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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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The fuck do you work?

Also, I have a weird feeling that Re:Zero is this season's Heavy Object; people turned off by tropey first episode stuff that is left behind in lieu of being a good show that a few people love and dedicatedly watch.

I like the first episode and the pace at which it's moving. Gonna get to the 2nd arc/best arc nice and quick.

God I hope it's better than Heavy Object was. That show never escaped its cringe-worthy character interactions.
Woof a Dungeon Master, eh?



Your party is ambushed by a man with a tennis ball. He pretends to throw it.

Roll your d20 for a check to see if you turn around excited looking for the ball.


Re:Zero: 1

The first half wasn't anything special but still entertaining, things turned up in the second half though. However, the actions of the MC were sort of puzzling.

He clearly missed watching Erased from last season.

Your party is ambushed by a man with a tennis ball. He pretends to throw it.

Roll your d20 for a check to see if you turn around excited looking for the ball.



Macross Delta-1

For some reason I liked this a lot more than the preview. CGI still looks on par with a Gonzo show from 2006. :/


Re:Zero ep.1
That ED was pretty good, but I'm really confused at that second part. The MC truly is an idiot for not recognizimg it immediately and acted accordingly. I should have known this type of plot device was going to be used by the title, but I guess it's time to find out the rules they use. I guess this chuck isn't who we thought she was at the beginning either. This leads to the question on who the good guys really are... This could get interesting...
It's ok, that's how you develop thicker skin. One day you won't blink an eye when someone badmouths some trashy adaptation that you enjoy anyway. Things are much better then.

Surely it's easier just to not be a cunt? Snide remarks about shit people are talking about that they like help fucking what exactly? Getting them thick skin so that you can continue to be an asshole at leisure and not have to actually, I dunno, be accepting of other people's likes and tastes? Is it that difficult to just not snootily throw out passive aggressive statements that further pretty much 0 discussion?
Surely it's easier just to not be a cunt?

Stop reading malice into everything.

Snide remarks about shit people are talking about that they like help fucking what exactly? Getting them thick skin so that you can continue to be an asshole at leisure and not have to actually, I dunno, be accepting of other people's likes and tastes?
If only I could further discussion like the constant remarks like this that you've taken a fondness for posting:
But don't force yourself if you're not feeling it; I'd rather you spend your time enjoying something you like then cluttering up this thread with more dumping on shows and chortling past our raised pinkies.
This may be difficult to accept, but when I post an opinion about a show, it's not aimed specifically at you.


Briefly skimming through the Concrete Revolutio special and I somehow feel like rewatching Kikaider and actually finish the OVAs.

Like Jiro and Jiro are both the same.


I would have to rewatch episode 0 but some scenes seem to be reworked and the episode ending is completely different. It flows a lot better as a result.

Yeah. There's a little bit more in the main girl/guy interactions I think. Made it seem to work a bit better for me too. Still not sure about it...having the singers as frontline magical girls.
Surely it's easier just to not be a cunt? Snide remarks about shit people are talking about that they like help fucking what exactly? Getting them thick skin so that you can continue to be an asshole at leisure and not have to actually, I dunno, be accepting of other people's likes and tastes? Is it that difficult to just not snootily throw out passive aggressive statements that further pretty much 0 discussion?
He wasn't attacking you man, chill. He was making the remark against the show. And if you feel that strongly about the show you could defend it and discussion can be had.

Personally heavy object for me ended up being forgettable because any promise the show had of using engineering thinking to defeat the enemy got taken the fuck down by all of the perverted shit and camera angles they needed to put on every episode. Most interactions with the superior officer ended up revolving on the camera focusing on her tits or ass as the two leads ogled over her.

The dialogue was ok but everytime the two leads had a discussion it seemed like Japanese Joss Whedon wrote for them as they tried to outdo the other with a witty remark/comeback. And complaining about how unfair the work is and how they're tired of being in X doing Y can only get me so far.


Galko-chan 1

Well I can see why it's well received around here. Not really feeling it but short enough to see through to the end.

Looks cute. Think I saw the nendoroid figure of the main girl before, which looks like they did a very nice job of.


So they definitely did some changes outside of the ending for the broadcast Delta episode, mainly taking out a lot of junk.

