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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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I guess a slight back pedal is in order then. What I meant by that was more along the lines of how every episode in a longer series (like a 2 cour) can't be expected to be hyper plot revealing and have tons of character development. That shows of that length can, and should spend some time and a few episodes as lead up and prep for future episodes to keep the pacing at a good clip and to keep material in a steady flow. (Like how Re:Zero's second episode is literally just prep for today's third episode)

I didn't mean that episodes had to be irrelevant. Sorry if thats how it read.

I guess I just feel like there are so many shows that just appear in the season and then just go and leave with the tide. having something with a little staying power, with a little longer length is always welcome to me. I fully get why there are so many 1 cour shows and how the vast majority of those give "go to the source material" endings, but its kinda sad when you get short 1 cour original shows that could (or at least seem to be able to) be 2 cours. Maybe Kiznaiver doesn't need 2 cours. If it doesn't and it ends up still being good, thats great. But we saw what happened with stuff like C:control and Comet Lucifer. Short lengths on original shows worry me. Short lengths on adaptations make me worried about endings.

I really don't think C or Comet Lucifer would have been much better if they had been longer. They had fundamental creative planning problems that sliding around the length wouldn't fix.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
The world needs Teekyu more than it needs bad CG Berserk.

I'd agree with that! No one needs that.

Watched the first season of Teekyu last week, didn't find the concept funny. Trying to cram as much shit in a 2 minute span just didn't do it for me. 2 minute shows can work great, also watched Wakako-zake last week and that was fantastic.


I really don't think C or Comet Lucifer would have been much better if they had been longer. They had fundamental creative planning problems that sliding around the length wouldn't fix.

I can only partially agree with that.

Both were extremely rushed in their second halves, with C's last couple of episode having the content equivalent of 3-5 episodes which made a lot of the explanation in them confusing and disjointed. It also made a lot of the character motivations have less punch to them. I really feel like a lot of these problems would be solved if it was maybe 18 or more episodes instead of a measly 11.

as for Comet Lucifer, from episode 1 it felt like a 24-36 episode show with its pacing and slow build up of the world. There are plenty of parts and ideas that would fit a longer running series but cause huge problems in short 1 cour shows. The epilogue and character interactions beforehand basically prove that everything was beyond rushed for time.

I'm not saying that either show would be amazing or even great if they were longer, just that they were shows with ideas more fitting of a higher episode count.


did i miss something?

Oh well, not going to bother changing that. It's just that nearly every other show was on its third episode this week so I kind of grouped it together with the rest by mistake.

I was actually confused back when I first checked the show's CR page and it listed over fifteen videos for it, since I though there was a season that aired before the current one or something. Then I went in and it was just lots of PVs and VA interviews, so I left disappointed.


My Hero Academia ep.3
Oh, so that's how it works, or should work as of now. I can't wait to see if it works out for Deku next week during the exam.

Joe Molotov

12-Sai: Chiccha na Mune no Tokimeki 01 - 02



A show about 12 y/o girls buying bras, getting their periods, and going on their first datto. I was afraid it was gonna be super creepy, but it's really just cute. It's kind of like a more serious, long-form Galko-chan. I mean, it's not as good as Galko-chan, but what is? It's not bad, though.
Kuma Miko 3
Alright episode with the cute dressup and the funny dance sequence. The scene with Yoshio definitely went over the line and I'd prefer if the show just dropped its raunchy element.

