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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Sword Art Online II 02

"How could he smile on the Battlefield?!"

Maybe because he's fucking playing a video game? Has the author ever played one because I can tell no one has ever thought this while playing anything.

Kill La Kill 09

Ryuko better have stocked up on Hyper Potions and Full Heals if she's gonna challenge the Elite 4 this early
Kurokan Episode 4

Well this first match was memorable, Kirino really had it tough all game, but they really pulled through. Kuro's coaching style is fantastic
Loved how he figured they had won once that moment happened when the other team started falling apart. Their coach even surrendered. He was a good one so I hope they have a rematch someday. Could really seeing it changing if his team was better prepared.


Strike Witches: The Movie
Good God was first hour boring, it felt like 3 dullest possible OVA's slapped together with nothing of note happening in them. This show works even worse when the members 501 Wing are separated from each other.

After 60 minutes the movie suddenly introduces some Bulge of Bulge nonsense, I think sorely to have a chance to put in this scene:
because they forgot all about that 30 seconds later.

Best moment of the movie:
RIP in blandness Miyafuji, you will not be missed. I applaud the courage to not pull some asspull to give her back her powers.

Overall, it's more of Strike Witches with more Witches, more Neuroi and with more of it's unique way of framing of action. But now worse then ever before ! Good riddance and all that.
What a shame.


I got to see the first three episodes of Unlimited Bladeworks at SakuraCon.

UBW 1-3

This was actual garbage.

You'll recall the note that the first season ends on. It's our hero's darkest hour. A character we (are supposed to?) care about is turned over to the dark side against her will. What better way to demonstrate all that drama with an unnecessary, degrading, and flat-out exploitative scene where Medea molests Saber (stuck in a fuck me bondage pose and dressed in a fetishistic wedding dresss) while she rants about how she'll break her spirit, not her body and feels up Saber's ass. At this point, Saber is just a fucking joke. She is a barely developed character with what little agency she has wihin the narrative actively being poisoned.

But hey, that was hamhanded and gross, but their hearts were probably in the right place. Surely, it's setting up to continue the dramatic tension involving Saber's capture. I mean, Shirou seemed pretty broken up about it, didn't he? Well, if he does, it was pretty fucking hard to tell because he never mentions Saber once. With her a room across from him, he barely even pays attention. Rin has more to day about her. When Shirou shows up to intervene, he explains it's because he didn't want Rin to get hurt or something. Fuck Saber, am I right?

No one behaves like an actual human being in this show. Archer straight up betrays Rin, who doesn't appear to act paticularly shocked by this development. He explains that he 'only works for the strongest' (to which Rin solmenly confirms) and I felt like I had actually missed something. When did he estsblish that policy? Where? I have no goddamn clue, and consequently I have no idea if Rin was just calling his bluff or something, because in spite of her muted response, she declares that she will take him back and 'never forgive him'.

Not that Archer seems to be on her mind much afterwards, anyways. We segue into Rin and Shirou's romantic tsuntsun adventures, seguing into a romantic confession scene. Another point where I was straight up left baffled. Not just at how tone-deaf it was to the stakes attempting to be established at the same time, but how we even got here so fast? Their relationship has progressed in huge, jerky strides with little regard for any sort of connecting tissue. The last two things memorable interactions that 'happened' between Rin and Shirou was the time she tried to kill him, and the date. Am I supposed to believe a date where nothing happened some magic turning point? Well, maybe not, because Shirou explains how he's 'always' been in love with her.

But I digress. This is emblematic of the problem this show consistently has: it's lazy. It expects you to care about these characters or accept jumps to designated points on a progression map without doing any of the work. This is a show built for an echo chamber.

