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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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  • No way Dragon Ball Super actually comes out in July with no promotional material shown so far. Plus after what happened with Sailor Moon Crystal and Digimon 03? July my ass.
  • Gangsta could be good but I don't know much about it. It at least looks appealing on a superficial level
  • I hoping Prison School can be good but I have no idea how much of a quality drop it will be from the manga
  • Gatchaman Crowds Insight comes out this summer right? That should be at worst pretty decent.


Apparently, Urobuchi will be solo writing a one cour anime series. It'll be his first solo writing gig since Madoka. It'll be interesting to see how he fares since his joint works were sort of a hit and miss for me.


But it won't save us from Toriyama's asspulls.😌
either way I could use some nice mindless action where I am not interrupted by a boob jiggle or panty shot every 5 seconds.
  • No way Dragon Ball Super actually comes out in July with no promotional material shown so far. Plus after what happened with Sailor Moon Crystal and Digimon 03? July my ass.
I don't figure I will get to watch db super until july or so 2016 anyways... so yeah if it's not released then not a big deal.


Polar Bear's Cafe 43

In which everyone finally has enough of Polar Bear's puns and puns him out of his own cafe. I've loved the show so far, but this episode has to be the funniest.


The Light of El Cantare
Guys, it really doesn't matter in what season or what format Dragon Ball Super eventually manifests, it's Toei so it's guaranteed to be bad!


I still love Dragon Ball, deep inside me there is still hope that Super will be good.

It will likely come down to what you want from it if it will be good or not.

The plot is likely not going to be anything all that exiting, likely just a continuation of meet next big bad, loser, figure out a way to power up, win. Repeat again and again. But as long as they come up with interesting ways to challenge/limit goku it should be enjoyable.

I am curious though how many episodes the initial order really is for though. I mean I really could see it being 100 like the rumor which for a property like dragon ball, a two year order isn't high risk, but at the same time allows them to design a long well designed arc from the get go without worry that the show will be pulled before they can finish it.


Apparently, Urobuchi will be solo writing a one cour anime series. It'll be his first solo writing gig since Madoka. It'll be interesting to see how he fares since his joint works were sort of a hit and miss for me.
urobuchi hard at work:


The Light of El Cantare
Actually, I take it back: there's one way that Super can still be good. Just ship Goku off to another dimension and make teenage Pan the protagonist.


Magic Knight Rayearth 25-28

Why are invading countries attacking with only 3 people? You're trying to take over an entire nation with giant ships that should need lots of people running it and maintenance. Bring more people. The Rune-Gods kind of suck. They seem to get their asses kicked more than anything. Alcyone got a nice upgrade in the threat department. Debonair is super evil. Probably not too interesting. Now Nova interests me. I don't think those two were in the manga. If they were, then I don't remember them. Should be interesting.


Actually, I take it back: there's one way that Super can still be good. Just ship Goku off to another dimension and make teenage Pan the protagonist.
They could just hire ONE to turn it into a gag series and get Murata to do the character designs.

Or better yet turn it into a card game anime with DB characters. Just imagine the psychological horror of potentially drawing the Yamcha card at a do or die moment.


The Light of El Cantare
They could just hire ONE to turn it into a gag series and get Murata to do the character designs.

Or better yet turn it into a card game anime with DB characters.

Mahou Saiyan SPARKING!! Pan-chan

director: takashi otsuka
character design: yuusuke murata
scenario: anybody from Robot Girls Z
K 01

Movie made me interested in rewatching this. Probably more comprehensible the second time through. I had forgotten how much of a bait-and-hook the first episode was, starting off with flashy supernatural fight between a gang and the police, then immediately cutting to high school life for a seemingly unrelated student afterward.



Imagine with me a world where Shoji Kawamori had never gone insane. I know what you're saying: "God, what a way to ruin Macross and Eureka in one fell swoop, Corvo." And that's true and you're right of course. Both of those shows are undoubtedly the products of his madness in one sense or another, but I wonder if perhaps a notorious piece of shit of his couldn't have been saved had his sanity been preserved. I'm talking about that all time turd, Earth Maiden Arjuna. You all know it well enough as the inane ramblings and ravings of a mad man about how words and books are the reason why cigarettes let your babies feel The Mountain while they're still in their momma's wombs, but what if all that scathing hatred for burgers had been channeled through the mouth of saner souls? Souls who remembered or knew something of tact and skill?

