You lost your swag-collar and kira-kira effect, corvo-sensei.
What happened in one month to your cool levels?
I knew you were Gendo.
Apparently only the last two episodes are new.Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture 1
This was just a segment from one of the Arise films. I didn't realize that this series wasn't going to be new material.
Somebody posted this video in Hearthstone thread it just reminded me how much better action was in Fate Zero compared with UBW, you can feel the tension everywhere. UBW direction is so poor, battles mean nothing, it's just some slashes and jumps, flashy but they don't have any feeling of high stakes like in Fate Zero. It's not just the poor story, action is not interesting any more.
lmfao. I can't believe it. Who wrote this and thought it was a good idea?
Welp, here you guys go.
BTW the video quality is outstanding. Really crisp and clean. On par if not better than AoA video quality.
I have a bunch of people who have really been wanting to see what's all included, so here you go!
If anyone has any questions about any of the releases, ask me and I will gladly answer!
The short of it; PONYCANON US does a fantastic job. For real.
Knowing something like Sound! Euphonium is in their hands for release in the future makes me super happy that i'll get to enjoy it all over again in such a high-quality release, especially because a show like that deserves nothing less.
Really great stuff here, and I will definitely be buying their releases again.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero
I only included a couple of the keyframes for the pics I too.
Fixed a lot of the FN times in the OP, let me know if something isn't correct/needs to be added.
Appreciate it.
Funi is doing Mikagura School Suite too, but I can't find the exact time it goes up on Wednesdays.
The same guy who wrote Future Diary, it explains so much.
They wanted their own Gundam and they sure as hell got it.
that one anime airing about the game
Which one is this from anyway?
Show By Rock 1
So how come the CG in this anime isn't an eyesore?
Gunslinger Stratos.
One of the new spring ones huh? What's it all about anyhow?
The fact they referenced a Politician who cried while he was on air literally killed me inside. Sweet Jesus I was laughing with tears of joy.
It's an adaption of the greatest arcade game ever... that we'll never get to play.
You are literally the Yin to my Yang
Apparently he's been ill?Are you taking up SDBurton's mantel since he seems to hardly post here now.
Someone needs to sort out the garden pronto. It's full of weeds!
There are others here that enjoy the garden but none are as fine gardeners as SDBurton.Are you taking up SDBurton's mantel since he seems to hardly post here now.
Someone needs to sort out the garden pronto. It's full of weeds!
Marathoning Faking It, hopefully.Where is the SD anyway? :<
Where is the SD anyway? :<
Future Diary was a manga adaptation though.
That's because it's more likely to go up on Mondays.Funi is doing Mikagura School Suite too, but I can't find the exact time it goes up on Wednesdays.
Her VA will be Ai Nonaka btw
That's because it's more likely to go up on Mondays.
Me finally upgrading from W7 on the bottom right.Windows 10 indeed looks better than 8/8.1
Monogatari Ep.21-24:
This is just a weird arc,? Man, having this episode completely narrated by this ahole is annoying to say the least; this whole thing is very twisted as well, which is fittign considering that narrator.Senjou is falling for Kaiki, surely this is just an act, right? Although, he is trying to save her live, but still I remember her telling Araragi that he was "her first" ...WTF?... Uggh, a few episodes left.This Gaen chick wants them to die now? Especially after just helping him in the last Arc and that emotional scene when Hachikuji left to her afterlife where she belonged since Araragi helped her.
Me finally upgrading from W7 on the bottom right.
PapaKiki end
I'm sure no one remembers this "knock off" of Usagi Drop, but apparently in lieu of doing any more seasons, they just animated the events of the final book and put it out as an OVA and well:
Dude ends up marrying his step-niece. Even though they've never kissed. lol
Maybe this works if you've been reading the books or something, but it's basically a nonsensical ending considering there's no mention of the other girl who was basically the obvious choice back when the show aired.
I suppose the OVA does clear up that the parents are actually dead, since they show up as ghosts who spend the day watching their kids go through a normal day in their lives.
PapaKiki aside, I think I'd be okay with studios just doing one off episodes for LNs that end. A lot of series will never get a sequel series, but wrapping the whole thing up with a finale episode is I suppose better than nothing.
He's actually related to the youngest one, so at least that wasn't a possibility. Funny enough, the guy who married his sister had three daughters from three different women. Unconventional family is already unconventional.Well its probably just as likely that he could have ended up with the youngest daughter.Usagi Drop knockoff indeed lol.
OK you're not paying attention to one thing , it's the date.
The arc during monogatari second season are not exactly in a direct order.
So ,
Senjou is not falling for kaiki , she is prepared to do whatever it takes for araragi and her to survive , that's all Arararagi was her "first" in a sexual sense , but before the events of monogatari , kaiki made a con on the whole sect ,the one where senjou mother , senjou was involved , and during this time senjou was very close to kaiki , to the point were she fell in love.( heavily implied by kaiki , but this could be a lie since we don't have a clear picture of what happenned). However , kaiki seeing that everyone and everything won't end well , made one big con in order to destroy the sect that would do very mean things to a girl ( senjougahara )
kaiki being the narrator is set in stone at the start and he clearly says " that he will tell a tale of truth and lies so it would be intresting". so bottom line , don't trust everything that happens in this arc at face value.
I mean the events clearly happenned , but not exactly the way kaiki tell you. This is one giant tease by the writter.
Third, geanknows everything , including where to lies in order to get her satisfactory result. Hint she will NEVER help someone for free.