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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Amagami SS 16-20

Junichi surely will notice me someday !
I didn't expect dating sim anime to not have a clear cut conclusion but it's actually a bit refreshing compared to rest of the arcs.



DC is just killing it lately guys.

I only just noticed how bad the guy opening the door looks.

I assume its based on your location and demographics. In the UK a certain large portion of the population sees it all as "that tentacle porn stuff".

I've never come across this myself. The negative stigma I get from anime is the same as I would if I was caught watching Gumball or Regular Show by myself which is "Aren't you a bit old for this?"


A bit late but thinking on what Jexhius and others talked about.

From my experience setting an example of yourself is something I've found to be very effective which is what I think Jexhius intended to relay.

I have seen my friend who was utterly against watching anime during a time ask for suggestions after multiple interactions with other anime viewers in his presence. I was aware that he isn't fond of it and I understand that(I've seen how others behaved), I didn't like to keep everyone out of the loop so I always made sure we didn't get too carried away with the lingo or references or simply made a more sensible discussion about a show although it is not on par with something people here discuss.

I still remember he said "perhaps I've been too judgemental", I didn't think I'd pull it off. I can't say he now engages in the medium a lot but I'm glad I was able change his perception about it being "okay" from "ugh".


My Bride is a Mermaid ep.18
Man, you would think they would off this inspector girl by now, lol. Oh well we got sone good hijinks again and a huge misunderstanding between the MC and the discipline chick a.k.a "the childhood friend" when protectibg San that should lead to some hilarious follow ups.

Watch how you say "look at me" lol.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Sakamoto desu ga? 2
I like it, but i wish there's an original segment like the one where Sakamoto save a bird by riding typhoon. I think the pacing is better than the previous episode.

Even if he doesn't actually spend any time in jail, I can't believe this will help his reputation. At least not in the short term.
Toriko author did what i consider worse than what Mamare done, but he manage to return to manga business just fine (took him 2 years before he publish a serial, but yeah)
Toriko author did what i consider worse than what Mamare done, but he manage to return to manga business just fine (took him 2 years before he publish a serial, but yeah)

I looked this up and yeah paying 16 year olds for sex is several orders of magnitude worse than tax evasion in my book.


Twin Star Exorcists ep.4
Ok, now that was a pretty damn good episode. Lots of feels in this one, but at least Benio is starting to understand Rokuro a little more and where he's coming from. Again, the tone of this show is great. With a good mix of action, emotion and conedy. I will say, the slapstick at the end was a little out of place being presented immediately after a nice feel good moment, but oh well, it was still a really good episode.

Russ T

6. To avoid perpetuating these negative stereotypes, I think it’s important for anime fans to clearly and consistently call shows/movies/whatever on their bullshit. Every. Single. Time.

Your whole post was spot-on, and this in particular is really important. It's upsetting as hell when in this thread people call out something shitty and get dog-piled for it. Oh am I speaking from experience? Yeah, I am.

One of the worst things about the rampant sexism/racism/homophobia/transphobia/etc that exists in anime, and in fact all media, is that most fans just sweep it under the rug like it doesn't matter. "Well, it doesn't affect me!" Too bad, because it affects society. You can ignore it all you want, but it is harmful, and by ignoring it you are accepting it. Accepting it makes you part of the problem.

Seems like people really have trouble tackling the idea that it's okay to like something while also acknowledging and calling out its flaws. It's embarrassing how many people are willing to shit all over an entire work for having a few minor story hiccups, or gameplay that isn't quite perfect, but if it has underage girls in erotic situations, or blatantly racist stereotypes, well, if you don't like it, you can just ignore it, so it's okay!

Your whole post was spot-on, and this in particular is really important. It's upsetting as hell when in this thread people call out something shitty and get dog-piled for it. Oh am I speaking from experience? Yeah, I am.

