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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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However, it still managed to deliver some amazing sequences with really good animation.

It wouldn't be a WIT studio production if you didn't have instances of really good animation right next to increasingly obvious shortcuts after the first couple of episodes.


Kare Kano 5-6

Asaba is a fun addition. Im worried he'll not have much to do now though, probably be relegated to eccentric side character man.
I enjoyed all the duplicate and contrast scenes, especially the difference in their family situations, and Arima adopting Yuki's habits. Its interesting that Arima is probably the more insecure about their relationship of the two. Loved seeing him go full on alpha male against Asaba though.


Bungou Stray Dogs ep.5
This was an okay episode, but unless it picks up next week I might just drop it. I mean, the mystery aspect was ok, but I'd like more of the comedy and especially world building to expand into a storyline.


If Her Flag Breaks ep.4
Interesting sports festival episode that actually expanded the story and world rather than the event itself. They also showed us a glimpse of a new antagonist at the very end, which is not a direction I thought they would go in for this show. At least the variety of flags he raises remains funny.


Kabaneri 04

I don't care if this is basically Attack on Titan with zombies, it probably still is the best anime of this season. Entertaining ride from beginning to end even with its flaws.
Kabaneri - 04

Definitely a downgrade in the visual department (hello floaty-sequence btw.) and otherwise the faults that were already apparent keep showing up and get worse.

If executed with care, you can have these human dilemmas and tragedies work out well. Some people turn into zombies, a few even into half-zombies and everyone is stressed out, sure. But this idiot balling we've been witnessing these four episodes is grating. Our protagonists save the day several times and are still discarded as monsters in a way that's just frustrating to follow. At least Mumei and Ikoma may finally be accepted for real.

As we would've expected from Attack on Train, there are aberrations, superior zombies. Well, this bullets avoiding dude remained only superior until Ikoma had to take him down. I guess it' some inherent Kabaneri capability but it still felt weird how Ikoma could just take him down at once, even talking trash while doing so. Or am I actually supposed to believe that Mumei's one-time beating actually 'trained' him? I hope not.

There's also plenty smaller inconsistencies that rub me the wrong way. Whereas previously the suicide bags, which were held close to the heart, didn't cause too much damage, this time one such bag blew up a large chunk of the train frame. Like, the fuck did he mix in there?

This episode was relatively poorly storyboarded overall and that hampered the second half and action in particular.

Forgot to mention, that blood offering sequence...what? Did Ikoma just require the faintest drop of blood or did he actually suck out some more off-screen? These people also need to be less dramatic with their blood offerings. If they proceed in this fashion someone will accidentally slice off their arm.
There's also plenty smaller inconsistencies that rub me the wrong way. Whereas previously the suicide bags, which were held close to the heart, didn't cause too much damage, this time one such bag blew up a large chunk of the train frame. Like, the fuck did he mix in there?

That was because he was leaning against some kind of explosive or volatile liquid

edit: was gunpowder barrels. He dove at them for a reason.


So episode 4 serves as the closing of the introductory arc. It's weird because I've never seen a show have such a sense of finality and closure to it despite only being four episodes into a full cour. The way I would describe it is the ending to a miniseries. I'm actually curious as to whether Kabaneri was initially developed as a short series or OVA run and was fleshed out to 12 episodes for TV. I know that would be highly unusual so I doubt that's the actual case, however elements such as the pacing and character development in this episode seem like a better fit for the end of a cour. The reason I'm describing this episode in these terms is two-folds.
The first reason is the initial 10 minutes of the episode in which the show has the dumb
adult villagers taking control and fucking up as expected. Now this naturally builds upon the previous episode's setup however it comes across as perfunctory in nature due to the pacing. The villager's challenging Ayame is fine as a plot point however the half-assed way Ayame gives up control didn't set right with me. This is a woman who was essentially trained from birth to be a leader and she just goes 'welp whatever' with little serious internal questioning on her part. There needed to have been more groundwork with her voicing that self-doubt and also having the villagers be presented as a viable alternative. The villagers then do a series of obvious dumb ass decisions resulting in half the train being dead in a period of three minutes.
It's comes off as Okouchi knowing he had to do this plot point and wanted to wrap it up quickly instead of actually being interested in the short subplot. It just begs the question of why? This is in addition to some bizarre aspects like Sukari and Kajika being thrown into the back with Mumei and Ikoma. There's no reason characters in the show would lump them together. It's just lazy and contrived writing. We also had to have the Kabaneri locked up so the super Samurai Kabane can come and massacre everybody. Not to mention the sequences have extremely ridiculously convenient timing such as just before the Kabaneri cart is about to be cut off, a group of Kabane attack, stopping the villagers. Piss poor writing on multiple fronts.
The second reason is due to the ending which has Ikoma getting blood and becoming a badass. It made me wonder if I had accidentally watched episode 6 by mistake. He even reverses Mumei's line and uses an one-liner from episode 3. Wut? Didn't anybody think it was a little early for that? Dude should still be scrub tier in his fighting. In the scene afterwards, Ikoma is talking about his sister and it had an irregular sense of closure along with the group shot that screams a 'And our battles continue on...' sort of ending. This is reinforced with the bright green color usage, in contrast to the earlier sickly green, and sunlight.