Three Leaves, Three Colors 1-2
Pretty cute show. Loving that it has pretty good animation. In spite of the not very interesting character types
(the start of the ED straight up acknowledges their archetypes)
, the show does a good job showing their deviations from their character types and making the cast likeable
Hero Academy 3, really good episode. Glad they gave the training enough air time. I really liked that part of the manga because it was 10 months of physical labor, of course you're gonna get ripped. Reminded me of master roshi's construction job and milk delivery training. Unlike bleach where the guy just powers up after two hours of training :/


blogsuki's thin slice post for the new season is up:


His top 5:

#5. Kuromukuro
#4. Sakamoto Desu Ga?
#3. Kiznaiver
#2. Joker Game
#1. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

If only that Nichijou spin-off was real, LOL

The points made are pretty solid (for the most part, some stuff I don't agree with but not really anything that I can't see why that could be an opinion about)

But a lot of the order placements are bizarre. Like, Big Order should be way lower than it is on that list.


iirc outside of a few exceptions, crunchyroll shows the aired versions of shows, which tend to be censored.

No idea about Hulu though.

I know funi shows the censored, aired version until the BD releases, then they eventually put out the uncensored version.

Is there a good resource that quickly identifies which shows are censored/uncensored? I'd rather just wait then watch censored versions.

John Blade


If you never heard of Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise movie or have any idea of what this movie talk about, you're not alone. I have no clue about this movie at all and the only time I did see this is from Manga preview which I saw from a DVD of Manga I own (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fcvUrhFEpk). It's only from reading some quick impression on Gaf, that I have some interested in this movie to the point of buying the blu-ray disc from Right Stuff Christmas sale. I have to say, it might be best choice as this movie might be one of few good example of great spot on storytelling I have see in anime for a while and it doesn't do the typical anime tropes you see now.

Like I say from the top, the main strength this movie have is the storytelling. Basically, you follow a main character name Shiro Lhadatt who is a member of the Kingdom of Honneamise's Royal Space Force. This space force mission is to send a person to space but the only issue is they never manage to send one person to space at all. This division of the military is often regarded as a failure both by the country's citizens and a government more interested in precipitating a war with a neighboring country than scientific achievement. For Shiro Lhadatt, he doesn't really care or very unmotivated from this issue and always looking for another job as the division might be disband soon. This all change when he met a woman name Riquinni Nonderaiko in the city one night and found out she is enthusiastic about the space exploration. This motivated him just enough to volunteer to become the first man in space. This started the ball moving of the space program from a laughing stock into a very important part of humanity. Unfortunately, the government have different idea with the space program and with odds are stacked against them, they didn't stop and continue to fight, knowing this is a very important time not for their country but also humanity among the frontiers of space.

Watching this movie from the beginning to end, I never feel like they isn't any dull moment as they're quite a bit of stuff which catch my attention. To see the character development of Shiro Lhadatt is very interesting to watch. You found out why he join in the Kingdom of Honneamise's Royal Space Force (well....not really a good reason when you think about it ) and see how unmotivated he was to the point he don't mind to work in the bakery if he could. You see his attitude change when he met the girl who is interested in space. You start to see him realize the purpose of going to space and how it might be great for mankind to move ahead for a higher purpose than fighting at each other for silly stuff. Even with this, you also sense he is doing this to pump his ego a bit to her when he have a chance to see her from his downtime. You notice this when he ask her out and trying to get her to like him even more by showing stuff to her about space.

Unfortunately, Riquinni Nonderaiko isn't that type of female as she is very devout to her religious belief more than the affection of Shiro Lhadatt and they is a very powerful scene where she explain to him why she didn't compromise her belief over silly things and why compromise is what made the world what it is today. This reasoning start to resonate to Shiro as later on in the movie, Riquinni home got destroy by the power company when her aunt didn't pay the bill. Shiro ask her why not fight this in the court as it isn't right for this to happened but Riquinni don't want to as it will cause more issue to her. In a way, you start to see how reasoning of compromise can affect even the strong will people. This might be the major pivot point for Shiro Lhadatt and also when he start to read the bible which make him think and wonder about his sociality and how bad it's. You notice this in few event in the movie of how it kind of mirror the same event from the bible which I have a feeling, Shiro also notice. This eventually trigger an event which make him realize quite a few things and his next step of the importance of this space trip.

