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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Man the publisher of Etotama's Blu-rays completely fucked up and have killed any chance of there being a second season. It already released it's Vol 2 BR, it sold 586 units the first week which is slightly better then Vol 1 which 494. Difference being they had the 'smart' idea of releasing Vol 1 before the 2nd episode even aired....and no the anime hasn't done anything for the manga sales wise.

Fuck, this makes me very sad. The show is so much fun!


Man the publisher of Etotama's Blu-rays completely fucked up and have killed any chance of there being a second season. It already released it's Vol 2 BR, it sold 586 units the first week which is slightly better then Vol 1 which 494. Difference being they had the 'smart' idea of releasing Vol 1 before the 2nd episode even aired....and no the anime hasn't done anything for the manga sales wise.



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Iroha da bess

Best is Saika.



SAO is definetely on the edge of "so bad its horrible" instead of "so bad its good." (well, maybe more like "sort of watchable if nothing else is on") I think being the first to air with the MMO concept is pretty much was what gave it the level of popularity it got. I mean, its worse in every possible way than Log Horizon at depicting the same subject matter. Season 2's random panning shots of Sinon's ass and chest made everything so much more cringeworthy though.

Oh hell, what am I saying, the licking tears off a naked girl's face, random Sinon ass shots and Kirito being the Gary Stuest Gary Stu to ever Gary Stu is probably why its so popular.

errr...no. It wasnt the first. Not at all.
Im ok with fanservice in a show that wasnt the problem here. The problem was writing so bad even I didnt like it and thats significant seeing as I mostly overlook bad writing.

Sometimes, I'm glad the shows I really like aren't popular so I don't need to see people tear it apart as badly as SAO.

Popularity aint the issue here. Introducing characters and then just dropping them on a whim is a far more grievous thing.

lol, nice. Well, she was pretty cool.

Yes, Sinon, even with her faults is amazing. and she is voiced by a goddess. I literally cannot hate her. At all.

She was a camper most of the time. That ain't cool. She couldn't even hit a dude walking literally a FEW FEET AWAY FROM HER.

Well she is basically a sniper with a large caliber weapon. Chaika is the same way and going back to show like Burn Up W, Maya was similar. I like sniper girls what can I say?

So much SAO talk in this thread.

Guys, Accel World is so much better. Y'all should be watching that instead. :)

Accel World is certainly a much better show all around. The writer learned from his mistakes with SAO.
He still made a bastard antagonist but not a rapey creepy one.

how can no one upload the best sao gif


I love this. Suffer Suguha.

B Gata H Kei ep. 2-6:
Yamada continues to entertain us with her mission to get on Kosuda's junk. So far, it's been a failed mission the entire time. However, it is a very entertaining ride watching her screw it up each time and have no real clue how to have a relationship or express feelings. Kinda funny seeign thsi stuff come out of a girls mouth for once, lol. Poor Kosuda ha s no balls either, so they are a good match. Let the good times roll.

I appreciated how the girl was the really awkward one in this case.
The funniest part is Yamada's friend who has tons of experience and she is always trying to help them out.

It is actually a bit better but it also has the most insufferable MC I've ever seen.

Ohhhh no. Not by a long shot!


The Vision of Escaflowne (1996, Sunrise) – Episodes 1 to 14

This isn’t a joke. I’m honestly trying to sum up the plot of the 1st half of the series and it’s really difficult. I can tell you that we meet a bunch of characters and I can tell you that the characters visit a lot of locations, but I can’t honestly explain why they’re doing what they’re doing or what their plans are. I vaguely understand what the bad guys are up to, but I don’t really care because I feel like the stakes have been poorly developed.

I don't think the plot's very complicated mechanically. Each stop on the journey is where Van tries to drum up support to help him against the Zaibach Empire in vengeance for the destruction of Fanelia; at the point you're up to he's been to Asturia and Freid, right? The events that play out there are either due to Asturia being in cahoots with Zaibach already or the Power that Freid possesses being a target for Zaibach as well. Of course there are big character details along the way but that's the basic mechanics of it. I don't have scripts to hand to point to individual lines to support the argument, and admittedly I'm biased as a huge fan of the show, but I don't find it all that hard to follow.

It doesn’t really get any better for Hitomi’s character. From the end of the first episode Hitomi witnesses a man fight a dragon and is then transported into a magical world. You’d normally expect a human being to have some reaction to these events. You know:

- Disbelief

What other reaction do you think she shows when she says "first a wolf man, now a cat girl" with a look of total disbelief on her face in episode 2?

