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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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banning for school days rec? how am I ever going to pass the torch on that ploy now? Damn...

BTW, the series does have its merits and it great context to refer to..

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere ep. 6-11

It's starating to make a little sense now, but there is so much going on with little back information on the world's rules, laws, and SOP. The new king loves the boonies and is a complete moron, but, I'm guessing some of that is a ruse... Good action sequence starting to heat up, gotta love them
lesbian witches kissing while falling
just like Cross Ange..

That really is the biggest issue with Horizon. The first few episodes do a very bare bones job at setting up the world and the relevancy of historical recreation. A lot of information is dropped without proper elaboration, which only becomes more understandable on rewatches or if you remember it in later episodes when the proper context is established. Which is itself difficult with the amount of in-universe terms and jargon that just gets thrown around at the drop of a hat.

I still ended up really enjoying it because the world and setting itself are extremely interesting, but how it was presented wasn't really that good.


So troll recs for School Days are on the list of officially banned things? Weird, but understandable to some extent I suppose.

I thought recommending a shock value anime under false pretenses is bannable, School Days happen to be a prime example because of it's shock value and controversy not to mention most people are familar with it.

If I were to troll recommend Blood.C, I'll probably get banned too.


I can't believe that in the Week Gintama makes it's return i'm just as hyped for the Pokémon Anime.

Ash vs. Clemont, Shit is going down for real!


That really is the biggest issue with Horizon. The first few episodes do a very bare bones job at setting up the world and the relevancy of historical recreation. A lot of information is dropped without proper elaboration, which only becomes more understandable on rewatches or if you remember it in later episodes when the proper context is established. Which is itself difficult with the amount of in-universe terms and jargon that just gets thrown around at the drop of a hat.

I still ended up really enjoying it because the world and setting itself are extremely interesting, but how it was presented wasn't really that good.

Yeah. It started off really rough. I normally have no issue with anime, but I struggled digesting the first few episodes and its world building.

In the end though I liked it and I added the books to me to-read pile so I guess it worked as it wanted.


I absolutely loved Bake. Nise just took all the style and forgot to craft a good show around it.

Yup. We tried to warn you!
Check out Bakemonogatari 2 though. It goes back to being great.

this fucking guy

Swag for miles dude.

So much chikara.

Also, what if you think School Days is actually a good show? lol

I love it so much I bought it on DVD.
Not even kidding.

Okay, after a long wait, this is as ready as it will be. So here is what the poster will look like:

Here is a list of people who said they were interested at the time, and I'll be PMing them to see if they are still interested given the long time since the commission was started, but if anyone else is interested please let me know and I'll pass on the final numbers to Mockingbird for printing.

Thanks Mockingbird for your patience and time on this!

Also, I am still aware of my watchbet obligations and hope to get back to them sooner rather than later, time permitting. I didn't expect my limited anime time to get caught in a spiral of hatewatching Saekano and following the insanity of boat girls going through puberty.





No one can truly appreciate pancakes until they watch Yami to Boshi.


Flowers of Evil 8-End
Post Kasuga ruining classroom, that walk he has with Nakamura, as slow as it is, man does it make you sink in the mortified feeling he has. The walk back to school is even more tense. Ever had that feeling when you have to go to somewhere to experience something unpleasant and you just wish the place would explode or time should slow down? I felt that here.

So Saeki knows Kasuga is the one who stole her gym clothes and destroyed the classroom. She still wants to remain with him, though. I don't get it, but okay. Kasuga then proceeds to do everything he can to screw things up, partly because he can't handle the fact that his image of perfect Saeki was broken, partly because he drank Nakamura's kool aid and feels like she is the only one who understands him. In a bout of self awareness, he finally admits he is pretentious and looked down on people. In the end he can't make accept either Nakamura's offer to go beyond the mountain to escape everything or Saeki's offers to come back due to the combined factor of his cowardice, low self esteem, broken pedestal of Saeki, and feels like he can't fully be whatever Nakamura wants him to be even if he tries.

One month pass, he is really depressed and close things with Saeki once and for all. What follows is a dream sequence with very striking imagery of red horizon, purple sky, and eyeball flower motif that pretty much describes his internal state. He wakes up and he believes he should seek Nakamura's forgiveness. At this point he really believes her about himself, and if he can prove he is a sicko to her, at least he will have her and she can stop hurting.

