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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Joker Game - Episode 4

This was better than episode 3 but exhibits many of the same problems. This is a show which thinks it is smart and carries itself with that presumption. The problem is that while the design behind the scenario might have a level of cleverness and intrigue in it, the execution of the narrative leaves much to be desired. Here the setup is interesting, and the reveal at the end is more layered than expected, but there is simply nothing inbetween. A good mystery isn't just the premise and the solution though, because the satisfaction is it watching it being worked out. There was nothing of that sort here, which doesn't do the show any favors.

It was clear from the offset that the spy in this story was the reporter, so the expectation that he was prompting information to get the investigator to see what he needed to was there. But the disappointment in how this mystery unravels is that the audience is never fully provided with the essential clue to the motive. There is no mention of opium at all until the report where all is revealed. This sort of shortcut to the answer turns what might be a dramatic revelation into nothing more than lazy exposition.

It really makes me wonder about the adaptation as it feels like the sort of thing where opium would have been brought up to set the stage of Shanghai in a short story but was cut here. I don't know if there's some sort of cultural expectation to automatically equate Shanghai with opium either such that showrunners felt no need to include it.


Bakemonogatari 14

Giggles over the girls' response to Araragi's request to find Shinobu aside, Tsubasa cat made some interesting comments about the existence of aberrations: "They are not something one must get along with but must be feared, despised, receive wishes etc" in other words 'dealt with' - this speaks so much about various human desires, behavioral and mental problems, everything reflecting what the girls had to go through in the show.

Most of the episode takes place in the streets, very cool BGM and the sense of isolation thanks to framing and ambience is so intoxicating.

Rewatch is worth it.


12 sai 4

Oh no ultra tsundere guy creates a love triangle. I can't believe how laughably evil the rival girl is either.
By all rights this show is so corny and throws every possible romantic cliche situation at the wall that it shouldn't work, but somehow it does.

Also, checked out some dubs. Garo's-pretty good the only negative for me was Ema's voice,doesn't come across as experienced or commanding, but everyone else fit well.
Rage of the Bahamaut's though-bad,bad,bad,bad.


It really makes me wonder about the adaptation as it feels like the sort of thing where opium would have been brought up to set the stage of Shanghai in a short story but was cut here. I don't know if there's some sort of cultural expectation to automatically equate Shanghai with opium either such that showrunners felt no need to include it.

Willing to bet the third option, no illegal drugs allowed on Japanese TV.
Eupho sets finally complete:



Few pics from the last genga set:

I want the Tsutaya box for the BDs but that's probably too much of a pain to get at this point. Now back to marathoning Haikyuu! S2.


Kuromukuro - 4

One thing I didn't like was that they used spoons and forks. As we all know, the Japanese only use chopsticks. It seemed very off, no doubt a product of meddling from Netflix. I can't wait for the curry to become salisbury steaks in the dub.


Big Order - Ep. 3
Kids, this is why you should never write a stroy when you are on drugs.
Seriously, what the fuck is this anime?
The Lost Village 4 ---- So random. First episode was great because this show could be about anything! So much mystery and intrigue! Now people are just watching it because it's so ridiculous. I love how no one reacts to Lovepon. Like she can't be heard or what she's saying is the most normal thing possible.


Kuromukuro - 4

One thing I didn't like was that they used spoons and forks. As we all know, the Japanese only use chopsticks. It seemed very off, no doubt a product of meddling from Netflix. I can't wait for the curry to become salisbury steaks in the dub.
Beef bourguignon.


OMG. This new trailer with the ending theme of the GARO movie is fucking hype: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SxKixTANFo

It really makes me wonder about the adaptation as it feels like the sort of thing where opium would have been brought up to set the stage of Shanghai in a short story but was cut here. I don't know if there's some sort of cultural expectation to automatically equate Shanghai with opium either such that showrunners felt no need to include it.

I think it's natural to equate Shanghai and Hong Kong with opium, especially given the time period, but my issue is with how there are large logic gaps in solving the mystery which is just explained at the end. This isn't uncommon in lazy mystery stories, but it's bad!


The Lost Village 5
Lovepon gets better and better. Now she even has her own strike team! I just love how neutral everyone seems to be on her. A lot of talking this episode, but then things get... weird.

Edit: Also, 1-2 minutes arguing over Hyoketsu's name. lol
Kuromukuro - 04

I really enjoy the 'misplaced individual(s) experiencing and reacting to modern stuff' aspects. Bonus points to the sister for taking advantage of this, for her own comical purposes. Seeing him in crocs made my day.
Could probably watch an entire show based around this premise alone.


Concrete Revolutio - 1

Lots of stuff happened in this episode. I need to read a synopsis or something.

How many episodes do I need to watch to understand why people like this show?


