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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Maria Holic Episode 1:

So I have seen this one reviewed a bit and even compared to the likes of Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku given the yuri levels contained in both so I have given the first episode a wach and boy howdy was that terrible. In fact, my opinion of that other show has jumped up several notches after seeing the pitfall this show made in the starting gate. Kanako in spite of all of the imagine spots that try to make her endearing is just dull for the most part. Though what is really breaking this show for me is Mariya Shidō. Okay, I get that she is basically the antagonist and that I should hate her for various reasons and I do but more in a get the fuck off my monitor sort of way because I find most of what she does to be unsettling in very unconformable ways.
To wit I am NOT cool with with this little asshole using Kanako's sexuality as a god damned choke chain, that is almost dealbreker material right there alone.
Perhaps the biggest sin of all what the whole dynamic between the two I do admit is a clever subversion of the usual tropes, at the end of the day Kanako and Mariya have no comedic chemistry and thus I was left with no laughs but a lot of cringes. I understand they are going for comedy through wanton, downright mean spirited credulity but that is a tough act to pull off and this episode fell flat on its face. I may give this a few more episodes but if this is the kind of reaction I am going to have time and again I will walk away in the here and now.


teekyu things


creepy and educational. sasuga teekyu

ninja slayer 4

this sucked. more dumb flashkuga pls
So I guess Viral's character development was him just yelling and punching? Viral losing purpose in his life after Genome's death and finding it again with Team Lagann. Not to mention Viral deciding to protect humans in the backhalf or his desire to have a family.

In other words, human punching douche bag to non-human punching douche bag. One cliche to another.


This highlights one point I've only ever seen one other person bring up on this forum when it comes to critical examination of anything and that's the frequent trend for people who "review" things to intentionally leave out or disingenuously interpret details to make a work they don't like look worse than it is. It seems like it takes a special kind of person to not immediately employ the baby with the bath water approach when it comes to analyzing whatever.

People generally do not want to expend effort towards things they don't like so it makes sense that it would be common for shortcuts to be made and for details to be left out or altered for something that you think is "bad" regardless. But then it's not really a critical analysis but those who do this tend to want to have their cake and eat it too.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yui: She likes him and she doesn't want to see him hurting himself just to help others.

Yukino: Probably same reason as Yui + based on what I understood, she believes Hachiman's solution does not solve the problem at heart, skirts around it, trying to patch things up without considering long term effects. This is evident in this case and the Rumi issue in S1. Also, especially for this case, Hachiman sacrificed himself to maintain something superficial (Hayama's relationship with his friends) which he and Yukino loathes.

The problem for me is that everyone continually forces Hachiman to resolve their problems (while being aware how he resolves problems) and then they get mad when he does. It just seems like their criticism is unwarranted as such. Particularly Yukino, as she mostly denies even giving a shit about him.


The problem for me is that everyone continually forces Hachiman to resolve their problems (while being aware how he resolves problems) and then they get mad when he does. It just seems like their criticism is unwarranted as such. Particularly Yukino, as she mostly denies even giving a shit about him.

It's not like Hachiman was hurting himeslf till before festival ark (and only Hayama and sensei saw that), so it was first time for Yui and Yukinoshita to see this.

And there is "one more thing" for Yukinoshita - remember their bet in first season? As I see it - all their tasks almost always resolved by Hachiman's methods while she herself can't find her own way to resolve things. So it's like his ways are crushing her, but at the same time she can't accept it and can't do anything herself.




Ew its the plot of Monster Rancher ew


Maturity, bitches.
I measure years of anime with BH and AH, Before and After Haruhi, because 2006 was truly when anime became worthwhile.


The problem for me is that everyone continually forces Hachiman to resolve their problems (while being aware how he resolves problems) and then they get mad when he does. It just seems like their criticism is unwarranted as such. Particularly Yukino, as she mostly denies even giving a shit about him.

I think that's another reason she's mad. She doesn't have any choice on how to resolve the problem and has to rely to Hachiman which methods are unconventional and self-destruct-prone. I bet she (and Yui) feels helpless herself especially after seeing the act firsthand (she did not witness the Sagami breakdown personally).

As for the bolded statement above, I think this will be touched upon in episode 8 if we are to match the anime's pace with the LN.


Mikagura 6
Well that was enjoyable. I will admit that I was sort of on the fence for this series at the beginning. Eruna was a little too silly for my tastes but she has since grown to be very likable.

Eruna really is a good kid. An idiot at times but lovable nonetheless. It's not surprising how quickly she got close to the various seniors and classmates. Eruna's thoughts going straight to Nyamirin senpai instead of the other obvious candidate in front of her cracked me up. Sasuga Eruna.