He tries to apologize to Nakamura, which she rejects, and even tries to send a letter. Her father sees him, who is really chill in comparison with his daughter. He got invited to dinner, but when he sees her room, he can't resists, enter, and reads her diary, which reveals her motivation, which was that she believed she had found someone as perverted as her, which is something she believes herself to be. Nakamura seems him and leads to an altercation. Unfortunately, the show ends with Kasuga catching up to her, and a future season will never be made.

Basically, craziest "romance", if you can call it that, that I have ever seen, the whole thing being about foolish actions based on one's urges, it's to be expected. It has an appropriately creepy ending song and soundtrack that makes it feel a bit horrorish even if it's teen drama. Even if the creep ambiance feels far more dangerous than whatever actual situation they are in, I understand it's trying to replicate the dread that comes from doing things you wish you could take back.

Bodacious Space Pirates 1-3
So, it's about a girl who inherits her family's pirating legacy. So far not much pirating action as she gets the hang of things, her life is put in danger, and does stuff for the space yacht club, but seems like she has the skills to go into it. There better be some pirating soon!

Your Lie in April 16-End
So like always there is my criticism of inappropriate comedic moments, especially the slapstick, Kaori being really unlikeable, pretentious inner monologue, meolodrama, and even that way in your face eye roll worthy symbolism with the cat that died being run over. That said, the concert episodes are amazing, a great combo of music and personal introspection. I love the color palette, really bright and a feast to my eyes, especially that final concert inner landscape thing with the infinite see and colored clouds. Kousei has an amazing progression as character, who learns to replay the piano and love it by anchoring it with his bond to other people.
Knowing Kaori may be at her final moments, he plays without being afraid of the music, which for him long have represented sorrow and fear of loss. The ending is appropriately emotional with Kaori's letter after death, which I am sure wouldn't fit in that single sheet of paper.
Weirdly enough, it didn't feel nearly emotional as the climatic episode of Shirobako felt, which is proof that more melodrama doesn't mean more emotions.


With the Nagato show starting I finally got around to seeing The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Enjoyed it, it it was a bit of a slow starter. Looked great certainly. Of course I do wonder if the dim memories of the show impacted my enjoyment, after all the movie does intersect with various scenes of the show that I only dimly remembered.

I also wonder how it relates to the books. Were all the novels turned into anime?

It doesn't relate to the books at all. It's an anime of a terribly done fan fiction manga. Unfortunately only books 1-4 were animated, the last one being the movie Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.


"Pshawww, this contrived sappy nonsense ain't gonna make me cry........"


Unfair, they were playing dirty for using a loli and choosing a VA that made such a convincing emotional performance.

Haha, yeah, I thought it was going to be some cheap emotion crap, but it got me too.


Hey kids! Do you like Patlabor? TOO BAD. It’s DEAD. GO THE FUCK HOME.

So, I was originally to look at respond to your points about the movie on an individual basis but I don't think that's entirely appropriate given the circumstances. So, please forgive me for re-arranging your points a little:

Your reaction to the film is clearly influenced by seeing it through a certain lens and based on that you believe that because the creators no longer care about the property and the entire film is an embodiment of that ideal, that the fans should let go of the franchise as well. You think that this can be witnessed through the interactions of the characters in the film, namely Shinobu and Gotoh.

- Firstly, whether or not it feels like it, Patlabor does have those two distinct continuities. Your relationship with the characters was largely established in the TV series, but that really doesn't have anything to do with what we see in this movie. So when you talk about Gotoh and Shinobu's relationship as established by the rest of the series - none of that applies here. All we know about Gotoh and Shinobu here is what was established in the OVA and the first movie.

- I can't really find anything in the text that supports your view that the creators of the movie were fed up the franchise and that the underlying theme of the movie is one of "letting go".I don't even know if Ito or Oshii even think about their projects in those terms. He's not Hideki Anno, after all! That really specific reading would require a significant amount of evidence to support and I just don't think there's enough in the script to justify it.

As fas as I can tell, Oshii wanted to make a movie about Japan in the 1990's, and it's relationship with war and peace. That's where the movie came from. It's not a character piece (he had no interest in covering that ground again), and it's not a drama either. As Oshii admits, there is no dialectic in the movie so it can't be a drama. Instead, Oshii thought of it as a pseudo documentary.