It almost seems to realize this, though, which is why it uses so much of my favourite narrative tools in an attempt to make up the difference. The last minute flashback. We start the second episode straight up wasting half of it on this vaguely racist Arabic loser who I have neither seen or have any reason to care about, seeing as his only involvement in the actual plot was a passing mention of some loser who died before the story even started. I am being a bit disingenuous, to be fair, the intention of this flashback is clearly to humanize Medea, but it's too little, too late given that they decided the best place to talk about her soft side is shorly after she molests someone.

It's use of flashbacks as a crutch is absolutely ruinous to any sense of tonal or dramatic continuity, in any case. It breaks up all of the actual progression and there's just complete thoughtlessness to where they go. We see Ilya again, and everything I've said can be felt even more profoundly with her. After being absent from however many episodes up until this point, she reappears as a completely different character from the one we saw last time. She seems for all the world, an innocent enough girl happily and amicably allowing two people she tried to murder a while ago in because they want to 'talk'. I'm sorry, what the fuck? Isn't Ilya supposed to be some deranged child android with no moral compass? What the hell happened? Nothing the show remembered to tell us.

And it's when Gilgamesh is introduced and Berserker (previously characterized as nothing but a rabid beast guy) reappears that UBW's dreadfully clumsy use of flashbacks is at its' ugliest. But before I talk about that, I'd like to mention that the show's utter failure to be remotely consistent in terms of tone is at its' worst. Shinji is literally ejected into the scene (for no reason given other than that he remembered to be relevant, I guess), we descend into a big comedic scene where Shinji is threatened by the two maids attending to Ilya, which jumps almost directly into said maids being butchered by Gilgamesh. Yet in spite of what the show was trying to tell me, I couldn't care. These two characters were literally introduced five minutes before they got stabbed, and their only character trait was 'loyal to Ilya'. When Ilya arrives and grieves their loss, there's literally no sympathy becsuse there's simply nothing about their relationship we've seen to care about what's now lost.

UBW tries to solve this problem and many others by breaking up the fight between Hercules and Gilgamesh with one long, poorly edited flashback of Ilya's life and her meeting with Berserker, as if they just remembered that Berserker wasn't actually a character up until this point and had to scramble to retroactively make him more than the grey angry guy. Of course it did give me one of the most uninte tionslly hilarious scenes I've seen recently, wherein Ilya wakes up in the middle of the forest for no reason and is nearly eaten by fucking wolves. Which is of course used as the pretext that Hercules really cares about Ilya for... some reason. They don't even actually explain why Hercules cares for whatever Ilya does for him.

And of course, that lengthy, sudden flashback basically dooms him, and he dies shortly after he is retroactively characterized. My time definitely wasn't wasted at all. I sure cared a whole lot about this guy who was characterized specifically because he had to die. Ilya was stspabbed too, and hopes are high she's actually dead, but I'm not optimistic.

Were the fights good, at least? Not particularly. Gilgamesh is an utter snore to watch because there's absolutely nothing dynamic about his fight scenes. It's just a bunch of repeated and slightly different cuts where he shoots swords around and Hercules bats them away. Medes just stands around and shoots lasers, and there's nothing particularly interesting choreogeaphy-wise anywhere.

The OP is good, I guess.
UBW - 13

My tsundere detector is broken , it explosed around the 21 minute mark ...

The tsundere queen still show that she is still the strongest !

Man I've missed Hachiman and his outlook on life.

Re-Kan! 1
Decent first episode, don't expect much from this series other then cute girls doing cute things + Ghosts.


Legend of Arslan 1
Story of the prince named Edward El... I mean Arslan, He lives in a fictional kingdom reminiscent of Persia named Pars. The kingdom seems to be an empire with slave based economy and is duking it out with the theocratic Lusithania. After the battle with crappy CGI, it follows Arslan's misadventure with one of the captured prisoners, and during which it broadens Arslan's perspectives for a bit. Pretty fun romp, the calm before the fall, from what I can tell in the preview. I really liked it personally.


