OMG, at teh 14 min mark, my lawd... this is so bad,,, bad, bad, bad....
It's great.
OMG, at teh 14 min mark, my lawd... this is so bad,,, bad, bad, bad....
This is the latest Monogatari release so far correct?
Its the last one I have ordered. Ive kind of lost track which is which.
By this point of the show I havent really caught up yet and just collecting the sets to watch later.
It's great.
Uggh, fanservice x1,000
It's handled in the exact same way. So, after Koimonogatari was released, readers were wondering (in fact, some still are).if the Kaiki seen in Hanamonogatari really was Kaiki ("glasses and beard?"), if he was a ghost, or if the guy simply survived
I've got some good & bad news for you
Good news: You just finished the best Monogatari arc
Bad news: You just finished the best Monogatari arc
But that's why it's great!
Until we finally get a full on Kaikimonogatari and then NOBODY ELSE MATTERS.
Etotama - 01
This episode had enough Nyaaa~ to last me a 10 years.
I was very surprised when it transformed to.. cg chibi (?) fighting. It felt weird, but it was kinda good at the same time. I have no idea what to expect so I'll check out a few more.
Select your fighter
What is this, baby's first monter girls? Monster Girls Lite?
I've got some good & bad news for you
Good news: You just finished the best Monogatari arc
Bad news: You just finished the best Monogatari arc
I decided to look up what happened to the other girl andPapaKiki end
I'm sure no one remembers this "knock off" of Usagi Drop, but apparently in lieu of doing any more seasons, they just animated the events of the final book and put it out as an OVA and well:
Dude ends up marrying his step-niece. Even though they've never kissed. lol
Maybe this works if you've been reading the books or something, but it's basically a nonsensical ending considering there's no mention of the other girl who was basically the obvious choice back when the show aired.
I suppose the OVA does clear up that the parents are actually dead, since they show up as ghosts who spend the day watching their kids go through a normal day in their lives.
PapaKiki aside, I think I'd be okay with studios just doing one off episodes for LNs that end. A lot of series will never get a sequel series, but wrapping the whole thing up with a finale episode is I suppose better than nothing.
Best animal.
Etotama - 01
This episode had enough Nyaaa~ to last me a 10 years.
I was very surprised when it transformed to.. cg chibi (?) fighting. It felt weird, but it was kinda good at the same time. I have no idea what to expect so I'll check out a few more.
Select your fighter
Monster 63
Srsly ... Of course the moment I praise the show for focusing on Tenma and endgame, I get hijacked by another tournee of superfluous characters. I do appreciate bringing some of the earlier ones back but you don't need to use fresh, episodic throwaway characters just because Tenma decided to jump straight under a truck. After hilariously outrunning 4 cops with guns and cars to boot.
This twist/reveal withbetter be good.Nina.......
Calling Monster episodes filler? smh
I'm curently on episode 44, and while i enjoy the series i'm just wondering, if i would randomly decide to jump 20 episodes would i actually miss anything really important, or only some new random characters and their story , some vague background on the twins and the whole there is a monster thing ...
Does Tenma actually manage to do anything meaningfull in the next 20 episodes?
I really liked Monster the first 10 episodes, but now it feels like i'm just watching filler episodes:s
Calling Monster episodes filler? smh
Well very soon they'll introduce some (seemingly) pivotal facts on the past of the twins, so i would say it's
the worst moment to start skipping through eps. The short string of eps a bit ahead of you was the best thing in Monster since circa ep 12 for me. Tenma does get quite a bit of time but he doesn't make much progress on the Johan front. It's mostly focused on his relationship with another character.
Wait we're getting Yamada and the 7 Witches anime this season? When did I miss this?! Excellent
Well I put it on hold after roughly 20 episodes or so. It may not be filler but damn does it have one hell of a slow pace and plenty smaller side stories.
It was still pretty good and I intent to continue it one day but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel like slogging through some episodes.
IsSabreADogGirlEtotama 01
So this show is all about Narag's true form as far as I'm concerned. Oh and yes this show is great fun and I will be looking forward to it.
I know... laaaame. Makes me wonder if it's even worth watching... although I did get bored of the manga itself after a while.They'll do what they normally do with on-going series. Pick an arc and end the anime there.
I saw somewhere else that was bullshit lol. Apparently there's chapters of the final LN that are about that girl after the other two get married.I decided to look up what happened to the other girl andapparently she died on her way to her marriage with the main guy. Yeesh
I will say this. While I liked it a lot, it definitely is not for everyone. The show is a slow burn for many of its episodes. But I think it is a good show and has a great payoff. At least for me.
Same here lolseeing the last few pages looks like nothing aired today for me lol
Not to bash the show or anything, but if you told me that the person who wrote VLR wrote this too, I wouldn't believe it. I don't really know what to think of the show tbh, I'll maybe watch next week but I might just drop it.