I don't want to dwell too much in this movie as they're quite a bit of stuff it talk about which is better if the audience see it and try to analyze it by themselves. All I can say the character development is very engrossing and very believable as you can understand of why their think that way in our everyday life. Also, the universe of Honneamise is very interesting and detail. They is so many stuff happened in this world that a onetime watch isn't enough. I actually watch the movie twice back to back just to see this interesting world. In a way, the world of Honneamise remind me a lot of our world as they is quite a bit of familiar stuff you can look at our world during our space program and how it make us realize how important it's to us. The space program here is in a way we a society realize how important it's and how sending a man of space just once realize if we put our difference aside, we can achieve quite a bit.

Another thing I like of this movie is how beautiful the animation look. For a movie which release in 1987, it still look great. Even better in blu-ray which I own. One of my favourite scene is the G-Force training where Shiro have to be in the aircraft to do some testing for G-Force. The entire scene when he was in the air still look beautiful to watch and I keep going back to the scene. This make sense of how much they spend on this movie.

For the soundtrack of this movie is great to listen to. It hit the right tone to make the mood of the scene and in a way make it even more beautiful to watch and listen. The dub of the movie is actually not bad. Both Jap and Eng dub are fine to listen to. I am more a bit to the Jap dub as the End dub did alter the dialogue a bit but this is mostly to keep the dialogue smooth in the movie which is fine.

Overall, this movie is something everyone have to watch period. Not because it's a great movie but it's a very powerful movie of what the message it's trying to tell the audience. It will become one more movie in my collection I will add as my favourite and also a good example of what a good storytelling is based on this movie itself. I do have more to discuss but I guess this is where I end here. If I have more, I will post another impression of this movie as they're quite a few stuff I can discuss in this movie.


If you never heard of Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise movie or have any idea of what this movie talk about, you're not alone. I have no clue about this movie at all and the only time I did see this is from Manga preview which I saw from a DVD of Manga I own

I realize things are different these days, but back when it came out it was one of the few anime movies to get a localized release so everyone knew about it at the time (at least in areas where anime was readily available). I even remember seeing it at a couple local Blockbusters!

A shame it's not really known about as much as of late, it's a true classic.

John Blade

I realize things are different these days, but back when it came out it was one of the few anime movies to get a localized release so everyone knew about it at the time. I even remember seeing it at a couple local Blockbusters!

A shame it's not really known about as much as of late, it's a true classic.

I guess it depend on how they localized it into North America. I wasn't into anime craze in the 90s so, I have no clue of it. Did it do well in North America when it release here or is it one of those anime that come here and not many people heard or watch it and slowly disappear. I guess the other issue is the same one I notice when I watch it. They isn't really much action scene. This movie is more into storytelling then showing action scene like Akira or Venus Wars. I can see people love those movie as they can watch stuff explode.


I realize things are different these days, but back when it came out it was one of the few anime movies to get a localized release so everyone knew about it at the time (at least in areas where anime was readily available). I even remember seeing it at a couple local Blockbusters!

A shame it's not really known about as much as of late, it's a true classic.

Do you remember that Manga Entertainment KMFDM trailer? That was my first exposure to it. Used to watch this and the Orion trailer over and over swearing to watch them all!


I guess it depend on how they localized it into North America. I wasn't into anime craze in the 90s so, I have no clue of it. Did it do well in North America when it release here or is it one of those anime that come here and not many people heard or watch it and slowly disappear. I guess the other issue is the same one I notice when I watch it. They isn't really much action scene. This movie is more into storytelling then showing action scene like Akira or Venus Wars. I can see people love those movie as they can watch stuff explode.

I clarified in my stealh edit that it was more in areas that had a larger anime presence, like in parts of California with heavier asian populations for example. It wasn't necessarily mainstream.
Re:Zero 03

This show is really damn good. The animation during that fight was epic, and Subaru the MC in this show is super likeable. I'm actually really heppy with the amount of quality that I'm getting from the shows that I picked this season. So far so good.

