What happened with Seraph of the End? I'm not watching it, but the last I was hearing of it was that it was pretty good and that it was supposed to be the next Attack on Titan, or something. Did it start petering out after the beginning or am I just imagining that people were praising it?
Trust me no one's praising it. It may have some similarities to Attack on Titan but it's execution is pretty terrible. Might as well not waste your time unless you really want to watch a mediocre show.
What happened with Seraph of the End? I'm not watching it, but the last I was hearing of it was that it was pretty good and that it was supposed to be the next Attack on Titan, or something. Did it start petering out after the beginning or am I just imagining that people were praising it?
Trust me no one's praising it. It may have some similarities to Attack on Titan but it's execution is pretty terrible. Might as well not waste your time unless you really want to watch a mediocre show.
What happened with Seraph of the End? I'm not watching it, but the last I was hearing of it was that it was pretty good and that it was supposed to be the next Attack on Titan, or something. Did it start petering out after the beginning or am I just imagining that people were praising it?
Its a great show. The animation is great, the story is starting to pick up too. Its certainly no Attack on Titan cause that show just oozed a different kind of personality from other shows, also it had a lot of action that was well thought out in some places so it worked well overall for your average anime viewer and people outside of the anime vortex. Watch Seraph of the End, I think you might like it. It also has a nice pace, not too fast and not too slow, a nice in between.
It's been a long time since I posted an update on this series and that's largely because, just like sports shows today, there's still a lot of what we'd call 'down time' between major fights. As such I've tended towards marathoning chunks of episodes at a time without passing comment on them.
What makes Joe different to other sports shows, however, is the titular character himself. In your normal sports show, like Hajime no Ippo, your protagonist spends most of their spare time training. In Tomorrow's Joe, Joe spends most of his spare time...goofing off and getting in trouble. While less of an asshole than he was before his bout in prison, Joe is still a wild street kid at hear and that gets him into trouble quite often. However, this impetuous streak is what makes him far more interesting than a character, like, say Ippo, who basically just a generic good guy.
Of course, the show also has it's own distinct visual appeal, is something I have highlighted previously. Unsurprisingly, the show look at it's best when Dezaki himself storyboards an episode. Consider, for example, episode 37:
Unlike other directors, Dezaki actually uses the visuals to tell a distinct story. Considering how workmanlike the rest of the production is you really notice when a director employs actual technique such as: unusual angles, use of reflections, shadows, even basic elements of shot blocking.
I think the most interesting thing about this particular post-prison arc, from a story standpoint, has to be the character of Wolf. Wolf is a boxer that Joe must best in the ring before he can proceed to fight other, important challengers. While he starts out as just an obstacle on the path to Rikishi the show does a great job of building him up to be a legitimate threat and even goes an extra step in turning him into a real bastard. Consider this scene, where Wolf's response to children spying on his secret boxing training is to beat the children unconscious:
Now that, ladies and gentleman, is a bad guy. None of this 'sporting warrior who Joe must respect' nonsense. Wolf is a thug who needs the shit beaten out of him.
Its a great show. The animation is great, the story is starting to pick up too. Its certainly no Attack on Titan cause that show just oozed a different kind of personality from other shows, also it had a lot of action that was well thought out in some places so it worked well overall for your average anime viewer and people outside of the anime vortex. Watch Seraph of the End, I think you might like it. It also has a nice pace, not too fast and not too slow, a nice in between.
Trust me no one's praising it. It may have some similarities to Attack on Titan but it's execution is pretty terrible. Might as well not waste your time unless you really want to watch a mediocre show.
I see - the majority of the impressions I've seen in here seemed to be pretty apathetic about it, but I guess I got the wrong idea. Probably not gonna pick it up though, I've already got more than enough to watch right now.
I see - the majority of the impressions I've seen in here seemed to be pretty apathetic about it, but I guess I got the wrong idea. Probably not gonna pick it up though, I've already got more than enough to watch right now.
Yeah, at first I was really disappointed with the show since the intro seemed promising with action (even though it wasn't filled with it and the battle sequences are really lacking) but the story is actually a pretty decent run of the mill shonen.
Anime production committees misrepresenting a show in merchandising in the hopes of making more money selling character goods to otaku? I've never, even heard of a such a thing happening before.
So Klaus is not only the best human Demon Chess player in the world, he's also probably the strongest human hand-to-hand brawler in the world? Geez, guy.
I see how they're setting things up for some kind of endgame, but this was a pretty boring episode for the most part. There was never really any kind of tension, and the directing was unusually unremarkable given the standard the series has set.
