Twin Tails
Simoun 08
Oh shit,
. I guess
Oh shit,
fing suicide bomber
real now
Never forget dub only bdss of P4A.
Aniplex USA is releasing Persona 4 The Golden Blu-Rays in 2 volumes. Surprisingly, there will not be a dub for the show.
Saki is a great series even if you don't know how to play mahjong though of course a bit will go over your head. You just have to be ok with some superpowers and heavy lesbian overtones.Catching up on the backlog. Just wrapped up Girls und Panzer, trying to figure out what to jump to Saki worth checking out?
No joke.
Going to watch Gasaraki as it have been in my DVD collection for a while now. Never heard much of the show except people say it's like Evangelion and I like the mecha look. Anyone have to say about the show or expectation for it (no spoilers plz).
Aniplex USA is releasing Persona 4 The Golden Blu-Rays in 2 volumes. Surprisingly, there will not be a dub for the show.
Aniplex USA is releasing Persona 4 The Golden Blu-Rays in 2 volumes. Surprisingly, there will not be a dub for the show.
Bikini Warriors TV anime this July
For those not watching this show, the character and moments DTL are describing is said character literally attempting to rape the heroine.
Came in exactly 1 month early, I bought this for the 2D mechs, tummies, and dat launch sequence.
Kirei is just a dickhead. All his actions can be explained on that basis.Kirei would rather have him dead than disloyal, I suppose.
When you can't convince others, you gotta play on their level.
Do you like possibly nopan lesbians play possibility defying mahjong? Then Saki might be just the show for you!Catching up on the backlog. Just wrapped up Girls und Panzer, trying to figure out what to jump to Saki worth checking out?
Shigurui - 03-06
The content continues to be disturbing and the direction (including the rather unique sound direction and OST) do their best to amplify that.
By now it has also gotten quite apparent that the characterization is fairly good, too.
I wish the fighting would consist a little bit less of posing with the following 'too-fast-to-see' strike that seals the deal, but at least this stuff is done competently.
Really enjoying my time with this somewhat unique feeling anime.
Sabegebul 6-10
How can someone be so cruel and lovable at the same time.
2 more episodes, I really don't want this to end.
I miss this show so much. Need a new season!Sabegebul 6-10
How can someone be so cruel and lovable at the same time.
2 more episodes, I really don't want this to end.
Seeing more people enjoy true art warms my heart.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 09/28
The more things change the more they stay the same ? Seems like there is no point in expecting any kind of shift in character dynamics/interactions. Because here, at the end of the chronological run, nothing seems to have changed. Even the Haruhi&Kyon thing seems to have gone nowhere. Maybe I was wrong about them. Or Kyon has amnesia. Or they're saving it for the movie. I just hope there is some kind of resolution/conclusion to the supernatural plot.
BBB 07
I feel like I don't like this show as much as a lot of people in here do.
Sabegebul 6-10
How can someone be so cruel and lovable at the same time.
2 more episodes, I really don't want this to end.
Concerning the Punch Line ep6 'twist'
Well, that might be a twist but it's not a particularly clever one. Oh he's actually a she, wow! I totally should've seen that coming because...well...because she looks and talks like a guy and gets the cliché nosebleed reaction constantly. There were minor hints at best (like the one person from the flashbacks missing) but was there anything substantially actually? If not, that kind of twist isn't worth a damn.
Concerning the Punch Line ep6 'twist'
Well, that might be a twist but it's not a particularly clever one. Oh he's actually a she, wow! I totally should've seen that coming because...well...because she looks and talks like a guy and gets the cliché nosebleed reaction constantly. There were minor hints at best (like the one person from the flashbacks missing) but was there anything substantially actually? If not, that kind of twist isn't worth a damn.
for madoka, the last 2 episodes were delayed indefinitely because of the earthquake. that really contributed to the show's status.Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Just watched this for the first time. People told me that this was supposed to be grimdark Sailor Moon, but I thought it was a nice bittersweet story with dark moments that didn't come off as juvenile attempts at edge (sup, Magi). I did enjoy how the show tries to initially play itself off as something a lot more innocent, and then the drastic shit in tone in the ED after a sudden critical death. I was completely not expecting the great creative visuals though. Every encounter with a witch or the like was such a treat.
Total bummer of an ending.
Since I totally missed out on this when it was hot, can people tell me what the reception to the show and certain episodes were like here? I regret not watching it along with everyone else.
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
This was okay. EXCEPT FOR ALL THE GARBAGE CG. Actually, the story was pretty meh too. And the in your face fanservice in some episodes was weird. Especially considering the age of some of the girls...
I admit the sudden bootyshaking made me laugh so hard that I had to pause the show to compose myself. So weird!
At least there were some pretty shots of the boats and city.
for madoka, the last 2 episodes were delayed indefinitely because of the earthquake. that really contributed to the show's status.
Seeing more people enjoy true art warms my heart.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 09/28
The more things change the more they stay the same ? Seems like there is no point in expecting any kind of shift in character dynamics/interactions. Because here, at the end of the chronological run, nothing seems to have changed. Even the Haruhi&Kyon thing seems to have gone nowhere. Maybe I was wrong about them. Or Kyon has amnesia. Or they're saving it for the movie. I just hope there is some kind of resolution/conclusion to the supernatural plot.
Oh wow, I never knew that. So you guys were cock teased with the Homura episode and left to wallow in suspense lol
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Just watched this for the first time. People told me that this was supposed to be grimdark Sailor Moon, but I thought it was a nice bittersweet story with dark moments that didn't come off as juvenile attempts at edge (sup, Magi). I did enjoy how the show tries to initially play itself off as something a lot more innocent, and then the drastic shit in tone in the ED after a sudden critical death. I was completely not expecting the great creative visuals though. Every encounter with a witch or the like was such a treat.
Total bummer of an ending.
Since I totally missed out on this when it was hot, can people tell me what the reception to the show and certain episodes were like here? I regret not watching it along with everyone else.
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
This was okay. EXCEPT FOR ALL THE GARBAGE CG. Actually, the story was pretty meh too. And the in your face fanservice in some episodes was weird. Especially considering the age of some of the girls...
I admit the sudden bootyshaking made me laugh so hard that I had to pause the show to compose myself. So weird!
At least there were some pretty shots of the boats and city.
Bro its not even a contest that she's the best Caster.
Ugh Soma pisses me off.
I wanna enjoy all the shounen cooking food battles but it has to shove all the ecchi shit in my face every other scene.
Yes I get it the girl has big floopy tits, I noticed the first damn time.
I should just read the manga but then I can't see the food in color, this sucks.
Sabegebul 6-10
How can someone be so cruel and lovable at the same time.
2 more episodes, I really don't want this to end.
The ecchi stuff gets toned down. I don't remember when, but the foodgasms kinda switch from "I'm orgasming because this food is so good!" to more ridiculous and less ecchi stuff, like everyone eating the food turning into a Magical Girl squad (seriously). I think manga-wise it's been a while since someones clothes exploded off.