Saint Titanfall
OMG. This new trailer with the ending theme of the GARO movie is fucking hype: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SxKixTANFo

I think it's natural to equate Shanghai and Hong Kong with opium, especially given the time period, but my issue is with how there are large logic gaps in solving the mystery which is just explained at the end. This isn't uncommon in lazy mystery stories, but it's bad!

Awww yiss I see that lovely garoish brand of choregraphy is still there. I'm guessing the princess turns into a horror and her Makai knight whoses probably was in love with her turns into a fallen night,
Bakemono--- err, Kokoro Conne-- err, KIZNAIVER 02 + 03
I do believe in fairies.

Chidori really is the best. It's prolly the dark red hair trope.

Sonozaki on the other hand...



The Lost Village 5
Lovepon gets better and better. Now she even has her own strike team! I just love how neutral everyone seems to be on her. A lot of talking this episode, but then things get... weird.

Edit: Also, 1-2 minutes arguing over Hyoketsu's name. lol

Now she's the first on my 'lock them up for me own safety' list. And she helpfully gathered most of the rest I'd put on such a list.


Luluco 5


Life fibres, nearly naked mums, skeletons turning into guns, dad brains. This episode had it all.


Sound Eupho Movie -extended thoughts-

I'm back at a keyboard so I can look at the notes I made and type up some thoughts.

  • As you might expect, it was a recap movie, so there was very little new footage. Only four things stood out to me as new: Kumiko and Reina's middle school band performing at the competition before the results (they're actually really good, playing the Infernal Gallop from Orepheus in the Underworld, as in Kumiko's flashback in Episode 12), an extended sequence at the Marching Band section at SunFes mainly to demonstrate how much better the band had gotten, an additional scene with Yuko (ribbons trumpet girl) and a second-year playing clarinet that was inserted during the audition drama just before she tries to convince Reina to take a fall, and the credits were different with a lot of stills that were basically candid shots from the band post-competition. Surprisingly I don't think the finale concert had new footage, at least not that I can tell, since they basically used the whole of both pieces anyway.
  • Audio additions are mainly just Kumiko* narrating together bits, montage-style. They also redid the audio for the bridge running scene, though I don't think it was for the better - it sounded way more nasally and sniffly, diluting the raw emotion of the scene, imho.
  • Obviously there were a lot of cuts for time, but there were two cuts (or changes) in particular I thought were interesting: In the re-audition, nobody except for Kumiko and Yoko clap for Reina/Kaori. Also, they cut Shunichi's fistbump with Kumiko entirely, even though they keep both the hair-tying with Reina and the fist-bump with Natsuki.
  • Speaking of cuts, as is probably standard, the pacing is abysmal. This is nobody's ideal first experience of Eupho, because as it stands it's just way too fast - and band drama has so many players, it's near impossible to get a grasp on anybody. Dramatic moments are treated mostly right, and it's an okay job of compressing the whole cour into a 104 minute film, but it's just way too goddamn fast.
  • There was a few things I noticed on this watch I didn't notice initially. Kumiko's friend from middle school who went to Rikka (the 'rival', better school) is the girl who was sitting next to her in the prologue who runs out of the hall. Somehow, I missed Midori and Kumiko (the band vets) sharing a look when the Concert Band just does their tuning notes - they're already so disappointed in the band, while Hazuki is enthralled!
  • Finally, I actually went to go see a Sound! Eupho concert a few weeks back, and the hall they played at is actually the hall Kitauji rents out to do the re-audition in and get a feel for hall acoustics. I also saw the band from the school which Rikka is based off. Their marching band was amazing.
  • The credits song is like the wind ensemble arrangement with lyrics by TRUE. It's real good.

oh yeah, and it's way more obvious when you use 3d models on a giant cinema screen.


I've watched The Hakkenden for the first time this week. I knew of the impact episode 10 (Hamaji's Resurrection) had on the industry, and saw some sequences on the booru, but I had no idea it was so powerful in the context of the show.

Hamaji's Resurrection has a really oppressive, feverish atmosphere, with exaggerated use of perspective, like the world's gone out of balance. Lots of canted and high angle shots, usually of a character with their head tilted down or looking away from someone. The characters look extremely ugly (even for Ohira), especially when compared to their design from the previous and subsequent episodes, which have that familiar early 90s anime samurai look. Every visual aspect works in favor of turning this episode into a trip to the characters' inner turmoil, and even the voice acting is noticeably more involved. The sword fights near the end happen in the rain, but it's never just an overlay effect, the characters' feet are sloppily splashing around, water streams down their faces, and the raindrops that hit them are affected by their movement. It's unbelievable.

There's a really disturbing shot of a dead man that reminded me of Aeon Flux for some reason.