Simoun 16 They attempted to do that one thing from the first episode again and failed yet again. Don't think they are dead though. Grisaia no Rakuen 05 And now starts the journey to get him out of prison. The
shit starts now! Also felt like a bunch of CG shots the episode.
and they got in some dirty jokes
I'm not sure which DTL take is more insane: Shinikawa's rapey-ness was a misunderstanding or Shinji Matou's rapey-ness just being him bringing some levity to the proceedings.
Not really, Seraph was advertised for the female audience considering the amount of BL overtones from merchandising and promotional posters. Too bad it's not working that well for the BD.
It seems most of the audience have fled to Kekkai Sensen for some reason looking at the BD preorders and the amount of art on Pixiv as well.
Trust me no one's praising it. It may have some similarities to Attack on Titan but it's execution is pretty terrible. Might as well not waste your time unless you really want to watch a mediocre show.
NOt great , but really , the show is not "that" terrible. it's watchable, enjoyable by many ..in fact there is nothing wrong with the show or his characters..
Neither. I think Shinkawa was a great character that Kawahara unfortunately drove to doing an activity that ought to be considered noncanon, forgotten, and not used to gauge Shinkawa as a character. The fault is not with Shinkawa but with the writer. If the writer had given Shinkawa and Sinon a clarified communication dialogue tree at the fifth or sixth episode then the story could have avoided such a topic.
I'm not sure which DTL take is more insane: Shinikawa's rapey-ness was a misunderstanding or Shinji Matou's rapey-ness just being him bringing some levity to the proceedings.
Arslan 07
Damn I like where this is going, but I find this show to be a bit too slow. I wish they would get to the gist of things much quicker.
Grisaia 05
So the girls have left the school in search of Yuuji. Very ineterested in seeing where the story goes from here.
WTF at his sister being the AI. Is this supposed to be a ploy to screw with his head, or is this forreal?! All things pointed at her being alive somewhere.
I can't wait till Farangis and Gieve join Arslan's group. The pace is pretty slow but that's necessary considering it's a coming of age story. So we need the story to have a great amount of development. The good thing is that it's 2cours which will give the necessary amount of character development while expanding the story. It's nice seeing how different of a leader Arslan is compared to the king and how he's much kind hearted. Anyways it seems Kharlan is burning down Villages without any sense of remorse in order to find Arslan.
There was a decent amount of action that was enjoyable and the episode itself was good too.
The LN only has 10 volumes and this arc in the anime is middle of the 9th so they will probably get to the end of all the published material this season. The series is supposed to end in a couple of volumes after that, actually.
Only half paid attention to it since they never actually explain the rules of this damn game in the show... Guess they were going for the opposite of watch the show then get the cards. Thinking about grabbing some cards as part of my new hobby but this show did not sell me on it at all. Took 15 episodes before they sorta talked about the rules and even then I still have no clue how its actually working or how people are winning. Not to mention the million and a half obvious liberties taken with the dub. The cards look awesome irl though.
That's the thing, I haven't read the LN's but I'm sure he's going through a transformation right now.
In the beginning, in S1, he saw himself as a worthless character in the story of life and got caught in this service club with Yui and Yukino. Hikigaya loathed it since he believed he had no placed he belonged too. Having depressing experiences as a child with shitty people made his outlook on life a dim one, believing no one cares for him and he has to fight his battles on his own, which is a good mentality to have but it goes to an extreme with Hikigaya, which ends up denying the attention and friendship of other people.
With that low value of self and depending on the situation, like if its better if he does it than anybody else so they don't get hurt, he plunges and sacrifices himself depending to resolve an issue.
The transformation going on right now is that he is beginning to realize that he has value and doesn't understand what that is since this is possibly the first time someone other than his sister outside his home is starting to show him he has value, which are Yui and Yukino. However, the two are doing it in different and very polarizing ways, one is showing it outwardly while the other is being obtuse about it and now believes she is worthless since Hikigaya can come up with all the solutions (which Hikigaya doesn't believe at all). Which in turn, is giving him value and worth as a member of the club in his own eyes, even though he hasn't realized it yet. Since all of them are teenagers and have difficulty portraying their honest feelings, it basically all boils down to Hikigaya being a martyr for select people when they ask for help and Yukino and Yui aren't liking that anymore since they think he is not just a useless piece of flesh (which Hiki thinks he is) but a friend and a classmate who provides great ideas and have a great time with.
Since the beginning of the club, Hikigaya didn't want to join due to his personality, same with Yukino, I don't recall why Yui joined though, possibly had no other clubs to join in (might have to rewatch S1 to remember). However, since he now is starting to feel as a functioning member of the club, its conflicting with his pride of
"not saying anything and being quiet since my opinion (not a solution to a problem) means nothing"
and Yukino see's that the only way to relieve Hiki from all this trouble is to tell him that its alright to leave the club if its too much of a hassle. Now the part that frustrated me this episode, which is a good thing cause its showing that Hiki is growing, is how he tried to reply back to Yukino's statement but didn't, showing he's just learning how to accept his new perception of life. He'll eventually break down (probably won't show it all too well, maybe just get really mad) and say his honest feelings, not what optimal for a situation, not the best for all three of them, just what he wants since now he has to put his pride aside for the sake of his two friends, Yukino and Yui. This is basically what I was thinking of when I saw the latest episode.