This part of the sequence has good framing.

This not so much.
As for the direction, it was definitely reminiscent of the first episode, which is to say 'loud'. Sawano vocals blaring at the usual junction points and moments. There's also the above scene which just screamed Araki and made me think he at least storyboarded the episode. Obviously I was wrong but it has that theatrical Snyder-like flair that I attribute to Araki. I like the visual framing of the shots in the sequence but it's also a bit too much. Ayame's blood flying past is great but the shot with
him licking her finger is kinda cheesy
In regards to the animation, WIT be struggling. Surprise, everybody. I bet nobody saw that coming. There were heavy usages of still-frames with speedlines on the side, not just for the crowds as used in the past, but also during some the action sequences. It's still not as bad as the low points in shows like Seraph of the End but the seams are definitely becoming undone. There were some examples of good animation such as one of the dramatic explosions but then you would have janky running scenes right after. The fight sequences in general didn't have the visual oomph that other episodes had. The last fight with Ikoma vs Samurai Kabane was pretty anti-climatic and flat for whatever reason. There were also less high quality close-ups.

So when does season 2 come out?
Staff be slippin'.


Anne-Happy 5

Huh, so Ren is actually a super lady-killer. Hibiki seems to be lucky in her love life at least.

Netoge 5

Yandere sniper always hits her target. Good that they didn't drag out Sette's identity. Schwein cares about her group and isn't acting like an obnoxious tsundere. Not sure what to feel about Ako's mom other than that she might be a bit too trusting. Sometimes a good heart to heart is what some people really need. Maybe Ako will stay in school this time.
Kabaneri 04

The scene on top of the train, was awesome. I guess with this people will have come to terms that they need the Kabaneri on their side if they wanna make it.


What's interesting is the new Kabaneri ED has totally different lyrics but the same melodies. I don't know if they recorded two separate versions of the song or they're using different chorus segments. It's interesting to note in the ED played in the 4th episode, Chelly comes in much sooner and it's much more of a duet compared to the original. I don't know if it's intentional but it mirrors Ikoma connecting with everybody instead of being by himself. I also think it's fitting that the first line in the new ED is:
Fitting in with the crowd
The original ED is about carrying on by yourself while the new one is more hopeful. The climax is also much better.

BTW, what the fuck does Rokkon Shojo mean?
Regarding the world building in Kabaneri. I'm still kinda baffled that within 20 years Ikoma is supposedly among a few people clever enough to use weapons that are designed to actually penetrate the damned strengthened rib cages of the Kabane? First episode made it seem out to be something special and even this tanky fighter seemed to treat it as something unusual.

On the other hand Ayame and Mumei seem to have weapons capable of piercing through, too.

I think the show should've made a better job explaining how much the humans actually know about the Kabaneri and how the situation actually looks. There seems to be surprisingly little knowledge (among the general popularity) about the Kabane even though we're talking about 20 years since their appearance and they've build and/or reinforced their railway systems and cities massively. Yet a weapon that can pierce the Kabane's is considered unusual? Among these people it was also only Mumei who knew about these advanced Kabane of whom one made an appearance this episode.

That there's some dark secret and so in regards to the Kabane is clear when we've already heard about a city which also functions as the research center concerning them, but that's a different matter. We've also seen Kabane selflessly throwing themselves at the trains as sorts of suicide bombers (see water tank damage). Is that on purpose? Do the people know about this behavior and take measures accordingly?

If the setting was a bit better established I wouldn't have to wonder about all that and could enjoy the action more.

BTW, what the fuck does Rokkon Shoujo mean?

More like, what do most of these questionably untranslated terms mean.


My Bride is a Mermaid ep.22
Idol life is tough to manage, lol. I'm surprised they fit the entire cast into this episode though. It was still pretty funny stuff.
Kabaneri episode 4

Episode was hype and all, passed the 4 episode rule with flying colors except for some downgrades to quality which is expected.

But lmao was the smiling baby necessary at the end? It's like we get it, people are happy, but that smiling baby was like a punch to the gut in framing/symbolism.