The entire show is good, but this episode really made my night sour, and I can't recommend it enough.

Vouching for this. I've watched this episode dozens of times and there's always something new to it. The color coordination, the powerfully disorienting intro, the chase through the rice fields, the weird growls during the swordfight... some of the camera and perspective tricks are pure
as well


I also dropped by the KyoAni store on the way up and grabbed Print Set 2, 2 keychains, and a creator messagebook. Pics soon. Also a little something for Bear-kun.
Thanks for the great write up Jintor. Looks like I'll be watching the movie just for the new footage then. Awesome that you got to see some of the music and Rikka live as well.


Mayoiga | 5

This nonsense ends today. Dropped.

JoJo IV | 5

Great episode. BakedFish subtitles are trash though. I still cringe everytime I see Bad Company translated to "Worse Company".


Speaking of Rikka, the band they are based off is Kyoto Tachibana High School, and here's a performance. Imagine if this is the first time you've ever seen a marching band. That was me!

/edit also apparently I chose the wrong city to go to because just saw the director and VAs were hitting up Osaka and Nagoya screenings. ah well.

//edit while i'm dumping Sound Eupho thoughts here's an AMV i found. I don't understand how people learn to edit gud :(


Mayoiga 05

what the fuck's a tokimune

I actually enjoyed the non-sense this episode more than the previous ones. I almost feel bad for that.
Wow woke up to news on a new K anime. I hope its a tv series,

The "K -Do you know K?" event for the K media project announced on Saturday that production on a new animation project, a new stage play run, and a dance performance has been green-lit. Shingo Suzuki is returning as director and character designer at the studio GoHands for the new K Seven Stories anime. GoRA and GoHands are once again credited for the original story.


Watching Ace Attorney 05:

An establishing shot of the courtroom shows Will Powers already in the defendant's chair.
Next shot is of Powers being walked into the courtroom.............which he was already in.

Fuck this show


Magial Girl Lyrical Nanoha 2

zzzzzzzz...oh anime i guess. Exposition episode and jesus you know that feeling when 5 minutes of content is stretched to 20.


A lot better. Its nice that they're establishing some interesting character points for Nanoha already. Her slowly walking through the wreckage that she could have prevented and seeing her regret and renewed resolve was great stuff. Also, what's with her dad as well, dude had like a hundred scars on him? He's a cafe owner...bullshit.

But my main problem so far is bread and butter of the show, the monsters and fights of the week, just aren't that interesting atm.


Still loving this but Lovepon is wearing me down. It's not that she's a terrible person, it's the fact that everyone is enabling her and ignoring the fact that she has attempted murder and yet are willing to attack other characters for merely being slightly suspicious. Like, Lovepon should have been locked up minute one.

Her death will be glorious and I can't fucking wait.
Speaking of Rikka, the band they are based off is Kyoto Tachibana High School, and here's a performance. Imagine if this is the first time you've ever seen a marching band. That was me!

/edit also apparently I chose the wrong city to go to because just saw the director and VAs were hitting up Osaka and Nagoya screenings. ah well.

//edit while i'm dumping Sound Eupho thoughts here's an AMV i found. I don't understand how people learn to edit gud :(

Wow, that choreography was harder than I thought it would be. And all I've ever had to do while playing was not trip over my lead. Watching all the related videos now.


Sound Eupho Movie -extended thoughts-

Nice post. I'd definitely like to see this movie on the big screen.

Still loving this but Lovepon is wearing me down. It's not that she's a terrible person, it's the fact that everyone is enabling her and ignoring the fact that she has attempted murder and yet are willing to attack other characters for merely being slightly suspicious. Like, Lovepon should have been locked up minute one.

Her death will be glorious and I can't fucking wait.
Mayoiga | 5

This nonsense ends today. Dropped.



Huge Nickleback Fan
Sakamoto desu ga 3
Even better than previous episode. The pacing is great, and the ost really match the scene. That 2nd part though, greatest love story ever told!


I don't remember that.

Episode 3, the cooking scene. I just checked and she said something else but in the same suggestive/innuendo way, and it was the exact same character that reacted to it in (pretty much) the exact same way...
I knew it was familiar.


Slam Dunk 59

Damn you show for taking my heart and stampng into the ground. What a gut punch of an end.
Game against Kainan was out of this world good. Can't wait to see Shohuku play Ryonan again. Gotta get that Sendoh vs Sakuragi matchup.
Concrete Revolutio 17

The idea that they thought they could manage creatures like Devlio and Devilia sounds truly absurd by the end of the episode.


Concrete Revolutio 17

The idea that they thought they could manage creatures like Devlio and Devilia sounds truly absurd by the end of the episode.
My second fave part of that ep is Emi just standing there, disinterested and arms crossed, when Devila showed up. She knew!
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