I'd also suggests she gets fear out of the way when she's chased by a giant fire breathing dragon in the first episode, or when they're surrounded by the wolf men on arrival on Gaia at the end of the same episode.

She doesn’t ask anyone questions about the new world she’s in, or how she got there or why.

In episode 2, one of the first things she does is ask "what's the Mystic Moon?". True, she isn't asking endless questions - but does she really need to? Very little exposition is required at this stage in the series, and all the important questions get asked later.

She doesn’t freak out, either about being in another world, or to the fact that another world exists, or that it’s populated with talking giant animals*.

See note above.

Now, I’m not saying I want to see scene after scene of Hitomi freaking out about the magical world with tons of characters dropping exposition all over the place – but you need to address the issue. In what normal “Characters gets sucked to another world” story do you see a character apparently not care that they got sucked to another world?

Strange Dawn, where they mostly whinge about doing the laundry and going to the loo instead :)

I think Hitomi is just resigned to the situation fairly quickly, honestly. Perhaps it's a flaw that she doesn't say it out loud, I don't know, but her attitude in the daydreaming section you don't like very much would suggest that she just thinks she's stuck there.

There are other problems with Hitomi, too. Apart from being a bland protagonist she also does very little to actually drive the story forward in any meaningful way. This is because she has no goals. You might think that her goal is to get home but she barely even mentions it and she never takes any steps to help her achieve that objective. At heart, Hitomi is a reactionary character. She reacts to things other people do. She reacts to her visions of the future. She has no agency.

Absolutely. She's POV without being the protagonist much of the time. Not sure I'd agree she's bland, but then my perception is coloured by my overall viewing of the show so can't really comment there.

You’ll remember earlier that I said Hitomi is athletic and that she has the ability to predict the future? She largely uses these two powers not to further any goal of her own, but to keep Van from getting horribly killed. This reduces her to less of a person and more of a tool because all she does with her powers is let other characters keep living so that they can have their own stories.

Do you think the other characters see her this way? I don't mean this as a "you're wrong!" type of comment - I just wonder what you think the other characters think about her.

*Several episodes later Hitomi is freaked out by giant talking animals when she goes to visit a market. However this doesn’t make any sense because she already saw them in the second episode. And why is this the ONE thing that freaks her out? She’s been hanging out with a cat girl for ages!

"Humanoid cat girl" is not the same thing as "talking porpoise selling you a Walkman", IMO :)


I can't say that anything in Euphonium has even remotely struck me as "pandering". Yeah, it features a largely female cast who interact with one another, but there's not anything that I would call pandering. The closest I could see anyone even coming to that would be the Kumiko/Kousaka stuff, but that's more just shown as Kumiko being really awkward around her, and not really presented in any sort of "yuri" way. Most of the character relationships are presented in a pretty down to earth way, as opposed to your yuri pandering shows which generally go out of their way to constantly be putting characters into yuri situations, fill the scenes with pandering imagery and double meanings, and really play everything up.

If Euphonium is "yuri pandering", then every series that has ever had two female students interact with one another is yuri pandering.

Yeah, it didn't seem yuri pandering to me at all. And even if Kousaka/Kumiko stuff is yuri, it doesn't seem done in a pandering way.


I can't say that anything in Euphonium has even remotely struck me as "pandering". Yeah, it features a largely female cast who interact with one another, but there's not anything that I would call pandering. The closest I could see anyone even coming to that would be the Kumiko/Kousaka stuff, but that's more just shown as Kumiko being really awkward around her, and not really presented in any sort of "yuri" way. Most of the character relationships are presented in a pretty down to earth way, as opposed to your yuri pandering shows which generally go out of their way to constantly be putting characters into yuri situations, fill the scenes with pandering imagery and double meanings, and really play everything up.

If Euphonium is "yuri pandering", then every series that has ever had two female students interact with one another is yuri pandering.

So the girls all blushing around each other is just random? Some of the Asuka dialogue is kinda, I don't want to say flirty, but double-entendre. I mean the Kousaka stuff isn't even subtle at times:

I wouldn't go as far as to say pandering but probably something like light teasing. It is noticeable especially when you compare it to something like K-On which features a completely female dominated cast. Ultimately I don't think it's that big of a deal and it's not as heavy as some of KyoAni's other works such as Free. However I would say it's definitely there.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
errr...no. It wasnt the first. Not at all.
Im ok with fanservice in a show that wasnt the problem here. The problem was writing so bad even I didnt like it and thats significant seeing as I mostly overlook bad writing.