- Now Patlabor 2 was certainly developed with the idea that it would be the final piece of Patlabor anime made which explains why it's set after much of the cast has "moved on" but I don't see that in the same negative light that you do. People have moved on because they wanted to truly wrap up the franchise and show that the characters aren't static. They've all moved up and out of SV2 to do other things but that's because they're advancing their careers and growing up. Noa may have moved on piloting and maintaining Labors but she's still intimately involved with them - after all she's helping to design the next generation of Labors.

When the script was originally being written by Ito he sat down with the staff of Headgear to decide how they should end the franchise, but he couldn't take most of their ideas on board and he eventually finished the script in seclusion while Oshii was storyboarding the film simultaneously.

It's probably worth pointing out that in earlier incarnations of the story there were more scenes with the original cast, including a scene where everyone reminisces about their pastat a bar. Designs for Kanuka Clancy were even completed, but never used as she didn't make it into the finished script. However, as time progressed it became clear that they aren't the core focus of the story and as such their scenes got trimmed. You might not like that and it's certainly very unusual for a franchise film to do that but I don't think it signifies a distaste for the franchise. Instead Oshii focused on making a very focused movie about one particular subject with no extra baggage.

And that's the key part of the movie, really. It's not about those characters or their journey, it's a separate piece focused on very specific issues (the JSDF, Japan's relationship to war and peace,the bubble economy etc) that gets handled by some of the older members of the cast, namely Shinobu and Gotoh. It's a very deliberate mirror of the OVA episode the "SV2's Longest Day" which focuses on those two characters dealing with very similar circumstances.

While Shinobu and Gotoh's relationship plays some role in the movie it is extremely muted and I don't think the director or writer ever intended it to be the viewers primary focus. For those with little experience of the Paltabor franchise it's pretty easy to miss most of it entirely because most of the film is focused on political/military intrigue. While I can understand your dismay in the lack of a happy ending to the Shinobu and Gotoh relationship I don't find that to be a problem with the film. It just establishes what we already know - that Gotoh has unreturned affections for Shinobu. It's a one-sided relationship.

The most important relationship, instead, appears to be between Tsuge and Shinobu and Shinobu is certainly weakened by the feelings she still has for Tsuge but I don't feel like the film judges her for that so much as it acknowledges that as a human being she isn't perfect.


It isn't so much that Gotoh and Shinobu don't end up in a happy relationship in the film that I found distasteful. After all, I made it through the other continuity without that problem despite them never coming together there, either. It's that so much of the film felt geared around tearing everyone and everything away and apart to me. The film's conclusion has Gotoh remarking "Oh it's okay I still have the gang" except he doesn't. It took a fucking civil war to get them together again, and even then some of them had to be dragged out and contemplated not coming. That's the note the franchise ends on: the woman you love doesn't love you no matter what you do for her and everyone of your friends doesn't hold you in the same regard you hold them in.

The more I think about it, this film's message is probably half the problem I have with it.

Whatever Patlabor 2 wishes its message was, I don't feel that it was transmitted successfully. I've heard it said the movie is supposed to be about the problems of an overly technological world but that holds better with the first movie than the second. Tsuge's grand plan to show people that technology is evil is blimps full of fart gas and a satellite dish covered in birdshit. I've heard people say that the movie is about war and peace, and that works a little better given the long, long time the film spends staring at its navel about it, but frankly The Longest Day arc tells that story far better, since the villain actually has people turning against their own government to work for him. You could argue that the whole point was to turn people against one another and let their own fear and indecision destroy them the way it did his team, I guess.

But what's the point? Why make a Patlabor movie if you don't want it to be about Patlabor's themes and characters? I'm not asking for all things Patlabor to be the same, but the difference between the first and second film is stark in just about every way to me. The first film is about mankind and machines and their relationship, which is a perfect fit for a series where the heroine regularly humanizes her mech. The first movie has wild car chases and storming blockades. The second movie has two old men smoking in a car as they grumble about how much the world sucks now. Scenes as simple as Ota and Izumi's arrest of the malfunctioning labor as it plows through homes are wildly out of place in a movie as slow-moving as Patlabor 2. The more of it I reflect on, the less it makes any sense for it to be a Patlabor movie. It makes no real use of Labors in its plot, unlike the first film. It makes no real use of the cast (Shinobu and Gotoh could easily be replaced by just about anyone, as the third movie would attempt to prove) and it has very little to do with any of the rest of the materials in the franchise except for the equally bad Patlabor III. Ultimately, I suppose the idea was that it was less a "Patlabor" movie as I understand Patlabor, and more "a movie set in the Patlabor universe." That's splitting hairs, but hopefully you take my point.

