I mean I'm actually pissed off right now, it's just fucking stupid. It's like, it doesn't even make any sense and its not even funny. It's like...I'm not a prude when it comes to sex, but for Gods sake this shit is embarrassing and the way everybody circles it and tries to shrug it off as a joke is just even more dumb, like no, its not funny or smart or "lol you get it its euphemism for a dick!"....it doesn't make any sense at all. I'd never watch Kite, but at least I can respect something like Kite for going the full way, like they did what they wanted and fucked off, no beating around the bush. They wanted to make this dirty crap and did so. Fine, do what you want. What is this family friendly hentai shit, like really? Whats the purpose...whats the point? ergh I'm just going to go to sleep, wake up and post about the last 4 episodes of Romeo's that I just watched when I wake up and forget about this crap. I'm overreacting, sure but come the fuck on. Come. The. Fuck. On. Really boggles the mind, it really does. Pretending as though they never knew the lengths of depravity that anime can get to? Bro I know this shit exists, but I don't really pay attention to it or give it the light of day. Seeing people post it like "look how whacky this is!" is weird. FUCK! SHIT! I'm going insane. A bitter end to the day that was going really well with those last 4 episodes...sigh. This thread won't last long if I continue, ironically. so night night I guess,