I can't remember one in which they were trapped in an MMO trying to survive before that. There's stuff that has similar subject matter with computers and games and such, but I can't remember one that had that core conceit.


Mikagura 7

Otone is an oddball. Moreso than the usual suspects. So she fits in well. Multiple personalities? My first thought, but she doesn't quite act like that. Seisa is oddly compliant with Eruna, and even Kurumi seems to be warming up to her a bit. The Drama Club is mostly neat, though I agree that the supporting cast on the whole is hit or miss. Bimi screwing everything up was funny. Seisa's Killing Art is most impressive.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why is there a 40 minute long video of Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Yukihira Soma) attempting to feed Risa Taneda (Erina Nakiri) squid legs with honey.


Didn't they get enough with him trying to feed Tadokoro's voice actress the peanut butter squid


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So the girls all blushing around each other is just random?
here is an emotion that exists that isn't explicitly tied to sexuality: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/embarrassment

the lighting in the gif you posted doesn't really seem romantically motivated. the moment recontextualizes the entire relationship between kousaka and oumae. it's an emotional breakthrough signifying an understanding and acceptance of two parties as they come to familiarize themselves with one another. even if there were romantic feelings between both parties i fail to see how this would sour the series given the naturalistic development allowed to character bonding in euph.


I can't remember one in which they were trapped in an MMO trying to survive before that. There's stuff that has similar subject matter with computers and games and such, but I can't remember one that had that core conceit.

in anime .hack has one char unable to log out, but heck, you might be right, at least in anime. Western stuff also seems to have no real concept of an mmo at least before 2000 or so so you mostly get 'trapped in an arcade game' or the like.

grats cajun on trucking another year


here is an emotion that exists that isn't explicitly tied to sexuality: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/embarrassment

the lighting in the gif you posted doesn't really seem romantically motivated. the moment recontextualizes the entire relationship between kousaka and oumae. it's an emotional breakthrough signifying an understanding and acceptance of two parties as they come to familiarize themselves with one another. even if there were romantic feelings between both parties i fail to see how this would sour the series given the naturalistic development allowed to character bonding in euph.

The scene obviously isn't romantically motivated between Kousaka and Kumiko. Kousaka clearly has a crush on her band teacher however that doesn't stop the direction from playing up the smaller interactions between the two. If a girl did something like the previously posted gif to a guy, the natural assumption would be that she was flirting. It's no different in direction between Rin's sequence with Shirou or Ilya tilting her head/twirling.

How about Asuka's stuff then? Blow blow? Again I don't think it's a big deal, as the show has other issues, but it's present.
So the girls all blushing around each other is just random? Some of the Asuka dialogue is kinda, I don't want to say flirty, but double-entendre. I mean the Kousaka stuff isn't even subtle at times:

I wouldn't go as far as to say pandering but probably something like light teasing. It is noticeable especially when you compare it to something like K-On which features a completely female dominated cast. Ultimately I don't think it's that big of a deal and it's not as heavy as some of KyoAni's other works such as Free. However I would say it's definitely there.

Yeh this scene and the ot her very well animated one in the following episode (where Kousaka blushes) actually stood out to me because the character interaction felt just slightly weird and does radiate some yuri undertones. This first scene for instance...why the heck is she almost sensually brushing her hair back like this and smiling in a manner she rarely does? It just seems slightly exaggerated and in combination with getting that extra animation effort felt a tad off. I wouldn't necessarily attribute that to anything if the show didn't demonstrate its yuri tones at other times already.
If you're sick of SAO, you're in for a bad time because as I said, my understanding is that they have plenty more material to adapt.
Your understanding isn't wrong .. the arc afterward is huge and bigger than the last 2 seasons combined. it has
0.01% shinon, 0.09% asuna , 5% of new faces and 94% of kirito , REJOICE !

And i'm not even kidding with those spoilers.

So much SAO talk in this thread.

Guys, Accel World is so much better. Y'all should be watching that instead. :)
Accel world needs to adapt the orbital race arc in anime .....
Accel World S2 is literally impossible until Sunrise S8 stops making money from Love Live. Or a different studio picks it up.