I'm not certain discarding what I know about the cast from the rest of the series would help my reception of characters in this film.For example, I don't like think I would read Izumi's one defining scene in this movie as her growing up and moving on if not for that extra content. Without it, it just feels very inconsistent. She's still helping develop them, and is on her way to piloting one, but she doesn't want to be associated with them? Okay then, without that and without any of the development she had over the whole OVA and TV series who and what is she? To the same end, I don't think it reflects very well on Shinobu, either. Instead of her having good reason to be exasperated and upset that Gotoh's gone behind her back because he presumably has done this many times before, now I'm just left with her emotionally manipulating him into compliance by exploiting feelings she knows he has for her.

It goes from "Shinobu left because she's straight laced and Gotoh is squirrely" to "Shinobu used a man's interest in her to put the lives of an entire unit at risk in a world class political bungle." And I suppose that could be the point, but it loops back to the whole sour taste the film left in my mouth.

And I mean really, how much more trite can you get for a late 80s early 90s OVA than another dark and gritty cop drama about people who hate each other in cyberpunk Tokyo as a corrupt government sits on its ass and does nothing? I think that's a big problem with this movie. It sacrifices so much of what made the first movie great to instead be this moody, thought-provoking piece and instead winds up being no different from the loads of equally bad OVAs that existed at the time. The decision to make the movie not about the cast was the key mistake, to me. Because for me, at least, the cast are a big part of what make up Patlabor. Obviously the science fiction aspects are the other major part, and the socio-political commentary is inescapable, I guess, but I just feel that it was handled far better in the first movie when the whole plot was built around that message and the cast was still able to shine through.


Does anyone have any idea who is picking up the streaming rights for the new Gintama season?

Gintama is one of the very few shows I'll pay a sub for.

I tried looking through the thread and other places online to no avail, and the shit starts on Wednesday.


Does anyone have any idea who is picking up the streaming rights for the new Gintama season?

Gintama is one of the very few shows I'll pay a sub for.

I tried looking through the thread and other places online to no avail, and the shit starts on Wednesday.

We'll know in the next couple of days. CR still has 3 announcements left and Funi is being Funi.

CR most likely will get Gintama°
Arslan Senki - 01

Decent first episode, I wasn't blown away but I think this has potential.
Edwa- I mean Arslan looks to be in for an adventure. And with Kimbl- Daryun accompanying him I think this will be an exciting journey.


Maturity, bitches.
I hope you get a ban because I asked for a recommendation for a good show and you suggested your favourite show but that does not meet the specified criteria because your favourite anime is excrement and it frankly left me in both shock and appalled.



Y̶o̶n̶a̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶D̶a̶w̶n̶ Arslan Senki 01

Cue in - 24 episodes of MC trying to find his set of balls.

I don't know, the setting and the premise has some promise (lul) but when the starting point of character development are ridiculous attitudes like "Slavery is good", I need to kill all heathens" it makes me worry for the quality of writing.

Episode as whole was meh, I just hope that when the need to show masses of soldiers stops so will the need for these amounts of CG.


Huge Nickleback Fan
banning for school days rec? how am I ever going to pass the torch on that ploy now? Damn...

BTW, the series does have its merits and it great context to refer to..

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere ep. 6-11

It's starating to make a little sense now, but there is so much going on with little back information on the world's rules, laws, and SOP. The new king loves the boonies and is a complete moron, but, I'm guessing some of that is a ruse... Good action sequence starting to heat up, gotta love them
lesbian witches kissing while falling
just like Cross Ange..

Don't worry, when someone ask for horror or hilarious anime, i think you can safely recommend it


So...has anyone watched anyone watched Rinne and are we loving it? Haven't had a chance to look it up as I'm outta town :/ The protagonist, she's got this almost unnatural "girl next door" look to her that's a little unusual...not unattractive but definitely average which in itself has this odd allure.


