I think the show does a decently good job of world-building, it just does so VERY slowly. Even in the manga, world-building bits are dribbled out here and there, and I still don't know the whole story; either the writer is just deliberate in pacing the plot, or it's being made up as it goes along, but the many hints from earlier suggest to me that that's not the case, or at least not mostly.
As for the magic system, what's so wrong with it?
I'm not sure if I could put them all in order...
This is something the show never explains or mentions again, yeah. It's not a common occurance, though -- the other times in the show that awful things like that happen, they ARE a plot point.
However, one of the major points of the series is that this is an awful world that is falling apart. The idea clearly is that these students are so used to tragedies that they don't always care when they happen around them. The series' constant ping-ponging back and forth between comedy and tragedy is a bit weird, but I actually think it works for once in this series, everywhere other than the one case of the breakdown phenomenon you mention -- that's the weird outlier, a quite bad thing which they just don't seem to care about as much as even the other bad things that happen later in the series.
Still though, considering how bad shape the world is in -- people and whole cities vanishing on a regular basis -- it's understandable that people would be used to tragedy. I'm glad that it's not just a super-depressing tragedy show though, there's just as much fun and silliness; the lighter tone is a good contrast.
I also like how the cast and main character aren't quite as stereotypical as some. I mean, they are, but the MC isn't just another "I will protect the girls" character (he wants to save Hijiri, more so than anyone else), and he isn't invincibly strong either -- the girls are actually mostly competitive with him in terms of magic. For instance, a bit later in the manga, there is a magical tournament..., even if Hijiri is actually his enemy.There's some of this in the anime as well -- this isn't an IS-like level of "the guy is the best once he tries" obnoxiousness. I think the anime had a bit more "I will save girls" stuff from him than I remember from the manga, but it's still mostly the same. Arata is of course the main character, but the girls aren't just afterthoughts in comparison.First round, MC Arata and Lise vs. Yui and Arin. Yui and Arin win.
Of course the series has plenty of problems, it IS a stupid harem action anime after all, but I do like it more than most in the genre.
Hmmm...Interesting. From all I heard of this show it looked like yet another terrible harem anime, which I see you watch and complain a lot about.
Hearing you say this is actually making me want to give the series a shot later.
I mean, an MC that isn't a Kirito-esque MC is always a plus.