..but it'll never happen.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
sometimes fictional girls make sexual innuendo as a joke or smile without knowing that it's not okay. don't they understand that they're sending the wrong message? can i really be blamed for sexualizing the precures????


Yeh this scene and the ot her very well animated one in the following episode (where Kousaka blushes) actually stood out to me because the character interaction felt just slightly weird and does radiate some yuri undertones. This first scene for instance...why the heck is she almost sensually brushing her hair back like this and smiling in a manner she rarely does? It just seems slightly exaggerated and in combination with getting that extra animation effort felt a tad off. I wouldn't necessarily attribute that to anything if the show didn't demonstrate its yuri tones at other times already.

Actually, the thing I most noted is in the ED, with Reina and Kumiko literally tied by a red string while Hazuki and Midori only hold it up without being tied to it. More than anything else, that felt like the biggest wink and nod. I don't know if the novel goes there, but the undertones are definitely there in the anime. I don't particularly mind it...K-ON! had plenty of it too while still keeping things platonic in reality...but it does kind of detract from the series for me just because of the pandering nature of it all.


The Light of El Cantare
How about Asuka's stuff then? Blow blow? Again I don't think it's a big deal, as the show has other issues, but it's present.

Just Crunchyroll subbers being cheeky when valid alternative translation options exist. It happens.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sometimes fictional girls make sexual innuendo as a joke or smile without knowing that it's not okay. don't they understand that they're sending the wrong message? can i really be blamed for sexualizing the precures????

Aren't Precures for 10 year old girls


I should mention that I'm really not happy with the current season at all. All the shows (except for Gintama which I have to catch up) largely just seem competent, as noted by someone earlier. They each have notable flaws that vary from shitty CGI to flat direction. There really aren't many out and out bad shows this season but nothing really knocking it out of the park. I'll give a few examples.

I feel like Shougeki no Souma has the most interesting premise this season. It actually reminds me a lot of Gundam Build Fighters in that you have cool confident leads who use a rather stupid concept in a somewhat serious manner. It's a show that has a lot of fun with the characters while at the same time has a very entertaining atmosphere. However that fanservice. I mean I can understand some of the foodgasms shots but just complete sequences of Meat jiggling her tits just slaps me out of place. The lead female also being such an insufferable bitch, and I mean this in the worst tsundere ojou-sama way, isn't helping things either. It's not enough to drag the show down but it is irritating.

Another example would be Kekkai Sensen which has the best storyboarding and soundtrack this season but BONES didn't give Matsumoto any money for character animation. Yes there is Nakamura and Bahi's cuts but there are way too many stills and sequences like the underground fight club were woefully animated for what could have been a sakuga showcase. This is really surprising as BONES is almost never this bad in this front. There's also stuff like the sound mixing but that might be more on Matsumoto.

Then we have Arslan which has a wonderfully high tier fantasy concept that is ruined by Kingdom level CGI. There's distracting and then there is 'slap you in the face' distracting. The pacing is also slow as shit but it looks to be a slow burner so I'm somewhat willing to forgive that.

Fate/Stay Night has wonderful production values but the direction is some of the worst I've ever seen for a show of this budget. While the writing has been fine, elements such as almost entire episodes filled with talking just drag the show down. Then there is the OST which I'm not sure is bad due to the actual composition or incompetence on the sound direction front.

Euphonium I would just say is good bordering on great occasionally. There are times when it excels and times when it falls flat. The show works best when it becomes full on anime Whiplash and just tears everything down. The sequences involving the teacher are so good that it makes the rest of the show seem somewhat boring in comparison. I don't think it's an interesting show when things are steadily proceeding along. We'll see how it plays out though as it has quite a few episodes left.

Show By Rock is another example of the above in that the regular episodes are just boring. It's a bit more flawed though in that sometimes the drama with Retoree feels forced although I thought episode 6 was fantastic as a climax/resolution episode. It's also better animated from a character animation than Kekkai Sensen (like what the fuck BONES?) despite the lack of 'oh shit sakuga time'.

Yahari is probably the closest to being the full package show but the production values aren't as high as the direction or the writing. That's not to say Takeuchi among others isn't doing great work with the character animations but elements such as the lighting could be better in the regular sequences. The pacing could also do with being a bit slower as they're just burning through the material. The showrunners are hitting the high notes though, so I'm by and large fine with the adaptation.
Actually, the thing I most noted is in the ED, with Reina and Kumiko literally tied by a red string while Hazuki and Midori only hold it up without being tied to it. More than anything else, that felt like the biggest wink and nod. I don't know if the novel goes there, but the undertones are definitely there in the anime. I don't particularly mind it...K-ON! had plenty of it too while still keeping things platonic in reality...but it does kind of detract from the series for me just because of the pandering nature of it all.