John Blade

I clarified in my stealh edit that it was more in areas that had a larger anime presence, like in parts of California with heavier asian populations for example. It wasn't necessarily mainstream.

Ahh....that make more sense. If I remember, I never even heard this movie where I live (Toronto) and like I say in my impression, the 1st time I heard about it as the trailer. I guess they think this movie can somehow be famous like other anime movie which release before hand but in reality, the audience have a very different taste of what they expecting. It kinda sad as the movie is actually good. Just that it isn't what the audience want to see which is action scene and battle like Akira for example.

At least the movie did okay that it manage to release in blu-ray which isn't something you expected.


Kimikiss Pure Rouge ep.16-17
Ok, it's all coming together now as Moanee-Chan is starting to get real with her feelings for Koichi and it looks like the drama is about to jump 1,000% very soon.


Thanks for the heads up. Didn't know. .....anyways the dub was pretty good.

Join us on Saturday nights now that Toonami has HxH! I know it's just the first episode, but I'm pretty impressed by Gon. Gon is exactly like a super upbeat happy Ryuko Matoi, lmao.

At first I was like anti-Shonen hipster, but then the metal ED and the orchestra soundtrack got me hooked.


Re:zero episode 3:
this series is currently in first for my anime of the year.
that is all :p

It doesn't come close to Rakugo for me, but it's definitely among my favorites from what I've seen so far. Great animation, interesting characters and an intriguing plot set it apart from the rest of this season's shows (I still can't believe what they're doing with Ace Attorney).
Re:zero episode 3:
this series is currently in first for my anime of the year.
that is all :p

Hmmm, it is good but I have to agree with JulianImp, this is not even close to Rakugo (and I doubt it'll be beaten this season). BUT it sure is a couple of steps above the usual fantasy shows that we get each season, and that's great. Although I love Kabaneri, and think it is a great candidate for AOTS if it keeps up its quality, I'm just a huge sucker for Kiznaiver and its quirkiness. Re:Zero is turning out to be a pretty great show. Flying Witch is a good comfy watch too. It's like I said, this season is actually giving me quite a lot of great stuff to watch. It's too soon to judge these shows based on 2-3 episodes. They could all go to shit in the blink of an eye.


I have some really mixed feelings on Wings of the Honneamise. On one hand, I thought the movie's final act was incredible, and the ending was excellent. On the other hand, I still can't get over how our protagonist nearly rapes Riquinni; making it even worse is how she seemed to blame herself for it afterwards, and it gets swept under the rug. It's terrible! I still don't understand the purpose of that scene, but it really sours my opinion of the film. I always try my best not to let a single scene ruin a movie or series for me, but this really does it.


Re:Zero ep.3
Ok, that was a pretty damn good episode. On a whole, this show is much better than I anticipated as well. That battle was pretty cool and animated well. The mix of magic attacks and physical attacks was pretty fun to follow. Now the focus immediately goes to the significance of the insignia and why Reinhardt changed his tune towards Felt the way he did when he saw it. Such ominous words from Reinhardt at the end of the episode... Really liking this show!


It doesn't come close to Rakugo for me, but it's definitely among my favorites from what I've seen so far. Great animation, interesting characters and an intriguing plot set it apart from the rest of this season's shows (I still can't believe what they're doing with Ace Attorney).

I actually haven't watched Rakugo yet, I am waiting until I am in a mood for a drama, but I doubt it will pass re:zero for me as dramas rarely click for me.


RE: Zero episode 3

he's wins...sort of.
But out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Flying Witch episode 2

Zzzzzzzzzzz....what? Chinastu is best.

Three Leaves, Three Colors episode 2

Yoko-sama is best. You hear me, BEST.


