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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Poet Centuriate
Isn't living in Nebraska and refusing to consume a corn product some form of State Treason?

Yes. Those that refuse to assimilate and become a Child of the Corn are banished to our version of the Gulag: a never-ending walk through the endless corn stalk labyrinth, also known as the Maize Maze.


It's good with chocolate cereals. Corn Flakes also works as well. I believe the general line of Captain Crunch also works.

madp I might be wrong, but I get some Majin Bone vibes from your ava.

It'd be crazy good with chocolate stuff. I like chocolate flavored coffees anyways.
It is, it's a Stolz fanart I found in a folder today.

That's what I thought. I was like "I want to match up with that." But the question is who? Liebert or Klude.

Yes. Those that refuse to assimilate and become a Child of the Corn are banished to our version of the Gulag: a never-ending walk through the endless corn stalk labyrinth, also known as the Maize Maze

It'd be crazy good with chocolate stuff. I like chocolate flavored coffees anyways.

Well it's a good thing I informed you of such a thing. Also it's good with cheerios.

Like cafe au lait or actually coffee?

Actual Coffee
Hey guys! Anyone remember me? As some of you may or may not know, I've been gone for about three months. What are the good shows that I've missed? Anything with loli is appreciated.

It has been a while... Good shows this season:

Saki Achiga-hen OVA (and there's also a Saki Biyori OVA upcoming) - not translated, but it's not too much of an issue mostly.
Nanoha ViviD
Yamada and the Seven Witches
Kyoukai no Rinne
Houkago no Pleiades

Bad but worth a look, maybe:

Dungeon no Deai
Gunslinger Stratos

Idolmaster Xenglossia Finale

Don't watch this.
Why not, do you have something against an idol having her giant robot for her boyfriend?

Idolmaster Xenglossia Finale

Watch this.
I did like the first, happier half of the show more than the darker second half, but yeah, it's decent stuff, more interesting than plenty of Sunrise's mecha shows (of course, I'm not exactly a mecha fan).


Huge Nickleback Fan
Hey guys! Anyone remember me? As some of you may or may not know, I've been gone for about three months. What are the good shows that I've missed? Anything with loli is appreciated.

Yuri Kuma Arashi (Ikuhara, bear, and lesbian)
Blood Blockade Battlefront (cool supernatural battle anime)
Shokugeki no Soma (hot blooded Foodgasm and foodporn)
Shirobako (Anime about making anime)
Koufuku Graffiti (Foodgasm, and decent slice of life)
Maria the virgin witch (middle age witch)
Snafu S2 (Japanese ver. of Catcher in the rye)
Hibike Euphonium (Story about assemble band trying to make it into national competition)
Arslan Senki (Created by the author of Legend of galactic heroes, a story about prince who try to reclaim his country after being overtaken. Bad CG)
Biyori isn't getting a full series? But what about the Saki cinematic universe???

Who knows, maybe it'll get a full series sometime, but for now just an OVA has been announced.

Of course, that the Achiga OVA hasn't been translated is not a good sign for Biyori; unlike the pretty straightforward Achiga OVA, Biyori, as a 4koma, really relies on knowing what people are saying. I really hope it (and the Achiga one too of course) gets translated.

In other Saki news, Ritz FINALLY just finished a new chapter of Saki after a two-issue break (so the last chapter was six weeks ago)... and in it we learn that there won't be a chapter next issue either, come back in a month. Argh.


Gunbuster 03

I love the detail and animation of the how the ships function and the mechas. The battle was quite frantic and it was difficult to tell what was going on. However, I assume that was the director's intent as Tayaka fumbled around clearly flustered by the battle around her. The introduction
and death
of Smith just seemed to serve as a character growth for Tayaka. However, I didn't expect it would happen that soon.
Anno would perfect the Smith thing on Nadia a few years later. I felt the way Smith was used to be kinda sloppy and it's probably my least favourite part of Gunbuster. It's all up from here.


Lol. Thankfully, I put the correct one in my queue. The other one is an idol show, right?

It's a rabbit hole that I have not yet braved.

But yes.

Gunbuster 02
Super robos go AWOL into a Star Destroyer housing an Amygdala. I'm impressed by the art within the mechas. It's very reminiscent of what the 80s thought future technology would look like but it's impressive how much detail there is within the cockpit.