That's pretty much exactly how I see it. It's not really a major issue but nevertheless detracting as it not only feels out of place but...especially unnecessary because the strong characterization of many characters doesn't require any of this. And 'ultimatemegax' who read the novel(s?) mentioned several times that all this is pretty much exclusive to this anime adaption which would explain why that aspect appears poorly integrated/inserted.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I should mention that I'm really not happy with the current season at all. All the shows (except for Gintama which I have to catch up) largely just seem competent, as noted by someone earlier. They each have notable flaws that vary from shitty CGI to flat direction. There really aren't many out and out bad shows this season but nothing really knocking it out of the park. I'll give a few examples.

I feel like Shougeki no Souma has the most interesting premise this season. It actually reminds me a lot of Gundam Build Fighters in that you have cool confident leads who use a rather stupid concept in a somewhat serious manner. It's a show that has a lot of fun with the characters while at the same time has a very entertaining atmosphere. However that fanservice. I mean I can understand some of the foodgasms shots but just complete sequences of Meat jiggling her tits just slaps me out of place. The lead female also being such an insufferable bitch, and I mean this in the worst tsundere ojou-sama way, isn't helping things either. It's not enough to drag the show down but it is irritating.

Fate/Stay Night has wonderful production values but the direction is some of the worst I've ever seen for a show of this budget. While the writing has been fine, elements such as almost entire episodes filled with talking just drag the show down. Then there is the OST which I'm not sure is bad due to the actual composition or incompetence on the sound direction front.

Soma: Erina's the best, you take that back.

FSN: I don't really understand the "too much talking" criticism myself, and heck, my wife prefers hearing about their motivations than watching them fight. I like the fight part more than she does, but expositive dialogue never bothered me the way it does for some people, I guess.

I can't imagine what the Crunchyroll QA process is like.

I would be highly surprised if its at all more stringent than your average fansubber.


Soma: Erina's the best, you take that back.

FSN: I don't really understand the "too much talking" criticism myself, and heck, my wife prefers hearing about their motivations than watching them fight. I like the fight part more than she does, but expositive dialogue never bothered me the way it does for some people, I guess.

I would be highly surprised if its at all more stringent than your average fansubber.
I'm not all the way caught up on FSN yet, I just binged the first half, but F/Z had what felt like more fights mixed in with compelling dialogue (IE: Rider/Saber/Gilgamesh conversation about what it means to be a king) whereas I'm at episode 13 and the best fights so far were in the first 3 episodes. Archer vs Lancer and Archer/Saber versus Berserker.
Actually, the thing I most noted is in the ED, with Reina and Kumiko literally tied by a red string while Hazuki and Midori only hold it up without being tied to it. More than anything else, that felt like the biggest wink and nod. I don't know if the novel goes there, but the undertones are definitely there in the anime. I don't particularly mind it...K-ON! had plenty of it too while still keeping things platonic in reality...but it does kind of detract from the series for me just because of the pandering nature of it all.

I don't think that really counts as pandering. Not a lot, anyway.

Pandering to me is more if the show is entirely run on undertones like that. If a good story and good characters are still there, why would a small detail like that detract from the show?

Are the yuri undertones everywhere in Euphonium? Or are they just little bits sprinkled here and there while the main plot gets more focus? That should be what really matters all around, guys.

Maybe it's unnecessary, but if it grabs more viewers who enjoy that stuff to watch the show, and they end up enjoying all those good characters and story, can you really call it a bad thing?


FSN: I don't really understand the "too much talking" criticism myself, and heck, my wife prefers hearing about their motivations than watching them fight. I like the fight part more than she does, but expositive dialogue never bothered me the way it does for some people, I guess.

Part of the issue is that many dialogue sequences could have been better represented visually rather than Archer literally preaching down to the characters. The obvious comparison would be to do something similar to Kiritsugu's flashbacks, thus allowing the viewer a better insight into Archer as a character while actually utilizing the visual medium that they're working in.

There are also other directorial oversights such as dumping Ilya's backstory into the
the same episode she dies in. They really couldn't place that stuff sooner into the narrative?
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