If that's the case shouldn't DTL be banned by now?

the problem is dtl occasionally reveals that he's actualyl a sentient capable human being instead of a robot consumed by cute boy lust at all times

it's very, very rare, but i spotted a detailed book review by him in the what are you reading thread that was about statistical theory and didn't mention how cute boys were at all

i found it somewhat unnerving, but at the same time, kind of reassuring.

that said don't follow his twitter account.


Hello AnimeGAF I'm new here. I haven't actually been into anime for long. Maybe something like less than a year now? Back in the day I of course watched stuff like Pokémon, Dragonball Z and Moomin. Then fast forward to about 1.5 years ago I wanted to watch something cute. I think that was the word I used when I asked for a recommendation. Or maybe it was happy? Either way the show that was recommended to me was School Days. Watching that show put me off from anime for a good year at least. Of course there was the shock value. Can't say I have seen a male protagonist like that ever before but even more than that it was just because it was all around so half-assed. So while it wasn't maybe completely rational I didn't feel like watching another anime after that. Pretty funny it's now a banned recommendation on GAF. Well maybe it's for the best.

Then I decided to give anime another shot and looked up some highly rated show and found Kill la Kill. Looking back now it isn't maybe exactly the best show for a newbie but strangely enough I liked it a lot. Maybe I couldn't appreciate it for everything it was but for sure it made me look for more shows as good as KLK. After that I've watched quite a few anime. I think my favorites are Ping Pong the Animation and Hunter x Hunter. Now I'm very much open to recommendations. Everything goes except horror maybe. Preferably stuff I can stream from Crunchyroll. Some other shows I watched and enjoyed: Kuroko's Basketball, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Working, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S, Nisekoi, Durarara, Attack on Titan and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.


Hello AnimeGAF I'm new here. I haven't actually been into anime for long. Maybe something like less than a year now? Back in the day I of course watched stuff like Pokémon, Dragonball Z and Moomin. Then fast forward to about 1.5 years ago I wanted to watch something cute. I think that was the word I used when I asked for a recommendation. Or maybe it was happy? Either way the show that was recommended to me was School Days. Watching that show put me off from anime for a good year at least. Of course there was the shock value. Can't say I have seen a male protagonist like that ever before but even more than that it was just because it was all around so half-assed. So while it wasn't maybe completely rational I didn't feel like watching another anime after that. Pretty funny it's now a banned recommendation on GAF. Well maybe it's for the best.

Then I decided to give anime another shot and looked up some highly rated show and found Kill la Kill. Looking back now it isn't maybe exactly the best show for a newbie but strangely enough I liked it a lot. Maybe I couldn't appreciate it for everything it was but for sure it made me look for more shows as good as KLK. After that I've watched quite a few anime. I think my favorites are Ping Pong the Animation and Hunter x Hunter. Now I'm very much open to recommendations. Everything goes except horror maybe. Preferably stuff I can stream from Crunchyroll. Some other shows I watched and enjoyed: Kuroko's Basketball, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Working, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Nisekoi, Durarara, Attack on Titan and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

Cross Ange
Arslan Senki 01

You know except for the CG people at points I otherwise enjoyed this. Probably my favorite of the opening salvo of episodes for this season thus far and it certainly has my favorite artistic style. While I find the prince's naiveté a bit trying I certainly understand why he is the way he is. Daryun the Captain seems like a pretty interesting guy and I'm looking forward to more of him and this show.

Nanoha Vivd 01

Its more Nanoha and I'm always down from watching these characters beat the friendship into their foes.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Hello AnimeGAF I'm new here. I haven't actually been into anime for long. Maybe something like less than a year now? Back in the day I of course watched stuff like Pokémon, Dragonball Z and Moomin. Then fast forward to about 1.5 years ago I wanted to watch something cute. I think that was the word I used when I asked for a recommendation. Or maybe it was happy? Either way the show that was recommended to me was School Days. Watching that show put me off from anime for a good year at least. Of course there was the shock value. Can't say I have seen a male protagonist like that ever before but even more than that it was just because it was all around so half-assed. So while it wasn't maybe completely rational I didn't feel like watching another anime after that. Pretty funny it's now a banned recommendation on GAF. Well maybe it's for the best.