Who said fanservice was an invention of recent anime? They're not afraid to bare all in this mecha. The time space relativity bit when they traveled to uncover an unidentified object only served to remind me of Nolan's recent work. I'll see you in the future past my friends.
No kidding, that took me by surprise. I'll take a few pandering shots in modern shows over full on nudity.

Gunbuster 03
I love the detail and animation of the how the ships function and the mechas. The battle was quite frantic and it was difficult to tell what was going on. However, I assume that was the director's intent as Tayaka fumbled around clearly flustered by the battle around her. The introduction
and death
of Smith just seemed to serve as a character growth for Tayaka. However, I didn't expect it would happen that soon.
The worst is over, the good parts begin now.

You better watch Diebuster after this.


for the good of your soul man turn the fuck around. do not pass do not go. nothing good awaits you at the end of this journey....... NOTHING

But all that entertainment!

Ange is the worst.

You are mad, Cajun. That scene was one of the best.


If only Iso was still working :p

He is working on the nearest Naruto fight as we speak. <crosses fingers.>
Anyways, you'd still be paying key animators by each animation cut, even if they aren't Iso or Matsumoto. As far as I know, wages for a notable animator over a "normal" animator wouldn't have a huge disparity if any unless they were working as an animation director instead. In betweeners aren't going to just do key animation for lower pay, that wouldn't make any sense. Also note these animators aren't normally on a salary, so purely time based wages isn't really a thing. Of course if you are a fast key animator who can deliver a lot cuts like say Hironori Tanaka, you'd theoretically earn more.

I think I remember Yamashita from Pierrot complaining about his salary before he got upped to animation and episode director. (And movie one too now.) I must say I have a hard time believing there isn't some significant financial bonus for the experienced and renowned animators. Regardless even if they get paid by the cut/number of drawings this still ties the quality of animation to the budget. If you don't want your episode to be a stills fest you're going to need more drawings and you're going to need to pay for them. The talent can only take you so far. It seems to me to be no coincidence that low budget shows like SS: Omega and other Toei atrocites look like crap whereas things like Denno Coil and others drown in money and end up looking great.

Gonna use this, stolen from XX chart, to hopefully lend some credence to my argument. :p

NGE looks like shit and had, predictably, low budget.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 01/25 (Dear God this is confusing.)

Breathtaking cinematography, intricate storyline and the best narrator in business. Kyon is a natural at this. I want to him to narrate every Discovery/National Geographic documentary now.

Think I will staywith the broadcast order for now and see how it goes.


He is working on the nearest Naruto fight as we speak. <crosses fingers.>

I think I remember Yamashita from Pierrot complaining about his salary before he got upped to animation and episode director. (And movie one too now.) I must say I have a hard time believing there isn't some significant financial bonus for the experienced and renowned animators. Regardless even if they get paid by the cut/number of drawings this still ties the quality of animation to the budget. If you don't want your episode to be a stills fest you're going to need more drawings and you're going to need to pay for them. The talent can only take you so far. It seems to me to be no coincidence that low budget shows like SS: Omega and other Toei atrocites look like crap whereas things like Dennou Coil and other drown in money and end up looking great.

Gonna use this, stolen from XX chart, to hopefully lend some credence to my argument. :p

NGE looks like shit and had, predictably, low budget.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 01/25 (Dear God this is confusing.)

Breathtaking cinematography, intricate storyline and the best narrator in business. Kyon is a natural at this. I want to him to narrate every Discovery/National Geographic documentary now.

Think I will still with the broadcast order for now and see how it goes.

Some interesting information here.
Id be curious to know what some of those legendary Shaft budgets are.


Sound! Euphonium - 03


- Man, watching them set up chairs in ensemble seating got me all nostalgic. Rehearsal arrangements and meetings were always such fun.

- Sectionals! It's really cool to see them delve into more of the inner-workings of a concert band and their rehearsal techniques. All the info provided here is spot-on.

- I like how the percussionists were practicing on drum pads. They likely do this in the school when they practice to cut down on the noise, which can be very distracting in their environment. It doesn't look like they have a dedicated band room, so it makes sense.

- Also funny is that animation started Right-Left-Right-Left, the proper hand order for general ensemble when starting on the beat. Early players are taught this as one of their first lessons. The girl that messes up (on the left side) started with the wrong hand!