-This scene with Freyja saying "I'm here" at 2:00
-A landscape pan shot of the planet is cut out
-When she's berating him, the broadcast version is shorter in that she doesn't ask him if his job is special to him.
-This quick scene is completely cut
-Freyja wanders the city and meets the main idol. The scene actually doesn't make sense as she's later cornered in the shipping district again so the preview episode had it that she went to the main city component then went back to the shipping district to be cornered. It doesn't make sense and so the broadcast episode takes the scene out completely.
-When she's cornered against the fence, a line of dialogue from an extra is cut out
-When the two are talking in the alleyway, the dialogue is again reworked as a line asking if she's from the Immigration Fleet is cut.
-When Freyja falls, a shot of some birds flapping is shortened
-Mirage doesn't ask for Hayate's name in the broadcast version
-Some Zentradi isn't shown dropping his cup so in the broadcast version he has it in one shot and doesn't have it in another.
-Mirage talking into the comm is shortened in the broadcast scene
-The battle scenes are trimmed down
-Zentradi beam color changed from blue to red
-The Valkyrie commander doesn't give formation instructions in broadcast episode
-Some shield thing doesn't lose energy in the broadcast making Mirage give it energy
-Some more colors were changed such as shields and beams
-A few more combat dialogue lines are cut
-Everything from 20:40 is brand new to the broadcast version.

Why the fuck I watched this again, I will never know.


My Hero Academia - 1
All I wanted and more. Nailed the manga feel perfectly and the pacing took its time to make the big moments feel even bigger. BONES brought the big guns for this one.

Phoenix Wright - 1

It was good. I love the characters so watching them in motion was good enough for me, even if I do agree that they could have done more. The games can be fairly intense and I feel they have to double down on that. It has to be Serious Business.

JoJo Part 4 - 1
The color pallets choices are incredibly inspired and the cast choices for Koichi and Josuke... just as I imagined them when reading it. Animation-wise its decent, but it more that makes up for it on style. I am excited to see the OP and ED, they are usually great.


Unconfirmed Member
I finished Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju today and started JoJo DIU, I don't recall ever been so excited/happy about anime in years. :)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Galko-chan 1
Well I can see why it's well received around here. Not really feeling it but short enough to see through to the end.
I would say maybe find something else to watch. It's pretty one note, and if you're not feeling it right now it's not going to go anywhere that works for you.


Macross Delta 01

Finally, things sort of make a little more sense than the craziness in 0.89. Dude got himself swept up and thought he was riding the wind, only to get shot and on his way to crashing.

The quality looks better this time around too, and now I can definitely say that Mikumo is the best one in the whole Walkzure group. Best transformation sequence, best outfit, and best singing voice. Music is logic! >*Kira~


How is this even possible? Just due to computer advancements they should be getting better results for similar amounts of work. It's absolutely mind baffling.

Technology and software advancement doesn't mean companies are immediately adopting to it. It's either they don't want to learn a new thing,hardware and software are expensive to licensed or their old assets doesn't work well with new things,in other words it's money and time.


My Hero Academia 01

Allow me to take off my anti-Shonen hipster glasses and say, wow... I like this already. It feels like One Punch Man all over again. And man, I really hope that bully gets his teeth knocked out and face burned.

I love the TEXAS SMASH!!

Lost Village 01

Using online names, huh... Well, I can't lie, this was funnier than I expected. I sort of like this dark comedy. I know it's Okada, but I want to wait until I see more.

Damn, she is busy this season, haha


Technology and software advancement doesn't mean companies are immediately adopting to it. It's either they don't want to learn a new thing,hardware and software are expensive to licensed or their old assets doesn't work well with new things,in other words it's money and time.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Well, it's also because of <Japanese culture>. Lol.

Time to link this again because it's super relevant: http://www.anigamers.com/interviews/animator-aya-suzuki-anime-industry-animenext-2015

(Bolding for emphasis)

AG: You mentioned working over the cusp of the paper/digital transition. Do you still have longings for paper, or have you fully acclimated to digital? Are there any shortcomings for either?

Suzuki: No. I know this sounds really bad, but I really don’t see a reason why I should go back to paper. Like I said, I do get a lot of job offers from Japan, and there’s been a few I’ve been really interested in working for. Even though my schedule is pretty much packed, there were projects I was willing to sacrifice my weekends and evening for it. But when I ask them, “Can I work digitally,” a lot of the studios don’t like it. So they say, “No, you can’t.” And when that happens, I’m no longer interested in that project. I really am not, because paper is just too much work. With digital, you really really can improve the speed you can work at. Because I’m able to produce animation a lot more quickly, it allows me time within my schedule to improve the quality of my work. The thing about animation is it’s always a battle between you and the schedule. You have to deliver it on time for the specific date. So that’s when you’re negotiating with yourself: what quality can I afford with this budget with this schedule? So most of the time, a lot of the time in Japan, you have to let go of work that’s not quite perfect — not up to the standard you want it to be. The time limit doesn’t allow you, so you have to hand it in the way it is. Whereas if you go into digital, I don’t think the schedule … I’m not saying that productions are shorter nowadays. It’s actually almost the same amount of time, but you can produce much better quality work because of it. So I think if I went back to paper, the quality of my work would definitely drop. It’s really really improved my work. It’s allowed me to take my animation to the next level.