And finally! A
rival appears!
Assuming this is one cour, we're already at the halfway mark. Took them long enough to bring on the other heroine, despite rushing through the other stuff. Now! Give me my Otone vs Seisa yuri fights! Seisa, if you don't start being dere soon, Otone is gonna steal Eruna away. If the ending is any indication, Otone should be the SBJK type. Until we know what kind of girl Otone really is, I'll be in #TeamSeisa.

Maria Holic Episode 1:
Though what is really breaking this show for me is Mariya Shidō. Okay, I get that she is basically the antagonist and that I should hate her for various reasons and I do but more in a get the fuck off my monitor sort of way because I find most of what she does to be unsettling in very unconformable ways.
To wit I am NOT cool with with this little asshole using Kanako's sexuality as a god damned choke chain, that is almost dealbreker material right there alone.
It's been years since I looked at this series but I remember this part right here being what ultimately made me drop this series for good. I didn't last long. I didn't even last until the anime started. I dropped it based on the first few manga chapters. I think I did give one episode a try but the premise itself just didn't sit right with me. I can't really remember why anymore, but I think I considered this series anti-yuri. We have gotten a lot of other yuri manga material since then so I never found any reason to revisit this series. I don't think I want to either.


Thinking of importing something from Funimation Store, obviously they don't ship to the UK so I'm thinking of using a forwarder, should be fine right?


Kill La Kill started out great, but as it went on, it got more and more mired in shonen BS that dragged the show way down.
I only got to ep. 8 and it's been pretty crazy so far. It's a good show to watch ad a break from all the Slice if Life stuff I've been watching, lol.


Kill la Kill is amazing.
But it's amazing because even the show isnt taking itself seriously.

Is just the absurd for the absurd, because yes. Everything is just nosense and made without any idea of logic behind.

It's pretty enjoyable if you are not looking for anything serious.


Kill la Kill is amazing.
But it's amazing because even the show isnt taking itself seriously.

Is just the absurd for the absurd, because yes. Everything is just nosense and made without any idea of logic behind.

It's pretty enjoyable if you are not looking for anything serious.
Thank you.
I had fun with Kill la Kill. I didn't like it as much a a lot of people here but it was fun to watch. I mean anyone who took that show seriously must have been kidding themselves, the whole thing was just bollocks lmfao.


Well in any case...I just bought Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Collection 1 on Blu-ray. Contains the first 35 episodes.


Mysterious Joker.

Ah. Thanks!

RandomC does a shockingly poor job of researching shows for their seasonal preview posts and has reviewers on staff who choose to ignore flaws in certain shows/productions that they point out exceedingly so in other ones they dislike for no reason other than a severe bias. At one time RandomC was a good review site, but the current iteration does not deserve any recommendation. The reviewers on staff should be replaced before anyone recommends them again.

(You have no idea how incorrect the Euphonium preview was. It was basically "this looks like K-On! with Jazz!" When I've seen how many times the staff has not researched a KyoAni show, it makes me trust them less for other shows despite not knowing as much about them.)

I enjoy their take on most things. I like the layout and the readability. Very friendly, casual blog.


This was the first episode where I really found myself pretty shocked at this show. I thought the first episode was good, but episode 2 really showed me that this show wasn't gonna pull its punches.

understatement of the year. Kino's Journey really exposes some nasty underbelly of human society and has no qualms about it whatsoever.

Anything decent this season? I'm already watching SNAFU and Souma.

Show By Rock
Plastic Memolries
Hibike Euphonium
Kill La Kill started out great, but as it went on, it got more and more mired in shonen BS that dragged the show way down.

KLK was good for like 1-2 episodes. Such a disappointment....I remember getting hyped for it back when it was announced and they said it was going to focus on fighting.


All this comparing Kill La Kill to Gurren Lagann.

Can't we just agree that both of them were terrible, just in different ways?

No, we definitely cannot.

To Love Ru
Highschool DxD
Kore wa Zombie
Infinite Stratos S1 (S2 is shit)

Last one crosses the "so bad, it's actually good" line

INfinite Stratos would be completely horrible except that it has Charles and Laura in it and later Tatenashi. Those girls are so far into the realm of goddess tier that I have to change the grade to a 13/10 since each of them puts it over the top.
However the show actually deserves a 2/10 really.

Now if we're talking about Imaishi in general, that's a whole separate story. Something I've come to terms with in the past few months/years is that I don't like Imaishi as a director. Restraint is not in his dictionary. Many of his contemporaries are able to dial stuff up to 11 while still retaining some level of either subtletely or reality.