Fate/Zero 13

Lots of philosophy this time. Caster is right in that humans are what stops evil, not God. Uryuu also has an interesting perspective. Waver remains unsure what he wants out of Rider. Rider really does wish the best for his Master. Sola is obviously really into Lancer. Poor Kayneth. About time everyone remembered they were supposed to take out Caster. Now where is Berserker in all this?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Then you do the same thing you would do if you wanted someone to know how great you think Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley is: you make sure that the person on the receiving end knows what they're getting into.
Is this post a prompt for discussion?

By design "rick-rolling" is extremely far removed from a recommendation of School Days. Ask yourself what "rick-rolling" actually is: a bait and switch that redirects away from the topic itself to a song that has no relevance. If someone were to ask for a recommendation of a "harem" show School Days is an anime/VN that aligns itself to the topic at hand. School Days unconventional operations helped define a subset of the genre that is slightly more self-aware and introspective, and at this point its status and influence ground it as a useful tool for understanding the landscape of "harem" type VNs.

If the question itself is the sincerity of the recommendation, should posts with blatantly ironic suggestions of BL in response to a request for "waifu" games go unpunished? Frankly, the entire thread is the fanatical rantings of one individual that opened to no real discussion, just dozens of pages lambasting both the original poster and another individual that has long been banned. Is it NeoGAF moderation policy to facilitate dog piling on individuals with blatant mental disabilities and autistic tendencies? Fortunately amidst the swathe of thread whining, image macro abuse, and dismissive shit posting the recommendations for School Days were rooted out. In GAF mod tradition personal crusades are pretty much all that matter.


Show by Rock is as weird and cute as everyone's been saying it is. I was surprised by how good the CG looked; it was way above most other anime in terms of that. It's nice that they didn't blend it with the traditional animation, since it would have really stood out. Looks very nice as it is, though. Can't wait till next week's episode!


I got to see the first three episodes of Unlimited Bladeworks at SakuraCon.

UBW 1-3

This was actual garbage.

You'll recall the note that the first season ends on. It's our hero's darkest hour. A character we (are supposed to?) care about is turned over to the dark side against her will. What better way to demonstrate all that drama with an unnecessary, degrading, and flat-out exploitative scene where Medea molests Saber (stuck in a fuck me bondage pose and dressed in a fetishistic wedding dresss) while she rants about how she'll break her spirit, not her body and feels up Saber's ass. At this point, Saber is just a fucking joke. She is a barely developed character with what little agency she has wihin the narrative actively being poisoned.

But hey, that was hamhanded and gross, but their hearts were probably in the right place. Surely, it's setting up to continue the dramatic tension involving Saber's capture. I mean, Shirou seemed pretty broken up about it, didn't he? Well, if he does, it was pretty fucking hard to tell because he never mentions Saber once. With her a room across from him, he barely even pays attention. Rin has more to day about her. When Shirou shows up to intervene, he explains it's because he didn't want Rin to get hurt or something. Fuck Saber, am I right?

No one behaves like an actual human being in this show. Archer straight up betrays Rin, who doesn't appear to act paticularly shocked by this development. He explains that he 'only works for the strongest' (to which Rin solmenly confirms) and I felt like I had actually missed something. When did he estsblish that policy? Where? I have no goddamn clue, and consequently I have no idea if Rin was just calling his bluff or something, because in spite of her muted response, she declares that she will take him back and 'never forgive him'.

Not that Archer seems to be on her mind much afterwards, anyways. We segue into Rin and Shirou's romantic tsuntsun adventures, seguing into a romantic confession scene. Another point where I was straight up left baffled. Not just at how tone-deaf it was to the stakes attempting to be established at the same time, but how we even got here so fast? Their relationship has progressed in huge, jerky strides with little regard for any sort of connecting tissue. The last two things memorable interactions that 'happened' between Rin and Shirou was the time she tried to kill him, and the date. Am I supposed to believe a date where nothing happened some magic turning point? Well, maybe not, because Shirou explains how he's 'always' been in love with her.