I have some really mixed feelings on Wings of the Honneamise. On one hand, I thought the movie's final act was incredible, and the ending was excellent. On the other hand, I still can't get over how our protagonist nearly rapes Riquinni; making it even worse is how she seemed to blame herself for it afterwards, and it gets swept under the rug. It's terrible! I still don't understand the purpose of that scene, but it really sours my opinion of the film. I always try my best not to let a single scene ruin a movie or series for me, but this really does it.
Her forgiving him for his actions is what causes him to change, and is surely the inspiration for his own prayer for humanity's forgiveness while in orbit. It's a crucial turning point.


Her forgiving him for his actions is what causes him to change, and is surely the inspiration for his own prayer for humanity's forgiveness while in orbit. It's a crucial turning point.

Did it have to be rape though? The scene kind of comes out of nowhere; it really sticks out and it's very uncomfortable to sit through. I think they could have had something else happen to cause a rift between them, and eventually have her forgive him. What also bugs me about it wasn't that she forgave him, but that she seemed to blame herself for him doing it, which is all kinds of gross to be honest.


Did it have to be rape though? The scene kind of comes out of nowhere; it really sticks out and it's very uncomfortable to sit through. I think they could have had something else happen to cause a rift between them, and eventually have her forgive him. What also bugs me about it wasn't that she forgave him, but that she seemed to blame herself for him doing it, which is all kinds of gross to be honest.

Unfortunately, even in real life, this is a normal and unfortunate psychological thought process for rape victims..

John Blade

Did it have to be rape though? The scene kind of comes out of nowhere; it really sticks out and it's very uncomfortable to sit through. I think they could have had something else happen to cause a rift between them, and eventually have her forgive him. What also bugs me about it wasn't that she forgave him, but that she seemed to blame herself for him doing it, which is all kinds of gross to be honest.

I guess it depend on how you see this scene. To me, this is the main scene where Shiro start to realize quite a bit of himself and how humanity react in the way. The bible scene where he read kinda foreshadow a bit of this and you can say he start to notice this during his time when he isn't in training.

I guess changing the rape scene to something else is possible like Shiro can use the idea he don't believe her religious stuff and wish she change to become like everyone else but it will ruin the entire point of the story. Another way which could work is he can do something toward the kid but that will come back to the same issue you have with the rape scene. Either way, you need something very harsh to push the story forward and this work fine for what it's even though it isn't right.

For victim blaming, I can see how you see it. She didn't know how to react of this incident and feel like it's her fault for not letting her be some sort of tool for Shiro. But at the same time, you can say this is the point where Shiro try to patch up this even going back to the place and try to ask the kid to inform her. I guess that scene is kinda a point of Shiro life where he want forgiveness not only for his sin but also humanity's forgiveness. I guess, it come down to how the director want to express this feeling. They can use child abuse but this isn't like Shiro characteristics of what we know about him during the whole movie. The rape scene kinda make sense at Shiro as the director kinda set him up as just a young man who want to have a one time fling like his friend. I guess he want to do it to an innocence religious girl and feel he can do it at her without realize how she manage to change him quite a bit. I guess you can say the same at Riquinni. She didn't want any compromise as this style of thinking is what causing the issue in the world their live in yet, she start to compromise from the day when her home got destroy and when Shiro try to attack her. I guess she start to realize they is no point of not compromise as it might not solve the issue the world she live.

Sorry I sound gliblish right now as it's late here and I am dead tired on my side. Might rewrite this a bit better when I have some downtime tomorrow.


Did it have to be rape though? The scene kind of comes out of nowhere; it really sticks out and it's very uncomfortable to sit through. I think they could have had something else happen to cause a rift between them, and eventually have her forgive him. What also bugs me about it wasn't that she forgave him, but that she seemed to blame herself for him doing it, which is all kinds of gross to be honest.
She has to forgive him for something truly loathsome in order for it to make an impact, though. And blaming herself for it in some way fits her deeply religious character and piles on some added guilt in the process. Of course it's not an easy scene to sit through, but the film needs some really low point in order to turn him around and I think it does the job.
Fantastic Children 19

The whole Greecia flashback sequence was excellent, much better than I anticipated. I can really understand now what drives them through their long years of pursuit on Earth.