I’m helping out several studios in Japan. So Studio Wit (Attack on Titan) really really wants to try and move their productions to digital animation. I think Attack on Titan is the perfect project, because they use a lot of 3-D camera work as well. And at the moment, what they’re doing is really tedious: they’re printing out the 3-D and they’re animating by paper and scanning it again. It’s too much. I really think, for a project like that, becoming digital would save them a lot of time and money. And the reality is that animation in Japan is poorly paid. It really is. I mean, everybody knows that. I would like to see Japan move to digital, because I think it can really really improve the salaries of the workers without having to increase the budget. This is where I’m pushing, and this is the reason why I’m pushing it so much. It really would improve animators’ lives and that’s why I think it’s really really important.



Technology and software advancement doesn't mean companies are immediately adopting to it. It's either they don't want to learn a new thing,hardware and software are expensive to licensed or their old assets doesn't work well with new things,in other words it's money and time.

Yet somehow everybody else is able to do it.


Yet somehow everybody else is able to do it.

Actually I think the comment about Satelight CG is probably snarky. Satelight doesn't do a ton of CG on their own afaik. They always partner with other studios, and it depends on the studios. For example, Macross Frontier and Aquarion had Orange handling a lot of key scenes and they looked great. In fact, Macross Frontier is what put Orange on the map as a CG studio to watch out for.


Actually I think the comment about Satelight CG is probably snarky. Satelight doesn't do a ton of CG on their own afaik. They always partner with other studios, and it depends on the studios. For example, Macross Frontier and Aquarion had Orange handling a lot of key scenes and they looked great. In fact, Macross Frontier is what put Orange on the map as a CG studio to watch out for.

I thought they had an in-house studio too.


I thought they had an in-house studio too.

They do, but so does BONES. Doesn't mean the majority of CG work is done there. Show by Rock's CG for example is a totally different studio. I dunno, maybe Satelight does more stuff internally now? I haven't kept track.

Most studios are not like Ufotable and KyoAni where they handled almost everything internally and only outsource for support assets.
Charlotte 1-7

So, the premise itself started off kind of interesting, although it would have been better if Yu's story at the beginning had been a full episode instead of an infodump. Once he gets transferred and the main story really begins, I can definitely see the potential it had, but it didn't really live up to it by wasting time with inessential Characters after Yusarin's episode. I wouldn't have thought of those episodes as being a waste of time if this was a longer show, but knowing it was only a 13 episode series I couldn't help but think the whole time those episodes would have been better spent introducing or having more substantial development for the main characters beyond the few scenes in each episode. I can't say I completely disliked them though since I find the characters amusing enough so far. Ep 6 seemed like a step in the right direction by focusing on someone close to the main cast, or someone who seemed like she was about to be moved up to being a main cast member...

Then episode 7 happened. Are you fucking kidding me? I was at least invested in it up to the point where he started doing the evil laugh when playing arcade games, and from there they were definitely trying too hard with this part...


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Stars: Episode 198:

You know, I think there was a missed opportunity in not having evil Uranus and Neptune around for more than half and episode, as not shockingly they are really effective and believable in the role. Comes with the whole shades of gray wetworks mentality I would imagine. Indeed, they do not pull the punches in the facade as they do use powered up versions of their signature attacks against the heroes that are left so that Galaxia would relax her guard. The ploy works as The Outers use the power of the bracelets against her in order to coax her star seed out into the open, a sound plan on paper, but one that was prepared for as she lacks a star seed in her body. With the grand plan up in smoke Uranus and Neptune are resigned to their fate to die, something they have never had compunctions about in their pursuit for the greater good. It is now down to Sailor Moon and The Sailor Stars against the self proclaimed greatest of the Sailor Guardians as she is damned close to total victory.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Stars: Episode 199:

Right, since we have to kill an episode before the real grand finale can begin, we get to learn the full backstory of Sailor Galaxia this episode. Turns out she was once the greatest hero in the universe whose victories culminated in sealing the very source of evil in her body. Yea, unsurprisingly this was not the smartest of moves on her part as being the host for the literal incrimination of evil tend to turn a person into an evil tyrant. Though I should note her alignment here would be lawful evil as she adopted that better protection through tyranny belief structure in contrast to a being named Chaos.
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