Love Live is pretty good. I expect to see you in the Nico fanclub shortly.Yes, long live Love Live! I shall add it to my MAL now and watch both seasons on Crunchyroll to further my enlightenment.
Love Live is pretty good. I expect to see you in the Nico fanclub shortly.Yes, long live Love Live! I shall add it to my MAL now and watch both seasons on Crunchyroll to further my enlightenment.
Jojo is a blow up.Any season with JoJo is a good one
Love Live is pretty good. I expect to see you in the Nico fanclub shortly.
His face when Yukino told him not to come anymore was hilarious. I guess he never expected to hear that. "If you were to break down, that'd be all there was to it". That line is confusing. That'd be all to what? I feel like that was a weird translation by Crunchyroll.
One of the four: Prison School, Monster Musume, Himouto! Umaru-chan or Jitsu wa Watashi wa will end up bad. Sadly it looks like Jitsu wil take that role.
Same here. It'll likely be toned down given its content which will affect the humor and interactions which are the staple of the manga.Prison School looks like wholesome fun compared to the other trash on the schedule.
I also don't expect the anime to live up to it.
I never thought I'd get voice actress moe once Kobayashi retired to the glue factory, but Karen in the latest Kinimoza was just too much. Dat Engrish. lol
I started following anime just this season because of SNAFU and Soma. Normally, I'd wait till the end of the season and marathon it so I don't get a nagging feeling I was left hanging. I think I need one more to add to my list. Maybe Grisaia (I haven't watched or have any idea of the story)?
Same here. It'll likely be toned down given its content which will affect the humor and interactions which are the staple of the manga.
I started following anime just this season because of SNAFU and Soma. Normally, I'd wait till the end of the season and marathon it so I don't get a nagging feeling I was left hanging. I think I need one more to add to my list. Maybe Grisaia (I haven't watched or have any idea of the story)?
YuGiOh 5D's 01-07
Once again, no fucking clue what's going on or how these new monsters work but its an oddly watchable show so far. way more than Vanguard.
Gangsta Trailer
I really like 5D's; everyone jokes about card games on motorcycles but there's a decent argument for it being the best Yugioh season on the strength of its setting, conflicts, and slightly older cast.
The finale is a blast. Enjoy.
Screw all the ecchi harem and moe crap that's gonna air in Summer. The anime that's gonna truly save Summer is gonna be Gangsta.
Your heard me, it's the anime we need to save us from the abundance of ecchi anime. I mean we have 2 absolutely based protagonists.��
I'm looking forward to that Gate anime this summer.
Guys, it's got the military fighting dragons in a fantasy land when they're on an adventure and stuff.
I'm looking forward to that Gate anime this summer.
Guys, it's got the military fighting dragons in a fantasy land when they're on an adventure and stuff.
Guys, it's got the military fighting dragons in a fantasy land when they're on an adventure and stuff.
Yōji Itami, the otaku leader
Takeo Kurata, a member of the group sent into the new world. He is also an otaku, and loves beast girls.
Tuka Luna Marso, a member of the elf race with blonde hair
Cross Ange minus the viewer self-loathing and trashy lesbianism? What's the point?
So much more Kongou for your ears. It's aural sex! (pun intended, etc).Perhaps I should catch up with the show..hmmm
I don't know, there are a lot to choose from here.
Last season is bad for sure...but at least it has one standout pick that I followed till the end, which is Death Parade. This season just has a lot of decent shows but none of which I really want to follow (haven't seen the long-running ones like Gintama & Jojos).This season has been a lot better than the last few seasons, which only avoided total disaster and disappointmentdue to long running staples. Now next season on the other hand...that is a true pit of depravity.GBF Try
How many seasons will they take to get to where the manga is at now...that last chapter was some euphoric stuff.PRISON SCHOOL GONNA BE GREAT
I really like 5D's too. Some of the stuff in the later tourney arc aren't as good as the beginning, but goddamn I love the ending of that series.I really like 5D's; everyone jokes about card games on motorcycles but there's a decent argument for it being the best Yugioh season on the strength of its setting, conflicts, and slightly older cast.
There are some nationalistic tones at times that can get pretty annoying in the manga, hopefully they tone them down for the adaption.I was vaguely interested since it's got a Log Horizon-ish ideaaaaaaaaaaa but I hear it's pretty nationalistic or something.
two nerds (albeit one with good taste) and an elf that isn't even brown. Doomed from the start.
gate looks like typical bottom of the barrel drek
It certainly looks like something that would fit in with other mediocre 90's anime nobody remembers. Perhaps the protagonists will be more interesting outside of a trailer but they don't seem like they're up to carrying a thrilling action crime story.
Never seen a concept so fresh,
You mean Synchros? Basically, there's a new type of monster in 5D's called a Synchro monster. You summon them by a process called "tuning", which is basically like Fusion except you do it with a special monster called a "Tuner Monster" instead of a spell card like "Polymerization". When you "tune", you send the Tuner monster and another monster on your field to the graveyard and summon a Synchro monster from your Extra Deck with a level equal to the combined levels of the tuned monsters. So if you have a Lv3 tuner and another Lv4 monster on the field and tune them, you can summon a Lv7 Synchro monster.
I really like 5D's; everyone jokes about card games on motorcycles but there's a decent argument for it being the best Yugioh season on the strength of its setting, conflicts, and slightly older cast.
Never seen a concept so fresh,
Cross Ange minus the viewer self-loathing and trashy lesbianism? What's the point?
two nerds (albeit one with good taste) and an elf that isn't even brown. Doomed from the start.
gate looks like typical bottom of the barrel drek
A Brown Elf does appear at some point.
This. Changes. Everything.
That is an odd translation. Wouldn't really know what they were trying to say lol and I do agree, being honest with each other near the end of the season will seal it nicely for another season.That'll happen in like 2-3 years ;_;
That part was so good. Also, that line you mentioned was a bit off and confusing. I think the translated LN and other sub groups handled that part better.
jitsu wa's already bad so theres nothing to worry about thereOne of the four: Prison School, Monster Musume, Himouto! Umaru-chan or Jitsu wa Watashi wa will end up bad. Sadly it looks like Jitsu wil take that role.
japanese ultra-nationalism & fascist militech porn ofcCross Ange minus the viewer self-loathing and trashy lesbianism? What's the point?
One of the four: Prison School, Monster Musume, Himouto! Umaru-chan or Jitsu wa Watashi wa will end up bad. Sadly it looks like Jitsu wil take that role.
Screw all the ecchi harem and moe crap that's gonna air in Summer. The anime that's gonna truly save Summer is gonna be Gangsta.
Your heard me, it's the anime we need to save us from the abundance of ecchi anime. I mean we have 2 absolutely based protagonists.😎
this does indeed looks pretty good.
I am also looking forward to how Charlotte will turn out, God Eater should at least be a treat for the eyes given the animation company (though the trailer was odd)
but alas, the anime that will save us from ecchi harem and moe will of course be Dragon Ball Super![]()