That's sort of the thought process I had while I was watching Only Yesterday. Though the movie has precious little in common with Arjuna, I feel that some of the message both shows tried to convey falls within the same category. But Arjuna is this bombastic screaming of a thousand cat ladies whilst Yesterday is far, far more subdued.

I got to watching this while doing my little Ghibli/Disney run through, and on that run through I've watched a lot of great films. Cagliostro and Porco Rosso are both wonderful movies I saw for the first time. Only Yesterday stands out quite a lot from them and most of the other movies I've seen from Ghibli thus far.

Part of this has to do, I suppose, with the change in directors, which influenced the overall product in no small way. But some of it is simply the nature of the story being told. There's no magic, no fantasy involved in this story. Miyazaki's works usually have to do with either a world that is magical or something akin to our world with magic concessions made, but director Isao Takahata's tale is instead one set in a very real world. As such, where people in Miyazaki movies tend to lean on the side of idealistic, warm, and comforting, Takahata's humanity comes off as far more flawed, saying cruel things when they think no one is listening, assuming too much, taking advantage of the kindness of others and on one or two occasions slapping little girls in the face.

The movie is the story of a young woman visiting her sister's in-laws in the country side during her vacation. As she does so she reminisces about her life in fifth grade. Over the course of the film it becomes clear that our heroine has some serious hang-ups from that time, and yet the wants, whims, and whines of an eleven year old girl as fondly remembered through a woman nearing her thirties imbues the movie with a sort of sad nostalgia for things that could have been.

This nostalgia is what sort of lead my thoughts to Arjuna as I watched the movie. One of the ongoing plots of the movie centers on the heroine's relationship with a farmboy who works on an organic farm. We're told early on that she'd longed for family in the country when young, and that that is the reason she's spending time with her sister's family: so she can get that countryside experience. As the story progresses, her experiences as a child in the city are contrasted with her experiences as an adult in the countryside and paint what I felt was a clear picture of the author's view on the two lifestyles.

Young Taeko's life in the city is presented in this sort of Caillou-esque white void of nothingness, and her memories are bittersweet at best. It was something I related to, since when I was 11 my own life felt extremely turbulent as well. We're told stories of opportunities missed, of disapproving parents, of misbehavior, of scorn and folly. Since most of it is happening to an 11 year old, it's admittedly little things with enormous emotional reactions, but at the same time the presentation is important. It struck me that the city was somehow simultaneously too small and too empty for a child. By contrast her experiences in the country are nearer to the type of warmth and goodness we see from people in other Ghibli films.

At the risk of touching on some weird Freudian stuff, I think the two best characters to exemplify this are Taeko's father and Toshio, the farm boy she spends time with. Taeko's father is an unspeaking, impenetrable fortress of a man whose thoughts, actions, and expressions are as mechanical as the life he leads. We almost never see anything beyond brief irritation out of him. He is an unpersonable fellow who is very much so reflective of the harsh, uncaring city society we see in the film. On the other hand, Toshio is a cheerful, energetic, talkative young man whose heart is worn on his sleeve. He's passionate about his work and seems content with his lifestyle.

Ultimately, this seems to be the basic idea of the movie: the city is a cold, hard place that produces cynical, guarded people who have trouble relating to or understanding one another, and where survival is based upon one's ability to blend into the crowd. The country is a warm, loving place that produces emotive, healthy, individualistic people who are at the same time far more selfless and caring.

It comes to a head when one of the old people at the farm says what the audience as been sort of wondering for some time, "Taeko, won't you marry Toshio?"

Taeko finds herself in an emotional quandry, desperately trying to come up with an answer, and thousands of reasons present themselves to her for why she shouldn't marry him. At the surface, they're all very good reasons, like how little she knows him and how little time they've spent together, but a more sinister edge reveals itself as she begins to tear into herself for being a tourist among these people, wanting to experience their lives without ever dirtying her hands and becoming one of them; it touches upon a deep and abiding lack of self-worth nurtured by years in the harsh environment she grew up in.