That said, Gurren Lagann is by far his most reigned in work. By far. That seems to be due to other staff on the project such as Otsuka being more 'involved'. Kill La Kill never slowed down like Gurren Lagann did during Simon's depression, Rossiu's shit, or the Anti-Spiral stuff. Much of TTGL is spent on actual character development with many action sequences serving to flesh out the characters.

Gurren Lagann certainly has flaws that could be pointed out but they're totally insignificant compared to what the show not only strived for but also accomplished.

To be fair, every show has flaws except Haibane Renmei and Kino's Journey. Those are perfect and I will not accept dissent.


Honey and Clover ep. 1-2
Wow, I didn't realize this one was so old, the art style is wicked old school. Nothing happening yet except two dudes falling for the same lil' midget chick.

Golden Boy ep.1-2
ok, I'm not digging the art style with this one either, but thus is some funny stuff. I'm also not sure if I like the mini episode style of everything. I guess I could watch to laugh for the time being, lol.

Oh man. Golden Boy is classic. It wraps up really well too.

Lol, it's just a completely different art style from what I've been watching, almost water colorish, not educated enough on anime art to give a technical style name.

Wel, it's over a century old now. .

Err...well thats not how years work..
In any case the style isnt that different from today.
You have to go back to late 90s to really see a change.

Based SHAFT.

DOnt even have to say Based. Just say Shaft and people will understand the godliness they are dealing with.

Cross Ange 1-3

I laughed.

Cross ange is a fine comedy
Plastic Memories 02

Slacked off on watching this so this is pretty outdated, sorry.

Why is a minor allowed to euthanize robots? On his first days he screws up all the time but they stll haven't fired him? I guess the whole company is incompetent, after all they are the guys who are dumb enough to send a complete newbie out in the field to take away people's "children".

There are more things that were kinda stupid in this episode. Why did they buy a complete swimming pool/training facility? Robot girl can't even chase people properly but for some reason they decided to train their Giftia's to open underwater valves. Horrible mismanaging going on there. It's just stupid that nobody is taking their job seriously when they have such a sensitive and emotional task.

All of this can of course be explained by the fact that the makers just want to have Isla in a swimsuit.

It's a shame, I really like the concept but it doesn't seem like the creators know what to do with it. Hope the next episodes are a bit better

PS: Red haired girl is just being Tsun for the sake of being Tsun. Worst character of this season so far. Shes even worse than that wolf boy in the first DanMachi episode.


Mikagura 6
Well that was enjoyable. I will admit that I was sort of on the fence for this series at the beginning. Eruna was a little too silly for my tastes but she has since grown to be very likable.

Eruna really is a good kid. An idiot at times but lovable nonetheless. It's not surprising how quickly she got close to the various seniors and classmates. Eruna's thoughts going straight to Nyamirin senpai instead of the other obvious candidate in front of her cracked me up. Sasuga Eruna.

And finally! A
rival appears!
Assuming this is one cour, we're already at the halfway mark. Took them long enough to bring on the other heroine, despite rushing through the other stuff. Now! Give me my Otone vs Seisa yuri fights! Seisa, if you don't start being dere soon, Otone is gonna steal Eruna away. If the ending is any indication, Otone should be the SBJK type. Until we know what kind of girl Otone really is, I'll be in #TeamSeisa.

It's been years since I looked at this series but I remember this part right here being what ultimately made me drop this series for good. I didn't last long. I didn't even last until the anime started. I dropped it based on the first few manga chapters. I think I did give one episode a try but the premise itself just didn't sit right with me. I can't really remember why anymore, but I think I considered this series anti-yuri. We have gotten a lot of other yuri manga material since then so I never found any reason to revisit this series. I don't think I want to either.

I agree with this statement and that helps me move onto titles that hopefully will piss me off less.


Plastic Memories 02

Slacked off on watching this so this is pretty outdated, sorry.

Why is a minor allowed to euthanize robots? On his first days he screws up all the time but they stll haven't fired him? I guess the whole company is incompetent, after all they are the guys who are dumb enough to send a complete newbie out in the field to take away people's "children".

There were more things that are kinda stupid in this episode. Why did they buy a complete swimming pool/training facility? Robot girl can't even chase people properly but for some reason they decided to train their Giftia's to open underwater valves . Horrible mismanaging going on there. It's just stupid that nobody is taking their job seriously when they have such a sensitive and emotional task.

All of this can of course be explained by the fact that the makers just want to have Isla in a swimsuit.

