Execution is king as Lovepon world say.
Execution is king as Lovepon world say.
I don't know if my definition of "visuals" is correct, but I consider it as everything about the show's looks. Eupho was straight on what it presented. A band, concerts, a school, musical instruments and people playing them, and it perfected it. The colours used, the details, the characters. On the other hand, Hyouka seems to experiment a bit more with some more different artstyles or colour palettes for certain events, and I should add it's successful on that. But this and some beautiful shots, are probably the only things that stand out compared to Eupho, and I don't really think they're enough. Simply, Eupho seems more impressive when I consider everything.
As I said though, I'm judging based on 3 vs 13 episodes, so I need a more complete idea of Hyouka.
If you're not watching Jojo for the weird and increasingly insane stand fights between cool characters then you're probably barking up the wrong tree.
Bro don't fuck with us, our gang don't take no shit.
That's how Hyouka riders roll
More people watching Hyouka. Good, good.
A lot of that was enough to have me engaged...roughly 60 episodes ago. I'll enjoy all that well if I was otherwise actually invested in the narrative. Supposedly the villain this time is much better but I'm not sure how much we've seen of him yet but in these first 5 episodes there wasn't anything to write home about. Last episode managed to get me a tad emotional for a moment but that's due to the really good direction and less so because the writing is compelling.
Joker Game 05
This unrelenting pattern of super awesome nippon spies going all "Keikkaku Dohri!" on poor, devoid of plot armor, peeps all over the world makes things way to predictable and stale. Those info dumps at the end of every episode got grating too. I still liked this episode more than the two before, the Robinson bit in particular being a neat bit of foreshadowing, but that's not saying much.
Joker Game rather shows how deluded my plans for every coming season tend to be. The show I pinned on my hopes for Spring is the one I'm very close to dropping and things that weren't even on my radar like Re: Zero or Bungo or were there but just as curiosities like Kiznaiver end up being my highlights.
More people watching Hyouka. Good, good.
You should just quit watching Jojo at this point. Not that I've read the manga, but it doesn't seem like a series that'll ever deliver a compelling character drama of the sort you're looking for.
Have you been watching any of Kuromukuro? That show might satisfy you on a character level.
Not really spoilers, but I recently read Part 4. While it's better than Part 3, I didn't find it mind blowing. The main villain is much better, I liked them a lot, but DIO wasn't hard to be surpassed on the first place. I have to warn you though, that people have overhyped part 4 almost as much as My Hero Academia. Its neat artstyle and its faster pace, if they want to include everything, will make it better, but based on your posts, I'm not sure how much you'll like it. You were pretty hard on Part 3...A lot of that was enough to have me engaged...roughly 60 episodes ago. I'll enjoy all that well if I was otherwise actually invested in the narrative. Supposedly the villain this time is much better but I'm not sure how much we've seen of him yet but in these first 5 episodes there wasn't anything to write home about. Last episode managed to get me a tad emotional for a moment but that's due to the really good direction and less so because the writing is compelling.
You really need to continue this.For now, though, I need some tiny toy super robot action. And Penguindrum. That too wants to be finished.
You really need to continue this.
I like the way you thinkMayoiga 5
Every episode really is following the same rough pattern of 20 minutes standing around and arguing, and then last 3 minutes are something crazy happening. What this really needs, though, is more cat puns.
JoJo will always be about the crazy fights and whacked out characters
Alright episode. The truth about the murder case was a tad on the too melodramatical and cliched for my tastes but the reveals that kept popping up at at end made it more interesting then up till that point.![]()
I'm going to watch Captain Earth for those faces alone.
JoJo will always be about the crazy fights and whacked out characters moreso then character development, even in the parts with character development like 6 and 7. HxH is there for you if you want the Shonen with the best characters.
And that was how Onoda became a helium addict.
Yowamushi Pedal 12
With the bike modifications that have been made, this training camp reminds me of the Hunter X Hunter training to open the Zoldyck estate gate. So rough.
I hope Sugimoto goes away soon through. I know he's deliberately annoying, but that doesn't stop me from cringing every time he opens his mouth. At least he shouldn't be around for the Interhigh.
I'd like a full deck of Euphonium cards.
ugh that is creepy
Yay, Shonen Maid is getting dubbed.
You didn't post the best cards!
agreed, the image is a little jarring because of possible age difference there.
Hey DTL,
What are the ages of those two characters?
When do the fights get good? I watched it up until the bit where Jotaro (?) is the MC but I found the fights to be really disappointing.JoJo will always be about the crazy fights and whacked out characters moreso then character development, even in the parts with character development like 6 and 7. HxH is there for you if you want the Shonen with the best characters.
Different topic, but for all your Gundam Build Fighters fans: RightStuf and Sunrise are giving the first season a BD release here on August 2nd. It'll be dubbed too!
Macross Delta 05
All right, so...am I crazy, or is Windermere WWII-era Japan? Past periods of isolation and anti-foreign resentment, vaguely feudal military influence, it starts the war off with surprise attacks against much larger opponents...Part of me thinks these shared elements are clear and intentional, but another part of me thinks that this level of political self-criticism is very rare in anime and that I'm probably just reading things into it from an American perspective. What say you, thread?
When do the fights get good? I watched it up until the bit where Jotaro (?) is the MC but I found the fights to be really disappointing.
When do the fights get good? I watched it up until the bit where Jotaro (?) is the MC but I found the fights to be really disappointing.
Edit: Different topic, but for all your Gundam Build Fighters fans: RightStuf and Sunrise are giving the first season a BD release here on August 2nd. It'll be dubbed too!
Black Jack OVA series End
Like any episodic series it was a grab bag of great episodes, decent ones and one i was completely indifferent to. I am a big fan of medical dramas and surgery scenes always have a baseline tension thats hard to mess up, so all that stuff is great. I didn't like the series habit of dipping into supernatural elements. the draw of seeing Black Jack deducing the right treatments is enough, the supernatural elements just felt a bit silly in comparison to everything else at times.
There was nothing rally to link any of the OVAs, they are all pretty much stand-alone. Though the first 10 do all look fantastic and have really attractive character designs. Though its a bit jarring to see the last 2 OVAs, which were clearly made many years after, adopt a more modern art style that just comes across really awkward, it doesn't quite match the tone of the series and doesn't fit the character deigns at all.
I liked both parts 1 and 2 but I just didn't think the fights were all that great. It was recommended to me after I'd watched HxH and so I was expecting the fights to be on a par with the ones in that but while they were more stylish I didn't find them to be as intense/entertaining. It's a good anime though and I definitely need to get back on it since DiU seems to be loved by pretty much everyone.If you didn't like Battle Tendency, then something is wrong with you. But you should still try out Diamond is Unbreakable, since the concept of Stands creates a new dimension for the fights and the DiU anime has been amazing so far.
Ah ok, I definitely need to carry on with it in that case.Part 2 and 3 have multiple good fights but are totally lacking compared to how they evolve in Part 4 and beyond. One of the best "fights" in Part 3 is just a card game because of the mindgames, but Part 4 and beyond combine that with the actual fisticuffs
can i talk about Boruto the movie here?