I won't spoil the film's conclusion, but I found myself moved by the power of what was essentially a very simple story about a woman remembering an even more simple time in her life. Only Yesterday managed to leave the longing for a more natural society and the nostalgic desire for that basic kindness with such grace that it takes Arjuna's skull-fucking hamfistedness and brings it so much more shame.

I'd say it was funny that a fifth grader did a better job teaching me than a Mountain, but anyone who's seen the two works will surely agree that the former is well out of the latter's league.


Magic Knight Rayearth 29-30

Eagle with Autozam's sad backstory yada yada yada. More or less expected given how everyone is somewhat sympathetic in this show. Eagle and Lantis desperately want to restart their bromance. So Autozam does have more than 3 people. That's a relief.

Now Nova, that was great. Seems like they saved their budget for this fight. She's crazy. In a good way. Easily the best antagonist thus far. Sometimes someone who is just brutal is needed. Should be a nice wake-up call for Hikaru.


Is it bad that I bought the Arjuna OST at EGX last year simply because it said Yoko Kanno on the front, with no prior knowledge of what Arjuna is?


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 106:

Right, so given all of the screen time the first couple of yuri has been getting all season it was only a matter of time before they got a focus episode of their own. Well, technically speaking the focus is on Hakura and how she became not only a Sailor Guardian but also how she hooked up with Michiru. Indeed as I recall correctly we never see exactly how Michiru awakens but if I had to guess it relates to her psychic powers and visions. This is all intertwined with the present as the victim of the week is athlete who probably has more then a few retraining orders on her given her actions. Anyway, this is an episode that was absolutely needed as it gives greater insight into the personalities of our favorite couple here and also if you look carefully you can see ideas and atheistic values for Revolutionary Girl Utena being birthed right here. It is nice to know that no matter how icy their hearts are and how steel the resolve for the cause is, the passion and the fire for one another burns brightest. Now if only the would take a larger approach maybe they would not be in opposition to the Inners. Anyway, top notch episode and highest recommendation to watch.
Bakuon!! High School Motorcycle Manga Gets Anime


The story revolves around high school girls who discover the appeal of motorcycles. Sakura Hane is a high school student who looks a little bit like an airhead. On the way to her all-female high school one day, she is worn-out climbing a hilly road with a bicycle, but she sees a girl named Onsa Amano who is riding a motorcycle. Sakura immediately becomes interested in motorcycles, and she and Onsa join the motorcycle club at the school. Then, Sakura sets out to get her license.

I remember watching the first season and being a big fan of that, but I can't say I'm as big a fan of the 2nd season. I can get over the art style change no problem. The last 2 episodes however have been kind of slow and uninteresting to me. The lack of humor or comedic elements is throwing me off too. The Yukinon ether at the end of the last episode was something I guess :/

Some characters like Yukinoshita and Shizuka-sensei have gotten barely any screen time. This Kaori chick from his middle school years has got more screen time at this point practically. I hope something happens next episode because I'm starting to get bored.


Apparently, Urobuchi will be solo writing a one cour anime series. It'll be his first solo writing gig since Madoka. It'll be interesting to see how he fares since his joint works were sort of a hit and miss for me.

Need to know director and staff before getting hyped for a healing anime.


Btw the fact that we've seen nothing of Prison School or hell the issue we still don't know the studio or director, isn't giving me any hope that the production commitee didn't just dump this on some C rate studio.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 107:

Well, given that Chibi-Usa has been out of focus for the past few episodes another focus episode was unfortunately in the cards, though it is not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, this episode is actually from the manga, well, adapted from the manga and given a makeover to make it fit in line with this continuity. Still thee are many details that I remember and far more made it then I would have expected. Anyway, watching Chibi-Usa find love again for the first time again was surprisingly tolerable while her interplay with Usagi was predictably awful. Also, nice to see Michiru take the lead this episode, that is at best an uncommonality. I shall go with a mild recommendation to watch.
The silly thing is that card games on motorcycles seems pretty damn tame now compared to the sequel series.

Card games in SPACE! (completely terrible)
Card games on HIPPOS! (pretty damn fun now)

I miss etermate discover hippo and whip viper. Quite sure uts been 20+ episodes since we last saw hippo.

Stand up duels were best in 5ds though, well thus far.