It's a shame, I really like the concept but it doesn't seem like the creators know what to with it. Hope the next episodes are a bit better

PS: Red haired girl is just being Tsun for the sake of being Tsun. Worst character of this season so far. Shes even worse than that wolf boy in the first DanMachi episode.

Just keep watching, it begins to all piece together nicely as the season progresses. Also, Mich is not a bad character as it goes forward. There is a reason she is the way she is... Keep watching, the feels are excellant in this one.

Oh man. Golden Boy is classic. It wraps up really well too.Err...well thats not how years work..
In any case the style isnt that different from today.
You have to go back to late 90s to really see a change.

I think I was a little over-tired last night, lol. Just a completely different art style than what I've been seeign lately in Danmachi, Plastic Memories, Etotama, Snafu, and even the Key animation series I just watched. I thought the time stamp said 2004, so me still being an anime rookie, that's old school, lol.

Golden Boy 3-END:
OK, so this was a very short series, but it was a lot of funny stuff piled in real quick. Perfect for the pick-up -and watch for a few minutes viewer. It's a shame he didn;t get a single girl out of them all, he had a chance will all of them but he was too busy studying... And your right Cajun, the ending wrap-up was short and sweet.

Gonna watch a few episodes of Demon King Daimao to see what the story is.


That's sooner than I expected. Did they send you a shipping confirmation beforehand?

Yeah I got this email yesterday:


Team Anime Limited here. We hope all is well and that you had a good weekend.

We just wanted to give you an update to say that your replacement Durarara!! Blu-ray discs have been sent to you today via First Class Royal Mail. (We have sent you a Standard Edition version of our Durarara!! release as it contains our re-authored Blu-ray discs.)

You should receive these within the next few days. If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask.

Kind regards,

Team Anime Limited


Just keep watching, it begins to all piece together nicely as the season progresses. Also, Mich is not a bad character as it goes forward. There is a reason she is the way she is... Keep watching, the feels are excellant in this one.

I think I was a little over-tired last night, lol. Just a completely different art style than what I've been seeign lately in Danmachi, Plastic Memories, Etotama, Snafu, and even the Key animation series I just watched. I thought the time stamp said 2004, so me still being an anime rookie, that's old school, lol.

Golden Boy 3-END:
OK, so this was a very short series, but it was a lot of funny stuff piled in real quick. Perfect for the pick-up -and watch for a few minutes viewer. It's a shame he didn;t get a single girl out of them all, he had a chance will all of them but he was too busy studying... And your right Cajun, the ending wrap-up was short and sweet.

Gonna watch a few episodes of Demon King Daimao to see what the story is.

Golden Boy isnt a TV series per se. Its an OVA.
The higher quality animation is due to this format and it was common around that time period. A lot of so called repressed anime fans look fondly upon this era when they mostly saw 4-6 episode OVA shows and try to equate that to much longer budget constrained shows today. These were made in completely different animation eras.


If it's like rage of bahamut i'll be happy to watch that .

but ...bahamut was a fluke, right ?

Well, if they ever do make a Terra Battle anime I expect it to be closer to Bahamut since I think the audience skews towards wanting a more serious fantasy story with good art. Monster Strike will almost certainly be something geared towards younger kids though, so I expect something like Yokai Watch and Pokemon.


We've all moved away from that silly review talk, but on the topic of Golden Boy, the only reason I was ever interested in the show was because of this gif that I saw a few years ago:
This is pretty much my only exposure to Golden Boy, and I thought that the art style looked really appealing. That's how easy it is to get me to watch a show.

However, having just looked at a few more pics of Golden Boy since people are talking about it and...man this show is dirty as hell, maybe its not for me after all lol. And that's how easy it is to get me to not watch a show. Its only a short OVA however, so I may give the a whirl down the line.


We've all moved away from that silly review talk, but on the topic of Golden Boy, the only reason I was ever interested in the show was because of this gif that I saw a few years ago:

This is pretty much my only exposure to Golden Boy, and I thought that the art style looked really appealing. That's how easy it is to get me to watch a show.

However, having just looked at a few more pics of Golden Boy since people are talking about it and...man this show is dirty as hell, maybe its not for me after all lol. And that's how easy it is to get me to not watch a show. Its only a short OVA however, so I may give the a whirl down the line.
Watch Golden Boy. In English. You will not regret the decision.


Demon King Daimao ep.1-2
LOL, what is this show? Rude, crude, odd, but funny as heck. Wait, the end of ep. 2... wtf was that. This is going to be an odd one, isn't it?
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