- It's nice that the percussion doesn't have to move, haha. Depending on the school, it can be a major pain in the ass to set up and tear down every day.

- Clarinet cleaning cloooooooottttthhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! It's even got the string on it and everything!

- Let's also talk about the dissection of that clarinet. Holy shit is it spot on. The girl cleans the mouthpiece WITHOUT the ligature on. They even drew in the cork properly! And the disassembled clarinet on the desk is on all the proper pieces too, with correct sizes, cork in the right places, lacquer placements, octave key, key placements, right amount of parts, and even the ligature is sitting on there. Most woodwind players will lay the other pieces on a cloth or in their cases while cleaning them out, and this is replicated here!

- I thought it's funny that they're using the cheapy personal practice stands. You can tell because of how thin they are, and because the backs are open, instead of solid.

- Dude, even the digital tuner/metronome has fucking amazing detail on it, all the way down to the individual lettering above each button. There's the correct flat/in tune/sharp indicators with the correct light colors on top, the sound adjustment, tempo changing, and even the digital layout of the screen is proper. When those metronomes sound for tempo, there is really a ghosting-like effect on the screen (of like 3 lines); even those are drawn in here!

- One omission is the lack of a time signature on every line of the music in this same still (around (02:58). They do have the key signatures carry over. The ending/repeats are done correctly too!

- Holy shit they're practicing circular breathing. Even doing proper breathing exercises, body posture for breathing exercises, breathing from the diaphragm; it's all here. Personally I was never too good at real circular breathing (hard for french horn players who do lots of bass parts that need to be loud), so I made up for it by having a lung capacity of almost 8 liters! Okay maybe this scene wasn't so much circular breathing as it was just breathing exercises! They're quite important for wind musicians!

- That instrument storage room is great. It's all laid out like one should be. They even compensated for space on the horn shelf correctly.


- That being said, for a small band program, they sure have some fucking expensive looking instruments.

- There are people who do name their instruments. When I was in high school I played a really silver mellophone for marching band that I nick-named Pablo. Even almost 10 years out of high school it still has that name. I know this because apparently I passed down a legacy when a graduate, and when I go to alumni events all the young students know who I am by name because I founded that section for the marching band, and the french horn section for the wind ensemble/concert bands! Apparently i'm like a god to them, the one who gave rise to the section, haha!

- Even the proper reflection (the way the displacement works) for looking into the reflection off the instrument is well done. And that Euphonium/Tuba/CB visual-porn is just hot. So fucking hot.

- The b-flat Asuka plays when getting them to stop discussing sounded like it came from a french horn, not a euphonium. Given the registers of both instruments, the exact pitch she played would be much to far out of the comfortable euphonium range for a casual blow (it's right at the very top of comfy playing range), but in the moderate lip pressure area for a french horn. She did however have the correct fingering for that b-flat (the first b-flat above middle-c). This isn't to say they can't go that high, but I think the breathiness of the tone coupled with how the euphonium would sound at the pitch would give credence to the fact that it was indeed a french horn.

- I can't believe they even have the Marine's Hymn sheet music correct. Though, I hope by the time I hit the credits I can see which composer's arrangement they're using (because it looks like an easier one).

- Girls crushing on their band directors is nothing new lol. If they didn't mention that at least once in this show i'd be worried. It's super commonplace for any ensemble, more than you would think. A lot of (not all) band girls really get into that stuff!

- The whole march thing is actually pretty accurate to other "sitting-down" band competitions. For standard competitions all bands usually play a march (9/10 times it will be a Sousa march as they are super easy to judge on technicalities and performance levels), and the second piece is usually the show piece, used to show off the level and skill of the ensemble. This is all present here!

- Carrying big band instruments really sucks lol. It's accurate that they wouldn't be carrying the CB and tuba home. Most schools will give them practice instruments to take home so they can practice both at home and school without having to move them all the time. I'm not sure if Japanese schools would do the same, but I imagine so.

- Lips hurting and calloused fingers; all that endurance training is tough at the beginning.


- Kumiko's sister preemptively complaining about the noise was funny.

- I loved that they made the distinction between rotary oil and valve oil. The tubas on the show are rotor tubas as opposed to the standard beginner valved tubas, so to see that mentioned and then to see the rotor oil actually be in the correct form factor was awesome. Even applying it to the instrument was correct, though they didn't show them taking the caps off and oiling those too, which should also be done!