One of the worst things about the rampant sexism/racism/homophobia/transphobia/etc that exists in anime, and in fact all media, is that most fans just sweep it under the rug like it doesn't matter. "Well, it doesn't affect me!" Too bad, because it affects society. You can ignore it all you want, but it is harmful, and by ignoring it you are accepting it. Accepting it makes you part of the problem.

Seems like people really have trouble tackling the idea that it's okay to like something while also acknowledging and calling out its flaws. It's embarrassing how many people are willing to shit all over an entire work for having a few minor story hiccups, or gameplay that isn't quite perfect, but if it has underage girls in erotic situations, or blatantly racist stereotypes, well, if you don't like it, you can just ignore it, so it's okay!


I dont know how much the anime manga industry values people's views on neogaf indicating if the anime or manga has a flaw that puts it in a questionable morality standpoint with people. Unlike video games, it just seems unlikely that animanga moves that many units for them to be concerned with forum go'ers calling out of an animes questionable content.

Also isnt that a reflection of fans? unless one is under the impression that anime fans cant be sexist, racist, homophobic or transphobic etc.

Russ T

This isn't about the anime manga industry reading or not reading GAF and I'm really fucking sick and tired of that being the reason people try to shut down the conversation, to be completely goddamn honest.
This isn't about the anime manga industry reading or not reading GAF and I'm really fucking sick and tired of that being the reason people try to shut down the conversation, to be completely goddamn honest.

As a results oriented person, it just seems like a pointless endeavor to call for acknowledging a problem, while offering no solutions. Also if the people who made the content made it problematic it additionally seems pointless to criticize it in a place where they wont even be looking. How can society be changed if one is speaking in an empty room?
Most shooters don't contain any sort of torture porn elements. The graphic violence comes in short bursts and are often the consequence of the player defending himself from to progress. God of War is a series that thrives on not just prolonged sequences of sadistic violence, but actively encourages the player to partake in extreme and unjustified cruelty on enemies. It's truly baffling that such a psychotic series can be so popular, and promoted by a first party no less.

I'm more insulted that God of War 1 came out a year after Ninja Gaiden Black and GoW doesn't even deserve to look into NGB's general direction

At some point they need to lay out Thorfinn's family tree. It's getting complicated.

There's a manga thread.
The problem starts with that you are anime fan and not being more selective.

I finished like four shows this year. Why should I care about the rest from the social implications point of view?

Russ T

I can't tell if this is Cartoon Person DTL or Real Person Behind the Cartoon DTL, but...

We, everyone in this thread, everyone on GAF, everyone who is linked to GAF but isn't normally on GAF, everyone who isn't on GAF... We're all part of society. Society is made up of individuals. Every individual contributes to society. Recognizing problems in anime here, as an individual, as a group of individuals, and sharing that attitude, spreading it? That's how society changes.

You can only change you directly. But by being open about things

The manga and anime industry don't read this thread. But we do! And other people check in every now and then! New people join the thread to participate. No individual can create change. It's a group effort. But an individual is still just as important, because without individuals, there can be no group. Without groups, society doesn't exist.

Etc etc etc etc etc.

It's not just about anime. It's about everything. But people are weirdly even more accepting of shitty things in anime than they are in other media. The logic makes sense: it's foreign, we can't control Japan's output. But we do consume it, and ignoring it is bad.


I can't tell if this is Cartoon Person DTL or Real Person Behind the Cartoon DTL, but...

We, everyone in this thread, everyone on GAF, everyone who is linked to GAF but isn't normally on GAF, everyone who isn't on GAF... We're all part of society. Society is made up of individuals. Every individual contributes to society. Recognizing problems in anime here, as an individual, as a group of individuals, and sharing that attitude, spreading it? That's how society changes.

You can only change you directly. But by being open about things

The manga and anime industry don't read this thread. But we do! And other people check in every now and then! New people join the thread to participate. No individual can create change. It's a group effort. But an individual is still just as important, because without individuals, there can be no group. Without groups, society doesn't exist.

Etc etc etc etc etc.