But I digress. This is emblematic of the problem this show consistently has: it's lazy. It expects you to care about these characters or accept jumps to designated points on a progression map without doing any of the work. This is a show built for an echo chamber.

It almost seems to realize this, though, which is why it uses so much of my favourite narrative tools in an attempt to make up the difference. The last minute flashback. We start the second episode straight up wasting half of it on this vaguely racist Arabic loser who I have neither seen or have any reason to care about, seeing as his only involvement in the actual plot was a passing mention of some loser who died before the story even started. I am being a bit disingenuous, to be fair, the intention of this flashback is clearly to humanize Medea, but it's too little, too late given that they decided the best place to talk about her soft side is shorly after she molests someone.

It's use of flashbacks as a crutch is absolutely ruinous to any sense of tonal or dramatic continuity, in any case. It breaks up all of the actual progression and there's just complete thoughtlessness to where they go. We see Ilya again, and everything I've said can be felt even more profoundly with her. After being absent from however many episodes up until this point, she reappears as a completely different character from the one we saw last time. She seems for all the world, an innocent enough girl happily and amicably allowing two people she tried to murder a while ago in because they want to 'talk'. I'm sorry, what the fuck? Isn't Ilya supposed to be some deranged child android with no moral compass? What the hell happened? Nothing the show remembered to tell us.

And it's when Gilgamesh is introduced and Berserker (previously characterized as nothing but a rabid beast guy) reappears that UBW's dreadfully clumsy use of flashbacks is at its' ugliest. But before I talk about that, I'd like to mention that the show's utter failure to be remotely consistent in terms of tone is at its' worst. Shinji is literally ejected into the scene (for no reason given other than that he remembered to be relevant, I guess), we descend into a big comedic scene where Shinji is threatened by the two maids attending to Ilya, which jumps almost directly into said maids being butchered by Gilgamesh. Yet in spite of what the show was trying to tell me, I couldn't care. These two characters were literally introduced five minutes before they got stabbed, and their only character trait was 'loyal to Ilya'. When Ilya arrives and grieves their loss, there's literally no sympathy becsuse there's simply nothing about their relationship we've seen to care about what's now lost.

UBW tries to solve this problem and many others by breaking up the fight between Hercules and Gilgamesh with one long, poorly edited flashback of Ilya's life and her meeting with Berserker, as if they just remembered that Berserker wasn't actually a character up until this point and had to scramble to retroactively make him more than the grey angry guy. Of course it did give me one of the most uninte tionslly hilarious scenes I've seen recently, wherein Ilya wakes up in the middle of the forest for no reason and is nearly eaten by fucking wolves. Which is of course used as the pretext that Hercules really cares about Ilya for... some reason. They don't even actually explain why Hercules cares for whatever Ilya does for him.

And of course, that lengthy, sudden flashback basically dooms him, and he dies shortly after he is retroactively characterized. My time definitely wasn't wasted at all. I sure cared a whole lot about this guy who was characterized specifically because he had to die. Ilya was stspabbed too, and hopes are high she's actually dead, but I'm not optimistic.

Were the fights good, at least? Not particularly. Gilgamesh is an utter snore to watch because there's absolutely nothing dynamic about his fight scenes. It's just a bunch of repeated and slightly different cuts where he shoots swords around and Hercules bats them away. Medes just stands around and shoots lasers, and there's nothing particularly interesting choreogeaphy-wise anywhere.