- More notes being played with the correct fingerings! Also I love the way they distinguish between the amateur sounds and the sounds of the more seasoned players. The little details go a long way with someone like me!

- Also notice the "phone" and "input" indications on the metronome. Such awesome attention to detail. Usually string instruments will make use of that, particularly bass (bass guitar and CB) and guitar (all kinds) players. The higher string instruments don't usually use them because their harmonics are easier to hear and tune due to the way the open strings are arranged.

- That french horn was layed on the table correctly!

- Watching these guys get their comeuppance for not practicing and sounding like shit was amazing. Watching Taki-sensei let them go for as long as he did was hilarious, but he was super-lenient with them. He let them hang themselves and it was great.

- That proper concert band tuning order!

- That look on the faces of the band members after that shit start was great. I know that feel, haha. They depicted it so fucking spot-on. The defeat, the shame, the despair at not knowing what words are about to come out your director's mouth, all flawlessly captured.

- I fucking loved Taki-sensei's reaction. Like holy shit. It's so fucking spot on for a band director after having to hear a garbage rehearsal like that. They really did sound like shit too! The way he singled out band members to ask them what they thought was spot on too, and is an effective teaching method that even I have used! And the gall of some of the players to demand that he tell them what they're fucking up on is priceless!


- HAHAHA! And everyone there knows what the fuck is wrong. You can see it in their body language! All the guilt, shame, unease, and denial that they are so baaaaaaaad. It's all there!

- And then he singles out the sections!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's either a huge moment of shame or one of boasting to get everyone else to get their shit together! And he used it to shame the fuck out of them and make them feel horrible! This is SO GOOD. I feel like i'm in high school ensembles all over again!


- And then he asks them who thought it was good and none of them respond! I can feel their shame through the screen and it feels so right! The anxiety and horrible feeling in the pits of their stomachs, I can feel it all. They are depicting this so fucking well you guys have no idea!

- And then he uses the fact that one section sounded like shit to say that they all sounded like shit! I have LIVED through this scene!

- Needless to say, Taki-sensei is one awesome fucking band director. It's spot on. He's done so well, so accurately! He's a very realistic portrayal of a band director! I also really love how he's basically like, "don't fucking get me in here to make you practice, i'll fucking come back when you want to rehearse for real!"

- Making the distinction between those practice vs. rehearsal and Taki-sensei's role with each of those is very important for that scene! You rehearse with your director. Rehearsing means you have your shit together and are ready to work on bringing the music to life. Practice is the shit you do on your own time like getting fingerings down, rough sections ironed out, keeping tempo, getting all the pitches right. Do that basic shit on your own time and bring you ass ready to rehearse and not waste time on shit you should have practiced!

- And then the shit-talking after he leaves is priceless, even though they all know they super fucked up!

- I love how he shit on them so nicely too. SO GOOD!


- Mass band drama and quitting wars... I've seen it! I've lived it!

- As a former band president myself, I like how they're trying to handle all of it. Even calling a meeting of section leaders to try and get this shit going.

- Hearing Kousaka play Dvorak on trumpet was nice. You could also tell by her breathing, intonation, and pitch sustainability that she is a younger player than a professional, which gives a massive sense of realism to their talent thresholds for this show. It sounds like how a pretty decent high school student would sound, as opposed to a professional. It's a really nice sense of realism for the playing. I originally thought they'd all sound like pros for a TV anime, but it's really grounded in being authentic.

- Kousaka's frustration is something very real. I experienced it myself, and when it happened to me I ended up joining a few college ensembles while I was still in high school, just to get a more advanced and involved playing experience.

- Even the way she holds the trumpet both playing and in resting position is spot-on. Even the thumb-holder and ring on the slide to the third valve is all there. One thing younger players do is hook their pinky on the little hook for their right hand. Advanced players usually rest their finger on top of the hook because that thing is really only there for newer players to press the instrument harder on their mouth, making buzzing for inexperienced players easier.

- Also all of the trumpet fingerings were correct for their pitches! Though, she played a transposed version of the melody that is more fitting to the trumpet's comfy range. There was a slight part where the notes played and fingers being pressed didn't line up perfectly, but honestly the overwhelming majority of it is spot-on.