I guess Tina/Helga isn't going to recognize that Thoma is Soran, despite the boy version of Soran she first encountered in her flashback having the same voice and appearance? Oh well, guess I'll need to wait a bit more for that revelation to come to light.

The scene at the end reminded me of that one scene in Twin Peaks.


I guess it depend on how you see this scene. To me, this is the main scene where Shiro start to realize quite a bit of himself and how humanity react in the way. The bible scene where he read kinda foreshadow a bit of this and you can say he start to notice this during his time when he isn't in training.

I guess changing the rape scene to something else is possible like Shiro can use the idea he don't believe her religious stuff and wish she change to become like everyone else but it will ruin the entire point of the story. Another way which could work is he can do something toward the kid but that will come back to the same issue you have with the rape scene. Either way, you need something very harsh to push the story forward and this work fine for what it's even though it isn't right.

For victim blaming, I can see how you see it. She didn't know how to react of this incident and feel like it's her fault for not letting her be some sort of tool for Shiro. But at the same time, you can say this is the point where Shiro try to patch up this even going back to the place and try to ask the kid to inform her. I guess that scene is kinda a point of Shiro life where he want forgiveness not only for his sin but also humanity's forgiveness. I guess, it come down to how the director want to express this feeling. They can use child abuse but this isn't like Shiro characteristics of what we know about him during the whole movie. The rape scene kinda make sense at Shiro as the director kinda set him up as just a young man who want to have a one time fling like his friend. I guess he want to do it to an innocence religious girl and feel he can do it at her without realize how she manage to change him quite a bit. I guess you can say the same at Riquinni. She didn't want any compromise as this style of thinking is what causing the issue in the world their live in yet, she start to compromise from the day when her home got destroy and when Shiro try to attack her. I guess she start to realize they is no point of not compromise as it might not solve the issue the world she live.

Sorry I sound gliblish right now as it's late here and I am dead tired on my side. Might rewrite this a bit better when I have some downtime tomorrow.

She has to forgive him for something truly loathsome in order for it to make an impact, though. And blaming herself for it in some way fits her deeply religious character and piles on some added guilt in the process. Of course it's not an easy scene to sit through, but the film needs some really low point in order to turn him around and I think it does the job.

I definitely can understand your perspectives, and I can understand the scene's function in the film a bit better. At the same time, I can't help but feel that there must have been a better way of achieving the same end of "Shiro does something terrible, but gets forgiven and tries to be a better person". I don't know what they could have done, but surely there must have been a different way other than an attempted rape scene where the victim blames herself afterwards. I know I'm really hung up on this, but I honestly do feel like it would be a better film if this scene was different. I feel like it really plays into that whole "men can't help themselves, it's the woman's fault" narrative, and that really grosses me out.
I definitely can understand your perspectives, and I can understand the scene's function in the film a bit better. At the same time, I can't help but feel that there must have been a better way of achieving the same end of "Shiro does something terrible, but gets forgiven and tries to be a better person". I don't know what they could have done, but surely there must have been a different way other than an attempted rape scene where the victim blames herself afterwards. I know I'm really hung up on this, but I honestly do feel like it would be a better film if this scene was different. I feel like it really plays into that whole "men can't help themselves, it's the woman's fault" narrative, and that really grosses me out.

I too felt that way about the near-rape scene (it's a sticking point for many people). it really does feel out of place in that there's not much build up to it and neither are there consequences of it presented, so it comes off as a throwaway scene. The problem being, of course, that the act presented is one of too much importance to be treated as throwaway. When sexual assault happens in real life the people involved can't just shrug it off, so it feels like a moral failing of the film. Other than that scene I do really like the film, but I just can't get over it.
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