The OP is good, I guess.
One of the show's shortcoming is the fact that they leave out info since they figured that most people watching it have played the game beforehand considering this show was made due to fan outcry over the movie being too short. I'll try to explain most of your complaints as a fan of the game and type moon in general. 1. The way they treat saber is easily my least favorite part of UBW. It comes out of nowhere with caster and is frankly gross. I would've liked a harsh way to portray saber being at her weakest since she's always been the strongest in all fate adaptations. I won't forgive these scenes as I hate them as well. Rin and Shirou's relationship is treated poorly as their is an important flashback that I don't think is shown which involves Shirou trying to grab a high beam after school but failing to do so over and over. Rin sees it as a fond memory of Shirou trying to achieve something even though he isn't strong enough to do so. Rin's been lonely for most of her life so being able to be friends and lovers with someone she admires is a big thing in the game and it hasn't been treated well. Meadea's character has a depressing background as someone forced into loving someone and killing for them and ultimately being betrayed is evident in the game as her former master treats her poorly by forcing her to do sexual acts by command seals which reflects on her history. She is saved by Shirouchi as he finds her after killing her master with little prana. It's a touching scene in the game. The Illya flashback is amazing in the game as the ezinbern's mistreat their homunculi by testing Hercules's poor by forcing her and Hercules to survive in the wilderness to increase their bond. It's a powerful scene in the game. Illya is a person who has been treated poorl by her family as she is the daughter of Kiritsugu who ruined the 4th Grail so she is blamed in the place of him in the ezinbern family. She also has a short life span so her sadistic attitude can be attributed to that. She acts sweet and kind to offset her attitude especially with her older brother. Hercules as berserker gave up his mind for more power so he's treated as mindless but the bond with Illya is strong enough to break it in order to protect her like he always has. Their relationship is beautiful IMO especially in the game. The UBW adaptation isn't great but for fans it's been good enough. Hopefully this helps you.


Sora no Woto 1
Fulfilling certain obligations so watching this anime for now instead of the new stuff starting this season. I have already seen the first episode a while ago, but rewatching it to refresh memory. I was surprised by the good music pieces that were playing.
Heroic Legend of Arslan 1

Ignoring the fugly cg this was a really strong episode, probably the best 1st episode of any series this season that I've seen.


You guys have made me want to watch Gintama. STOP, it's too big

Nodame Cantabile 3 (rewatch): I've never been this happy watching an anime. Chiaki is too cute, Nodame is hilarious, a very charismatic show. I really don't know anything like it (when it comes to shows targeted to women). It's something truly special, and perhaps my favorite anime of all time. This episode in particular shows a side of Chiaki that is quite universal: self-loathing is bad, and we should concentrate on making our lives better. It's quite hard, though. Hyped for the rest because I don't remember a lot. It's been a long time.
Yes to both. I wish there was more josei anime coming out. :(


So I decided to rewatch Blood Blockade Battlefront-1 (mainly because I don't want to watch the remaining bad shows this season). I think it worked better for me the 2nd time. It's kinda fun analyzing Matsumoto's direction especially compared to how lacking the rest of the shows are this season. What makes a great director is how they convey information visually, not just through lines spoken by an actor. Some basic examples would be Takemoto using 1s for Chitanda's introduction in Hyouka, Aoki's storyboarding of the church sequence in episode 21 of Fate/Zero, and tons of stuff with Satoshi Kon. Now I'm certainly not saying that anything presented in this episode is of the caliber of the previous examples but Matsumoto definitely attempts to present as much information as possible. For example:
In this shot, the distance of the camera from the subject emphasizes the number of stairs the subject has climbed and needs to climb. The subject's slumped shoulders point out how tired the character is and how he's struggling to keep moving forward. There are also faces in the balls of light which contradict the body language of the main character, almost as if the faces are mocking him.
Or this bit, which shows the main character going into the underworld and that being symbolized by the lighting in that the character is literally walking into darkness. Also of note is how the background drawings use white but when they start walking further into darkness, the drawings use much more black and the animal images are slightly ominous. I should probably thank Kimura too.
Then there's this shot in which the use of a fisheye camera 'lens' slightly bends the environment around the villain. It draws the viewer's eye to the villain while also highlighting how egotistical the villain and his perspective in that everything revolves around him. There are numerous other examples sprinkled throughout the episode such as these two:
Both scenes use an outside visual element to present the information in some sort of interesting fashion. The first one for example not only again reinforces what Leonard is chasing but also highlights the scale of the monkey by orienting the camera around Leonard's height and the monkey being out of the frame. The 2nd one use the lightning bolts for emphasis so that the viewer knows what the VA is saying is important. It's minor stuff but it adds up to really give a sort of auteur flair to the work, missing in so many of its contemporaries.