-I love the how you can see the way the sun fades and the color changes on her face as the scene ends. It really sets the mood perfectly.

- All in all, a really fucking awesome episode. Watching this series really makes me feel nostalgic for my younger band days.



Ore Monogatari!! 1-2

This show is giving me diabetes.

Can't recall the number of times I want to slap Takeo because of how dense he is.


Sabagebu!-Survival Game Club! Ep.3-4:

Okay, even better in live action:

She truly is great:
So much fun, I may need to stop halfway through to save some episodes for later. It's not like there is a plot line to follow, so it can be picked up and watched at anytime for laughs....


Sabagebu!-Survival Game Club! Ep.3-4:

Okay, even better in live action:

She truly is great:

So much fun, I may need to stop halfway through to save some episodes for later. It's not like there is a plot line to follow, so it can be picked up and watched at anytime for laughs....

Yes. she is amazing. you will love Binbougami Ga.


Is that a woodwind in your pocket Thoraxes or are you just happy when watching Euphonium?

Just wood. Solid wood.

I'm just glad to have a show that's 100% related to my main field of study, related to something i've almost done for 20 years of my life, and related something where they pay enough attention to the tiniest of details that I can actually write some good observations for once.

Plus I think it's a lot of stuff (detail oriented in visuals/scenario) in the show a ton of people would miss out on if I didn't point them out to people (because they just don't know)!

Seriously, the attention to detail in that show is fucking insane. They must have spent a metric fuck-ton of time doing research because I can corroborate everything they're putting in there and it's all spot-on.


Blood Blockade Battlefront Dub - 01

This show deserves a good dub, and judging from Episode 1, looks like it'll get just that; Ian Sinclair as Zapp will be great going forward, as will be Josh Grelle as Femt.


Just wood. Solid wood.

I'm just glad to have a show that's 100% related to my main field of study, related to something i've almost done for 20 years of my life, and related something where they pay enough attention to the tiniest of details that I can actually write some good observations for once.

Plus I think it's a lot of stuff (detail oriented in visuals/scenario) in the show a ton of people would miss out on if I didn't point them out to people (because they just don't know)!

Seriously, the attention to detail in that show is fucking insane. They must have spent a metric fuck-ton of time doing research because I can corroborate everything they're putting in there and it's all spot-on.

I only wish I had that kind of insight into music.


Maturity, bitches.
Gurika Jis, I have no idea who you are, but if you're going to take the time to watermark a gif based on property you don't own, at least take the time to optimise it so it feels like you actually did some work towards it.

And by work, I mean not screwing up the colours.


Sabagebu!-Survival Game Club! Ep.3-4:

Okay, even better in live action:

She truly is great:

So much fun, I may need to stop halfway through to save some episodes for later. It's not like there is a plot line to follow, so it can be picked up and watched at anytime for laughs....

The greatest. The kick Momoka gives when he's down gets me every time. &#12466;&#12473;&#12452;
Sasuga Momoka-sama.


Gurika Jis, I have no idea who you are, but if you're going to take the time to watermark a gif based on property you don't own, at least take the time to optimise it so it feels like you actually did some work towards it.

And by work, I mean not screwing up the colours.

Who what?


Gurika Jis, I have no idea who you are, but if you're going to take the time to watermark a gif based on property you don't own, at least take the time to optimise it so it feels like you actually did some work towards it.

And by work, I mean not screwing up the colours.
Blame Tumblr
Assassination Classroom Episode 12 Baseball Time (engdub)

Jerkwads are one of my favorite character types. These two are so perfect in the funi dub.

Karma kuns teases are so great in english too, and Korosensei's baseball moment, it was way funnier here than in the jpn to me.


Aikatsu! Akari Generation 133

When the new idols were introduced at the start of the season, Madoka and Mikan had a different set of challenges to overcome compared to Rin and Aroma. Aroma is grade-school evil and Rin is a tsundere, both of those are generally loved in the fandom. Mikan hasn't quite proven her independence yet, but in this episode, Madoka became pretty fleshed out. Her relationship to the head of Angely Sugar and her own designer dreams was a nice twist compared to other idols, and I simply love her Alice in Wonderland motifs. It's one of the more (over)used anime motifs, but when pulled off successfully, it can work, and so it did here.

Now let's unit up!
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