So Kabaneri are basically zombies meet

Game of Thrones

I thought the show was now called the Game of the BAD PUSSAAAAAAAAAY


Maho Girls Precure 13

Looks like Riko's tech fascination is going to continue for awhile. And Liz just shows up. Still not knowing what her sister is doing. Riko sure is mission focused. Mofurun needs to better distinguish between magical sweet and sweet sweet. That one girl gets all the luck in seeing them. She's probably thinking she's going crazy. They should just ditch the Diamond and Ruby, because Sapphire and Topaz give way better fights. Riko gets cheated out of her four leaf clover. Seems that she was always a chosen one. Next time, does Mirai finally get an episode primarily focusing on her?


More like, what do most of these questionably untranslated terms mean.
From a quick google search it has to do with Buddhism.


I found the answers I was looking for over on one of my favourite blogs, BudgetTrouble.com. Apparently ‘rokkon shojo’ is a common expression often repeated while climbing a mountain, especially Mount Fuji. ‘Rokkon’ (六根) means ‘six senses’ (i.e. seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and conciousness). ‘Shojo’ (清浄) means ‘purification’. So, the phrase refers to purifying your heart of all the bad stuff (desire, anger, fear, depression, etc.) that comes from what we take in via the six senses.

The harder the climb, the purer your heart can become! It is also apparently believed that climbing at night helps to purify you even more, and that as you reach the top and the sun rises you will be purified.


Attack on Zombie Trains - 4
There was a lot wrong with this episode. Case in point:

Villagers: We hate the zombies!
*Girl kills zombie*
Villagers; What the hell? Why'd you kill her? You monster!!!!

I think it was unwise to focus so much on the villager's distrust. They've taken it past the point of believability, and it really makes the villagers (and soldiers) seem stupid. And its hard to connect to, as a viewer.

Why did the princess give the villagers that key so easily? That was silly. Oh SURE LETS GO THE MORE DANGEROUS WAY. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?

Oh, right. Obviously that. Seriously, they made the villagers way too stupid.

Also, wdf was up with all the still images? Come on...

There was some good though. That bit with the female villager was ruthless. The battle on top the the train was cool. And the train remains awesome.

The payoff in this episode was good, but the setup was weak. But I guess we're past the distrust phase, so hopefully its back on the up from here.


From a quick google search it has to do with Buddhism.


The harder the climb, the purer your heart can become! It is also apparently believed that climbing at night helps to purify you even more, and that as you reach the top and the sun rises you will be purified.

That would help explain why the previous episodes take place at night and only at the ending of this episode do we see the sun rise.


From the director of Attack on Titan and Highschool of the Dead.... comes a brand new hit anime about the undead and the undying!
Oh hey Gigguk is apparently going to make more regular updates again.

Huzzah, my favorite anime youtuber (aka my only anime youtuber not making abridged series) is coming back to me.


If Her Flag Breaks ep.5-6
A lot more backstory into Shouta's early life, he picked up another "harem" girl, another non-romantic interest girl, like the robot abd effeminate guy in the dorm. They also introduced the antagonist's "council" of leaders that are determinin whether to let Shouta lice of kill him before he destroy's the world.... like what? Holy odd to change the endgame at this point in the story. I have to admit, while the characters are fun the story is all over the damn place and doesn't make any sense right now.... I really hope that changes in the last half of the show.


Attack on Train ep 4
So this show have becomes land of the dead due to Kabane are able to learn. So in the OP have a silhouette figure is probably the 'big daddy' of the Kabane. Smart and Dangerous.

Kurusu is gonna have a new Katana made out of Kabane bones isn't he?


Attack on Train ep 4
So this show have becomes land of the dead due to Kabane are able to learn. So in the OP have a silhouette figure is probably the 'big daddy' of the Kabane. Smart and Dangerous.

Kurusu is gonna have a new Katana made out of Kabane bones isn't he?

Attack on Titan?!
Kyousougiga 5

I really do love the final scene in the wheat field. The warm oranges and yellows are the perfect scene for a touching moment between Myoue and Koto (the... replacement ones, I guess you could say). Hell of a stinger too.
Mayoiga - 3



Reflexively stopping watching once I saw that realistic eye show up.

I started watching this to watch a bunch of crazies duke it out with each other in the middle of nowhere and for the mystery elements. I didn't sign up for jumpscares!


Mayoiga - 3



Reflexively stopping watching once I saw that realistic eye show up.

I started watching this to watch a bunch of crazies duke it out with each other in the middle of nowhere and for the mystery elements. I didn't sign up for jumpscares!

Wait, what jumpscare?
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