Then I decided to give anime another shot and looked up some highly rated show and found Kill la Kill. Looking back now it isn't maybe exactly the best show for a newbie but strangely enough I liked it a lot. Maybe I couldn't appreciate it for everything it was but for sure it made me look for more shows as good as KLK. After that I've watched quite a few anime. I think my favorites are Ping Pong the Animation and Hunter x Hunter. Now I'm very much open to recommendations. Everything goes except horror maybe. Preferably stuff I can stream from Crunchyroll. Some other shows I watched and enjoyed: Kuroko's Basketball, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Working, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S, Nisekoi, Durarara, Attack on Titan and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

I can't understand what my husband is saying.
Tengen Toppa Guren Lagan


Hello AnimeGAF I'm new here. I haven't actually been into anime for long. Maybe something like less than a year now? Back in the day I of course watched stuff like Pokémon, Dragonball Z and Moomin. Then fast forward to about 1.5 years ago I wanted to watch something cute. I think that was the word I used when I asked for a recommendation. Or maybe it was happy? Either way the show that was recommended to me was School Days. Watching that show put me off from anime for a good year at least. Of course there was the shock value. Can't say I have seen a male protagonist like that ever before but even more than that it was just because it was all around so half-assed. So while it wasn't maybe completely rational I didn't feel like watching another anime after that. Pretty funny it's now a banned recommendation on GAF. Well maybe it's for the best.

Then I decided to give anime another shot and looked up some highly rated show and found Kill la Kill. Looking back now it isn't maybe exactly the best show for a newbie but strangely enough I liked it a lot. Maybe I couldn't appreciate it for everything it was but for sure it made me look for more shows as good as KLK. After that I've watched quite a few anime. I think my favorites are Ping Pong the Animation and Hunter x Hunter. Now I'm very much open to recommendations. Everything goes except horror maybe. Preferably stuff I can stream from Crunchyroll. Some other shows I watched and enjoyed: Kuroko's Basketball, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Working, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S, Nisekoi, Durarara, Attack on Titan and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

Get into Kaiji and Fullmetal Alchemist.


Hello AnimeGAF I'm new here. I haven't actually been into anime for long. Maybe something like less than a year now? Back in the day I of course watched stuff like Pokémon, Dragonball Z and Moomin. Then fast forward to about 1.5 years ago I wanted to watch something cute. I think that was the word I used when I asked for a recommendation. Or maybe it was happy? Either way the show that was recommended to me was School Days. Watching that show put me off from anime for a good year at least. Of course there was the shock value. Can't say I have seen a male protagonist like that ever before but even more than that it was just because it was all around so half-assed. So while it wasn't maybe completely rational I didn't feel like watching another anime after that. Pretty funny it's now a banned recommendation on GAF. Well maybe it's for the best.

Then I decided to give anime another shot and looked up some highly rated show and found Kill la Kill. Looking back now it isn't maybe exactly the best show for a newbie but strangely enough I liked it a lot. Maybe I couldn't appreciate it for everything it was but for sure it made me look for more shows as good as KLK. After that I've watched quite a few anime. I think my favorites are Ping Pong the Animation and Hunter x Hunter. Now I'm very much open to recommendations. Everything goes except horror maybe. Preferably stuff I can stream from Crunchyroll. Some other shows I watched and enjoyed: Kuroko's Basketball, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Working, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S, Nisekoi, Durarara, Attack on Titan and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

Love Lab is a great and cute comedy from Crunchy. Seeing as you liked Nozaki or Nisekoi it might be a good fit.

Other shows from Crunchy worth checking out:

Fate/Zero - But it's dark and grim, probably even beyond Attack on Titan level.
Gurren Lagann - Great mecha anime.
Kyousougiga - Little girl's quest to find her mother.
Madoka Magica - Grim and depressing.

I would also recommend checking out these rec lists by: Jexhius and Turin Turambar for future use. Might be a bit overwhelming but just pick what seems up your alley.
Denpa Kyoushi - 01

Well, its tagged as a harem and the MC is an oblivious otaku who fills in for a teacher. Saekano meets GTO?
Either way I wasn't too thrilled about this episode. The sister made me think of Shinobu from monogatari, which is funny since MC VA is Ararararagi san
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