It's not just about anime. It's about everything. But people are weirdly even more accepting of shitty things in anime than they are in other media. The logic makes sense: it's foreign, we can't control Japan's output. But we do consume it, and ignoring it is bad.
Before I head out to do some errands, I wanted to make a point about misunderstanding of culture when consuming others culture.

Do you think some of this 'sweeping under the rug' of poor taste has something to do with an error in cultural appropriation?

I sure as hell don't know what flies in Japan for these types of things in media. Im definitely not defending it, but there has to be a gap somewhere.

Time to go do my taxes.


I mean my anime watching life is kept simple by not watching or recommending shitty anime (and like with all media, there is more shit than gold). That's already a pretty good start <3 I dunno, I feel I don't have a problem calling spades a spade (even if I enjoy some elements of them). Has this been a really big issue for people here? I can think of a few instances in which that lack of self-reflection was bothersome to see but I didn't think it was an epidemic in number. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention?
I mean my anime watching life is kept simple by not watching or recommending shitty anime (and like with all media, there is more shit than gold). That's already a pretty good start <3 I dunno, I feel I don't have a problem calling spades a spade (even if I enjoy some elements of them). Has this been a really big issue for people here? I can think of a few instances in which that lack of self-reflection was bothersome to see but I didn't think it was an epidemic in number. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention?

I think it's the old problem that people need to justify watching anime.
No one would play the same game with novels or movies.

Russ T

Before I head out to do some errands, I wanted to make a point about misunderstanding of culture when consuming others culture.

Do you think some of this 'sweeping under the rug' of poor taste has something to do with an error in cultural appropriation?

I sure as hell don't know what flies in Japan for these types of things in media. Im definitely not defending it, but there has to be a gap somewhere.

Man that's a real good question. Cultural appropriation is a damn complicated-ass topic and there's no denying anime fans are guilty of it to a significant degree. Though whether or not it's all harmful appropriation is arguable.

Hummm, I lived in Japan for six months, but it was only six months, so my experience is pretty limited... But I can say that from various brief conversations with coworkers while there... Many of them were pretty grossed out by, for example, loli porn. From what I've heard, the real hardcore nerds are not looked upon kindly.

But then you also have all these mascots lately that are just cute anime girls, so clearly it's at least somewhat accepted in society there to the degree that people are okay with that. (Until they're not!)

I think other people in this thread are better equipped to answer that question than I am, to be honest.

Time to go do my taxes.

Cuttin' it a little close there eh.

I mean my anime watching life is kept simple by not watching or recommending shitty anime (and like with all media, there is more shit than gold). That's already a pretty good start <3 I dunno, I feel I don't have a problem calling spades a spade (even if I enjoy some elements of them). Has this been a really big issue for people here? I can think of a few instances in which that lack of self-reflection was bothersome to see but I didn't think it was an epidemic in number. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention?

It's not an epidemic by any stretch, but it occurs often enough that I consider it worth calling out.
As a results oriented person, it just seems like a pointless endeavor to call for acknowledging a problem, while offering no solutions. Also if the people who made the content made it problematic it additionally seems pointless to criticize it in a place where they wont even be looking. How can society be changed if one is speaking in an empty room?

Silence is assent.

I'm not expecting producers from MADHouse or anywhere else to come out and say 'I'm quitting the loli crap because user4679 said it made them feel bad' but I'm also not going to pretend it's not there. I'd sooner say 'I enjoyed No Game, No Life but goddam if it isn't full of the cheapest loli bullshit' than just say 'No Game, No Life is a great show that made me laugh' while pretending the ugly shit isn't ugly even if both statements are equally true.

I like discussing anime here precisely because I know that when I get recommendations they'll come with the rider 'good but..' which means I don't get ambushed by the BS (like in KumaMiko, man that annoys me no end). It fosters a far healthier community IMO if we are as frank about the bad as much as we are enthused about the good. It's better to say 'this is not good enough' than to maintain silence because you can't describe better.
As a results oriented person, it just seems like a pointless endeavor to call for acknowledging a problem, while offering no solutions. Also if the people who made the content made it problematic it additionally seems pointless to criticize it in a place where they wont even be looking. How can society be changed if one is speaking in an empty room?