ARCV makes them dueling on the d wheels more intense.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I cant understand what my husband is saying episode 1
So I on impulse decided to open the crunchyroll app I downloaded on my WiiU, I downloaded a while ago and looked at it, but iirc I couldnt do anything unless I had a premium account, now unless I completely forgot it has given me the option of samples and free trials and the option to login, login is futile as I have a CR account but dont have the premium atleast not yet. So I decided to check out the samples, because why not, saw something that caught my eye which is this anime right here, it actually has to do with a couple who are not only together already, but are fucking married, fucking game changer here.

Anyways since it was the first time with the samples I had assume they only played 3 mins and whatever seconds this episode was, but as it went along it became apparent that this was one of those few min anime things, its pretty funny however, despite some weird cuts because the pacing is at F-zero miles per hour. But it really does play the whole episode of the sample they give, which leads me to my next anime watched....

Fate/Zettai Ryouiki episode 0 prologue
I have the visual novel, I havent dived more than maybe 5 mins into before basically putting it on hold indefinitely as I have gone on hiatus on VNs, its been god maybe a year since then, but I always wanted to play the VN before watching the show since I saw fate/zero, but I decided to watch the prologue as it wouldnt hurt and it will be just the beginning stuff.

I really enjoyed it, great animation and a amazing fight happens and then im left with intrigue, feel like playing the VN right now tho might just wait until tomorrow. While watching I wanted to see what they changed for the "have da secks for the manas" and I think I have a pretty good idea what they changed haha.


Nice impressions on a wonderful film. Can't say I've really considered this city/countryside angle when I was watching it, though I admittedly never did much critical thinking over this title. As you say, it's also a grounded, subtle movie so it isn't shoving any such themes right into your face. It's probably a part of what I enjoy in these kind of works. I simply liked following this woman's (or girl's) story and didn't have to look for anything deeper to enjoy it, as it was simply well done on its own. That you can then additionally see those parallels, as opposed to having those hammered into your skull, is how I like my films/series to be.

When I look at Yuri Kuma Arashi and it's entirely uncompelling story and characters, how could I possibly be interested in any themes it tries to convey?


Subete no aware
I won't spoil the film's conclusion, but I found myself moved by the power of what was essentially a very simple story about a woman remembering an even more simple time in her life. Only Yesterday managed to leave the longing for a more natural society and the nostalgic desire for that basic kindness with such grace that it takes Arjuna's skull-fucking hamfistedness and brings it so much more shame.

I'd say it was funny that a fifth grader did a better job teaching me than a Mountain, but anyone who's seen the two works will surely agree that the former is well out of the latter's league.
I will say, I never would have thought of comparing Only Yesterday to Arjuna. lol

When I look at Yuri Kuma Arashi and it's entirely uncompelling story and characters, how could I possibly be interested in any themes it tries to convey?
The problem with Yuri Kuma is that its themes took so long to manifest themselves that by the time the show started to at least resemble something that was trying to convey some kind of message, it was already bloated by exposition to the point of meaninglessness.


  • No way Dragon Ball Super actually comes out in July with no promotional material shown so far. Plus after what happened with Sailor Moon Crystal and Digimon 03? July my ass.

  • This is pretty different though, since it was announced so close to the supposed starting date.

    Toei only starts advertising the next Pretty Cure on month before it starts (although usually there's already merchandising material leaked by that point), so maybe they're following a similar route here, and there are less news because it won't have a big "Super-only" merchandising line out right alongside episode 1.
Euphonium 01-06
Eh, who would have known I really enjoyed what I watched, I'm all caught up now with everyone on here. Everyone's praise for the show made me want to check it out, the story is pretty engaging, and unlike other shows everyone seems to be pretty grounded and real. The music itself when they play is pretty nice, and the visuals are gorgeous. On the last episode there seem to be some hints at some future romance maybe? All and all, I had fun so I am gonna keep watching.
I still love Dragon Ball, deep inside me there is still hope that Super will be good.

Speaking as someone who just went through this with Digimon, don't.

It's not going to be good, and you're only going to set yourself up for more pain this way. Steel your heart against it, and expect it to start in winter with 4 minute web episodes every three weeks with all the characters recast.
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