? While it was clear where they were heading to, it just feels like ideas stitched together by a soft glue without any clear plan, the action simply felt rushed (The old lady sections were bizarre way of showing character production) and the monologues felt really cheesy and contradictory (Goutou killed a lot of people, yet he sympathise?)
I was never of Shinichi's girlfriend, her ideas never made sense to me and she was horribly written and developed (but that goes for every female character), Also, some of the dialogue just felt off (The killers last speech was not convincing at all).
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
i'm in despair!
So it was always shit then? lol
She is a phallic object that is part of the larger body!I maintain that she is a giant penis with arms.
It amazes me you can remember specifics like episode directors when I have trouble remembering character names lol
SHOW BY ROCK!!: M: 49.08%, F: 50.92%
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: M: 46.03%, F: 53.97%
Gintama M: 18.25%, F: 81.75%
What should I be watching this season?
So far I've only tuned in to Shokugeki No Soma.
Princess Tutu 7:
The direction in this episode was very strong, particularly during the scene on the bridge where Drosselmeyer manifested on the bridge. The usage of skewed perspectives was good, and I liked how they showed all the different non-real bits intersecting with reality and creating a very distinct look. It really elevated that scene into something especially memorable, and it helped raise the stakes implicitly on Ahiru's situation.
I also liked that Ahiru struggled quite a bit here, and we saw her being really despondent after what had happened previously. She doesn't just get over things through a pep talk, but rather winds up getting dragged back into things mostly just because she has no choice but to act without thinking. They also shift the Tutu/Mytho dynamic again during the final scenes, and then set up some big questions with regards to Rue.
Shirobako 1
Show is off to a great start, it seems that this show is more than cute girls doing anime which is fine by me.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 1
And so I come to it at last. The big one. The show responsible for inspiring many anime we see today.
I have to say, they really knew what they were doing in setting things up here. Shinji's a decent protagonist so far, with having believable reactions one would have at being put into a situation like that. Unit 01 has a pretty cool design.
I actually didn't expect this episode to be all set up like this. Given most anime I've seen, I was expecting some narration about what the angels were and some details about the state of the world going into this.
Instead the entire episode is dedicated into getting Shinji in the robot, and it's all presented really well.
Well, show made a good first impression. I expect confusion, craziness, and well-animated robot action in the episodes to come.
And so, once more I have entered into a watchbet with Pshyco Ninja.
Kanon 1
And here's what everybody remembers about this show (this version, at least).
Oh, this is gonna be precious.
Overall, a rather standard first episode, but there seems to be more here than meets the eye. Lost memories? The past repeating itself? Interested to see where it goes from here.
Am I wrong in thinking Iroha is a better match for Hikki than either of the main girls?
Man, Sidonia is suffering from what happened to Infinite Stratos, where the second season is just more anime bullshit than the first. The Space Opera stuff is just ruined by herpderp physical comedy and cliched harem/sex-comedy hijinks.
Terra Battle anime when? I hope it's one of the Download Starter 2 goals....
Gintama's audience split doesn't surprise me at all, looking at all those Gintoki x Takasugi and Gintoki x Hijikata works.
There are a lot.
Questions will be mostly answered, but are you watching subbed or dubbed? The dub with Luci Christian might be cuter than the sub.
SHOW BY ROCK!!: M: 49.08%, F: 50.92%
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: M: 46.03%, F: 53.97%
It is both precious and a sad drama like Clannad. Not as dramatic as Clannad but it delivers some feels too. But mostly cuteness.
The ending theme is so catchy. One of my favorites.
In fact, Im posting it. Dat engrish towards the end.
Plastic Memories - 06
Gap moe is one helluva drug.
I've been watching the subbed version, but I guess I might check out the dub once I'm finished to compare.
man, what did I get myself into now? I'm up to ep.9 now and it's starting to come on a little bit now. It's gonna get worse isn't it? Hopefully, not as bad as Clannad. .
I think Auu~ is uttered more often then Uguu~.
It won't be as bad as Clannad but you still should be prepared for what's comming. Your next reactions will be really interesting)
Hey, if Hulu is available for you, watch Honey and Clover after Kanon)
This show will blow your mind several times.
its soooooooooo good.
Yeah, they already played the plotline out for you in ep.9. It's just a matter ofthe big difference between the two is that Clannad really builds up each relationship with the characters so you build an identity with each of them, but they haven't really done too much of it with Kanon, but feels are feels ya know..who, when and why now
But that is how Parasyte has been all this time ! I thought the last two major fights were decently animated. On par and better with show's previous efforts.
^Might want to spoiler tag that. nintendoman is watching eva for the first time.
I would normally agree with you but we know here Nintendoman is watching for the first time. Let's give him that experience.
And holy cow I can't believe it's almost that old! It seems like yesterday.
Kino's Journey 01
This is a beautiful episode and a fantastic way to start the series. The opening sequence in the desert demonstrates that Kino is willing to risk her life for her Journey. Once arriving in the country it's clear something is obviously wrong yet everything appears to be functioning. The first person she encounters flees in terror but soon explains what has happened within his country.It seems everyone is able to communicate through thought, rendering speech pointless. Of course the implications of reading everyone's thoughts has the country in disarray.
When leaving, Kino shares a wordless moment with the unnamed man and communicates only through expression. This interaction emphasize's the episodes themes in such a brilliant yet simple manner.
If the first episode is a good indication of what this series entails I'm very happy I made this watchbet with nintendoman.
Usagi Drop
(Discussion for both the anime and manga)
What manga?
I am legit shocked at Food Wars. I totally didnt expect that.
Terra Battle anime when? I hope it's one of the Download Starter 2 goals....