Then there are the number of glorious transitions. Rewatching the episode, I caught even more match transitions and depth of focus transitions. The episode is just littered with them. The scene when the action stops and is signified with a blue filter, has the camera zoom through the crowd, which does a good job of showing how multilayered events are in the city. Instead of just having a separate cut with the robber, the zoom process also gives an indication of distance.

The episode also has Matsumoto using her own stuff to elevate things in the manga for example Klaus has an office full of plants in the manga but they're not full of roses or whatever (not a botanist). It makes the later scene after the flashback, with the petals flying everywhere, more visually interesting in addition to the match transition used for the flashback. Also the key secret elevator thing was out of Kyousougiga.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Man, I seem to post less and less in this thread just because it is in community and I don't see it as much and I watch anime at varying times on TV. Just wanted to say hi guys.

Tribe Cool Crew Ep 26

Yuji was best this episode. More.

figured LuiMoe would be eliminated. The twins danced great as well as Explos1ve Machine Guns who have been around for quite sometime


Fate/Zero 14

Caster is way tougher than he has the right to be. Tokiomi has a magic plane. Why doesn't Rin have her own plane? Archer really needs to stop being lazy. Oh hey, humans are getting involved. They're dead. Berserker can take control of planes? Okay, that's cool. These two could take out Caster, but they're too busy blowing each other up to do it. Figures. Really nice aerial battle. So Tokiomi did have some logic giving up Sakura. Not great logic, but still. Let's see if Kariya's pain will be worth anything.
About time someone killed Uryuu. Kiritsugu does seem proficient at neutralizing Masters.


Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere ep. 11-12

Much better, the "rules" still make no sense, but the story is getting better and better. Tori is a horny goof-ball, but man, he is smart and witty when he needs to be. They could have made the scene
when he finally gets to Horizon and breaks the seal to grab her a real mushy scene, they are in fact on level footing eith relationship and status now
but they stayed true to the format and still made it good. Let's see what happens next since this is getting better...

PK Gaming

Just wondering

Valid recommendations of school days are still fair game, right? ie: "watch this if you want to see a shocking take on the harem genre"

Of course, i'd want to avoid spoiling its true nature but...
High school Dxd Born - 01

Goddamn... they are actually rewritting 5 books worth of material in order for this stuff to fit in a season that can normally support only 2...

Added flashback , changes in location, changes in behavior, added forshadowing , cutting all the fluff . am i supposed to believe , that they 'll be able to cover Everything that is from those books aside from the kyoto arc ?

Considering the original author of the book was helping , i'm not that worried but still what a mess ! Subplots that should have started in the middle of this season are already present and now i'm very confused by how they will use everything.
I mean , there are points that are very important for many characters that you really can't skip.

i'm really worried after all ..

Damn , everything is messed up... it's still an awesome show but ..but /...BUT !!!!

Unfortunately ..that's FALSE !!!!

This anime.. i really want the next episode.
Decided to end the day with an episode of Mushishi. Ended up watching four, before forcing myself to stop.
It's not always I'm in the mood to watch Mushishi, but damn if it doesn't do wonders for me when I am. Great atmosphere, sucks me right in.
Just wondering

Valid recommendations of school days are still fair game, right? ie: "watch this if you want to see a shocking take on the harem genre"

Of course, i'd want to avoid spoiling its true nature but...

in general genuine recommendations are fine in here unless you're recommending something illegal/non PC.
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