I definitely think Hikigaya is going to reach out for help but I dont think he will completely make a 180 from who he is, at least not anytime soon. Maybe it wont be a sappy confession (hopefully not) but he must express his feelings to Yui and Yukino and let them know how much they mean to him. Rather, Yukino and Hikigaya need to spit it out as Yui has been pretty damn vocal about how important they and the club is to her. This is why I like her so much. She has no problem just keeping it real and being honest.
His face when Yukino told him not to come anymore was hilarious. I guess he never expected to hear that. "If you were to break down, that'd be all there was to it". That line is confusing. That'd be all to what? I feel like that was a weird translation by Crunchyroll.
Only half paid attention to it since they never actually explain the rules of this damn game in the show... Guess they were going for the opposite of watch the show then get the cards. Thinking about grabbing some cards as part of my new hobby but this show did not sell me on it at all. Took 15 episodes before they sorta talked about the rules and even then I still have no clue how its actually working or how people are winning. Not to mention the million and a half obvious liberties taken with the dub. The cards look awesome irl though.
YuGiOh 5D's 01-07
Once again, no fucking clue what's going on or how these new monsters work but its an oddly watchable show so far. way more than Vanguard.
Only half paid attention to it since they never actually explain the rules of this damn game in the show... Guess they were going for the opposite of watch the show then get the cards. Thinking about grabbing some cards as part of my new hobby but this show did not sell me on it at all. Took 15 episodes before they sorta talked about the rules and even then I still have no clue how its actually working or how people are winning. Not to mention the million and a half obvious liberties taken with the dub. The cards look awesome irl though.
YuGiOh 5D's 01-07
Once again, no fucking clue what's going on or how these new monsters work but its an oddly watchable show so far. way more than Vanguard.
I definitely think Hikigaya is going to reach out for help but I dont think he will completely make a 180 from who he is, at least not anytime soon. Maybe it wont be a sappy confession (hopefully not) but he must express his feelings to Yui and Yukino and let them know how much they mean to him. Rather, Yukino and Hikigaya need to spit it out as Yui has been pretty damn vocal about how important they and the club is to her. This is why I like her so much. She has no problem just keeping it real and being honest.
His face when Yukino told him not to come anymore was hilarious. I guess he never expected to hear that. "If you were to break down, that'd be all there was to it". That line is confusing. That'd be all to what? I feel like that was a weird translation by Crunchyroll.
That is an odd translation. Wouldn't really know what they were trying to say lol and I do agree, being honest with each other near the end of the season will seal it nicely for another season.
The LN only has 10 volumes and this arc in the anime is middle of the 9th so they will probably get to the end of all the published material this season. The series is supposed to end in a couple of volumes after that, actually.
Hopefully they use 6.5. It was a nice feelgood Christmas story. Its been interesting reading some of it lately, seeing some of the neglected characters get a fair bit more to do.
Looks like this show was a contemporary of Miami Guns, but its tone and intent are radically different outside of a female duo who goes on adventures. The show feels like it could be a TV drama, though it was created as an anime first. Ran is a fun heroine - she likes sake, napping and saving people. But a large part of what makes her work is her interactions with Meow - wannabe hero Chinese martial artist. I thought they'd be traveling companions, but so far it's more like they happen to be meeting each other at the same places.
The sake episode revealed the vulnerable side of Ran, and the baby episode was pretty fun, for a baby episode. It's extremely episodic, as expected for a wandering samurai show - and speaking of that, Bob's Burgers' first non-consecutive finale episode "Hawk & Chick" was really sweet - but that's not a detriment against it. The fighting animation for Ran dealing with enemies is also pretty fluid, and the OP and ED are typical of samurai works. After the tragedy of Ga-Rei, it's a nice and easy watch.
Well, the first series adapted basically everything that was available and this adapted everything that was published after the first one came out. It does take a couple of years in between series, but assuming it sells well, they'll probably just keep doing it the way they did the first two until the author ends the series.
Lol, no, drop your sword; I didn't say "animegaf"..
I was referring to the guys that said it was horrible the other night when I wrote "Love Live" instead of "Love Lab" all are free to watch whatever the hell they want to..
Lol, no, drop your sword; I didn't say "animegaf"..
I was referring to the guys that said it was horrible the other night when I wrote "Love Live" instead of "Love Lab" all are free to watch whatever the hell they want to..
Obviously, the joking nature of the post appears unnoticed, my apologies everone...