Magical Girl Pretty Sammy OVAs-
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy was a spinoff of Tenchi Muyo that centered around Sasami who becomes a magical girl. There were three roughly 40 minute OVAs released between 1995 and 1997 from AIC. There was also a television series that takes place in an alternate timeline as well. The franchise uses characters from the original Tenchi Muyo franchise such as Ryoko, Aeka, Mihoshi, Washu, as well as Kiyone. While many of the character traits are the same such as Ryoko and Aeka fighting over Tenchi, there's a few new ones such as Mihoshi being the smart half of the Mihoshi/Kiyone partnership. Tenchi serves as the actual blood relative of Sasami now and Sasami even has a mother, who is a new creation.
So each episode revolves around a different event and you can tell the staff was different in each segment but it's not like each segment is radically different from its predecessor. That said, other than the introduction parts in episode 1, each episode is largely separate from the others. The premise of the show revolves around Tsunami being a candidate for the throne of Jurai and needs to pick a 'champion' on Earth to apparently do good deeds. Ramia, another candidate, becomes jealous and so picks her own 'champion' as a way to screw over Tsunami. As you can imagine, this leads to an assortment of shenanigans.
The first episode is largely an introduction one but it has Ramia's champion, Pixy Misa, turning Aeka and Ryoko into love blobs that try to love Tenchi to death. The second episode is probably my favorite as it has an evil Bill Gates trying to install Windows ME on every computer worldwide. Tenchi and Sasami stumble across this while looking for a karaoke machine for their mother in the meantime, who has gone berserk. Bill decides that's not enough so he builds magnets around the world to pull the moon towards the Earth in an attempt to cause the moon to crash. The third episode has the group going to the beach and dealing with a renegade alien bent on killing Sammy. All while Sasami tries to get her game on with a clone of her brother.
My favorite was obviously the second episode. It's just amazing from beginning to end in that you have the Bill Gates rant, Sasami's mother going crazy because she can't sing karaoke, Tenchi being an elite hacker and goes to an underground joint, Misa having to be bribed to do her job, Bill trying to crash the moon, Bill summoning a mech out of computer parts, and Washu hacking the cyberspace. The dialogue is straight amazing with all the characters referring to the Internet as either the cybernet or cyberspace. There's also characters saying stuff like:
BG: How did about your volleyball game yesterday? How did it go, Mulligan?
Random Little Girl: I used the standard strategy and your network package and we won!
The dub is pure gold. They apparently dubbed the songs and surprisingly I liked the English versions. I'm pretty sure they got all the old English VAs which I appreciated. Misao's dub VA is hilarious in that she whispers all her lines as Misao and then as Pixy Misa she tries this French accent. I think the dub was my favorite part of the anime. The animation wasn't anything special but there were a number of good shots in the second episode especially of mechanical stuff. The music was done by Seikou Nagaoka, the composer of
Strike Witches. There were a few tracks in there I liked but there's a lot of insert songs due to the karaoke jokes.
I enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting to. I might give the TV show a watch despite magical girls not being my thing. It's definitely worth watching the first two episodes, the first one for the dub and the second one for the insane plot. Anime needs more insane mothers.