In the example of a discussion forum, where people regularly engage in judgements and write analytically about art they consume, I don't think any aspect of criticism can be considered pointless lest it all be. Discussion furthers or affirms our own ideas and understanding regardless of any larger influence and I don't think it's to our own benefit to neglect to examine certain aspects of the things we consume.

Considering it's completely acceptable to like something that's Problematic, I don't see much of a reason to feign ignorance of anything that falls under that banner.

Before I head out to do some errands, I wanted to make a point about misunderstanding of culture when consuming others culture.

Do you think some of this 'sweeping under the rug' of poor taste has something to do with an error in cultural appropriation?

I sure as hell don't know what flies in Japan for these types of things in media. Im definitely not defending it, but there has to be a gap somewhere.

Time to go do my taxes.

Cultural context can deepen your understanding of a work and what led to its creation, but you can only judge something according to your own values or you're dipping your toe into nonsense theories like cultural relativism.


Oh I also want to say I think Jexhius' post is a good one to make and this is a good discussion to have. I kind of already did some of the things he mentioned so I kind of assume/assumed most people here did as well. KumaMiko was a show that looked totally uninteresting to me so I kind of just ignored it and discussions about it :p

Just leave my Maken-Ki and Triage X alone and we won't have problems.

You can enjoy them all you want. Just acknowledge they are "shit"/popcorn (which has never been a problem for you to be honest so you're cool).


Huge Nickleback Fan
Kumamiko 4
Glad they turn down the fanservice. Show can still work just by showing technology savvy bear and Machi being country bumpkin who save and quit DQ after fighting 1 random battle.
I still haven't seen posts which trying to hide what Kumamiko is.

I think KumaMiko provoked the conversation when it was recommended vs Flying Witch without qualifying that it has prominent problematic elements unlike FW. The germ of the discussion was around whether it was desirable or necessary to warn people about the problematic elements but I think we're away from discussing any one post at this point.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Does or does not the miko sleep with the bear? This is the most important question.
Well, of course you should be accurate if you recommend an anime.

But it's not your job or somehow forced to get offendend or making long lists with possible dubious content of the anime you just watched.
Does anyone really care about tax evasion other than the authorities though? My impression is always that people who get jailed for tax fraud are laughed at for getting caught but otherwise it has no real lasting impact on their reputation. To commit tax fraud to begin with suggests that a person is earning quite a lot of money, so that usually doesn't change.

I always saw people committing tax evasion as either lazy or forgetful. Taxes are hard!


Well, of course you should be accurate if you recommend an anime.

But it's not your job or somehow forced to get offendend or making long lists with possible dubious content of the anime you just watched.

I think it is good practice to gauge yourself about how you tell about a show to make sure no one is misled, in other words, have a bad experience watching it.

Setting expectations right can go a long way.

This isn't exclusive to 'offensive' material.
Well, of course you should be accurate if you recommend an anime.

But it's not your job or somehow forced to get offendend or making long lists with possible dubious content of the anime you just watched.
When you see people recommending movies or books you don't see people going "Bad Boys 2 presents Hispanics in a negative light, has a lot of brutal violence and reinforces minority stereotypes! But it is a pretty good movie otherwise!"

Joe Molotov

When you see people recommending movies or books you don't see people going "Bad Boys 2 presents Hispanics in a negative light, has a lot of brutal violence and reinforces minority stereotypes! But it is a pretty good movie otherwise!"

I have to when I'm recommending movies to my parents: "Well, it's got some swearing in it and there's some nudity but you only see the butt. 4/5"
I think it is good practice to gauge yourself about how you tell about a show to make sure no one is misled, in other words, have a bad experience watching it.

Setting expectations right can go a long way.

This isn't exclusive to 'offensive' material.

Only that the offensive stuff has suddenly that "you are to blame for everything wrong in the industry if you don't call it out" stick.

Which is childish at best.
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